What class and race to choose


Well-Known Member
Ya know, lfg is something someone else had to explain to me, too.

Push your 'i' key.

That opens the looking for group option.

You can then choose to 'look for a group' for dungeons, quests, or zones in general (though people rarely use the latter 2).

Basically, just put yourself up for whatever dungeons you want to do (RFC if you're 12-16, WC if you're 16-20, SFK if you're 18-22, BFD if youre 20-24, and so onward, approximately), and you see yourself enter a new channel, /looking for group (you'll see a chatlog entry similar to when you change zones, and thus enter new /1 and /3 channels).

You can type /4, and, after pushing spacebar again, you'll be typing into the lfg channel. Just say something like '<class> lfg for WC/SFK/BFD, etc.

If you don't think you'd feel comfortable in said dungeons, go to wowwiki, wowhead, or thottbot (all .coms) and read up on the dungeon in question, to get a feel for it.

Its worth it. You get good exp, and MUCH better items from instancing then from questing.


Well-Known Member
Ike said:
Ya know, lfg is something someone else had to explain to me, too.

Push your 'i' key.

That opens the looking for group option.

You can then choose to 'look for a group' for dungeons, quests, or zones in general (though people rarely use the latter 2).

Basically, just put yourself up for whatever dungeons you want to do (RFC if you're 12-16, WC if you're 16-20, SFK if you're 18-22, BFD if youre 20-24, and so onward, approximately), and you see yourself enter a new channel, /looking for group (you'll see a chatlog entry similar to when you change zones, and thus enter new /1 and /3 channels).

You can type /4, and, after pushing spacebar again, you'll be typing into the lfg channel. Just say something like '<class> lfg for WC/SFK/BFD, etc.

If you don't think you'd feel comfortable in said dungeons, go to wowwiki, wowhead, or thottbot (all .coms) and read up on the dungeon in question, to get a feel for it.

Its worth it. You get good exp, and MUCH better items from instancing then from questing.
Is it possible to participate more than once?


Well-Known Member

You can even go into an instance when you're higher level without any help, and sell all the blues/greens you find in it.

(30 or 40 levels higher, I think)


Well-Known Member
Absolutely! All you need to do is exit the instance, right click on your portrait, and click on Reset All Instances. It's quite common to do an instance multiple times, since the bosses often will not drop the gear you want, so you go over and over until it does.


Well-Known Member
Heh, I mentioned instances because I thought it was something you'd enjoy, but didn't want to bother explaining LFG if you already knew. But Ike saved me the trouble (and put more detail than I would), so yay.

Another thing to mention is that the rewards for doing quests related to those instances also tend to be pretty good, especially if a quest is "Kill final boss of <instance>". Usually these quests are found near a faction city or nearby town to instance location. Use those sites Ike mentioned to find out about quests. Almost always, it's really worth picking them up.

And remember, you can just set what instances you're interested in with a little comment blurb about your abilities, and idle in LFG while you grind in normal PvE, and accept invites once someone tries to get a group together. There's something called a summon stone near instances that can be used to get a group to the spot, so you don't even have to wait near the instance, just accept a summon once you and the group is ready to go. All that is needed to use a summon stone is two people at that spot.

Some miscellaneous extra information that won't really affect you:

There actually is a limit of times one can go into an instance. You can only go into an instance five times within an hour. You will be locked out of instances/resetting them until the hour is up if you do go into one five times. This was theoretically done to prevent and limit farming of mobs/bosses.

However, if you're doing an entire instance and then resetting, you will -never- hit this limit, except maybe as a level 70 grinding a low level instance, as instances are designed to take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours for a group of the level that benefits from the instance's loot.

Once you hit level 70, there are also some tougher instances called 'heroics' and 'raids' (There are some level 60 raids, but nobody does those except as guild runs for fun usually). Heroics are just tougher versions of instances you can do from level 60-70, with better loot and designed purely for level 70 characters. You can only do these once a day each.

Raids are much tougher instances, and designed for much larger parties (ranging from 10 people to up to 40 people). These you can only do once a week, but the bosses drop epic gear (purple gear, which is even better than blue gear). They're the hardest PvE challenge you can do.


Well-Known Member
Thx for the info. I gather the Leeroy Jenkins staged videoclip is also from one of these instances.

I have another question. What areas connect to Desolace and what's the fastest way to get there from either Orgrimmar or Undercity? I need to go to the Shadowprey Village to get the expert cooking skill.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Jenkins is from an instance, Upper Blackrock Spire, a level 56-60 instance you will likely find yourself skipping.

For path to Shadowprey:
Go to Stone Talon mountains. If you've never been there, the entrance is near the northwest side of Barrens. Follow the road to the horde town (Sun Rock Retreat, I think).

There is a path inside the horde town that goes to the Charred Vale. From there, just head south into Desolace.

Once you're in Desolace keep following the road south to the kodo graveyard. Keep going south until you hit a road again that's going to be going east or west. Head west on the road and keep following road west until you're in Shadowprey Village.

Alternate route:
A bit more dangerous, but you can also go west from Thousand Needles into Feralas. Just follow that road all the way west and north (it's just one road) until you're in desolace. Pass by the centaurs which are neutral until you do certain quests in desolace, until you're in the road and head west along road.

It's more straightforward, but there are level 40-50 mobs that pass closely through the roads in Feralas, so fair chance you could die.

EDIT: If you're going from Org, head through Stone Talon Mts. It's faster to just go across Barrens into STM than going to 1KN and Feralas.


Well-Known Member
Thx. Damn, you kbow a lot. Do you maybe know a webpage where all the areas are listed and also the shortes paths to get there?


