Ranma ½ Dance with the Devil


Well-Known Member
Sorry, sorry for the delay! I meant to have this out a few days ago, but RL kept interfering.


Chapter 7

The days passed relatively quickly and quietly with both parties training for the upcoming match. But while they had been fairly peaceful, there was one small hitch in everything from Nabiki's point of view.

Nabiki panted and her head hung down, sweat dripping from her body. "Why..." She panted more. "Did you invite your dad to train us?!"

"Train you, mostly." Ranma answered her and smirked as she glared up at him. "Face it, Lilith and I already went through his training, Bulleta's an experienced bounty hunter and had no problems with the training, Mittelt needed some refining of her close range fighting, Atsuko never runs out of stamina."

"In more ways than one." Nabiki smirked at him. "I think she can keep up with you when you're really horny. The rest of us need help."

Ranma ignored her, "Yohko has no problem keeping up," they both knew Yohko was a prodigy with her combat, "and Ravel is the only other person who needed dad's boot camp." Though with Ravel's ability to recover, it didn't matter as much, "you're the only one who needs the extra training."

"You're evil, I hate you." Nabiki said flatly before reaching up and taking the water bottle Ranma offered her. "How did you convince the school to let your dad train us?"

"Oh, I asked Sona to allow it." Ranma told her. "Told her that if she did that I'd spend a few days with her sister. For some reason Sona really seemed to like that and agreed to it. Besides, dad seems to like ordering the sports teams around." Ranma nodded to where Genma was helping the Kendo club after school by making them so angry that they tried to kill him. "And he's pretty helpful too."

Nabiki sweat-dropped as she watched Genma disarm several of the girls and then use two of the kendo swords to defend himself from others. "...I know that his whole training philosophy is to piss the student off so that they try to kill him, but is that really helpful?"

Ranma shrugged as they listened in on Genma.

"Oh come on!" Genma yelled as he parried some of the attacks and struck back by hitting the girls in their legs, their stomachs, their backs and their butts. "When my boy was six he was already capable of landing hits on me." Genma rolled his eyes while spinning his left wrist around before snapping his arm backwards and over his shoulder, blocking an attack from behind. "Hmm? Did one of you weak girls try to hit me? My wife hasn't practiced seriously with a sword in over twenty years and she's better than you."

Ranma laughed and put his hands to his mouth. "Hey dad! Make them try to defend against bees if they can't hit you."

"BRILLIANT!" Genma yelled back as he stepped out of the way of an attack and swatted the girl on the butt with his kendo sword. "Almost, girl. Maybe if I was twenty years older you might have hit me."

"Anyway," Ranma shrugged and walked behind Nabiki, who was finally getting to her feet, "you need to work on your stamina." He said before suddenly whipping out with a towel, striking her in the butt, causing her to screech and grabbing her ass while turning and glaring at him. "Catch me if you can."

"GET BACK HERE, YOU JERK!!!" Nabiki screamed and ran after Ranma, her previous exhaustion forgotten.

Not far away, Sona Sitri and her Queen Tsubaki both watched the training. "I never knew that a normal human was that impressive." Tsubaki muttered as she adjusted her glasses. "Perhaps..?"

"It might not be a bad idea to hire him long-term." Sona nodded in agreement. "I'll have to lay some ground rules, but the training seems sound." A small smile came to her lips. "Besides, it might do us some good to go through his training."

Tsubaki gulped but nodded as the two walked away. "Shall I draw up the contract?" Sona nodded and Tsubaki bowed before leaving to do just that.



Rias grumbled as she rubbed around the sides of her head. She was walking down the hallway with Akeno right next to her, looking concerned. "I told you, Akeno, I'm probably just coming down with a cold or something." She gave the raven-haired girl a smile. "I can make it to the nurse's office just fine."

"I'm sure," Akeno gave her a nod, "but sometimes a cold, or even the flu, can cause a person to pass out, I just want to make sure that you're okay."

Rias gave Akeno a mildly annoyed look, but didn't argue any further. Thankfully the two made it to the nurse's office without any issue. Rias nodded to Akeno, who smiled at her friend. "Go on, school's almost out, I'm sure that this won't take long. At worst, I'll probably just need some antacid or something for my stomach."

"Well, I hope that you aren't sick." Akeno said and walked away, though she paused as Rias put her hand on the door. "Please make sure to tell me what happened."

"Sure." Rias smiled at Akeno and walked in the nurse's office. As soon as she walked in, she heard a crash and it caused her to jump. "Hello?"

"Ack! I'm sorry!" A female voice spoke up and a blue-haired woman with white cat ears and a tail poked her head out. "I thought I saw a mouse and it startled me so I dropped a book I was holding. It wasn't a mouse though." She seemed to pout and Rias tilted her head.

"Oh! You're the Nekoshou that's working here now?" Rias perked up. "Koneko told me about you."

"Oh!" The nurse smiled at Rias. "Yes, my name is Felicia. How is little Koneko doing?"

"She's doing fine." Rias gave a smile in return. "Actually, I'm here for me today. Lately I've been dealing with some headaches and today I felt sick to my stomach."

"Oh dear." Felicia had a worried frown on her face as she motioned for Rias to sit down. "I'll have to do a few tests and ask you questions." Rias nodded as Felicia used a thermometer to check her temperature.

After getting some questions answered and jotting down the information, Felicia gave Rias a stern look. "Miss Gremory, I've heard rumors of you possibly being sexually active." Rias blushed and looked upset. "Please, calm down, you know people talk and it's just a rumor. Is it true?"

Rias grumbled, but nodded. "Yes." She said in a low voice. "I don't want people to know, since they'll harass him."

Felicia nodded in understanding. "I won't say anything, but now I need you to do some tests..." Rias gave her a shocked look and Felicia gave her a gentle smile. "This is just to make sure that everything is still clean and there's no infection. If anything comes up, I'll keep quiet, but you'll have to tell any partners you've been with." Rias nodded, her face was bright red.

"He... He has to be clean and I..."

"Please calm down." Felicia put her left hand on Rias's arm in a comforting gesture and patted it. "I'm not accusing you or him of anything. I'm just eliminating all wrong possibilities so that I can get an accurate diagonsis, okay?"

Rias let out a soft sigh and nodded as she tried to calm down. "Yes, thank you, I was just... Concerned you were insinuating something nefarious about myself or him."

Felicia shook her head, her blue hair swaying. "Of course not. What you do in your spare time is up to you. You're also old enough to make your own decisions in life. Besides," she smiled at Rias before opening an upper cabinent door to look for specific items, "it's up to your parents how to deal with you."

"I'm sure that it'll be fine, my parents like him."

Felicia smiled at that. "I'm glad that things are good on that front. Okay, I found them, so let's begin these tests." Rias nodded.


Meanwhile, in the gym...

Kiba stared.

Yohko stared.

Rossweisse stared.

There was lots of staring as everyone looked at Atsuko, who was sitting up and smoking with her skin blackened and her hair in a poofy afro. Around her were pieces of the roof from where she crashed through the outside and into the gym. "Pah!" Atsuko let out of puff of smoke. "Note to self, do not go into the science room because you thought you saw a mouse."

"A mouse?" Someone asked.

"It was a roomba!" Atsuko whined as she flopped onto her back. "I ran in there, thinking there was a mouse, startled the science people and some of the chemicals mixed and KABOOM!"

Rossweisse immediately pulled out a cellphone and made a call to have someone check on the science room.

There was a tearing sound and Atsuko looked down as her shirt and skirt tore to shreds, leaving her in just her bra and panties. "Oh, neat..." She giggled before flopping back. "Night night now."

Rossweisse sighed and shook her head. "Gym's canceled, Mr. Yuto, Miss Mano, you two help me move her to the locker room." Kiba and Yohko both nodded and grabbed one of Atsuko's legs while Rossweisse grabbed her body and they lifted her up. Atsuko's weight wasn't too much, even if she was heavier than she looked, it was that she was limp and harder to lift because of that.


At the pool...

The weather was still warm enough that everyone was able to enjoy the pool despite the fact that it was close to winter break.

Ophis grumbled as she bobbed in the water. "I don't like this swimsuit." She glared at the blue school-issued swimsuit that was on her body.

"You don't like any clothes though." Kunou said as she swam over to Ophis. Beside her, Lilith II swam over as well. "I'm surprised you come to school and aren't trying to get naked."

"I promised the Red Dragon Emperor to wear clothes at school and be good." Ophis told her. "...He seems... Concerned for some reason." Ophis couldn't explain why, but thinking about Issei worrying about her made her feel nice.

Seeing Ophis's cheeks turning pink, Kunou was about to say something when she heard a rustling in the bushes outside of the pool. "Huh?"

"Quiet, fool. This is our last chance to see some cuties in swimsuits and maybe the suits will slip off or something."

Lilith II, Ophis, Kunou all looked at each other and nodded before turning around and glaring at a bush. "Pervert!" They yelled and a strong blast of water came out of the pool, hitting the people who were in the bushes.

"WAAAAGH!" Matsuda and Motohama both yelled as they were launched out of the bushes and into the school wall.

"H-how did they know?" Matsuda grimaced. "Where did that water come from?" He reached up and rubbed the water off of his head. "Free shower at least."

"I just wanted to look at the girls our age." Motohama whimpered as his glasses slid down and off of his face. "It's not fair!"

Back in the pool, the three lolis nodded to each other as their sacred duty to smash evil perverts was complete. Strangely, none of them thought of Ranma or Issei as evil or perverted.

Koneko, who had been watching, sighed and swam over to the three of them. "I don't like those two either, but you can't use magic like that."

"What magic?" Ophis and Lilith II asked at the same time, causing Koneko to blink in surprise.

"I wanted them to go away, so they did." Ophis said as if it explained everything. When Koneko's confused expression didn't falter, she shook her head. "I wanted them to leave, the water agreed and got rid of them. I didn't use any magic."

"...Okay." She looked at Lilith II, who nodded. "You too?"

Lilith II nodded. "Bad perverts, not Ranma."

"Yeah, daddy's not an evil pervert." Kunou chimed in. "But really, you didn't use magic?" She asked, getting a nod from them. "You'll have to teach me how you did that."

"Asked the water." Lilith II told her. "It agreed."

Ophis rolled her eyes in frustration. "Everything in nature has spirits in it, you just need to listen to them and ask them to help you and you don't need to use magic for things like water waves."

"...Oh." Koneko nodded, understanding. "Makes sense."

Ophis grumbled in annoyance. "Everything is loud here, that's why I want to go back to the space between worlds, it's quiet there. Big Red is too loud though."

"What if you have to live here for awhile?" Koneko asked Ophis. "You might not get back home any time soon."

Ophis paused and tapped her chin. "Maybe I will figure out how to be the Red Dragon Emperor's mate if I can't get home?"

Koneko's pupils shrank and she got in front of Ophis and put her hands on her shoulders of the loli Dragon. "You will find a way to get home soon." Ophis gave her a confused look, but nodded.

Lilith II leaned in to Kunou. "Koneko scary face. Why?"

The blonde fox girl just sweat-dropped. "I don't know, I think it's like look mother had when the other Lilith said she was going to do things to me."

Lilith II paused and nodded. "Okay." She didn't know why Koneko was looking like that, but decided to ignore it. The small Dragon wanted to ask about what Ophis had meant by mates but was distracted as the teacher called them all in as the class was ending.



"Well, the tests are done." Felicia smiled at Rias. "And... Well, this is a surprise." She handed the results to Rias, who read them and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you sure?"

Felicia nodded. "Yes, but it could be a false positive. I recommend testing again in a couple of weeks. But just in case, you should tell him."

"Ah," Rias nodded as she put the chart down, "we're a bit busy in a couple of days, but I'll tell him then." Felicia nodded and smiled at her. "I... This isn't what I expected."

Felicia just smiled at her. "You'll be fine. Anyway, here," she pulled out a small packet, "some antacid to help settle your stomach." Rias nodded and took the small packet before tearing it open. Felicia grabbed a paper cup and filled it with water and handed it to Rias, who thanked her and used it to wash the antacid down. "Just take it easy, okay?" Rias nodded and got up to leave. "Oh, and Miss Gremory." Felicia smiled as Rias got to the door. "I hope things settle down quickly for you."

"Me too." Rias nodded and left the room, a slightly dazed look on her face.

End Chapter 7

Hope you all enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile in the Underworld, Rias's father and brother are suddenly seized by the conflicting emotions of unfathomable joy and unyielding rage.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 8

Ranma was sitting in a meditative pose on air in his bedroom, his eyes closed as he focused on keeping the barriers under him as small as possible. "...Today's the day, huh?" He asked himself as he dismissed his barriers and unfolded his legs as he dropped to the ground. He walked out of his room and to the living room and tilted his head in confusion as he saw some people he didn't expect sitting on the couch. "Mom? Dad? What are you two doing here?" He saw Kuroka sitting next to his mother while Kunou and Lilith were on her lap.

"Well, I was told about this Rating Game from your daughter, boy." Genma said, gruffly. "So I want to see what it's all about."

Nodoka had a really pleasant smile on her face. "And I finally got to meet the mother of my future grandchildren." Nodoka smiled and patted Kuroka on the head, getting a pleased smile from the Nekoshou as she practically preened from the petting. "Although, I'm not sure how you know that she's pregnant. From what she told me, she's barely two weeks along."

Ranma gave her a grin as he leaned on the railing. "Thanks to my training and my bonding with Lilith, I can tell someone's pregnant within hours of conception."

"You can?!" Kunou, Kuroka and Nodoka all gawked in surprise.

"Well, yeah." Ranma nodded, looking at them in confusion. "What? How do you think succubi control their fertility?" He asked as he finished coming down the stairs to walk into the living room.

"Magic." Nodoka answered.

"Magic." Kunou answered.

"Magic." Kuroka answered.

Ranma twitched slightly. "Fair point, but their ability to sense living energy also allows them to decide if they get pregnant or not. Don't ask me, I didn't create them, it's just instinctive from what Lilith told me." He shook his head as Lilith II had a confused look on her face. "Not you, the other Lilith."

"Oh, sorry."

Nodoka pursed her lips for a moment. "Actually, about this one's name." She gestured towards Lilith II, "who came up with such a horrible name for such a sweet girl?"

"Someone who named her after his mother." Ranma shrugged helplessly. "The guy was the son of Lucifer."

"Lucifer?" Nodoka frowned in confusion. "Sorry, the name is familiar, but I don't quite know it."

Ranma waved her confusion off. "He was like the first of the Devils. Anyway, Lucifer took Adam's first wife, Lilith, as his wife and from there all the monsters that ever existed were born into the world." He shrugged as Nodoka gave him a confused look. "So anyway, Lucifer's son, Rivizim had someone take half of Ophis's soul, put it in the body of a young girl and named her after his mother."

"I... See." Nodoka said with a frown on her face. "Tell me something, Lilith, do you like your name?" She asked the small Dragon, who looked at her and shrugged. "Hmm, but considering that we know another Lilith, it might be easier to call you something else."

"What?" Lilith II asked, wondering what Nodoka had in mind.

Nodoka smiled at her. "Why we can simply shorten your name. Instead of Lilith II, why don't we call you Lillie?"

"Leave it to your mother to come up with a simple solution." Genma chuckled in amusement. "Actually, that is a fine name. It's similar to your name but different enough that it won't be so confusing."

The young-looking Dragon thought about it for a little bit, before nodding. "Okay. Lillie."

"That's so cute!" Kunou gushed and hugged the Dragon. "Now we don't need to keep going "the other Lilith" all the time when talking to people!"

Ranma gave Genma a look. "So, you and mom... Want to come to Hell to watch a match?" Genma nodded. "...If I had known you'd be coming with, I would have asked you to join my team."

Genma shook his head. "Boy, I might be a strong fighter, but I've never been interested in testing my strength against others just for the sake of comparing myself to them." He adjusted his glasses. "Boy, I'm just not interested in it." They both knew that Genma could, if he had wanted to, could have made a ton of money in underground fighting.

"I'm not surprised, but I'm still a bit disappointed." Ranma sighed and shook his head.

Genma had a faint smirk on his face. "Well, that girl with glasses, the short one with a serious expression..."

"Sona Sitri?" Ranma asked and Genma nodded with a look of recognition on his face. "...What did she want?"

"She offered me a job." Genma said bluntly and smirked at Ranma's dumbfounded expression. "It's easy enough, she wants me to train her peerage and herself."

Ranma was flabbergasted, but he knew that Genma's training, as crazy as it was, was very effective. "But... Why?"

Genma shrugged. "Something about my training methods would be helpful for using psychological tactics on the battlefield and ignoring the enemy's psychological tricks."

"...So basically she wants you to teach her and her peerage how to insult someone like a Saotome?" Ranma asked with a flat expression on his face, to which Genma nodded, "...well, don't be too harsh on them, I suppose."

Genma chuckled and nodded. "So, where are your girls?"

"Not sure." Ranma admitted and looked at Kunou. "Where did everyone go?"

"Oh!" Kunou perked up and jumped off of Nodoka's lap before putting a hand to her forehead. "Lilith and Nuku Nuku were doing some running. Lilith said that she's not completely used to having boobs yet."

"Yeah, I know." Ranma chuckled. "She almost smothered Mittelt the last time the two were together."

Kunou nodded and continued. "Mittelt and Bulleta were in the dojo with Yohko and Ravel, something about moving targets. Leonardo..." She paused and pointed behind Ranma, who turned to see the young boy standing there with a pensive look on his face.

