What class and race to choose


Well-Known Member
The True Reck-Bombing is actually more like this. While this takes it to ridiculous proportions, it shows what old fashioned reck-bombing can do.

For reference, the demon that was killed in that video was Lord Kazzak before The Burning Crusade expansion came out. He had a whooping 330,000 health (almost as much as the lower end Kara bosses have), and was taken out in a single attack.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. When Blizzard finds anything that could down raid bosses solo, expect it to be nerfed. :p Which would probably happen by the time I get said armor... if ever (knowing me, I'd probably wind up not getting it until the new expansion pack comes out, and then I'd be wishing for even 'better' armor).

And while I am an Affliction Warlock, in many ways, I'm fine with that. I mean, it isn't like Warlocks don't rock on its own without 'help'. And soloing bosses is what Blizzard wants to avoid. And does take away some of the fun of raids (the few times I've done it. Which all ended in failure. But that's not the point :p).


Well-Known Member
Sometimes it takes forever to get the drop needed for a quest. I had to kill yetis for more than an hout to get the damn rod (but they dropped a blue item called 'Frostreaver Crown', 2 Greater Healing Potions, 1x Heavy Bronze Lockbox and 1x Iron Lockbox)... and I can't find a rogue to open them for me.


Well-Known Member
If you don't know rogues from the game, probably due to you not being in a guild or doing lots of instances, one way to find rogue lockpickers is to idle in Orgrimmar by the bank and pay attention to Yells and Trade. A lot of levelling rogues will sometimes shout out "free lockpicking!"

Or you can also just pay for one, though I couldn't say at all what a good going rate for a lockpick would be, since I've always just gotten free lockpicks from guild rogues.

Alternatively, you could just level a rogue and send lockboxes to him by mail. =p


Well-Known Member
I have a level 19 rogue, but even if I got the thieving tools I have no idea how to practice lockpicking. And I probably won't play that character anymore. Rogues are very difficult to play and I prefer my Warlock and Hunter.


Well-Known Member
There are certain areas that have lockboxes laying around -- one of the earliest and easiest to reach is the pirate ship just south of Ratchet. Down below, in the front cabin, are 5 lockboxes that contain nothing, but allow you to practice lockpicking up to around 75.


Well-Known Member
Thaljafi said:
There are certain areas that have lockboxes laying around -- one of the earliest and easiest to reach is the pirate ship just south of Ratchet. Down below, in the front cabin, are 5 lockboxes that contain nothing, but allow you to practice lockpicking up to around 75.
Cool. I'll try that. Thx.


Well-Known Member
Yet another question. What's the point in challenging other players to duels? It happens all the time to me and is rather annoying. Does it serve any purpose except for killing other players?


Well-Known Member
Nope, dueling serves no purpose whatsoever aside from epeen stroking.

Edit: Yay! Post FF+1!


Well-Known Member
DesDes-san said:
Nope, dueling serves no purpose whatsoever aside from epeen stroking.

Edit: Yay! Post FF+1!
So then, just people with nothing better to do. I find it especially stupid if they are 10 levels lower than I am.


Well-Known Member
You get PvP honor, actually, if both players are in a close level range. You can buy pvp gear with honor and marks of honor from BGs. However, the honor you get for dueling an opponent in the 'real world' is pretty minimal. If you duel, it's mostly for fun or waste time (such as when you're in a raid waiting on people).

Obviously, it's a pathetic waste of time when challenging someone who's more than 5 levels below or above you, usually. But people still do it. *shrugs*

The fact that you get duel invites all the time in certain places more than other means it's better to avoid those areas.

In alliance, goldshire and entrance to stormwind tend to be the spots where this happens. With horde, some of the most popular spots are the zeppelin area and entrance to Org. Actually, entrance to -any- major city will tend to have some dueling going on, except maybe Exodar, Darnassus, and Silvermoon City. Mostly cause almost nobody goes to those.

In general though, if you want honor, it's best to get it in battlegrounds. From levels 10+ you can do Warsong Gulch, from levels 20+ you can do Arathi Basin, levels 51+ Alterac Valley, and 61+ you can do Eye of the Storm.

They can be fun, but can also be very frustrating due to the fact that a lot of people are assholes, idiots, or lazy useless bastards. Depends on your battlegroup (collection of servers that do pvp together), level range and the battleground you're in.

You can enter BGs from either any faction city (NPC is called a Battlemaster), or in related world zones.


Well-Known Member
Parties suck. I die more often in parties (the few times I decide to help lower level charas) than while playing alone. There are too many Leeroys out there. Friggin' lemmings.


Well-Known Member
What's happening? You help them do quests and they pull too big a group, resulting in you dying because even though you're higher level there's still too many?

Cause that's easy to resolve. Just tell the little idiot not to pull and that you'll pull. If he pulls when you've said that, leave the party.

Stealing aggro and dying after the pull is harder to learn from, especially as you're levelling and if it's one of your first characters. You don't know how to threat manage and probably don't have addons installed (such as Omen) specifically designed for threat management.


Well-Known Member
Kayeich said:
What's happening? You help them do quests and they pull too big a group, resulting in you dying because even though you're higher level there's still too many?

Cause that's easy to resolve. Just tell the little idiot not to pull and that you'll pull. If he pulls when you've said that, leave the party.

