What class and race to choose


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the Felhunter is next. Warlock is actually an excellent class and very versatile. I tried some of the other classes, but I got the impression that most can't hold a candle to the Warlock's soloing potential.


Well-Known Member
They can't.
I, as a Warlock, solo (non-fear immune) elites far faster than most classes.
(A number can't even kill them at all.)

Hunters are better solo'ers than Warlocks though. (Unless it's a demon or elemental.)


Well-Known Member
ar_ranma said:
They can't.
I, as a Warlock, solo (non-fear immune) elites far faster than most classes.
(A number can't even kill them at all.)

Hunters are better solo'ers than Warlocks though. (Unless it's a demon or elemental.)
And I have a lot of options. I can either fight myself, let my pet fight for me, or deal massive direct damage to the monsters. My favourite strategy so far is to let my pet attack and cast several DoT spells on the monsters, waiting for my pet to finish them off.

Oh, and I discovered a very interesting area today (I'm using Jame's Horde Leveling guide), the Charred Vale. Interesting monsters and a paradise for miners. I found copper, tin, truesilver and mithril mines there.

By the way, do any of you know of some other good mining spots?


Well-Known Member
I assume you got your mount yet?

After the recent patch, they reduced the level that you can get a mount from 40 to 30. since you hit 30, you can now get your mount.

And since you're a Warlock, your mount is 'free'. You just have to pay the price of the spell. :p

And yes, Warlocks rock. My main is a Blood Elf Warlock, and is currently the highest level character I have (60). Haven't started my mount quest line yet. But will soon. My second highest, and also good, is my Night Elf Hunter at 54 (soon 55). Also a good and easy class to level.

And while Warlocks rock, they are not perfect though. After all, they can only wear cloth armor. And while they rock at a distance, up close and personal, things go down hill. And of course, rogues, especially those speced to be assassins, besides sap, they can potentially kill you with one hit (pvp of course).

Still, they are certainly a great class to play. My favorite strategy, being affliction and all, send the pet first, then start cursing the target. First the healing one, then the ones that cause damage over time. Drain HP, and when it gets low enough, drain soul. For 'quick' damage (not really quick since it takes time to cast. More like, when it hits, a lot of damage is dealt when it hits), shadow bolt it till it dies.

Can't wait till I'm 70 with that one. :p


Well-Known Member
Cool, a mount. Where do I get that?
For warlocks, you get your initial mount from the warlock trainer. The most recent patch made mounts available at level 30 (as compared to lvl 40 before).


Well-Known Member
Thaljafi said:
Cool, a mount. Where do I get that?
For warlocks, you get your initial mount from the warlock trainer. The most recent patch made mounts available at level 30 (as compared to lvl 40 before).
I talked to every warlock trainer I could find in severla cities, but no one mentioned getting a mount.

And I can't a single damned webpage where it's explained how to get it. All I find are epic mount quests or quests for a lvl 40 mount. I'm completely lost.


Well-Known Member
It's learned like a spell now. You get it from the trainer.
You might already have it, if you've bought your level 30 spells already. Check your Demonology spellbook tab.


Well-Known Member
You were right. I have the spell. Now here's another stupid question. How do I dismount?


Well-Known Member
See the Icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen (left of the minimap), the one that looks like a glowing (blue?) horseshoe? rightclick it. Should be next to your demon/fel/whatever-it-is-at-that-level armor spell buff icon.

Or you can cast the summon felsteed spell again to dismount.

EDIT: Oh yeah, if you have the auto-dismount when casting (or whatever) casting a spell dismounts you.

EDIT2: Don't jump of the cliffs around Ungoro crater. Long fall and you can't always recover your body. (or survive the second fall that sometimes is need if you soulstone.)


Well-Known Member
Or you can just cast any other spell to automagically dismount. Heh, when I first got my mount I had waaaay too much fun jumping off cliffs and hills in STV, like some kinda evil Lone Ranger.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Check the spells that you already have if you bought all your spells from them. It took me a few levels (when it was still a 40 requirement) to realize that I could simply buy the mount via the trainer, instead of coming up with 80 gs for it like most classes need to get one (Pally being the other character that can get a 'free' mount).

[edit]Damn. Took too long to post. :p But yes, to dismount, just click the mount icon on the upper right hand corner, or cast any spell (using when attacking. Though casting the demon skin spell works too) and you will auto-dismount.


Well-Known Member
Thx. Hadn't noticed the icon. But the horse is damn useful. I scouted the whole of Thousand Needles in a few minutes. And I don't even have to look out for most monsters as I'm too fast for most of them.


Well-Known Member
That's why Mounts rock. :p Makes quest SO much easier.


Well-Known Member
That's the joy of selling blue items at AH. BIG returns.

My philosophy? Always sell blue items UNLESS you're going for a 'twink' toon (those people who have characters that are VERY powerful for their level. And it's because they have blue level item). And of course, it's those 'twinks' that are buying it up for the most part. Now if you can't use said item, or if it isn't useful (i.e. Warlock, get a blue leather/mail/plate armor, or a Paladin with blue cloth/leather armor), obviously, AH it will go. :p

Obviously, soul bound items can't be sold at AH. Either sell those at a vendor, or if you're an enchanter, disenchant them. You'll at least get something out of them once they become useless, or you can't use them.


Well-Known Member
I'm on my next pet quest and I need to get to the Wetlands. Trouble is that I couldn't find a single webpage with decent directions or maps to anywhere. Yeah, there's tons of information on all of the areas, but nowhere is it explained how to get there.

Which town is nearest? Thunder Bluff? Orgrimar?. Undercity? Silver Moon City?


Well-Known Member
Undercity is gonna be the fastest way to get there, but its still gonna take a lot of running (unless you have the flight paths, which you very well might).

To get to the Wetlands, you're gonna need to go southwest out of Undercity, into Silverpine Forest (closest flight path in Silverpine is the Sepulcher), follow that road all the way south and then go east, into Hillsbrad Foothills (Tarren Mill is the flight path here), continue east into Arathi Highlands, go about halfway across the map, and take the south road (if you continue east, you'll get to Hammerfall which has a flight path). Eventually, you'll get to a giant somewhat broken dwarf bridge. Across that is Wetlands.

It should be pretty much one big road that you can follow, all the way to the bridge in Arathi. If you don't have the flight paths, I'd recommend going out of your way to pick them up, simply for ease of use, if you ever have to go back to those zones.

The Wetlands is an Alliance zone, so if you're on a PvP server, watch out.


Well-Known Member
OK. I have the Tarren Mill flight path. Thx for the help.


Well-Known Member
People really aren't helpful. I've been asking for an aclhemist for half an hour here in Orgrimmar, but no one answers. There are dozens of people nd no one wants to help. So much for player interactivity.


Well-Known Member
That happens a lot. I spend days sometimes, searching for people who can do some specific thing (like cutting gems, or making potions). It gets very annoying sometimes.

What do you need an alchemist for?


Well-Known Member
If it's for that robe quest you pick up from the 'lock trainers, forget about it, the rewards ain't worth the hassle.


Well-Known Member
That's why you wanna have a guild, so you aren't so alone. Also, most of the time there'll be SOMEONE who's willing to help you with so and so quest or lend you so and so potion for use in X quest.


Well-Known Member
pjanimation said:
That happens a lot. I spend days sometimes, searching for people who can do some specific thing (like cutting gems, or making potions). It gets very annoying sometimes.

What do you need an alchemist for?
I need a Strong Troll's Blood potion for a quest. The AH doesn't have any.