"What's up, kid?" Ranma wondered what he wanted. Usually he was so quiet that everyone forgot he was there. Though he was a bit of a big eater.

"...Can I come too?"

Ranma tilted his head and nodded. "Sure, I got no problem with it, but..." He paused and sighed. "There's a high chance that Murphy's going to show up and everything's going to go straight to the Void." Leonardo gave him a confused look and Ranma chuckled. "Let's just say that some crazy stuff might happen. And if it does, there will be fighting going on. You don't have to fight though." He put a hand on Leonardo's shoulder. "Just live how you want, okay?" Leonardo nodded and Ranma looked back at his parents. "I don't mind the fact that I'm the way I am." He looked back at the young boy, "but it's nice to choose what you want in life."

Genma huffed in annoyance. "If I hadn't forced you on that training trip, you never would have met Lilith or your wife or anything else, boy."

"Oh, I know." Ranma smirked at Genma as he turned away from Leonardo. "And I'm fine with it. Not everyone would be though."

Genma snorted in annoyance. "You need to stop talking to your magic teacher."

"Haven't seen him in awhile." Ranma told Genma. "Last time I saw him, I gave him a cursed Excalibur to give to the Fae of his world." Genma gave him a surprised look and Ranma nodded. "Yeah, risky I know."

"Your funeral if they decide to come here and curse you to a slow, agonizing death then." Genma muttered, getting confused looks from Kunou, Lillie, Nodoka and Kuroka.

"Faires aren't that bad." Kuroka muttered. "What kind do you two know?" She blinked as both Ranma and Genma shuddered. "What?"

"Unholy abominations." They said at the same time.

"Talking about the other world Fae?" Nabiki asked as she came out of the hallway. Ranma nodded and Nabiki shivered. "I took a look at them, they are very much unholy abominations. They can look human, but... Don't piss them off."

"We know." Ranma and Genma deadpanned.

"Anyway," Nabiki shook her head, "the others should be done with their last minute training soon. I was making something." She held up a bracelet. "My Sacred Gear's going to be sealed for this Rating Game, but Gasper's isn't. So I made this to give to whomever has to face him."

"Good idea." Ranma nodded in agreement. "Like what happened when he was forced to use his Sacred Gear?" Nabiki nodded and Ranma looked at his parents, who were confused and smiled. "Gasper has the power to stop time. He's not the best at using it, but it's a powerful ability, so this will give someone an edge against him."

"Makes sense." Genma nodded. "So long as there's no rules against using something and you know what to expect, there's nothing wrong with using any trick to win."

Kunou had a bit of an disgusted look on her face. "That seems... Not very nice."

Genma smirked at her. "Anything Goes, girl. If there's no rule against it, you do what you can to win. If you're better than your opponent, you don't need to do anything more than beat them down. If you're weaker than your opponent, fight dirty."

"Or get creative." Ranma jumped in. "There are going to be times when you face someone who has a massive gap in power compared to you. You can either die like a dog or you can find a way to make that gap not matter. Either train yourself until you're stronger or come up with a technique that can overcome them. Or just lead them into a situation where they can't win."

"Assassins don't fight fair, girl." Genma continued. "They'll strike when you're sleeping and move on. Fighting fair is only something idiots do. Take every advantage you can get."

Nodoka spoke up, since Kunou was starting to look upset. "There's nothing wrong with fighting fair, but there are people who will cheat. Always fight within the rules of a match, but use whatever is available to you to win."

Kunou still looked uncertain but nodded. "I guess..."

Ranma was going to say something more when the door opened allowing Atsuko, Lilith, Cologne, Shampoo and Mousse to walk in. "Oh, you're ready?" They all nodded and Ranma flicked his wrist and a vial with a liquid appeared in it. "Here." He offered it to Cologne. "I'd recommend drinking it now before we go and in the bathroom so you get your clothes adjusted."

Cologne chuckled and nodded as she took the vial and used her gnarled cane to pogo up the stairs and towards the bathroom with Nabiki's instructions on where it was.

Shampoo looked at Ranma and sighed softly. "Shampoo glad that Ranma helping great-grandmother." She grimaced at her own speech. "Sorry, Shampoo been slacking off on language skills lately."

Ranma waved her off. "No one's good at everything, the fact that you only screw up on pronouns tells me that you're plenty smart. Besides, if you're worried about language, everyone will be able to understand you." Shampoo tilted her head and sighed in relief as she realized what that meant.

A moment later there was a soft thump and everyone turned to look up as a woman who looked to be a couple of years older than Shampoo walked into the hallway wearing a very short dress and nothing else. The only thing that gave away who the woman was happened to be the gnarled staff in her right hand. Her eyes were a piercing green as she smiled at everyone.

"I must say," Cologne smiled as she held her arms above her head and stretched, causing her dress to slide up over her hips. "it's so weird to feel so loose and limber and not have to use my Ki to keep my body going."

Ranma coughed, "you're not wearing panties."

The younger Cologne gave him a smirk. "It's been over three hundred years since I was this young, boy, forgive me if I forgot how big my ass was when I was eighteen, okay?"

Lilith gawked at Cologne. "...Master, you need to..."

"Finish that statement and I'll show you what I can do with my staff now that I don't need it to walk." Cologne gave the succubus a sweet smile. She flexed her fingers and looked at how smooth her hands were. "...This is only for a day anyway, I shouldn't get attached to the feeling."

"Do you even want any shorts or anything?" Ranma asked and Cologne shook her head.

"Just let me enjoy this." She smirked at him as Yohko, Bulleta, Ravel and Mittelt came out of the dojo. "Shall we go?"

"We'll teleport over to Issei's place to meet up with his group and Azazel and from there? Bullet train straight to hell." Ranma explained to everyone.

For some reason, Bulleta was grinning. "After we're done, I want to explore Hell and see if there's anything worth shooting."

"Not as much as you'd think." Kuroka, Ravel and Mittelt all answered at the same time as a large sigil appeared around the group before they disappeared in a flash.


*A few hours later, in Hell...*

Azazel looked at both Ranma and Issei and their teams and nodded. "You've all rolled dice to determine your positions, correct?" The two teams were in the middle of a field while a large crowd surrounded them, many of them cheering. "Alright then!" A large screen appeared in the sky. "This will determine who's facing who then."

The screen split in half and faces from both teams flashed on each side, rapidly going through each member in a random order.


In the VIP box...

Sirzechs looked at his wife and pursed his lips. "I would feel better if you were at home."

She gave him a flat stare as she rubbed her swollen belly. "The doctor said that I'm not due for another three days. Even if I go into labor a bit early, we're not far from the hospital." She closed her eyes and huffed. "Besides," she smiled as she looked at Rias, who was looking at the battlefield nervously, "I wish to see how my little sister's peerage will fare without her in charge."

Rias, who was wearing a sweater and pants, smiled before wincing. "Sorry, I've been having a bit of an upset stomach lately."

"Are you coming down with something?" Sirzechs asked as he noticed Serafall and Sona, along with Ajuka Beelzebub, entering the VIP stand.

Rias smiled at her brother. "I'll be fine, I saw the school nurse yesterday."

Sirzechs gave her a scrutinizing look, but nodded before turning his attention to the freshly arrived Odin. "Welcome, Norse All-Father."

The old God grinned as he stroked his beard. "Well, brat, looks like your woman's about to pop any day now. You're a lucky man. If your kids need any magic training, feel free to send them my way."

"That might not be a bad idea." Sirzechs conceded with a nod. "Perhaps we can set up an exchange program so Devil and Norse magic can more easily spread throughout the world?"

Odin laughed as he sat down near Sirzechs. "Perhaps. But that can come later. I'm here to enjoy a good match." A stern look came to the Norse God's eye. "There better be some good matches, if you want any Valkyries or Norse Gods to join this little game of yours."

"I'm sure that they will be." Sirzechs told him. "There's a few interesting potential match-ups."


Azazel chuckled as the first match ended up being Ravel and Koneko. 'Must be fate.' He thought to himself as the two glared at each other. As the first round selections went down, he raised an eyebrow at the final results.

Beyond Ravel and Koneko, Akeno and Mousse had ended up facing off against each other, as did Atsuko and Asia, Kiba and Bulleta, Gasper and Yohko, the young Cologne ended up facing Rossweisse, Lilith and Xenovia ended up facing each other, Mittelt got to face Griselda while the de-aged Vasco Strada was to face off against Shampoo.

One match that Azazel had hoped wouldn't happen in the first round didn't as Issei would face Nabiki and Ranma would face Irina.

"You all get one minute to make your final preparations." Azazel said as everyone looked at their opponents, some more nervous than others, and anticipation started to build up. "Good luck to both teams."

End Chapter 8


I should note that I used a combination of dice and the spinny wheel thing online to determine who fought against who and I STILL ended up with Ravel vs Koneko.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 9

"Here." Nabiki handed Yohko the bracelet. "If you're facing Gasper, you'll need that." Yohko nodded and slipped it on. "He's still got Vampiric powers, so don't underestimate him."

"I won't." Yohko nodded as she slipped the bracelet on her left wrist. "I'm a bit nervous, actually." Nabiki gave her a confused look. "Against Demons, Devils or anything else that hurts humans, I have no problem with performing, but I've never actually done this in front of a crowd." The brunette laughed and rubbed the back of her head. "Plus Gasper's not a bad kid, I don't want to hurt him."

Nabiki tilted her head before laughing. "Oh! Don't worry about that. There's systems in place that monitor our health and as soon as we take enough damage that might be dangerous, we're teleported off the battlefield and given medical treatment."

"Oh, well, that's good." Yohko smiled as it seemed like a large weight was removed from her chest. "What about you? You're against Issei. From what you were saying, he's on par with some really powerful Devils."

Nabiki crossed her arms under her chest and grimaced as she closed her eyes. "In terms of combat, he's got me beat by a huge margin. Boosted Gear is a God-slaying weapon," she opened her eyes and shook her head, "even without being in its more powerful Balance Break form, it can still give him the power to kill a God. I got no real chance against him if I play fair."

Yohko raised an eyebrow. "...The way you framed that..."

Nabiki just winked at her. "I've got some ideas on how to face him. I don't know how effective it will be, all things considered, but I'll be fine. Either it works and we win because I took him out or I lose in one punch."

Yohko nodded and looked at Atsuko. "How about you? Asia has Dragons that she can summon."

"Hmm, two of them." Atsuko nodded and grimaced. "If she summons Fafnir, I won't be able to win. I don't know, I'll just have to be careful." Yohko and Nabiki both nodded as Azazel announced it was time to begin.

Not far away, Lilith smiled at Ranma and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Good luck."

"You too." Ranma nodded as she walked to the platform. He turned to Mittelt, who looked nervous. "Just relax, you'll do fine." She nodded, but still looked nervous. "...What's wrong?"

Mittelt sighed and felt her shoulders slump. "I don't know. I got a ball of nervousness in my stomach, I'm jittery, I feel like I need to throw up and I just want to lash out. What is this?" She held up her hands, which were shaking slightly. "I can't stop, what is this?"

"Adrenaline." Ranma told her as he walked up to her and hugged her to him. "Take a deep breath," he instructed as she nodded and hugged him back, "let it out..." He could feel her trembling as she did so, "twice more." As she did, he felt the trembling slowly subside. "Better?" She nodded against his chest. "Okay, you need to go up now." He gave a nervous smile to Griselda, who had a knowing smirk on her face, "your opponent's waiting."

"Can't believe we're all fighting at once." Mittelt muttered as she let go of the hug.

Ranma shrugged as Mittelt walked out of the locker room. "Something about a battle royal or something." He had an idea as to why the fights were all happening at once instead of one after the other, but he doubted most people did.

Bulleta grinned as she looked at Kiba, who gave her a neutral look. "This will be fun."

Kiba screwed his eyes shut and smiled. "Well, please go easy on me. Bullet wounds are such a pain to treat."

Ranma looked at Irina and nodded and then at Issei and smirked as he walked up to where Nabiki was and the two disappeared. "That'll be fun." He looked at Vasco who disappeared with Shampoo and sighed. "Kind of wish I could face him. Oh well." He shrugged and walked up to the platform where he disappeared.

Azazel grinned as screens appeared all over the stadium. "And the first round can begin!"


Appearing in an open grass field, Mousse looked around for his opponent, only to frown in confusion. "Did she run away?" There was a coughing sound and Mousse spun around, only to see a blur several feet away. "Shampoo? What are you doing here?"

There was a giggling sound. "I think your eyes are broken, sir." A voice he didn't recognize spoke up. Mousse reached into his over-sized robe sleeves and pulled out his coke-bottle glasses and put them on his face. "Now do you see?" The voice revealed itself to be Akeno, who was smiling at him while dressed in her shrine maiden outfit.

"Ah!" Mousse pointed at Akeno. "You're the lightning girl!"

Akeno just nodded at him. "Indeed, please show this shrine maiden a good time."

Mousse scratched his head in confusion. "Can you really be called a maiden though?" Akeno looked confused and tilted her head. "Well, I mean, I heard that shrine maidens do lots of sex ceremonies in Japan, so..."

Akeno's face turned bright red as she screwed her eyes shut and smiled. "Mister, I'll have you know that I've never done any of that stuff. And just for insinuating that I did, I'm going to have to hurt you." She held up her hands as lightning crackled around them. "Please, try to not die when I blast you."

Mousse held his arms in front of him. "Don't think it'll be that easy!" He yelled as several metal chains rushed forward and wrapped themselves around Akeno's body. "I got you."

"You know I use lightning powers and you use metal chains on me?" Akeno asked with a smile on her face as Mousse's face had a growing look of dread on it. "Who's got who now?" She asked while holding her left hand up with her fingers extended before she squeezed them into a fist, causing lightning to crash down onto the chains and rush towards Mousse who stared in shock and dismay.

"Too easy." Akeno smiled happily as Mousse was engulfed in an explosion.



Issei and Nabiki ended up in a grassy area surrounded by partially destroyed stone walls and various debris all around them. Nabiki didn't waste time and quickly ducked behind some debris while Issei formed Boosted Gear on his left hand. "Well, Issei, isn't this what you always wanted? A girl with you, all alone and at your whims?" Nabiki asked as she peeked out from behind the debris to look at Issei, who was looking right at her.

"What kind of person do you take me for?" Issei asked her.

"A pervert." Nabiki shot back, causing Issei to pause and nod. "But even if you're one, you're not that good of one."

"HUH?!" Issei gawked as Nabiki smiled at him. "What do you mean?! I'm..."

"Less of a pervert than Lilith or Ranma." Nabiki interrupted. "Plus you don't even come close to Odin, Zeus or Happosai." Issei sweat-dropped heavily as he listened to that.

"Well, even if I'm not the biggest pervert, I can beat you with ease." Issei proclaimed while squeezing his right hand into a fist. "Besides!" He pointed his left finger at Nabiki. "Your Sacred Gear was sealed for this, so..." He trailed off as Nabiki started to chuckle. "What?"

"Did you think I didn't know Azazel was going to seal my Sacred Gear for this match?" Nabiki asked with an amused look on her face. "Don't you think that I could find a way around the sealing?" Issei jerked in surprise. "That's right, I've already undone it and I can see the future again."

"S-so what?!" Issei took a nervous step back. "Even if you can see the future and probably know what I'm going to do, it won't help you."

Nabiki put a hand to her lips and giggled. "You're cute when you're flustered, I can see why Rias likes you." She stopped giggling and a sharp grin came to her face. "But you're not only a pervert, you're a Dragon, aren't you?" Issei took a nervous step backwards as Nabiki reached her right hand into her pocket. "And I happen to have a particular rock on hand that Dragons are really weak to. Even Ophis nearly died after being exposed to it for so long."

"You're bluffing." D'draig called out while Issei gulped.

"Am I?" Nabiki grinned at Issei. "Of course, the only real way to know is to read my boobs, isn't it?" She frowned at Issei's conflicted look. "...Oh, that's right. Rias banned you from using that in Rating Games didn't she?" Nabiki shrugged. "Feel free to use it. Perhaps I should take my shirt off to make it easier?" Nabiki asked as she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and started to pull it up.

"I'm not against seeing boobs, but, something's wrong." Issei muttered and charged up a Dragon Shot. "If you have that rock that hurts me, then use it to protect you from this!"

Nabiki narrowed her eyes as Issei fired an energy shot at her. She flexed her fingers in her left hand before pulling her right one out of her pocket with something in it that glowed, causing the blast to disperse and fizzle. "I was kind of hoping that I wouldn't have to use it."

"Dang it, she wasn't bluffing?!" Issei asked in surprise and jumped back.

"I still think she was, that wasn't that strong of a blast, Issei." D'draig told him, "she could have used a simple shiny rock and a defensive spell to make it seem like the attack was useless."

"Dang it, sorry, Rias." Issei muttered as he focused his power. "Boobielingual!" A field erupted around him and focused on Nabiki. "Now let's see what you're hiding."

Nabiki grinned as she felt Issei's mind reading ability come over her. "Got'cha." She whispered.

Issei's eyes widened and he took a staggering step backwards. "What? What is this?" Images flashed through his mind that had him trembling and he felt himself getting sick to his stomach.

Nabiki sighed in relief as Issei trembled. "I was worried that you'd realize that I was bluffing." Nabiki chuckled as she opened her palm, revealing a white crystal-like rock. "I didn't unseal my Sacred Gear and I don't have any Dragonice on me. Good thing rock candy can look like Dragonice, huh?" She asked while walking out from behind the debris and throwing the candy over her shoulder as Issei fell to his knees and threw up. "But you can't hear me, can you? You can only see those horrible images, can't you?"