Well-Known Member
Well, it doesn't have the shortest paths, but a fully revealed, interactive map can be found at This Site. Its not the best, but it does its job. And since its fully revealed, usually you can see the roads and paths to take that get you to where you want to go.


Well-Known Member

Download This.

After you download it, move the file you get into your 'addons' folder (Go to My Computer->C Drive->Program Files->World of Warcraft->Interface->Addons)

Do this while WOW is not loaded up, so you don't have to go activate it manually.

When you then log onto your character, you will have the best questing addon ever.

Basically, itll show you where you need to go for each quest, and will mark the mobs you need to kill and such. VERY useful.


Well-Known Member
Ike said:

Download This.

After you download it, move the file you get into your 'addons' folder (Go to My Computer->C Drive->Program Files->World of Warcraft->Interface->Addons)

Do this while WOW is not loaded up, so you don't have to go activate it manually.

When you then log onto your character, you will have the best questing addon ever.

Basically, itll show you where you need to go for each quest, and will mark the mobs you need to kill and such. VERY useful.
Is that legal or do I risk getting banned?


Well-Known Member
It's not only legal, it's encouraged! Why would they make a folder for AddOns if they weren't legal?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Blizzard supports addons. There are hundreds of them out there, of all kinds. My favorite spot for finding them is Curse Gaming. Its got quite a list of all different kinds of programs that you can add into WoW.

QuestHelper is a big one, as is Lightheaded. Both are very useful for leveling. Other than that, I'd suggest Atlas Loot for when you run dungeons, you can see what the bosses drop, and Cartographer for a pretty easy to use map that you don't have to cover your entire screen with (so you don't have to worry about running off of cliffs and such while looking at your map).


Well-Known Member
I have cartographer already. It was suggested by the leveling guide I use. It's brilliant.


Well-Known Member
My hunter just hit lvl 30. Where do I get a mount. All the forums are only complaining about mounts at lvl 30 but none tell me where Ihave to go to get it.


Well-Known Member
The level 30 mounts (and the lvl 60 mounts too, actually) can be bought in different places depending on what race you are. Undead get them at Brill, Tauren get them in one of the towns in Mulgore (not Thunder Bluff), Orcs get theirs in Orgimmar in the Valley of Honor, Trolls get theirs from one of the towns in Durotar, and Blood Elves get theirs from a small building right near the entrance to Silvermoon City.


Well-Known Member
Some classes, can get their mounts (some anyhow) as spells, also. These are the warlock and paladin for the ground mounts, and the druid for the flying mounts (technically speaking it's not a mount since you're the 'mount' and nobody's riding...).

Besides racial and spell mounts, you can also get mounts as drops from some bosses, pvp rewards, reputation (technically, any racial mount other than your own race counts as a reputation mount), and engineering (you can make a helicopter for normal flying and epic flying).

You do need to, in addition to buying a mount, get riding training. Riding training is a one time fee for each tier of mounts (normal, epic, normal flying, epic flying), unless you get a mount as a spell, in which case it's 'included' in quest and spell costs.

Also, you suck for starting the game just as they reduced riding to level 30. Lucky bastard. Riding makes such a difference in grinding, and even a ten level grind time reduction is awesome.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Mounts make things so easy. I mean long distances in large zones (like Barrens or STV) are not as annoying once you get the mount. And you, starting now, had it easier than the rest of us who had to wait till 40 to get the mount.

And supposing you had work on getting gold (mounts are not cheap if you're not in a class that gets it via spell). After all, training for mounts is not cheap (at the previous 40, it was like I think 70-80 gs for the training depending on reputation. And on top of that, 8-10 gs for the actual mount. Now, at 30, mounts cost around 28-30 g depending again, on reputation. And the mount itself isn't too expensive either (though I had to get my 'main' to support my alt's mount. It wasn't too much gs that my alt needed to borrow).

Now spell mounts kick ass since, typically speaking, they are a LOT cheaper than regular mounts. Heck, even the Warlock/Palladin's Epic Mounts cost less than if you bought it straight up from a dealer (training and getting the mount). However, Warlock/Palladin do require doing pre-BC instances which could be a pain finding a group for if you don't have helpful guilders. But besides that, even after buying the items required for said mount, it, in general, still much cheaper than buying it.


Well-Known Member
Money is not a problem. My main (lvl 33 Warlock) has about 280 gold.

But quite frankly, my mount sux. What do I get? A bloody CHOCOBO.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the Chocobos made me laugh. I ended up buying one solely because it amused me so much. And my random Mount macro that I made (because I've started collecting mounts out of boredom) likes to make me ride it.


Well-Known Member
Theres an addon that will play the Vamo'alla Flamenco whenever you mount on a hawkstrider.

(The song is the one you hear in FFIX whenever you play Chocobo Hot and Cold)


Well-Known Member
On a slightly unrelated note, THIS is proof that Warlocks are freakin' awesome! A combination of the 51 point Affliction talent from the beta + T5 Gear = 536 million damage per Corruption tick! :mmm:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but those are the only enemies in the game that that is possible with. Everything else would die in about 1% of one of those ticks (with BT and SWP bosses capping at about 5.6mil health).

And the only way for that to stack up properly is to sit around for minutes on end doing nothing but getting beat on by the enemy and hoping you don't get killed. More than likely, that will get nerfed, just because people will find ways to use it against raid bosses and start solo killing them.


Well-Known Member
Didn't watch the video but I assume its a locks attempt to pull off a reck-bomb that old school pallies used to be able to do.

yea........that'll get nerf'd real quick.

EDIT: watched vid and its kinda maybe close to the idea its not really like reck-bombing

EDIT2: for reference this is reck-bombing