Stealing aggro and dying after the pull is harder to learn from, especially as you're levelling and if it's one of your first characters. You don't know how to threat manage and probably don't have addons installed (such as Omen) specifically designed for threat management.
Yes, they pull too many. Earlier on I helped a lvl 32 druid (with my 37 Warlock). My Voidwalker is the perfect tank. I always send him in and use my DoT spells on the mobs. No aggro for me and I manage to easily dispatch two mobs of my level. But the druid had to rush in of course and aggroed three more guards. And all the mobs were only lvl 32-33


Well-Known Member
See, you need to tell them to stay the fuck back. If they want to attack, pull mobs back to them, instead of them moving closer to the mobs.

Mobs have an aggro range that is level dependant.

Basically, from level 1 up to some level below them (maybe 10 levels below the mob?), the range is pretty much static there. From there, the range decreases the higher the level you are. After some level difference where you're higher level than them, you pretty much have to brush against them to make them attack you.

Now, if you are level 37, the mobs are 32, and your druid is also 32....The idiot druid has a higher aggro range than you. Ergo, he stands -behind- you, not rush in.

If they're a ranged class, usually it's not a problem for them to start attacking along with you. They're not gonna pull more mobs because they're already at distance. At worst, they'll pull a mob off you by causing more threat, but one mob is a whole different monster than five to eight mobs.

If they're melee though (and from the sounds of it, he was a feral druid), them moving closer is a very bad idea usually. Chances are that what's a safe distance for you probably isn't for him, and a lot of people measure their safe distance by their party members.

I've been guilty of this when I've been escorted by a level 70 to places and then going "Oh CRAP!" when I invariably pull something, admittedly.

Still, the best thing to avoid deaths when partying with someone of lower level are to set some ground rules.

1) They stay behind you. The bigger the level difference between you, him, and mobs, the more distance to be put.

2) They do -NOT- pull. You do. If they're melee and they want to attack, they wait for you to pull mob back.

3) Unless you're overkill for the area, use raid symbols (you can set them by right clicking on a portrait) to set kill order when you're pulling a group. If they're hitting the same thing you are, there's less of a chance of them pulling aggro away from you.

4) This one's more for you. If the mob fears, pull it as far back as possible. Even if you're less susceptible to fear because of your higher level, your partner is much the opposite. Chances are he'll get feared into the next mob, they'll rape him, and then move in on you.

If rules are broken, give them a warning and call them an idiot. If they do it a second time, break off the party. Or, if you're a class that can fuck with them, pull a large mob group to them, push aggro onto them and flee/feign death/bubble and watch them curse you. Then ask them how they like them apples.


Well-Known Member
So I'm probably gonna start playing again in a couple weeks mainly as a stress reliever and was thinking of rolling a horde warrior. What class would be the best for one?


Well-Known Member
simpleviet said:
So I'm probably gonna start playing again in a couple weeks mainly as a stress reliever and was thinking of rolling a horde warrior. What class would be the best for one?
Tanking- Tauren.

Dps- Orc.

Generally, if you're horde, and you're going for pve dps, you want an orc.

If you want pvp go undead.

If you want tank, go tauren.


Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to be PVPing more so I guess I'll go undead, I hate their starting zone though haha. Kinda wanted to be a giant tauren juggernaut in BGs though :lol:


Well-Known Member
simpleviet said:
I'm probably going to be PVPing more so I guess I'll go undead, I hate their starting zone though haha. Kinda wanted to be a giant tauren juggernaut in BGs though :lol:
Warrior pvp class is tauren.

Winstomp is win.

Its rogues/mages/locks/priests that roll undead for pvp.

Warriors/druids (obviously) go tauren.

And either Orc or Troll for hunter, I know jack shit about them (probably orc, though).


Well-Known Member
Ike said:
simpleviet said:
I'm probably going to be PVPing more so I guess I'll go undead, I hate their starting zone though haha.? Kinda wanted to be a giant tauren juggernaut in BGs though? :lol:
Warrior pvp class is tauren.

Winstomp is win.

Its rogues/mages/locks/priests that roll undead for pvp.

Warriors/druids (obviously) go tauren.

And either Orc or Troll for hunter, I know jack shit about them (probably orc, though).
There are enough escapes from Fear that being Undead isn't as powerful as it used to be. Tho Undead Rogues/Warriors still tend to be overwhelmingly difficult to deal with for Warlocks/Priests.

I'd say Orc tends to be the "best" Horde race across both PVE/PVP.

You should decide what class to play first and then choose the best race to your playstyle. Most races offer various things that one player will value over another.

Many tend to swear by Tauren warstomp, but I'd rather be an Orc.

~Axe Specialization (possibly useless depending on class)
~Pet Damage Bonus (possibly useless depending on class)
~Stun Resistance
~Attack/Spell Boost


~Herbalism Boost (useless unless you're an Herbalist)
~Nature Resistance

Pretty much any class that can use axes or has access to a pet will be better as an Orc.

Blood Elves make decent Rogues too. Free AE silence + energy is a nice breather before a nasty finisher. But Rogues have issues with Plate classes, so maybe stacking against casters isn't as good an idea.

Meh, to each their own I suppose.