Issei's eyes had shrunk to pinpricks as he shuddered. "The...The women... They're so... UGLY!" He screamed in dismay.

"Yeah," Nabiki scratched her head. "There's a reason they're called Land Whales after all. Complete with unnatural blue, red, green and purple hair, huh?"

Images of women who all had badly dyed hair, who were extremely fat, with short, upturned noses, wearing wide dresses and other unflattering clothing on, who treated people that they found offensive in horrendous ways flashed through Issei's mind. Women who were so miserable and disgusting with how they didn't exercise at all and blamed everything for their lifestyles ran through his head.

"Stop it!" Issei screamed in despair. "Stop it! Where did you find these horrible women?!"

Nabiki smirked at Issei as he threw up again. "California, mostly." Saying that, she ran up and kicked Issei in the side, knocking him over as he cried out in pain. She knew that the kick wasn't painful, but the image of a fat woman that had arms and legs that looked like tootsie rolls screaming in anger at something she found offensive, causing her body to jiggle and flop around while she was sitting still.

"HOW CAN ANYONE ALLOW THEMSELVES TO GET SO FAT THAT THEY BECOME A BLOCK OF FLESH?!" Issei screamed in dismay as he rolled from side to side and kicked his legs up and down. Of all the battles he had faced, seeing women who allowed themselves to get so ugly was one he had no defenses against.

Nabiki grinned as she charged up a magic spell. "I doubt what I used would work on anyone who wasn't super perverted." She held her hands in front of her. "Sorry, Issei, nothing personal." She said before firing a magic blast at Issei's prone form.

She watched as the attack connected with Issei, causing an explosion and sending his body over a partially destroyed wall. "...I'm not stupid, Issei. I'm not going to turn away and act surprised when you get up in your armor form, completely unharmed. So save us some time and come on out, huh?"

A green flash of light and Issei, in his scale mail armor, jumped out from behind the wall, panting as he landed on the top of the wall. "You jerk! That could have hurt!" He screamed while pointing at her.

Nabiki merely shrugged helplessly. "But I'm nowhere near as strong as Sairaorg or Cao Cao, even if I was to promote to Rook or Queen." A savage grin came to her face. "But you want to know something more horrible, Issei?"

"What?" He asked, wondering why she was looking like that.

"All those women?" Nabiki grinned while holding up her left index finger, "have had sex." She watched as Issei jerked in surprise before images assaulted his mind and he found himself falling to his knees in despair. "Many times with multiple guys."

The gems on Issei's armor seemed to go dark as he went still.

"Huh..." Nabiki tilted her head and tapped her chin. "That went better than expected."



Appearing in a meadow, Shampoo pulled out her chui weapons and took a defensive stance with her left arm held in front of her while her right arm was raised up.

She had every reason to, her opponent was just so large that she couldn't help but feel intimidated by him. She knew that he was supposedly between seventy and a hundred years old, but with the youth restoring concoction that he took, he looked to be merely twenty-five or thirty years old at most.

Vasco, dressed in typical Vatican robes, smiled at the purple-haired girl with his eyes closed. "Just relax, young one, we're here for competition, not to kill each other. That's said..." he opened his eyes and Shampoo had to fight the urge to take a step back or pass out as she felt his presence flood the area and start to overwhelm her. "I'm going to fight you seriously."

Despite herself, Shampoo grinned at him as she replied in Chinese. "I would have it no other way. As a warrior, I won't be easy to beat."

"I hope so." Vasco smiled as he leaned forward and moved with such speed that he seemed to disappear. Shampoo's eyes widened before she dived forward as she felt rather than saw his open palm aiming for her head. "Good instincts." He complimented her as he turned to look at her, only to find her in the air, her mace-like weapons aimed at his head. Reacting quickly, he grabbed the chui with his left hand, stopping it cold and causing Shampoo's eyes to widen in shock. "Nice try though, child." He smiled pleasantly before punching Shampoo in the stomach with his right fist.

Shampoo's eyes widened as she let out a cry of pain. There was a cracking sound before Shampoo went flying away from Vasco, her weapon breaking at the hilt.

Vasco looked at the iron ball in his left hand and then at Shampoo's body as she bounced on the ground before sliding to a stop. "Interesting, you didn't let go." He said as he noticed that she had a stump of a handle in her hand.

Shampoo coughed as she struggled to get to her feet. "Letting go of your weapon means death on the battlefield." She spat out as she stood up.

Vasco chuckled softly as he dropped the metal ball to the ground. "I agree with you. Some of the scars I have are because I dropped my weapon when I was younger." He took a boxing stance and tensed up before launching himself forward at Shampoo.

The purple-haired girl grimaced as she was able to follow his movements a little bit better, but she knew that she had no chance as things were going. 'He's at least as strong as any elder in our village.' She thought to herself. 'Too bad great-grandmother suspended Amazon law for this event.' The thought of this guy's children mixed with the Amazons would make them even stronger than ever before. "Still..." She tensed and jumped up just as his fist slammed into where she had been a moment ago. When he looked up to where she was, she was coming down with her leg extended.

Vasco reached up with his left arm to grab her leg and was surprised when she bent her knee at the last second to avoid the grab before smashing his wrist. The blow stung slightly, but wasn't worse than anything he had taken before in his life. Swinging his arm up, he knocked her back and off balance. "You're quite adaptable." He chuckled as she landed on her feet.

Shampoo didn't answer as she took off in a run. It didn't help as Vasco managed to catch up to her in an instant, causing her to grimace as he kicked forward and barely managed to graze her side. Even so, the small touch was still enough to send her tumbling over the ground.

Vasco lowered his leg as Shampoo spun to a stop on her knees. "I think that this fight's over." He said as he walked towards her.

"Not..." Shampoo coughed and looked up as he got close. "Yet." She let out a yell and launched herself into the air, throwing her chui at his face, forcing him to bat it away. Vasco's eyes widened as Shampoo revealed that was a feint as she came barreling down at his head with a sword.

Taking a step back, Vasco mis-judged the distance slightly, as Shampoo's sword tore his robe open in the front, revealing his incredibly ripped physique. "Well, I didn't think you'd get rid of your weapon."

"When you have a plan, it's acceptable." Shampoo responded, grateful that there were translation spells all over the place, because she knew that her opponent wasn't speaking Chinese or Japanese.

"In that case." Vasco snapped his arm out and a large sword, similar to Xenovia's Durandall appeared in his hand. "With Xenovia becoming a Devil, the Church created a replica of her Holy Sword." Vasco explained to Shampoo. "If you're going to use a sword, then so shall I."

"...That thing looks absurdly tiny in your hands." Shampoo commented as she rushed towards him and ducked under a swing, grimacing as she felt the air pressure alone tear at her dress, causing tears to come across her back. Swinging up, she hoped to at least get a few bit of damage in, only to grimace as he recovered far faster than she had anticipated and blocked her attack.

"Not bad girl." Vasco smiled at her. "You've got good instincts, you just need experience." He jerked in surprise as Shampoo flipped onto her hands and pushed upwards, trying to drive her feet at his face. He quickly grabbed her leg with his left hand, stopping her short. She then bent her knees and bent at her waist as she rolled forward, getting close to his face and forcing him to move his head in to strike her in the head.

The blow was so strong that Shampoo let out a scream of pain as she was blasted away from him.

Vasco grimaced and rubbed the side of his neck. "What is..." He paused as he felt something was stuck in his skin. Pulling it out, he stared in surprise at the remains of the shaft of her chui weapon that had broken. "...Impressive." There was a small amount of blood on the end and Vasco knew that if his muscles weren't as thick as they were, he would have lost right there. He threw the shaft away and gave Shampoo an appraising look. "You'll be a fine warrior in the future."

Shampoo was struggling to get to her feet as she panted. Looking up, her face went pale as Vasco was in front of her.

The beating he gave her after that was so brutal that the last thing she knew was her body teleporting off the battlefield and the pain stopping, which she was thankful for.

'Even the Bakusei Tenketsu training wasn't enough.' Shampoo thought to herself as she lost consciousness.

End Chapter 9


What? Did you think that some of these fights would be fair?


Well-Known Member
Chapter 10

As she appeared in her arena, Asia looked around at the sands and then turned to her opponent. "Hello, Atsuko." She smiled pleasantly. "Let's have a good time, hmm?" She bent forward slightly while putting her arms behind her back.

Atsuko frowned in worry. "Why do I have a bad feeling all of a sudden?" For some reason, Asia was acting like Bulleta when the crazy blonde wanted to act cute. "Still..." She rushed forward to punch at Asia's face, knowing that if the blonde summoned a Dragon, she'd have a pretty hard time without using her NK-SGD. 'And that's supposed to destroy Sacred Gears, Dragons aren't Sacred Gears, would it even work?'

Asia's eyes widened as Atsuko got super close and her punch connected with the blonde's head.

Atsuko's face went pale as her punch was so hard that Asia's head went flying off of her body in a spray of blood. "What the heck?!" She screamed as the body fell to the ground in a heap. "I didn't mean to punch her head off! How did that happen?!"

"That wasn't very nice." Asia's voice came from behind Atsuko, who spun around and saw a nearly transparent Asia behind her. "What did I do to deserve that?" She pouted, which would normally be weird enough, but the transparent Asia was holding her head in her arms.

"...You turned into a ghost?" Atsuko asked as she took a step back and looked around as the area seemed to get covered in a misty fog. "I didn't mean to knock your head off. I only meant to use enough force to knock you out."

"Well, you knocked my head out of here!" Asia exclaimed, a sad look on her face. "Now I'm a ghost and I'll never marry Issei or anything." She sniffled and pouted. "That was so mean! I thought we were friends!"

"I..." Atsuko took a step back and looked at Asia's ghost in worry. "I didn't... I didn't mean to..." She stammered and took a step back as she looked at the sad visage of Asia's Argento's ghost.



Cologne jumped from tree to tree in the forest area as she sought cover from the barrage of magic spells that Rossweisse was firing at her. "So this is what a Valkyrie-turned-Devil is capable of, hmm?" She muttered to herself as the tree she was on was blasted by powerful beams of magic.

In the air, Rossweisse looked at the tree that she had blown up and hoped that she had hit Cologne.

Cologne popped her head out from under the fallen tree and gave Rossweisse an amused look. "Now, now, that tree didn't call you fat, why did you blow it up like that?"

Rossweisse felt her eye twitch. "I wasn't upset at the tree. I was just trying to blow you up." She knew that Cologne was really three hundred years old, but seeing her as an eighteen year old and giving her an amused look was kind of annoying.

"Really?" Cologne asked as the tree exploded around her. When the dust settled, the young woman was flexing her fingers and smiling. "I have to admit, it's interesting seeing such magic being thrown around. I'm surprised that you're going all out so early in the match though." She stretched her arms above her head and let out a small sound of satisfaction. "You have NO idea how nice it feels to stretch and not feel all your joints pop from simple movement."

"I can imagine." Rossweisse muttered as she hovered in the air. "Now then..." She held out her right hand and a magic sigil formed in front of it before firing lots of small, thin needle-like energy beams at Cologne, who did a hand-stand and flipped away as the attacks came crashing down where she had been a moment ago. "I can't really afford to take my time with you." Rossweisse said as she snapped the fingers on her left hand and dozens upon dozens of magic circles formed in the air around her. "No offense, but elders who are long-lived are far too tricky with their abilities." She snapped her fingers again and attacks of pure magic, wind, water, ice, electricity and fire all blasted down at Cologne, who looked up and smirked as she saw what was coming down at her.

"Well, thanks for making this easy then, girl." Cologne had a sweet smile on her face as she did a flip and landed in an open area. Sliding to a stop, she shifted so that her left leg was behind her while keeping her right leg in front of her while she balled her right hand into a fist. "Should be fun."

"What is she doing?" Rossweisse wondered as her adjusted her needle attack and fired it at where Cologne was standing while the elemental magic attacks came crashing down on Cologne.

For some reason, the air itself seemed to be twisting and moving around Cologne. The young-looking woman punched upwards with a vicious grin on her face.




Kiba was thankful that he had ended up in some sort of quarry, which had lots of rocks, debris and other stuff he could hide behind. There was an explosion against the wall he was hiding behind, causing him to grimace as the wall shook. "Well, she's a problem, isn't she?" While he had seen Bulleta in action from time to time and had heard of her reputation, mostly through second-hand sources and from how Irina had mentioned that Bulleta was someone that no one in the Moonlight World wanted to deal with, he hadn't really experienced how scary she could be.

Until she had opened up by holding a freaking AK-47 and shot him, cutting some of his hair and even putting holes in his outfit. "Good thing those were just regular bullets." That didn't mean that those bullets didn't hurt!

Kiba's eyes widened and his pupils shrank as he heard a giggling from behind the wall. "Aww, don't you want to pway, mister?"

"Crap, crap, crap!" Kiba yelled as he quickly ran away from the wall, which exploded, sending debris everywhere and causing him to fly away.

"Golly gee..." Bulleta began as she appeared in a cloud of dust and smoke. "I just wanna pway..." She held her left finger up to her face while digging her right foot into the ground. "Don't you wanna pway wif me?"

"Stop with the cute act!" Kiba yelled as he pointed a sword at her. "You're too old for that. Plus no one who's using military-grade weapons acts like that!"

Bulleta pouted and lowered her hand while ducking her head, causing her hood to cast a shadow over her face. "Okay then..." She said in a low tone of voice. "Since you don't want the cute me..." She raised her head and a savage grin came to her face as her eyes seemed to glow. "I'll give you the crazy me!"

"When are you not crazy?" Kiba yelled as he jumped out of the way of a thrown apple, which exploded and sent him flying.

"HA HA HA HA!" Bulleta laughed while grinning before reaching into the picnic basket that was hanging off of her left arm, revealing a large, metal tube. "YOU DON'T KNOW CRAZY!" She grabbed the end of it and flipped up the lid before pulling on the tube, lengthening it to its full size.

"Why the HECK DO YOU HAVE A ROCKET LAUNCHER?!" Kiba yelled as Bulleta pulled the trigger and launched a powerful blast at him, forcing him to quickly dodge before he was blown up again. "HOW DID YOU GET IT TO FIT IN THERE?!"

Bulleta just blinked a few times. "...Doesn't everyone carry a rocket launcher on them? What if you have to kill a freaking alien super weapon that wants to kill off humanity?" She asked and shrugged as she pointed it at him and fired another shot, which, sadly for Bulleta, missed as Kiba's speed kept him ahead of the blast and shrapnel. 'Hmm, only one more shot.' The blonde grinned as an idea came to her and she moved her hips to the side before snapping them back to hit her basket and cause one of her apples to fly up. Grabbing it, she took a bite out of it and threw it at Kiba, who had to jump as it exploded. "Got you!" She laughed and aimed at Kiba, who suddenly extended his wings and flew off. "Oh dammit, I forgot Devils can fly."

Kiba landed on a wall and panted as he looked at Bulleta, who was giving him a smile. "Okay, she deserves her reputation then if she's carrying that stuff around." It wasn't even the fact that she had guns that was scary. It was the fact that she was so eager to use them, had no problem pulling out bigger ones and did it with such glee on her face. Part of him wanted to compare her to that rogue executioner, Freed, who had taken immense pleasure in torturing and tormenting people before killing them.

The only difference between the two that Kiba could see was that Bulleta wasn't trying to kill him, just cripple, main and injure him. "Much less brutal." He said sarcastically.

"Well, no," Kiba whispered to himself as he flew over a large wall and landed on the ground. "There's one other difference." Bulleta was at least somewhat pleasant when she wasn't trying to kill and hurt people. Freed was nothing but unpleasant as far as Kiba knew.

The wall he was hiding behind exploded, causing him to grimace and cover his face as dust and debris was kicked up. Seeing Bulleta standing there, grinning at him, he grimaced. "Alright, I apologize." Bulleta tilted her head in confusion. "I thought your rep as one of the scariest things in the world was over-blown. You're like the Juggernaut."

Bulleta laughed. "That's right! I'm B.B. Hood, bitch! What are you going to do about it?!"

"Well..." Kiba smiled as several large white pillars formed around him. "How about my Glory Drag Trooper?" He asked as the lights shifted and changed into Dragon-like armors.

Bulleta tilted her head and frowned in confusion. "You can do that?" She estimated that there were at least twenty armors in front of her. She quickly revised this number upwards as she realized that there were more every few seconds.

"A gift from my friends." Kiba answered her as he pointed the sword in his hands at Bulleta. "So, care to surrender?"

"Hmm... Those are made of metal, right?" Bulleta looked at them and her eyes started to sparkle. "Think of all the ammo I could make out of their remains!"

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but that won't happen." Kiba proclaimed as he swung his arm to the side. "If they're broken or I lose, they'll disappear."

"Aww..." Bulleta pouted as she realized that she couldn't melt them down into spare ammo. "Too bad." She shrugged and narrowed her eyes in thought. 'I don't have unlimited ammo, if I burn it up here, I won't have enough for later rounds.' Sure, she had some close range options, but they were far more limited than her ammo. "Oh well..."

As more and more of those Glory Drag Troopers appeared, Kiba smiled at her. "You can always surrender. I'll have a small army here."

Bulleta suddenly gave him a cute smile. "Golly gee, mister. You have an army?"

"Yes, I have an army." Kiba said slowly as he tried to figure out where she was going with that question. Plus the way she was smiling made him nervous.

"Cool! I have a mech!" Bulleta slammed her hand on the wrist-watch on her right wrist, causing her riding mech to appear.

