Akamatsuverse Untitled Tsuruko/Keitaro Fic


Well-Known Member
Actually, Tsuruko's actions felt outright demonic at times. Like when she went loony in the bathroom. Angelic persons aren't supposed to look like Satan when pissed off.
It wasn't so much her being 'angelic' but just her being untouchable, she seemed larger than life, someone that you could look at but not touch, with this though we come to realize just how human she is, and that she's just as fallible as everyone else, I think that's what SimmyC meant.


Well-Known Member
Reading the manga, I would say that she's far from angelic. She comes across as being too darn extreme in just about everything she does. I understand that many of the actions in the manga itself is probably exaggerated for comedy's sake, but still...blowing up a bus when she could just have readily grabbed Keitaro and carted him out of danger zone? In fact, I was wondering if Motoko ran away paritally to escape her domineering ways? In a way, she is as much intimidated by her elder sister as much as she looks up to her.

And nice update, by the way. :)


Well-Known Member
Eh. Well, let me get through my Evangelion fics (which has been stalled due to lack of time. This week doesn't seem to help with a midterm on Tuesday. <_<), and then we'll see.