Kiba stared as he looked at her in the cockpit. "...I completely forgot you had that."

"Most people forget I have this." Bulleta grinned at him as everything inside started to glow and the mech took a step forward. "IT'S SMASHING TIME! YEE HAW!" Part of her realized that this was why people thought she was from Texas, but that was fine with Bulleta. She always enjoyed American Old West movies after all.

Kiba had a determined look on his face as he crouched and dashed away while his Glory Drag Troopers engaged with Bulleta. "This might be difficult."

'Then again,' Kiba mused as Bulleta started firing bullets at the troopers, many of which scattered, but others were caught in the attack, 'maybe she'll get over-confident?' If that was the case, he could use that against her.

He just needed an opening.

End Chapter 10


Obviously these are just the opening salvos of the matches.

Bulleta acting cute is super scary.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 11

"Crispy, dry cunt."

"Over-sexualized pussy."

"I bet you give third degree burns when you have sex."

"At least my guy doesn't have to worry about my tongue stripping his dick of all its flesh."

"Have you even given a blowjob before?"

"Unlike your slutty kitten self, I have a sense of pride! Plus I can wait a little bit longer."

"You're going to be a dried up, old maid who drinks boxed wine, aren't you?"

Ravel and Koneko were growling and glaring at each other, lightning sparks flying between them. Ravel was standing on a small ledge while Koneko was a few feet away and down on the ground.

"Better than eating horny rats."

"I didn't eat them." Koneko deadpanned. "At least I don't have a brother that got his nuts crushed."

"Well, I don't have a sister who was such a wanted criminal that people thought you were one."

Koneko and Ravel both paused and let out sighs. "...That was a low blow, I'm sorry." Koneko said.

"Yeah, no dragging family in. At least not personally like that." Ravel agreed.

The two girls let out a sigh as a breeze went over the tall grass they were in. "So, normal fight?" Ravel asked as Koneko nodded and took a boxing stance.

"Don't complain to me if I put your fire out." Koneko smirked at her.

"I thought cats hated water." Ravel shot back before the two charged at each other, Ravel's hands on fire while Koneko's hands glowed with power.



There was a powerful explosion and Xenovia gasped as she found herself flying across the open, dusty field that she and Lilith ended up in. "No hiding places, huh?" She grimaced as she got to her feet and pointed Ex-Durandal at the Succubus Queen, who was walking forward in a slow, sultry walk that emphasized her hips shifting from side to side and breasts jiggling. Her Succubus wings on her head and back were on full display. "...How did I never notice how terrifying you were before?"

Lilith giggled and put her right index finger up to her lips. "I've always stayed in my human form, Xenovia. A cute loli with a big ass? Who's going to be intimidated by that? But for this fight..." Her eyes seemed to gleam as she rushed forward at full speed. "I can let loose!"

Xenovia looked as Lilith got close with a raised leg, which the foot had morphed into some sort of large ax, before her sword suddenly pulsed and glowed and she moved out of the way, getting clear before Lilith slammed her foot down, destroying the ground that she had been on just moments prior. "Hmm?" Lilith looked up as a pillar of energy came crashing down at her. Grimacing, she threw her hands up and several clear box-like barriers formed in front of her in a pyramid shape, allowing the attack to wash over her and split in half, sending energy to either side of her, leaving a trench in its wake. When it was over, Lilith gave Xenovia an angry look with blank white eyes. "That could have seriously hurt me!"

Xenovia gawked in surprise. "How did you do that?! I thought..."

"That only Master knew how to do those barriers?" Lilith asked and Xenovia nodded. "I'm soul bonded to Master. Meaning that what he learns, I learn and vice-versa." She shrugged, causing her breasts to jiggle. "What? You thought that I didn't get anything out of it?"

"...Now that you said that, I feel like an idiot." Xenovia muttered as she swung her sword in a wide arc, sending a large wave of power outwards at Lilith, who simply smirked as her body turned dark and she seemingly melted into the ground.

Xenovia's eyes widened as she realized what was going on. She jumped away from where she was and looked for where Lilith was. As soon as she got close to the ground, a hand shot out of her shadow and grabbed her left breast, which was followed by a hand groping her right breast and another two hands, one of which was grabbing her thigh and one was grabbing her butt. "Huah?"

Lilith's body fully formed behind Xenovia and revealed that she was using her Succubus wings to grope Xenovia's thighs and butt. "Mmm... It's too bad you aren't a virgin, I'd love to see how it feels to play with a virgin before Master gets to her. It's too bad you're in such a skin tight black suit, it makes it hard to get this off of you."

Xenovia's face went red as Lilith's right hand started to slide down. "Get..." She slammed her head back, causing Lilith to groan in pain as she was knocked free. "Off of me!" She spun around and swung Ex-Durandall down, slamming Lilith into the ground at high speeds and creating a crater that kicked up dust and debris.

"Oww, that hurt." Lilith whined as she sat up, rubbing her nose. "I know you're a muscle head, but I didn't think it was literal."

Xenovia's eyes were white and blank as she pointed at Lilith in anger. "How about you fight normally instead of groping me in the middle of a fight?!"

Lilith gave her a confused look before pouting. "But I am fighting normally." She had a large grin on her face as she stood up. "Genma taught me how to fight and his philosophy is simple. If it ain't against the rules, you can do it." Her grin turned predatory at Xenovia's expression. "And as a Succubus, I find that doing perverted attacks like that when you don't have to worry about any allies getting you while you do that is the best."

Xenovia twitched and pointed her sword at Lilith. "Don't think for..." She trailed off as Lilith giggled. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, I'm just wondering if you knew how easy it was to change how people perceive pain and pleasure." Lilith had an amused look on her face as Xenovia looked at her weirdly. "Don't worry about it." A savage grin came to her face as orbs of light started to fill the area. "Ever play a bullet hell game?" Xenovia had a confused look on her face as more and more orbs filled the sky and Lilith giggled. "I did once at an arcade. Genma tried to abandon me there. But let's see how well you can dodge!"

Lilith threw her hands down and orbs started to rush at Xenovia, who had to twist, spin and bend in ways that she didn't know was possible to avoid taking damage. The worst part in her mind was that those orbs didn't go flying off into the distance, they seemingly stopped a foot away from where she had been and turned around to rush back at her.

Xenovia swatted and batted at the orbs as they came close to her before yelping as she felt something strike her butt. "Nnnngh..." She screwed her eyes closed and shivered. "...You didn't..?" She opened her eyes and stared in horror at Lilith's grinning face.

"When I was groping you, I modified how you perceive pleasure and pain, I hope you like being a masochist." Lilith gave her a wide grin.

Xenovia's pupils shrank as she glared in pure anger at Lilith. "YOU BITCH!" She screamed as her sword pulsed and she rushed at Lilith with tremendous speed, easily out-racing the energy balls as they tried to crash in on her.

Lilith watched as Xenovia got close, her left arm extended forward while her right arm was holding Ex-Durandall back and preparing to strike. "Oh you silly girl..." Lilith whispered as Xenovia slammed into a clear wall. Before Xenovia could recover, her arms and legs were bound by barrier boxes, holding her still. Lilith floated up to her and smiled before cupping Xenovia's cheek. "I was lying when I said I made you a masochist." Xenovia gawked in surprise as Lilith leaned in and gave the blue-haired girl a quick kiss on the lips. "I like you, girl, I wouldn't do something like that without permission. Those orbs were simply lust orbs." She giggled at Xenovia's shocked look. "A single orb would make you feel something nice." Lilith floated back while still giggling. "So how big is your orgasm going to be when all of them slam into you?"

Xenovia's eyes widened and her face paled as she realized that she was hanging in mid-air like she was crucified and there were those lust orbs rushing at her. Turning her head, she watched in horror as they slammed into her body, causing her scream in pleasure as she was bombarded with pleasure that quickly over-loaded her brain and caused her to pass out while her body jerked from the continuous orgasm and a flood of fluid erupted from her crotch, spilling down her legs from the massive orgasms she had rushing through her at that moment.

As Xenovia's body disappeared from the field after being defeated, Lilith just squirmed and giggled in delight. "Man, those clothes just do NOT hide that girl's orgasms. I'll have to get her some better clothes." She knew Xenovia was probably going to be out for at least a couple of hours while her body continued to orgasm, but that was fine with her.



There was a loud explosion as two figures zipped around the sky at high speeds.

In the lead, with two jet black Angel wings and two bat-like Devil wings, was Mittelt as she twisted and dodged out of the way of many potent orbs of light being fired at her from Griselda, who had six pure white Angel wings out and was launching various attacks at Mittelt, who did a roll in mid-air and flew to the side before she ended up with her back to the ground and she clapped her hands and thrust her arms forward, sending several pink and black spears up at Griselda, who smirked and created a shield of light.

Mittelt grimaced as her attack crashed into the shield without any noticeable damage.

"Oh come on, is this the best you can do?" Griselda taunted Mittelt. "I know you have some super potent explosive spears, why don't you use those?"

Mittelt gave Griselda an annoyed look before snapping her fingers and lots of pink and black spears filled the sky, causing the six winged Angel to look around in mild surprise. "I don't want to kill anyone by accident." She snapped her fingers again and the spears launched themselves at Griselda from all angles.

"Clever girl." Griselda muttered as the spears closed down on her. She wrapped her wings around her body before letting out a loud yell, sending a strong pulse of light energy out, destroying the spears and sending Mittelt crashing into the ground.

"W...what?" Mittelt stared in shock. "H-how?"

Griselda gave Mittelt a calculating look before nodding. "This is something that you can do when you're strong enough. All I did was use my powers to disrupt what you were throwing at me. Sadly, I'm not strong enough to do more than that." She knew that Gabriel and Uriel both had the power to create a dome of explosive power when surrounded by enemies or attacks to protect themselves and defeat their foes. Of course, Uriel's explosion often included his Holy flames. Though Griselda suspected that if she got to eight wings that she'd be able to do that.

"Great, make me feel weak." Mittelt muttered as she knelt on the ground and slapped the ground, causing the ground to shake before several spike pillars rushed up at Griselda, who had an amused look on her face as she floated backwards while the pillars rushed up quite high.

"Not bad, if I couldn't fly, that might have hurt." Griselda grinned while Mittelt growled and started to glow as the ground shook some more, sending up lots of pillars of stone up at her. Seeing the sheer amount that was coming up at her, Griselda quickly flew up and did a flip before landing on the side of the pillar that was up high enough. "Grow and get stronger, girl." Griselda smiled as she formed a bow out of pure light energy. Drawing the string back, an arrow of light power was formed and she let loose, causing the arrow to fly at super high speeds right at Mittelt, who stared in horror as the attack came crashing down at her at high speeds.

Griselda closed her eyes as the arrow slammed into the ground with a potent explosion of pure light energy. Letting out a sigh, she dismissed the bow and shook her head. "There was a time I would have enjoyed doing that to you." She knew that Mittelt would be mostly fine. But it was a competition and she wanted to win.



"AAAAAH!" Gasper screamed as Yohko chased him through the corridors of the castle ruins they had appeared in. "Stop chasing me!" He yelled, his eyes glowing as he tried to stop her, only to whimper when she didn't stop. "I don't want to die!"

Yohko twitched in annoyance. "I'm not going to kill you! Stab you, smack you and spank you, sure! But I'm not going to kill you."

"WAAAAH!" Gasper cried as he turned into a bat and tried to fly away. "I don't want to get a spanking."

Seeing the blonde turn into a really small target, Yohko sighed and felt her shoulders slumping. "...Was it something I said?"

"You're going to take me, tie me down and do all sorts of dirty, perverted things to me if I let you catch me!" Gasper's voice came from all directions, causing Yohko to sweat-drop.

"...Were you mollested as a child or something?" Yohko asked, hoping it wasn't too sensitive of a topic.

"No! But your King wants to seduce me and do things to me!"

Yohko's eyes screwed shut as she sweat-dropped and she couldn't help but chuckle. "N-no offense, but Ranma doesn't look at guys that way. Plus, even if you were a girl, well, you'd be a loli, and..."

"He's a total lolicon!" Gasper shot back and Yohko sweat-dropped some more as she looked around for him while walking into a room that had plenty of outcroppings and hiding spots.

"Only for Lilith." Yohko answered him. "Heck, he take baths with the other Lilith... No, wait, we changed her name to Lillie, as well as Kunou and nothing happens."

"How do you know?" Gasper's voice seemed to come from behind a half-destroyed statue. "Maybe he was making out and fondling them or..."

"Ah, no," Yohko sweat-dropped heavily, "I've been in the bath when he walked in with them a few times." The only reason she and Ravel hadn't slept with Ranma yet was simply because things had been hectic. "He never did that to them. And if you're worried about him liking cute guys, he treats Leonardo like his younger brother. The two were even playing darts the other day."

Gasper poked his head out from behind the half-destroyed statue. "...You mean it? He's not going to try and trick me into his bedroom, tie me down and do all sorts of unspeakable things to me?"

"Nope," Yohko shook her head and casually held up her right hand, "but thanks for showing yourself." She casually held up her left hand, forming a ball of energy that lashed out into a beam that destroyed the statue Gasper was hiding behind. However, he wasn't there when the dust settled. "Huh, so this is what it's like to fight a vampire..." Yohko muttered before yelping as she felt something wrap around the middle of her arms and legs and lift her into the air. Turning her head, she saw a pool of shadows with tentacle limbs extending out and grabbing her. "You were just complaining about someone doing unspeakable things to you and you use tentacles on me?!"

Two eyes appeared in the center of the shadowy mass and seemingly started to sweat. "H-Hey! I don't intend to do anything like those tentacle monsters wanted to do to me! I'm not a bad person! I just wanted to restrain you so I can find a way to win!"

"Really?" Yohko asked him and gave him a small smirk. "The next time you grab someone by their arms and legs... Grab them by their wrists and ankles." She flicked her wrist and Gasper could only watch in horror as her sword flew up and at him.

"WAAAAGH!" The shadows disappeared, freeing Yohko as Gasper returned to his normal body. He used his Sacred Gear to get her sword to stop moving before he ran off. Before he could take more than two steps, he found himself tackled to the ground. "AHHH!" He panicked while Yohko was on top of him. "How do you keep avoiding being frozen in time?" Gasper asked while she put him in a choke hold.

"One of us had to fight you, we all knew about that time stopping power of yours." Yohko said while her sword fell to the ground a few feet away, clanging on the stone floor. "So we made sure to have something that could counter it. Good thing too, I would have lost to you without it."

Gasper bit his lip as he felt her hold on him tighten. 'Can't... breathe...' He tried to focus his power to become mist and disappear when he felt the hand next to his head start to hum with power. 'What?'

Yohko leaned in to whisper. "I'm getting tired of you slipping out, if you try and shapeshift to get out of this, I'll blow you up before you fully transform."

Gasper bit his lower lip and knew that he couldn't just give up. 'I can't make Issei look bad.' Still, it was getting harder and harder to breathe and he could feel himself slipping into unconsciousness.

Yohko sighed as she felt him go slack in her arms. "Darn, I was hoping he'd give up." She loosened her hold on his neck and began to stand up when he suddenly turned into a pool of shadows and a giant fist struck her from the center, sending her flying backward. "OOOPH!" She grimaced as she crashed on her butt.

"I like breathing, but Vampires don't need to breathe, you know, even half Vampires." Gasper told her from the center of the shadowy mass. "It's kind of weird, really."

"Good to know." Yohko said as she held her hand out to the side, retrieving her Soul Sword. After it got to her hands, she got up and focused her power into it. "I don't think anything less than this is going to stop you."

"Uh..." The red eyes from the center of the black mass seemed to shrink. "Why are you glowing with power?"

"Why?" Yohko smiled as she jumped forward and swung her sword down. "To do this!"

Gasper tried to flee while still in his shadow form, only to find that the sword hitting the ground led to a massive explosion that engulfed the ground, the walls and the entire area at once. His scream of pain was drowned out by the roaring of the explosion and the crumbling of rocks all around them.

When the explosion ended, the remains of the area was a carved out half-hole in the ground, a few falling rocks, Yohko in the center with her sword still pointing down, a shocked expression on her face, and Gasper, back in his normal form, a few feet away, with a pained expression on his face.

"You got me..." Gasper grimaced as he felt himself disappearing. "I'm sorry, Issei..."

Yohko barely heard that as she looked at her sword in shock. "...How much stronger am I? I couldn't make the explosion that strong before."

Such a thing was terrifying to her.

Though she could admit it was quite the thrill to do something like that with ease.


Meanwhile, in the stands...

"Father, why did you bring us to a sporting event?" A female voice asked as a group that consisted of a boy in a hakama, a girl in a black dress, a large, burly man wearing a tanktop and long, dark pants, a Chinese young man who had a disgruntled look on his face, a blonde young woman who had an annoyed look on her face, an old man with an amused expression on his face and a tan man wearing a Hawaiian outfit.

"Because, whinine, da Great Kahuna was invited to this little shinding and da Great Kahuna knows dat there will be amusing bruddahs and sistahs doing things here." The man grinned at her. "Besides, you two need to learn more about de world, yes."

"While I do appreciate seeing such..." The hakama-wearing young man began as he paused to think about what the wanted to say, "entertaining sites, I must ask, father, is there a reason you had us come to this place? Verily, I can feel thine hairs on my neck standing up around me."

The old man grunted. "Because you're surrounded by a bunch of Devils, kiddo." He ignored the looks of shock he got from that from the two kids who had asked questions. "Listen, Tatewaki, Kodachi, you two need to behave down here. You fuck up, no one's going to protect you, got it?" He gave the other three a stern look. "That goes for you three as well, Cao Cao, Jeanne and Heracles. We're here to enjoy a few matches and then get Saotome to agree to undo what he did to Cao Cao, got it?"

"Relax, Wukong," Cao Cao muttered as he sat in his seat, "I can't do anything right now."

"Why am I here?" Heracles grumbled as he sat down next to Jeanne, who grinned and poked him in the side. "Stop that."

"You're the one who keeps losing all those martial arts battles in Nerima." Jeanne giggled while Heracles growled at her.

"Who the heck came up with the idea of martial arts tightrope walking?! Or martial arts finger painting?! Or martial arts food delivery racing?!"

"Ah," Tatewaki had a solemn look on his face as he crossed his arms and nodded, "proud martial art styles with years of history to them. A fine Nerima tradition."

"Insanity is more like it." Heracles grumbled. "And who came up with martial arts midget baseball?!" That was just an excuse to bite people in the legs, he knew it!

"You're just upset you lost to midgets." Jeanne grinned while Heracles growled at her.

Principal Kuno, or as he was more well known to most, Indra, coughed into his fist. "Now, now, you two calm down before I give de wahinine a bowl cut and dat bruddah a buzz cut." He grinned as he pulled out an electric hair trimmer for emphasis. Both Jeanne and Heracles immediately calmed down. They had seen him permanently change the hair styles of the entire school he was supposed to be watching over simply because someone annoyed him. "Now, let's just enjoy de show! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Cao Cao felt his eye twitching. '...So that's where Kodachi got her laugh from.'

End Chapter 11


Nothing to add. Hope you're enjoying the chapters.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 12

"That wasn't very nice, you know." Asia said sadly as she walked forward. Atsuko took a nervous step back before jumping forward and her open hand passed right through where Asia's head was. "I told you, I'm dead."

"There's no way!" Atsuko shook her head, her pink hair swaying side to side. "I never hit you hard enough to knock your head off!" At least as far as she could tell. "I mean, you're more durable than a child, I would think!"

"But I'm a healer and mostly a normal girl." Asia's head countered with a sad smile. "But I suppose that at least I won't have to worry about gaining weight."

Atsuko's eyes went white and blank as she pointed and trembled. "Why are you worrying about that?! You're missing your head!" Tears formed up in her eyes even as the outer most circle of her eyes seemingly turned red. "I killed a friend!"

Asia just smiled sadly as she looked at Atsuko. "I almost thought you thought I was an enemy." Atsuko's tears suddenly burst and she started to sob while the red ring around her eyes turned a couple of times.

Atsuko hated what she was seeing, how Asia seemed to get more and more transparent with each passing moment.


Outside of the fog, Asia was standing while holding a sword in front of her. 'Thank you, Xenovia, for giving me Excalibur Nightmare.' It was kind of cruel of her to do this to Atsuko, but there was no way that she could beat Atsuko in a straight-up fight without summoning Fafnir. 'And he's too strong. Hmm, I need to get into more Dragon contracts.'

It was something to think about later as she focused on the Excalibur fragment that could create illusions that could distract and confuse people. It was harder for her to use the sword, as she didn't have Xenovia or Irina's training nor any natural Holy aptitude, but that didn't mean she couldn't use it to try and trick Atsuko into surrendering.

Though deceit wasn't Asia's strongest suit, that didn't mean that she couldn't use it. Especially since she didn't have the raw power needed to keep up with a lot of her opponents.

She just had to hurry up and hope that she could convince Atsuko to surrender.



Akeno smiled as she looked at where Mousse had been standing. Her smile eventually turned into confusion as the smoke cleared and she saw him standing there and other than some twitching and his long hair looking like it was some wild shonen protagonist hair, he looked fine. "Ara ara? I'm surprised you're fine."

Mousse twitched a few times even as his glasses broke and fell off his face. "I'm fine, I prepared myself for facing you."

"Hmm?" Akeno wondered what he meant as she walked forward. "Are you wearing a rubber suit under those robes or something?" When Mousse twitched, she grinned. "Oh my, you are, aren't you?" A blush came to her face as she put her fingers up to her lips. "Are you a gimp?" Mousse looked at her in confusion. "Your mistress must be very happy with you."

Mousse twitched as he realized that she was talking about some S&M stuff that he didn't fully understand. "You're right, I'm wearing a rubber suit, but there's an extra trick I'm using."

"Hmm?" Akeno looked down at his feet and realized that he had some daggers sticking into the ground. "...You grounded yourself so the electricity would go straight to the ground?" A small smirk came to her face as she extended a Devil and a Fallen Angel wing out of her back. "I'm impressed, good sir. How else will you entertain me?" Even though she didn't have to, she flapped her wings and sent herself up into the air, grinning the entire time. "Lesse, if lightning doesn't work, how about.. THIS?!" She yelled as she formed a ball of flames in her hands and held it above her. "Did you really think I ONLY knew how to use lightning magic?" She asked as Mousse looked at her funny.

"...Well, no one ever said you could do more than that." Mousse admitted, though he knew better than anyone to let your opponents know everything you could do. "Alright, so, how about..?" He mused as she threw the fireball at him. "Well, I guess I could try this stuff!" The nearly blind Amazon threw his hands forward and several vials shot out, hitting the fireball, exploding and turning to ice, causing it to fall straight down, just missing him. "HA! Knew that anti-Phoenix potion would come in handy!"

Akeno looked at the ball of ice, raised an eyebrow and snapped her fingers, causing a lightning bolt to crash into it, causing it to explode and sending Mousse flying backwards until he slammed into a wall. "You're a silly one, aren't you?" Akeno smiled as she looked at Mousse, who was struggling to get back to his feet. "If you behave, I promise not to make it hurt too much."

Mousse didn't say anything as he flexed his fingers while struggling to get to his feet. Even when he got to his feet, he was staggering and swaying unsteadily. He could barely see her, but that was more due to his poor eyesight than how he was feeling at that moment. Still silent and looking in Akeno's general direction, Mousse snapped his hands forward, dozens of knives, hammers, small scythes, sickles, a few hand maces, a bag of marbles, several half-open cans of some drink, metal fans, sais, a few spears, a couple of Chinese broadswords, a squirrel and a kitchen sink all flew out the sleeves of his robes at Akeno, who had a look of surprise as she smiled stupidly and tilted her head.

"...I've heard the phrase, everything but the kitchen sink, but how did you fit all of that in your sleeves?" Akeno asked as she pointed forward and used her lightning to crash down on all of the stuff coming at her. Her eyes widened as some of the knives passed right through her attack and managed to slide right past her body. "Well, that was..." She paused as she heard a tearing sound and the top of her outfit suddenly exploded into pieces, allowing her large breasts to bounce free.

Mousse grinned and jumped into the air as Akeno looked at her bare breasts in surprise. Akeno looked up as Mousse threw several things at her general direction, forcing her to step forward so that she didn't get hit again, before he came down, his arms extended outwards as though he was a bird swooping in on his prey. "Talon of the hawk!"

Akeno jumped up to avoid his attack, only to gasp in surprise as blades shot out of his shoes, tearing into her pants, leaving them in tatters and having her hovering in the air with nothing more than her panties on. "Oh my," she giggled in amusement. "Aren't you forward? Stripping me to my underwear..." She licked her lips. "As much as I come across as a loose woman, I am afraid that I'm not quite the slut you might think I am."

The next thing she knew, Mousse was in her face, using the moment she was talking to jump back at her. "Ultimate attack! Fist of the White Swan!"

For Akeno, everything seemed to go in slow motion as Mousse swung his arm back before swinging forward at high speeds. Akeno leaned back to avoid the attack at her face, but, sadly for her, her breasts were large enough that they took the blow, causing her to cry out in pain from what hit her. "Oww, that was..." She paused as she saw something in Mousse's hands and she snapped her arm out to grab his before he could fully pull it back in. When she did, she realized what he had used to strike her with. "...You hit me... With a duck-shaped training toilet?!"

Being as close as he was, Mousse could finally see that the woman in front of him was almost completely naked. "It's meant to represent a swan's graceful way of swimming and..." He quieted down as Akeno started to glow while growling. "Uh..."

"You... I might be into some kinky stuff, but that..." While still holding his arm, she lifted Mousse up and flew to the ground, where she slammed him, face first into the ground. "I'm done playing around, mister pervert." Akeno's voice was lacking any of the good humor from before as she lifted Mousse up and slammed him down before lifting him up and spinning around, her breasts swaying as she did so, and slamming him down on the other side of her.

She repeated this process three more times before tossing Mousse into the air and kicking him away, causing him to crash into the wall so hard that he left an indent on it. Akeno panted, her breasts wobbling, as she walked forward. "I could forgive you for hitting my breasts with some sort of duck-shaped object. I could have forgiven you if you tried to hit me with a sword to put a cut on my breasts, even if I would have been angry..." Her eyes seemingly crackled with power. "But to hit me with something so disgusting as that?! I don't even know where it's been!"

Mousse grimaced and managed to peel himself off of the wall before Akeno got too close. Pulling out a Chinese broadsword, he rushed at her and swung, only for her to simply raise her arm up and grab the blade with her bare hand. Not stopping it with the typical barehanded blade block that most people would have assumed she would do, no, she simply reached up and grabbed it with her left hand as the blade came close and stopped it cold. "What the..?"

"I am Rias Gremory's Queen." Akeno said in a cold voice. "While I prefer to use my magic to fight..." She flexed her fingers and cracks formed in the sword, "I have speed on par with the Knight class and strength and durability similar to the Rook class." The sword shattered and before Mousse could react, she punched him in the face with her right hand, causing him to stagger back. "Since you took the time to strip me to my underwear..." She grinned as she stomped on the ground and a single bladed knife bounced into the air, where she grabbed it. "I should return the favor. Don't you think?"

Mousse was about to answer when Akeno seemed to blur. There was a swishing sound, along with a few nudges on Mousse's robes, before a loud tearing sound was heard, leaving Mousse in just his underwear as his robes went fluttering to the wind and the rubber suit he had on peeled off of him, covering part of a huge pile of weapons and items, including a water cooler, that surrounded him on all sides.

Akeno stared in surprise. "...You have an army's worth of items on you." She raised an eye and smirked as she saw something behind Mousse. Grabbing it, she pulled it out of the pile and giggled. "Oh my, you have a whip?"

Mousse's eyes widened and he paled as he heard the crack of the whip. "Ah... There might be children watching?"

Akeno's eye twitched and she grinned. "Nudity isn't a problem for Devil society, you know? Now then, mister pervert..." She held the whip above her head. "Let's have some fun, hmm?"

As Akeno brought the whip down on Mousse's body, the screams he let out were music to her ears. "Yes, keep crying, mister pervert, who knows?" The next whip strike hit Mousse in his ass, causing him to yelp, "you might just start to like this."

"N-no I won't!" Mousse protested as he continued to get whipped while trying to get out of the pile of stuff that surrounded him. When his foot slipped due to one of the few marbles that hadn't been destroyed by Akeno's earlier lightning attack, he fell forward, leaving his ass completely up in the air.

"Well, I think you do." Akeno giggled as she continued to whip his ass.

Sadly for Mousse, this would go on for quite some time before he finally got free of the pile of stuff that surrounded him. "S...Stop it!" He whimpered as he fell onto his back and hissed in pain from the lashes his back, butt, arms and legs had on them.

Akeno raised an eyebrow and looked between Mousse's legs and giggled. "Well, mister pervert, for not being into this, you sure are hard." A savage grin came to her face, "shall we continue or do you want to give up?"

"AHHH! NO! I GIVE! I GIVE UP!" Mousse screamed and Akeno sighed as Mousse disappeared from the battlefield.

"Aww, I wanted to see if I could make him climax from whipping alone." Akeno shrugged, her breasts bouncing before she materialized a new Miko outfit. She smiled with her eyes closed. "That sure was fun though."

End Chapter 12


How many of you read what happened to Asia and went "WTF?!"

Also, I kind of feel bad for Mousse.

Kind of. XD


Well-Known Member
Chapter 13

The cameras that were viewing everything that was happening during the fights had a hard time in the forest area as the forest was full of densely packed trees, allowing very little light through to the forest floor.

Despite this, they had no problem picking up on the massive amount of explosions and dust clouds that were kicked up in accelerating numbers as two people fought it out in the forest.

Under the canopy of trees, Ranma jumped from one tree to the next in increasingly confusing ways while Irina tried to follow while flying. "I'm telling you!" Ranma called back as several energy balls formed around him before he rotated in mid-air and snapped them forward at Irina, who fired back with several light arrows to collide and cancel out the attacks while Ranma created a barrier behind him and used it to propel himself back where he was coming from, surprising Irina as Ranma seemingly came at her like a missile. "You shouldn't try to fly with this many trees around you."

"That's good to know!" Irina held up her left index and middle finger, causing a ball of energy to form there before she spun around, revealing that it was a whip of light energy. She snapped her arm out, sending the whip of light forward, only to gawk as Ranma, without the aid of wings, magic or his barriers, seemed to do a somersault in mid-air and slammed his feet into her stomach, sending her flying backwards into another tree.

As she flew backwards into the tree, Irina threw her arms out in a wide arc, sending arrows of light from all directions at Ranma, who twisted to avoid what attacks he could. Eventually he allowed himself to fall face-first straight down, avoiding the attacks. After falling a few feet, Ranma created a barrier under him and he flipped over to land on it and launched himself straight up as more light arrows converged on his position.

Irina, who had recovered from the blow to her stomach, stared as Ranma landed on a tree branch. "Okay, I'll bite, how are you doing all of that without magic? I'm not sensing you using anything until you make those barriers to land on and then you jump backwards."

Ranma smirked at her. "My old man might've screwed up a lot of things with me, but his training certainly was top-notch." It was amusing how many people thought you needed magic or some other trick to fight in midair effectively. Sure, it was a lot easier to fight in mid-air when you didn't have to worry about falling, but part of what made mid-air combat so amazing was using gravity to your advantage. Being able to fly like most supernatural made them not understand the finer details of fighting in mid-air, like how a small movement of a limb could make it so that you could move out of the way of an attack at the last moment, or how the right movement could cause you to change direction. Sure, flight meant that most of that was useless, but understanding it made fighting in mid-air much easier and more enjoyable.

Snapping his hands out, Ranma launched several thin knives at Irina, who created her energy whip again and knocked them down. Ranma jumped from the tree he was on to another tree and another in a zig-zagging pattern that Irina was having trouble keeping up with.

"What is he doing?" Irina muttered to herself before flapping her wings and flying straight forward. "Just bouncing back and forth like this, it's confusing, sure, but it feels like it's a waste of energy."

When Irina flew past a random tree, she suddenly stiffened and let out a yelp as she felt something hit her on the butt hard. "Oww, what the heck was that?!" She asked as she spun around to see what got her, before yelping as her legs were struck. Irina tried spinning again, only for her left arm to get struck by something. She stared in surprise as it was a shadowy hand that was connected to a wobbly "arm" that was coming out of one of the trees. Another one of those shadowy hands grabbed her right arm and two more grabbed her legs, spreading her into a large X shape in mid-air.

Ranma landed on a tree branch under her and smirked up at her. "Gotta be hands on, right?" He chuckled as she squirmed and thrashed. "It's a good thing you aren't wearing a skirt, otherwise I'd see what kind of underwear you're wearing."

The redheaded Angel looked at Ranma as best she could and glowered. "I'll have you know that this skin-tight suit doesn't have room for conventional underwear, if that's what you're hoping to see!"

"Oh, so you always wore a thong then?" Ranma asked her and she blushed, shaking her head. "No? That's a shock."

Irina was going to say something more when she felt a pair of hands on her butt. "H-hey! What are you doing?"

Ranma had a stupefied look on his face as more shadowy hands erupted from where he had put seals on the trees. "Uh, I only wanted them to capture you so I could taunt you a bit, I didn't mean for more of them to come out and try and fondle you." He sweat-dropped as some hands came out and started fondling Irina's breasts and one pressed on her stomach and started going lower. "Okay, while hot, that's enough of that." Ranma growled and snapped his fingers, causing the seals to shut off, which made the hands all disappear and allowed Irina to get free. "I think I need more practice with that, I never intended for that to happen."

"Yeah..." Irina's eyes were twitching as light energy formed in her hands, which turned into a mallet. "How dare you try and fondle me like that?!"

"AH!" Ranma jumped out of the way as Irina's light mallet slammed into where he had just been. "Uh... Sorry?"

Irina had her eyes closed as she smiled. "Sure, I accept it, but I'm still angry, so..." She hefted her light mallet again. "I'm going to chase you in an attempt to hit you for the next ten minutes, okay?" She tilted her head and her smile turned sweet. "Please try to avoid being squished."

Ranma sweat-dropped and nodded before yelping as she chased after him, calling him an idiot. "Why do I feel like the universe suddenly feels right?" He asked as he jumped away from a tree that was destroyed by Irina's strike.

Within the destroyed tree, two red orbs glowed softly.


In another forest area...

Cologne stood in the middle of a carved out clearing from her tornado attack, her fist still raised in the air, the thick trees cleared out from around her. "Hmm, maybe that was too much?" She asked and looked around to see that there were no trees around her for at least three meters in each direction. "Hmm, then again, I am dealing with a Valkyrie-turned-Devil, so maybe it's not enough?"

Hearing a noise behind her, Cologne turned around and saw a large pile of fallen trees suddenly shake before exploding, kicking up dirt and dust. When the dust settled and cleared out, she saw Rossweisse standing there, covered in dirt and dust, coughing slightly, but looking otherwise fine. "I'm impressed that you're not hurt by that attack."

Rossweisse coughed a couple more times as the dust cleared out. "Advantage of being reincarnated into a Rook-class Devil. I'm more durable than a tank."

"Hmm..." Cologne nodded as snapped her fingers and her gnarled staff appeared in her hands. While it was normally huge for her, with her youth restored to her, it looked like a slightly large stick. "I see, beating you down physically will be like trying to defeat the tiger clan of the Musk in unarmed combat." No matter how strong or skilled an Amazon was, trying to beat a member of the Tiger clan in direct combat was nearly suicide. They were just too strong and durable in a fight to beat.

Cologne spun her staff in her hands and grinned. 'But they tend to over-rely on their physical abilities and ignore training.' She doubted that Rossweisse was the same way, but she hoped that Rossweisse didn't have any knowledge about what she was going to do. "Bakusei Tenketsu!" She jabbed the ground with her staff three times, causing several explosions, one around her, one in between then and one close to where Rossweisse was. 'Rushing straight forward would be stupid.' Cologne thought to herself as she prepared herself for her next move. 'Then, let's do this.'

In the newly formed dust cloud, Rossweisse quickly cast a wind spell to get the dust to clear out in front of her and she gasped as several Colognes escaped from the dust cloud in front of her opponent. "She can clone herself?" Such an ability wasn't unheard of, but it wasn't extremely common. Snapping her hands out, she cast a spell to launch thin energy needles in a wide arc. When the attacks hit some of the Colognes and passed right through them. "Oh, illusions, huh? Well then." She stomped on the ground and lightning crashed all around her, smashing into the illusions and disrupting them. "Was that all?"

Seeing a crystal blade being thrown at her from the corner of her eyes, she flew up, only to gasp as another Cologne, this one likely the real one, was dashing at her at such speed that she actually caught up to the thrown blade and grabbed it, throwing it again, only this time, she forced Rossweisse to jerk to the side to avoid the attack. Cologne then jumped over Rossweisse, who was still trying to fly up, before grabbing the Devil's shoulders and using them to flip behind Rossweisse to land a kick on the small of her back, causing Rossweisse to grunt in surprise.

"I barely felt that." Rossweisse said as she spun around to face Cologne in the air, only to get several staff taps on her arms, legs and stomach. The former Valkyrie shook her head and her eyes widened as she felt the muscles in her arms and legs suddenly going limp. She found that she couldn't even hold them up as they flopped down helplessly to her side. As soon as she saw what happened Cologne leaned in and did several quick taps to Rossweisse's neck and head, causing her eyes to widen before rolling into the back of her head and she fell down limply.

Cologne let out a sigh of relief. "Thank the ancestors that your body is close enough to a human that those worked." Granted, it wasn't completely the same, she had been trying for temporary paralysis pressure points in the limbs, but instead it seemed like she hit a sequence that just caused Rossweisse's muscles to go completely limp.

After a few moments of seeing Rossweisse not moving, Cologne nodded as the silver-haired woman disappeared in a spectral flash of light. "Well then, I guess I win, do I face another opponent?" She asked and raised an eyebrow as a glowing door appeared in front of her. "Well, guess I'll go through it." She shrugged and walked through the door.

When she got through to the other side, she was greeted by the largest human she had the pleasure of seeing. "Ah, Vasco Strada..." Cologne smiled as the large man looked at her. "You defeated my great-grand-daughter, I'm rather impressed."

Vasco smiled at Cologne. "And you defeated Miss Rossweisse, I believe." Cologne nodded and he chuckled. "I must admit, it's rare for me to face a human who's so much older than me. May I ask your secret?"

"Oh, you know..." Cologne lightly flicked her hair to the side. "Eating healthy, lots of exercise and finding ways to annoy several generations worth of descendants all at once and being too stubborn to die."

Vasco continued to smile. "I can imagine." His smile slowly disappeared as the atmosphere became more tense. "No offense, miss Cologne, but I'm going to go all out against you."

Cologne had a grim smirk on her face. "I would feel extremely offended if you didn't."

The two let out a yell and charged each other.


Back in the main stadium...

"Things are going well, I think." Sirzechs said to Azazel, who nodded and grinned. "The crowd seems to enjoy some of the fights."

"The ones they can see at any rate." Odin commented as he looked at the ones with the forest. "Next time, don't put fights in such a dense grove of trees. Or get more cameras down there."

"Yeah, an oversight on my part." Azazel nodded in annoyance. "Hmm?" He turned his head as he noticed someone getting up. "You okay, princess?"

Rias smiled and nodded. "Yes, I just need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." The others nodded as Rias left the VIP section.

Odin suddenly stiffened in surprise. "Something's not right." All the cameras suddenly were covered in static and a whirlwind of power suddenly surrounded the VIP box and most of the stadium. The lights in the stadium dimmed, causing confusion among everyone.

A new face appeared on the screens as lights appeared in the center of the arena. "Welcome! Ladies! Gentle-devils! Boys and girls! And everyone who's brain damaged into thinking they're something else."

On the screen, with a large grin on his face, was Jedah Dohma as he spoke into a microphone. "Don't bother trying to adjust that TV set, we'll be right back."

End Chapter 13


Oh look! The plot finally kicked in.


Well-Known Member
I meant to get this up a few days ago, but for reason I won't go into, I didn't.


Chapter 14

Chuckling as he heard the murmurs of confusion throughout the crowd, Jedah gestured to the VIP section of the stands. "I must thank our gracious hosts of the three great powers. It was their decision to host this event on this day. I must say, had you not done so, it would have been so disappointing." He swung his arm to the side as he turned and took a few steps forward. "After all, you're all here to witness an event so momentous that you will only see it once."


In the VIP box, Azazel frowned, "what is he talking about?"

"I don't know," Odin said as he looked at the winds that not only were surrounding the front of the VIP box, but also the doors. "But from what I can tell, none of us are getting out of here." He stroked his beard and conjured up a magic rock, throwing it into the winds.

Or tried to as the rock seemingly slammed into a wall and was sent flying right back at Odin, who simply dismissed it. "Ah, dimensional magic. Crafty little bastard, he didn't put us out of phase with reality, he just put part of reality out of phase with us."

Sirzechs gave him a sharp look. "So it's a type of seal?"

Odin nodded, "got it in one. It probably won't last too long, but it'll keep us in here long enough so that we can't interfere with whatever that purple dildo's up to." Letting out a suffering sigh, he tapped the chair that was next to him. "Well, I guess I should show why I'm the Norse All-Father, huh?" He grinned as a magic circle formed under his feet. "I'll need two to three minutes at most."

Azazel grimaced in disgust. Even though two to three minutes wasn't a long time, there was a lot that could happen in that time.


Back in the center of the arena, Jedah was silent for a few moments before speaking. "The time has come." Jedah said before turning his head. "This world, the best time to save everything has come."

"And who would want you as the savior?" A stern voice spoke up and Jedah smirked as he turned around to see Indra standing there with narrowed eyes and a crackling of power. "Considering all the crap you've done over the past couple of years, I'm certain that I can be excused for deciding to end your miserable existence right now."

"Ah, Indra." Jedah said smoothly. There was a faint ding sound that caused Indra some confusion, especially as he heard it again ten seconds later. "Tell me, how are your vagina eyes doing? Dried out or did you get some eye drops for that?"

Indra twitched at the reminder of the curse that he had been under for taking that man's wife as his own lover. "I was just going to kill you," a sneer came to his face while three more dings went off, "but now I'm going to humiliate you before I break you."

"Oh?" Jedah raised an eyebrow. "And pray tell, how will you do that?"

Indra smirked and held his arms to the side. "I'll give you one free shot. After that, you're dead."

"How kind of you." Jedah smirked as his left hand glowed and a gauntlet that was a dull orange in color with a dark green gem on the center of the back formed. The gem had a XI on it before a ding sound happened again, turning into a large X.

"Boosted Gear?" Indra raised an eyebrow. "Do you really take me for a fool? That's not..."

"The real Boosted Gear?" Jedah asked as he walked up to Indra. "You're right. It's a mere replica, and ten boosts is the maximum it can handle."

"Well?" Indra wasn't worried, even if this Devil was a Satan class and had his power increased by the Boosted Gear, there was no way that Jedah could hurt him.

Jedah's smile suddenly turned vicious. "FOOL!"

"Transfer." A monotone voice said as something formed in Jedah's left hand in a swirl of energy.

There was a slamming sound and Indra's eyes widened as he let out a grunt of shocked surprise. "W-what?" He looked down, not able to believe what he was seeing.

In his stomach, piercing his flesh, was True Longinus.

"Another replica, I'm afraid." Jedah sighed softly. "While I told Rivezim that I didn't want minions to have it because it could be used against me, well," he smirked, "I never said that I wouldn't have Akane Tendo use her Sacred Gear to create two more Longinus-class weapons for me."

"Jedaaaaahhhh!" Indra screamed as Jedah fired a blast of pure energy, which erupted from his back and sent the wargod flying until he crashed against the specator seating.

'Sadly, I can never have this thing use its Balance Break.' Jedah was slightly disappointed, but understood why. The real one, even without using its Balance Break, was so powerful that Jedah doubted Akane Tendo's Sacred Gear could have made it anywhere near as strong as the real deal was. "Thankfully, I have Boosted Gear, so that makes up the..."

"FOUL CREATURE!" Jedah looked up into the air to see a young man in a kendo outfit wielding a metal sword that was crackling with lightning. "PREPARE YOURSELF!"

Tatewaki Kuno took a swing at Jedah, who leaped backwards, only to have a wave of pure energy rush out at the blue and purple Devil, who let out a cry of pain as the power washed over him. Glaring at where he knew Jedah was, Tatewaki's sword crackled with power and as the energy that had engulfed Jedah dissipated, he saw the Devil still standing there. "EN GARDE!" He rushed forward, slashing at Jedah, who, despite the singes on his body, merely smirked while swinging his spear in a wide arc to parry the attack. The two traded several quick blows before pushing against each other and sliding back to get some distance.

The ground suddenly rumbled and Tatewaki had to jump back as a large metal body that belonged to one of the Huitzil clamored out of the ground. Its eyes glowed before firing a beam of pure ice that Tatewaki had to cut apart.

"Hmm?" Jedah looked up as the wind storm he had created dissipated. "Well, looks like it's time for me to leave." He snapped his left hand and dozens of Soul Bees and Huitzil robots suddenly manifested. "Have fun, kids." He laughed and disappeared.


In the VIP box...

"There." Odin smirked as the winds died down. "Now we can..." He trailed off as Grayfia suddenly cried out, her eyes wide as she put her hand on her stomach. "Oh dear, ya just went into labor?"

Sirzechs stared at his wife, who was gasping and nodding. "Oh no, we have to..."

Grayfia gave him a sharp look. "You must deal with those things out there. Who knows what else is there? I will be fine."

"Don't worry, sonny." Odin snapped his fingers and three young ladies appeared. "These three will help get your girl to an infirmary."

"Yes, Lord Odin." The one with short, blonde hair nodded and the three went to Grayfia to help her out of the room.

Sirzechs was twitching in anger. "Too many times something has happened when my wife needed me and I have been unable to help her."

"To be fair," Azazel said gently, "all you would be able to do would be there so she could crush your hands while she suffers labor pains."

Sirzechs sweat-dropped, remembering how badly she broke his hand when she had Milicis. "...You have a point." He looked at Grayfia and then at Odin. "Would it be too much trouble, Lord Odin, to have my wife transported to an infirmary that would be guarded by your Valkyrie? I dare not risk her life here in case things go South."

"Ah, a wise choice." Odin nodded and called up his staff, which he then tapped the ground with, causing a door to open up. "This will take yer girl to Valhalla, our maternity ward is the best around, after all."

"I thank you." Sirzechs nodded and looked at his wife, who was groaning and she nodded, going through the portal with the Valkyries.

"Believe me," Odin said as he closed the door after they left, "Freya's a lot of things, but she won't let anything happen to a mother going into labor." A savage grin came to his face as he made his staff disappear, only for a large spear to form in its place. "Now then, how about we show these interlopers what we're really made of?"

Azazel had a wide grin on his face as the walls of the VIP room exploded outwards. "Oh my, to see the Norse All-Father and the current Devil King Lucifer let loose, today really is a day that we won't soon forget." As more than a dozen Huitzil filled the sky, a chuckle came from the Fallen Angel. "Then again, I can't stand that these toys are ruining a good day either."

More than a hundred arrows of light filled the sky, slamming into the Huitzil from all angles. "This seems too..." Azazel trailed off as a giant lizard, a giant cat and a giant bear seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "Well, let's have some fun."

As the three flew out of the VIP box, they were distracted by a large amount of shaking. "What is going on?" Odin yelled, before he stared in shock at what he saw above the arena. "Is that... Midgardsormr? No," he narrowed his eye as he saw others, "this one's far too small... But only Loki could create them, so..."

On top of the giant snakes was the visage of his adopted son. "Ahahahahahahaha! I'm here for some revenge, All-Father!" Loki laughed. "A generous Devil was more than kind enough to free me from my sealing, and all I had to do was attack this little party."

"Well, now we know why Jedah was willing to make such a brazen move." Azazel muttered in annoyance. "Still, if those aren't the real Midgardsormr, then there's no problem destroying them, is there?" Azazel asked and noticed that the Huitzil and Soul Bees were being destroyed by various Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods and others that had been in the stands. "Still, it makes no sense for him to make a move like this."

"I agree." Sirzechs said as his power grew in strength. "But let's figure out what's going on after we deal with this."

"Leave Loki to me." Odin said, getting a nod from the other two. "There has to be more going on than we know."


On the ground, Kodachi Kuno gasped as she saw the damage that her father had taken. "Are you..."

Indra coughed up some blood and grimaced. "I haven't felt this bad since I was cursed all those years ago." He looked up as Cao Cao and Son Wukong came upon them. "Undo that weakness point on him." Indra told Wukong.

Wukong nodded and motioned for Cao Cao to turn around. "You're lucky that I know every single pressure point on the human body and how to undo things like this." He held up his right index finger and it started to glow. "Hold still, this will hurt."

Cao Cao hissed in pain as Wukong pushed his finger into the middle of Cao Cao's back. "NGH! Damn, this hurts."

"And done." Wukong said as he slapped Cao Cao on the back, causing him to stumble forward. "Now get out there and do some good, huh?" He turned to look at Indra and grimaced. "Well, shit, that's a hell of a wound, boss."

Indra smirked at Wukong. "I've had worse, this was just unexpected."

Wukong nodded and reached into his pocket. "I've got some healing items boss, but you're out of this fight." He looked up as a giant snake formed above him. "Hmm... That's a pain." Wukong then looked at Kodachi and gave her a golden leaf. "Put that on his wound and hold it there, it'll take time to heal, but it'll stop the worst of the damages."

Kodachi nodded as she did as instructed. "And what are you going to do?"

Wukong grinned as he stood up. "Time to have some fun and pay that purple condom back for what he did to Yu-Long back in Kyoto." A staff formed in his his right hand as he held it above his back. "Cao Cao, you, Tatewaki, Jeanne and Heracles head out to the other areas." He smirked at their surprised looks. "Get going, this is going to be the battle ground of the Gods soon enough. And besides, I'm sure that more people are going to show up."

Cao Cao let out an annoyed sound but nodded as he, Heracles, Jeanne and Tatewaki took off.

Seeing them running off, Wukong nodded and spun his staff around before casually snapping it back and splitting one of the Soul Bees in half that had been trying to sneak up on him. "Well, let's see if I can't help deal with those giant snakes, hmm?"

Kodachi nodded and tended to her father, throwing a random black rose in the air every so often when a Soul Bee tried to get too close to her, causing them to end up paralyzed and helpless.


In the stands, Kuroka grimaced as she blasted a few of the Soul Bees that got too close to her and the others. "Dammit," she knew her pregnancy wasn't that far along, yet she could already feel a noticeable strain on using her powers.

Thankfully it wasn't too big of a deal as Genma took down a Soul Bee while Nodoka, surprisingly, cut another one in half that tried to get close to her, Kunou, Lillie and Leonardo. "Come, we have to get out of here." Nodoka called out to Genma, who nodded and punted the Soul Bee into another one. "This way!" She made sure to cut down another Soul Bee as she led the group while Genma brought up the rear.

Leonardo watched silently as he was led through the crowd. He looked around to see Soul Bees, Huitzil, Devils and others fighting and trying to keep anyone who wasn't capable of fighting safe. His eyes widened as various large animals appeared and were attacking people. 'This is...' He thought to himself as Lillie pulled him inside.

"We don't have to fight." Lillie told him. "...Ranma said we never have to fight."

Leonardo nodded and looked up as he saw several snake Dragons and other giant creatures. "...They want to take everything from us." He was dragged inside by Kunou.

"Gah!" Kuroka cried out as she was blasted in the leg by a Huitzil. Thankfully, Genma was there, scooping her up and getting her out of the arena before more harm could come to her. "Thanks, father."

Genma smirked. "I'm not letting my future grandchildren die before they're born." He cried out as a blast of flame hit him in the back just as he got to the door. "I'll be fine." He hissed and ran inside, where zombies, fish people and what looked like vampires were attacking the staff. "Dammit, when did this turn into a horror movie?"

Leonardo looked at him, then at Lillie, who was looking conflicted, and then he looked at Kuroka and Genma again. Kunou was throwing fire balls around that were frying things that got close, but she had a scared look on her face as she realized that she wasn't able to do as much damage as she had hoped.

"You don't need to fight anymore. You can live a normal life."

Those were the words that Ranma had said to him after letting him live with the martial artist, his harem and the daily insanity that made life fun. None of them had ever pressured him to fight or even train.

"How the hell did you throw those darts into my ass?!"

Memories of playing darts with Kuroka, taking baths with everyone, running with Lillie away from the angry catgirl while playing other games and living a normal life filled his head. Leonardo trembled. "...Enough, I don't want this taken from me."

Lillie stared in surprise as Leonardo started to glow and what looked like silver-colored humanoid monsters appeared.

Leonardo said nothing as the creatures he summoned rushed forward and started to help with the zombies, vampires and fish people, freeing people up so they could help get others who couldn't fight.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, Annihilation Maker." Kuroka muttered as she saw Leonardo's creations overwhelm the various monsters in sheer numbers. "Kid, you didn't have to." She said as she walked up to the dark-skinned boy.

Leonardo shook his head. "...I don't want to lose anyone." There was a crumbling sound and Leonardo looked up as the ceiling above him crumbled and fell down.

Before he could react, there was a strong beam of energy that blasted the stuff out of the way. Turning and looking in the direction of where the beam had come from, both Leonardo and Kuroka stared in shock as Cao Cao, Heracles, Jeanne and some boy they didn't know stood at the end of the hallway.

"YOU!" Kunou hissed in anger. "What are you doing here?"

"Huh?" Cao Cao gave her a confused look, "oh right, you were in Kyoto, weren't you?" He sighed at the angry look on Kunou's face. "I know it won't mean much, considering what we almost did to your mother, but I'd like to apologize to you." Kunou looked at him in shock and he nodded. "I... Had some time to think about what I did. If I could do it over, I'd just kidnap your mother, not try to use her as bait for Big Red."

Kunou twitched, it wasn't much better, but it was a start.

"Anyway, there you are, Leonardo." Cao Cao looked at the boy. "It's been awhile. We could use your help right now."

"I thought you lost all your strength." Kuroka said as she got in front of Leonardo and quickly glanced to the side where Nodoka, Lillie and Genma were at before focusing on Cao Cao. "Anyway, what are you here for?"

"Heh, I got my strength back. And I'm here to give Jedah a bad time. Or at least mess up his plans some how." Cao Cao shrugged. "Anyway, Leonardo, we need you to come back with us." He raised an eyebrow as Leonardo shook his head. "Really? After all we did for you?"

"You abandoned me to Jedah." Leonardo told him. "...And big brother has been really nice to me."

"Big brother?" Cao Cao raised an eyebrow. "You're an orphan, I know you don't have any family."

Leonardo bit his lip and looked at Nodoka before sighing and nodding. It was true, even if he looked at Ranma like a family member, he wasn't part of Ranma's family.

"Nonsense." Nodoka said as she took a step forward. "I've already registered Leonardo here as a member of my clan." She smirked at the shocked looks on Leonardo's face. "You're such a sweet child that when I heard you didn't have a family, I sought to correct it." She held her katana in front of her. "I only got the paperwork finalized a couple of days ago, you know how the government is."

"Well, there you go." A new voice spoke up and everyone stared as a new figure dropped down near them. "Hey, Cao Cao, Kuroka, what's up?"

"Bikou?" Kuroka stared in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah..." Bikou put his hands behind his head and looked disinterested. "Jedah contacted us a couple of days ago about the chance to see something really cool and even told us that Issei and Ranma would be fighting and there'd be a good chance to fight them." He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. "Arthur's using Fenrir to smash up monsters outside, the Gods and Devils are dealing with whoever is leading the monsters, so I just thought I'd walk around and deal with stragglers. La Fey is taking Vali to where Issei is and that's all I know. Didn't think I'd find Kuroka, Leonardo, half of Ophis and Cao Cao all in the same spot."

"You know that your anscestor is here, right?" Heracles asked and Bikou grimaced at the thought of dealing with Wukong.

"Well, Vali doesn't care what Jedah has planned, and quite frankly, doesn't like him, so he's probably going to go where Issei is because that's where Jedah likely is." Bikou looked disinterested and gave Cao Cao a look of appraisal. "What about you? Trying to mess with Jedah's plans after working with him so many times? Vali's interests and Jedah's plans often just coincided with each other. I'm just looking for a good fight and Arthur and La Fey do what they want." Bikou then looked at Genma. "Actually, that reminds me, when I first met Ranma, he made a blanket challenge to the entire Khaos Brigade. Not that it matters, but I did some digging and found that you're the one who trained him, yes?"

Genma looked guarded, but nodded, knowing there was no reason to lie. "What about it?"

Bikou smiled and laughed. "Excellent! I'd love to spar with you sometime in the future. Someone who can train anyone in the current day and age to be as strong as Ranma is without any special cheats has to be respected!" He waved and turned to walk away. "I'm just going to go find some fun fights, I'm guessing Jedah doesn't care what's going on, since I never got any orders to do anything else."

Cao Cao smirked and lowered his spear. "I'll come with you. At the very least, when this is over, I'd love another fight against you."

Bikou smirked as he looked over his shoulder as Cao Cao caught up to him. "Looking for another beating?"

Cao Cao chuckled. "Hardly. Besides, I owe Saotome a beating for what he did to me back in England."

Bikou just continued to smirk. "Yeah, fucking with someone's wife is a surefire way to get someone to try and kill ya. Indra ended up cursed with vaginas all over his body when he took another man's wife."

Cao Cao, Heracles, Jeanne, Tatewaki, Nodoka, Genma, Kunou and Leonardo all gave him a weird look.

"What?" Bikou asked in confusion. "My ancestor liked to tell that story when I was growing up for why you don't try and hurt or steal another man's woman."

"Wish I had been told that story." Cao Cao grumbled as he, Heracles, Tatewaki and Jeanne all left after Bikou.

"...I am not sure what to think." Kunou muttered. "Part of me is absolutely furious at that man still."

"You have every reason to be angry at him." Nodoka told her with a smile. "But now is not the time nor place for settling disputes." Kunou nodded and the group moved away from the hole in the ceiling.



Nabiki frowned as Issei shook his head to clear it. "Huh, darn, I had hoped that you would have been defeated with that." She was getting nervous as she watched the armored figure curl his arms in front of him.

"I won't be beaten by such cheap tricks!" Issei yelled as he started to glow and his gems went from dark to green. "You'll pay for that!"

"Ah crap." Nabiki took a step back and was preparing to run when suddenly her eyes widened and she let out a wheezing sound. "W...what?" She looked down.

Covered in blood were five long, spikes that were extending form her stomach.

"What the hell?" Issei asked, staring in shock as a very tall shadow formed behind Nabiki before solidifying into Jedah.

"Sorry, but I can't have you interfering." Jedah said as Nabiki suddenly disappeared from the battlefield. "Ah yes, the safety rules of your Rating Game are still in place, aren't they?" He chuckled as he shook his right hand that had been shoved through Nabiki's torso. "At last, Red Dragon Emperor, we meet face-to-face."

Issei could only stare at Jedah Dohma, or more specifically, at the Boosted Gear on Jedah's left hand.

End Chapter 14


Yes, things will be explained. And yes, I planned on Indra being taken down like that.

No, he's not dead, if that's what you're worried about.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 15

"You killed her..." Issei muttered and Jedah shook his head.

"No, but she's going to be hurting badly when she's back in the infirmary." The tall Devil shrugged. "Anyway..."

"YOU BASTARD!" Issei yelled and pointed at Jedah, who looked at him in shock. "Your interference means that this match is over and that means that I didn't win!"

"Uh..." Jedah sweat-dropped, wondering what this was about. "Yes?"

"DAMMIT!" Issei screamed and stomped his foot on the ground. "Do you know what you just did?!" Jedah gave him a blank stare and he continued. "You cost me a chance to get a double titty fuck from Rias and Akeno as my prize if we won today!"

Jedah face-faulted out of shock. "Truly, I can never comprehend the minds of these humans-turned-devils." He grumbled as he got to his feet. "Is that REALLY more important that what I have to say? Which, I might add, will affect everything."

"Absolutely!" Issei pointed at him dramatically. "My hopes and dreams! All concentrated into one moment! How often can I get a reward like that?!"

Jedah sweat-dropped and shook his head. "You really are short-sighted, you know that?" He couldn't believe that Issei was focused so much on getting a double titty fuck. "I do admit that your women are pleasing to look at, but you should focus on more important matters."

"Like what?!" Issei yelled and Jedah sweat-dropped. "As if you know anything about me or the women around me!"

"...You mean you don't know?" Jedah asked Issei with a confused expression. When Issei tilted his head, Jedah sighed. "Never mind, just... Just never mind." He huffed in annoyance. "You really are pathetic. You need to learn to use your senses and powers."

"What does that even mean?" Issei demanded as he clenched a fist.

"Nothing." Jedah shook his head in disbelief. "My suggestion, young Dragon, learn to use that sense of smell you have to start learning things about your girls." Issei gave him a confused look, which was not very effective, seeing as he was still in his scale mail armor. "Anyway," Jedah snapped his fingers and a portal appeared behind him. "If you ever get over your loss of a... Double titty fuck as you put it, come through this portal. I'll be waiting for you, the White Dragon Emperor and Ranma..." Jedah frowned as he turned to walk through the portal, which revealed a large, sandy beach area. "Hmm, he really needs a title like yours, Hero of Kyoto doesn't really match up to emperor, does it?" He chuckled. "Then again, I wonder if he'll get through the little trap I left for him."

"What trap?" Issei asked and Jedah turned to grin at him.

"The only way to beat someone who has a sex-based Sacred Gear is with someone who has sex-based powers, don't you think so? I wonder if he'll be fine before Miko Mido has her way with him."

"She's the..." Issei began before the gems on his armor started to flash. "D'draig?"

"That's the daughter of the Shikima King." The Dragon told him. "The one that went missing when the whole tentacle rats thing happened."

"Oh right!" Issei nodded in surprise. "Wait, what do you mean has her way with him?"

Jedah laughed and walked through the portal. "Who knows? I'll be entertained either way. If he loses, then he wasn't worth my time. If he wins..." He shrugged as he disappeared into the portal.

"Wait!" Issei ran after Jedah, only to fall, face-first, into sand as soon as he got through the other side. "What the hell?" He stood up and looked around, finding that the portal had closed and that there was sand in almost every direction, except for on his right as what looked like an ocean of water splashed in and out. "We're on the beach?" Issei asked as his armor disappeared, leaving him looking around in confusion.

"We're still in Hell, but where, I can't tell you." D'draig said before a bright light engulfed the whole area. Turning around, Issei saw a green pillar of swirling energy erupting to the sky some distance away. "...It's a trap, partner."

"Well, I don't know what's going on, but I guess that's where Jedah is." Extending his wings, Issei took to the sky and flew towards the pillar of green light. "I hope everyone's okay..." Issei muttered.



"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Bulleta laughed as she destroyed another set of Glory Drag Troopers. "Come on! Where are you, pretty boy? I just want to show you some..." Her eyes widened as her entire mech shook and red flashing lights filled the cockpit. "Oh you have got to be kidding me! He took out the legs?!" She watched as her mech toppled forward and the front crashed onto the ground. "Ah crap! I'm stuck!" She desperately pressed the control panel, but none of it was working. "Well, shit, guess I better get out of this right now." She reached into her sock and pulled out a cylinder. "At least those damn church members had one good idea." Pressing a button, a sword appeared in the cockpit, allowing her to push through the hull of the small mech and cut an opening so she could crawl out. "Dammit, going to need that fixed." She grumbled as she got out and got to her feet. "Okay, you slippery bastard, where are ya?" She heard a rustling sound and she turned to see Kiba rushing at her. Before she could react, his sword struck her hand, causing her to lose her sword before he tackled her to the ground.

Bulleta was blushing and giving him a wide grin even as he held a sword to her throat while putting his left knee on her chest. "Well, if you're this forward with more girls, you might find them willing to do more than stalk you."

Kiba's eyes widened as he heard a clacking sound and felt something pressing against his crotch. "...Those are Holy bullets, aren't they?"

"Well, bullets made from broken Holy swords, but yes." Bulleta grinned as she pressed her gun in her left hand up. "Push down on the sword to beat me and I'll make it so that you'll have to live as a girl with or without magical assistance." Her grin got toothy at his surprised look. "After what that bastard did to me last year, I refuse to let any guy pin me down and make me helpless again."

"...What about Ranma?" Kiba asked.

Bulleta gave him a flat look. "I'm willingly spreading my legs for him, he's an exception. Fuck, he's the only person I ever felt that way about normally, you know what it's like to have someone that you want to fuck, even if it leaves you confused as fuck, right?"

Kiba wanted to say something when an image of Issei flashed through his mind and he pursed his lips before nodding. "...I guess."

"Really, if not for Ranma, I'd probably be a complete mess right now, the rest of the group is scared shitless of me." Bulleta said and Kiba sweat-dropped.

"I can't imagine why." Kiba grunted as she pushed the barrel of her gun against his dick. "I mean, you're going to shoot my dick off..."

"You're not stabbing down, are you?" Bulleta grinned at him. "Really, I think..." She trailed off as she noticed something behind Kiba. "...Can I ask you a question?"

"What?" Kiba asked as he felt the gun shift while still pressing against his crotch.

"Do you care if your pants have a hole in them?"

"What?" Kiba asked and gulped as she reached up and grabbed his neck.

"Don't... Move." Bulleta said before a gunshot sound rang out.

Kiba's eyes widened before Bulleta let go of his neck and pushed him off of her. He rolled over to see a Soul Bee that had a hole in-between her eyes before she fell over with a thud. "Damn, didn't see that coming." He looked around and saw more Soul Bees appearing around the two of them as he got to his feet. "This shouldn't be so hard."

"I'd normally agree with you..." Bulleta, holding a Desert Eagle 50 in her right hand, said as she stood up with narrowed eyes. "But normally that bastard isn't with them."

Kiba was confused, but then he looked past the Soul Bees and saw a tall man, with lots of muscles, white eyes, spiky brown hair, wearing a blue suit and glowing with power. "Wasn't he the Vampire in Translyvania that was running around and trying to marry Gasper's childhood friend?"

"Demitri Maximoff." Bulleta told him. "Despite how easy you might have had it before, he's still a powerful opponent."

Demitri flexed his arms and squeezed his left hand into a fist before letting out a loud yell that shook the very air itself.

Kiba grunted and his right eye screwed shut. "Listen, if I use my Glory Drag Troopers to stop these Soul Bees, I won't be able to use any of my Demonic Swords. I think I might have something that can deal with him, but..."

Bulleta chuckled. "Oh, you sweet boy, you're leaving all these targets for widdle ole me?!" Her eyes lit up and sparkled. "Buwetta wants to pway!"

"Uh, go ahead?" Kiba said while sweat-dropping. "I'll deal with him then!" He rushed past the Soul Bees while dismissing his Glory Drag Troopers.

"HA HA HA HA HA!" Bulleta's eyes gleamed as she pulled out a second Desert Eagle 50 and started firing with one gun in each hand. "FRY!"

As he rushed at Demitri, Kiba snapped his right arm to the side and a sword with a blade that was pure ice appeared in it. Swinging his sword out, a wave of pure ice launched at Demitri.

The Vampire narrowed his eyes and let out a growl before snapping his arm up, creating a wall of pure fire that the wave of ice slammed into, instantly creating both steam and wind as not only did the ice melt, but also evaporate instantly.

The steam bubbled before erupting outwards as Kiba jumped up over the wall and let out a yell as he swung his sword down at Demitri. Letting out a grunt, the Vampire Lord twisted to the side to avoid the attack before grabbing Kiba's outstretched arm, lifting him into the air and then slamming him back down. Letting out a growl, Demitri attempted to stomp on Kiba, who was already moving, thanks to his Knight speed, allowing him to completely avoid the attack. Seeing Kiba several feet away, Demitri swung his arm out, sending several waves of flaming bats at Kiba, who had to twist, duck, jump and strike back to counter them.

Grinning and letting out a chuckle, Demitri squeezed his hand as the bats that Kiba had dodged turned around and launched themselves at him.

Kiba heard the sound of bats and turned his head in mid-air to see the bats he had avoided rushing back at him.

Demitri smirked as the bats crashed in on Kiba and exploded.



Lilith looked around as she found herself surrounded by mist. "Where am I?" She asked as she walked down an old-styled cobbled road. As she walked through the mists, they eventually gave way to an old-styled village with wood and grass huts, stone walls, stone buildings, a tall clock tower that rang. "This is old, and I've seen the old parts of Kyoto." Lilith muttered as she looked around. After several moments, the mists swirled and mixed as childish laughter was heard. "What is..." She trailed off as a young girl with short, green hair was running, smiling and playing with the other children. "...Is that Morrigan?" She smiled as she looked at the loli. "Can't believe she used to be so cute."

"Glad I didn't have to introduce myself before you figured it out." Morrigan's voice was heard and Lilith looked up on a stone building to see Morrigan sitting there cross-legged and smiling at her. "You hit puberty, I see." She idly said as she uncrossed her legs, stood up and stretched before jumping off the building and landing on the street several feet away. Taking her time to walk through the roads, Morrigan looked around with a wistful, nostalgic look. "I grew up here."

"You did?" Lilith asked in confusion as she looked around and saw the child-like Morrigan playing catch with some of the other kids when a boy with tanned skin, dark hair and blue eyes came into the picture. She watched in confusion as, over time, Morrigan spent more and more time with the boy and played with him over some of the other kids. "...That boy was important to you. He was your first, wasn't he?"

"Hmph, maybe." Morrigan said while watching the children play.

"Hard to imagine you were ever so tiny." Lilith muttered. "I always thought you were more mature before you hit puberty."

"Unlike you, I was born normally." Morrigan gave a dry reply. "Most succubi are born as children and grow as normal humans, even if we can and do have sex before we're ten."

"Huh, I thought we skipped the diaper and toddler phases." Lilith scratched her head. "Then again, what do I know? I was just slammed with information and our species is going extinct."

Morrigan gave Lilith a flat expression. "If our species had kids at the same rate humans did, we'd quickly over-populate."

"...Suddenly things about our species makes a lot more sense." Lilith said as she scratched her chin. "Wait, you said that we grow like normal human children?"

Morrigan shrugged. "Unlike your slutty ass, most succubi aren't getting laid constantly before puberty. And when we hit puberty, our first partner never survives. After all, not all of us have an unlimited all-you-can-eat-buffet like you do."

Lilith growled at the insinuation. "Excuse me?! Master is not an all-you-can-eat-buffet!"

Morrigan narrowed her eyes at Lilith. "There it is again, Master, why do... You soul bonded with him, didn't you?"

"And what if I did?" Lilith asked, curious about why Morrigan was bringing this up.

"You gave up half your life to be his... PET?!" Morrigan growled at Lilith.

The purple-haired Succubus shrugged, causing her boobs to jiggle. "Considering that both Master and I have become Devils since that time, the only downside is that if he dies, I die and I'm his pet." She grinned at Morrigan. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

She could only stare in shock, her anger leaving her as she looked at Lilith in disbelief. Eventually Morrigan just sighed and found herself shaking her head. "You absolute idiot. You... You fell in love with him. Just because he could feed you forever, you chose to lower yourself and be his personal pet." She growled as she started to glow. "Just thinking about how you debased yourself, you're pissing me off."

Lilith smirked at Morrigan. "Oh you have NO idea how much I've debased myself over the years. Mmm... Master has to keep smacking me to keep me in line. NNnngh... It's a good thing that I'm so submissive or I'd be offended by the amount of times he's had to smack, spank and hurt me."

"...My other self is a masochist, great." Morrigan groaned and Lilith laughed.

"Only for Master." Lilith giggled as her boobs jiggled. A moment later and her jovial mood disappeared as she looked at Morrigan with a serious expression. "So I take it that it's time for us to finally settle this little debate, huh?"

"Yes." Morrigan said as a dark aura surrounded her. "I won't be holding back, Lilith." Her hair started to float upwords as her wings extended out of her.

"Good, because I won't either." Lilith said as a shining aura surrounded her body. "And when I'm done with you, you old hag, you'll be nothing more than a memory."

Morrigan growled as she took a wide stance, her aura crackling. "I'll never become a memory!"



Yohko yelped as she avoided an energy blast that caused one of the castle walls to erupt outwards. "What the heck?" Her eyes widened as the dust cleared and she saw her cousin standing there, glaring at her. "Ayoko?"

"Oh, so you can remember my name?" Ayoko said with narrowed eyes that gave Yohko pause.

It wasn't the angry look Ayoko gave her. Her cousin seemed to have a constant semi-angry look on her face most of the times Yohko saw her. No, what was bothering Yohko was the stressed and exhausted look on Ayoko's face. It wasn't easily apparent, but Yohko knew her cousin's face and she knew what to look for.

After all, Ayoko looked identical to her.

"Have you been missing sleep?" Yohko asked before yelping as her cousin lashed out with her whip. "Oh come on! Can't I be worried about you?"

"You should just worry about yourself!" Ayoko yelled as she rushed at Yohko, who yelped and jumped to avoid a flying kick from her cousin. As she landed, Ayoko growled while building up power and swung her whip in a wide arc while it glowed and tore through the ground and into the air, slashing and tearing up Yohko's outfit, leaving it in tatters and her skin cut. "Why?" Ayoko asked as she glared at Yohko, who was on her knees trying to keep her outfit together. "Why did you let yourself become what you should have never become?! Why did you become a Devil?!"

Yohko jerked in shock. "...Do you think I wanted to become a Devil?" She asked before Ayoko growled at her. "Do you know how hard it's been for me?" A truly troubled look crossed her face as she stood up and lowered her arms, allowing her tattered dress to fall to the ground, leaving her in just her panties while her arms and legs bled lightly. "Do you know how many times I've wondered what kind of sick, twisted game fate was playing with me?" A pair of wings extended out of her back as she stood there nearly nude, a look of despair on her face. "I even thought about about killing myself a several times because of it."

"So why didn't you?" Ayoko asked as she blasted some energy at Yohko. As the energy blast roared at Yohko, the Devil had a look of determination cross her face as her sword glowed and she slashed upwards, splitting the attack in half. As the two attacks faded, Yohko took to the air as her outfit reformed on her body.

"Because it wouldn't be fair to him for saving me." Yohko told her cousin. "Nor would it be fair to those who helped me adjust to living as a Devil, even if it feels weird and wrong."

"HA!" Ayoko yelled as she snapped her whip up at Yohko. "You've probably been spreading your legs for him every night!"

Using her sword to parry the attacks, Yohko blushed. "I wish! I'm still a virgin!"

Ayoko stopped and stared in surprise. "...What?"

Yohko squirmed in the air. "Though I certainly am tired of being one of the only virgins in that house!" An angry and distressed look came to her face as she screwed her eyes shut. "If none of the others weren't getting laid so much, I might be able to handle it, but one of them is already pregnant and I know that Lilith is banging his brains out every night! So what if he has a Sacred Gear that will basically turn me into a sex slave?! I'm tired of being a virgin already!"

Ayoko sweat-dropped heavily. "You know, you said some pretty disturbing things there."

Yohko tilted her head before groaning in dismay. "I swear, either turning into a Devil has messed me up more than I want to admit, or the fact that I'm around a Succubus all the time is messing with me." She gave Ayoko a pleading look. "Do we still need to fight?"

"...I'm not going to stop."

"Crap." Yohko hung her head and sighed as she prepared to face off against her cousin again. She just hoped that Ayoko could work through her anger this time.

End Chapter 15


Well-Known Member
Ah, delays, how I love thee! That was sarcasm!

...This chapter is going to be controversial. ...I will not apologize over it.

If you read my Nep fics, you'd know that I do stuff like this.


Chapter 16

There was an annoying beeping in her ears that kept distracting Atsuko as she talked to Asia. "How can I make this right?" She asked herself before grimacing as the beeping was turning into an annoying ringing that wouldn't shut up.

Plus, for some reason, Asia was getting all hazy and there was a lot of mist filling the area. Atsuko tilted her head slightly as everything around her was slowly changing and falling apart. "What's going on?" She asked herself as she saw all mists swirling and moving in a specific direction. Curiously, Atsuko followed the mists until she walked out of them and saw Asia standing there, safe and sound, while holding a sword. "Asia?! You're alive?!"

The blonde looked at Atsuko and nodded. "Y-yes."

"WAAAAH!" Atsuko suddenly pounced on Asia, tackling her to the ground and causing her to drop her sword to the ground with a clang. "I thought I punched your head off and that you were dead and a ghost and it was all my fault!"

Asia winced and patted Atsuko on her back. "Ah, no, it wasn't... Your fault. It was my fault." Atsuko lifted her head up and looked at Asia in confusion. "I, um, well, I knew I had no chance against you normally, so I tricked you into thinking you killed me and then you'd be so sad that you'd give up." Asia gave her a nervous smile. "I didn't think you'd rush out and tackle me like that."

"But why would you make me think such a thing?! How did you make me think such a thing?! I hate you! Don't do it again! You really made me think I killed a friend! Waaaaah! I'm sorry!"

Asia just patted the upset cyborg before noticing that there was something wrong. "Um, Atsuko..." When Atsuko kept sobbing out things that Asia couldn't keep up with, she tried again. "Atsuko..." It didn't help, the pink-haired girl wouldn't let up with the sobbing and Asia just smiled as an idea came to her. "Ranma, why are you here and naked?"

"Huh?!" Atsuko immediately sat up and looked around. "What? What's going on? Where's Ranma? Why are there three teapot-looking robots around us?"

"That's why I wanted you to get off." Asia said as she slipped out from under Atsuko and stood up. "Issei and Xenovia said that these things are pretty strong and that they had trouble against them since they had high defense and some anti-Dragon crystals."

"Well, we're not Dragons, are we?" Atsuko said as she looked around and grinned. "I'll take them on, just keep me healed if I get hurt and stay safe." Asia nodded and Atsuko rushed forward, slamming into one at its right leg, causing it to stumble back.

Asia watched as Atsuko leaped up and did a spinning mid-air kick to the chest of the Huitzul, causing it to fall backwards. However, what was drawing her attention were the other two that were behind the one that Atsuko was beating up. "Something's not right..." She whispered before a loud thump was heard behind her. Turning, she stared in shock and fear as another one appeared behind her. "Atsuko!"

"What?" The pink-haired girl turned and saw Asia about to be struck by the large robot. "Hold on!"

There was a whirring sound and the next thing Atsuko knew, pure pain rushed through her body as the Huitzul that she knocked down was back up and grabbing her with giant horseshoe-shaped magnets that hid in its large, round shoulders. The electromagnetic current that was emanating from it caused her cybernetic systems to go haywire. "STOP! AHHHHHH!"

Thankfully the attack didn't last long and Astuko was thrown away, only to get slammed by a barrier that another Huitzul launched at her, sending her tumbling through the air until she crashed on the ground and twitched uncontrollably on her side. She looked up painfully as Asia created a barrier to protect herself, only to get smashed by the Huitzul that was in front of her, sending her tumbling away. "Must... Get up..."

Her body was refusing to move as her head was filled with error messages. "I..." She growled as she gripped the ground and slowly forced herself to her feet. "Don't..." Her body was refusing to move and she grit her teeth. "CARE!" She screamed as she forced her body to roll over and get to her feet. She stood there for a few moments, panting as sweat rolled down her face.

Inside Atsuko's head, she had a green light saying that her systems had rebooted properly.

Glaring at the Huitzel, Atsuko let loose a loud scream as her body was engulfed in a light. "Nuku Nuku Balance Break!"

When the light faded, Atsuko's body was covered in the skin-tight black body suit that only covered the sides of her breasts, her nipples, her arms, her outer legs while leaving most of her boobs, her upper chest, her thighs and stomach all exposed. In her right hand an energy sword appeared. "Alright, you pieces of crap! Take this!" She jumped at the Huitzel that struck Asia before slashing several times, cutting it into pieces. She turned and rushed to grab Asia and get out of there before several beams of light green light covered her and Asia at the same time, causing her to body to pulse as her pupils seemingly disappeared and were replaced with what looked like sound waves.

Asia's mouth was open but no sound was coming out of it, at least none that Atsuko could hear. Asia was either screaming at such a high pitch that it couldn't be heard, or she was screaming, but no sound was coming out. Either way, it was completely silent.

Atsuko jerked and thrashed as it felt like her body was being folded and bent. 'What's going on?' She thought to herself as error messages filtered through her mind. '...Devil energy... Reversed? What?'

The only thing she could get from it was that the light was somehow reversing their Devil powers and severely hurting them as a result.

'Can't...' Atsuko screwed her eyes shut before one of the Huitzel suddenly opened up its shoulders and launched an electromagnetic attack that engulfed Atsuko, increasing the pain she was suffering through.

Asia could do nothing as she was feeling more pain than she could remember feeling. Not even having her Sacred Gear removed was this painful. After all, the pain was over shortly after it was removed. This pain just continued on.

'Someone... Help us.' Asia thought to herself as the pain overwhelmed her.



There was an explosion as Irina tried to block the various magical attacks sent her way. She grimaced as a branch, a tree stump, a large gray rock, a spiked ball and even a bunch of squirrels slammed into her barrier. "I thought there were no creatures here?" Irina muttered. Her eyes widened as a super strong blast of water seemingly came out of nowhere. "What?" She gasped as water blasted her from behind, soaking her outfit. "Where did he get this water from?!"

Shaking her head, Irina flapped her wings and flew off in another direction, zig-zagging through the trees to avoid any other surprises when she finally saw Ranma resting on a tree. He waved at her, grinning. "You look a bit wet, I hope you didn't get too excited."

Irina gave him a confused look before what he said registered in her brain and she blushed. "You pervert! Where did those trees, iron balls and squirrels come from?! Where did you get the water?!"

Ranma tilted his head and pointed to his right. Irina turned her head and gawked as she saw a lake a meter away from them. "I don't know what you mean by squirrels, I just found a bunch of broken trees by the lake there and launched the whole pile in your direction."

Irina sweat-dropped as she gave him an annoyed look. "A bunch of broken trees?"

"I suppose squirrels could destroy trees if they chew into them enough." Ranma scratched his head. "I dunno, I'm not a squirrel expert."

Irina sighed and shook her head. "What is with your fighting style? Is it just meant to confuse your opponents and baffle them with so much craziness that they give up and you win by default?"

"No." Ranma shrugged. "Sometimes I actually fight seriously." He smirked at Irina's expression.

Irina felt her eyes twitching in annoyance. "You are... Seriously..." Whatever she was going to say was cut off as both her and Ranma were doused with a large splash of water. "What the heck?"

Ranma shook her head. "That's odd, I didn't make the lake explode." She muttered and looked as the water started to settle down. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and she jumped out of the way as tentacles seemingly came out of nowhere and wrapped around Irina's arms and legs, yanking her down to the ground. "What the hell?"

A high whistling sound caused Ranma to turn her head only to see what looked like a metal knife suddenly glow and explode violently. Ranma quickly created a barrier to block the explosion, but was pushed back and towards the ground. "What is this?" She asked no one in particular before she felt something around her ankle. Looking down, she saw a tentacle wrapped around her left leg before another one grabbed her right leg. "How the hell?!" She screamed as she was pulled to the ground violently. Snapping her fingers as she flew to the ground, Ranma cast a lightning spell that covered her body and shocked the tentacles so hard that they bulged and exploded, leaving ichor on her legs as she stopped just above the ground. "Yuck." Ranma grimaced and looked to where Irina was, noticing that she was struggling to get free as the tentacles were wrapped around her arms and legs, squeezing tight, with another tentacle around her stomach and keeping her in a sitting position. "Hold on, I'm coming!" Ranma pushed off the ground to get close while she pulled out her sword Sacred Gear. While she could use the same attack to destroy the tentacles holding Irina down, she doubted that Irina had ways to protect against the electricity.

"Hurry, this is so icky." Irina cried out, yelping as she felt a tentacle rub her ass. "HEY! Stop that! Don't touch me there, I don't like you that way!"

When Ranma was three meters away from Irina, a red pentagram on the ground suddenly glowed and a shimmer of light appeared on all sides of Ranma, who slammed face-first into it. "Urgh... Who created this barrier?" Shaking her head, Ranma put her hand on the barrier. "Shouldn't take more than a moment to break..." She paused as she heard a giggling sound. "Who?"

There was a rustling of leaves and a young woman with long purple hair wearing a pink ribbon on her head to hold her high ponytail in place, a green vest that made it obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra as her large breasts bounced with each step and black leggings walked into view. "Well, that took awhile to get you two into position." She smiled, her amber eyes shining in amusement. "I was almost worried that I'd have to set this up somewhere else, Ranma."

"Who's this?" Irina asked as she looked at Ranma. "A former lover of yours?" Her eyes widened as the tentacles started to massage her breasts and one was rubbing between her legs. "HEY! STOP THAT!"

The woman snapped her fingers and the tentacles that were touching her butt, boobs and crotch suddenly stopped and pulled back. "Sorry about that, miss Angel. They're only supposed to distract you, not actually penetrate you." The woman said with a pleasant smile on her face. "I just need you to keep out of the way while I deal with the evil pervert here."

Ranma sweat-dropped heavily. "To answer your question, Irina, this is Miko Mido, the half-Demon daughter of King Sekima, though I thought she was human other than having demon blood in her body."

"Well, thanks to Master Jedah, I'm finally able to use the Shikima powers that I have fully. Including making tentacles out of nowhere." Miko said with a giggle.

"And that makes me question why you're calling him Master Jedah when he kidnapped you..." Ranma asked and narrowed her eyes. "And what do you mean by evil pervert?"

Miko gave Ranma a confused look. "Didn't you use your pervert powers to kill a Shikima with a kiss, then went on to fuck my mom, a fellow sexcraft student and a recently genderswapped boy? And didn't you use your sex powers to make a Fallen Angel become your pet? And you even corrupted a loli known as B.B. Hood to being your sex slave."

Irina sweat-dropped heavily. "When she puts it like that, you really are an evil pervert."

"Who's a lolicon?" Ranma muttered with a flat expression on her face. "And to answer your question about Mittelt, I never broke her while having sex with her, she had nowhere else to go so she stayed with me. And Bulleta was supposed to be a one-night stand but she ended up staying with me after some shit that happened a year ago. ...And yes, I fucked your mom, my former best friend and a girl who used to be a guy, so what?"

"You literally cucked my dad!" Miko yelled while pointing at Ranma.

"If I did that your mom would have left him for me!" The redhead shot back. "And no offense, but I don't want to do that."

"Oh, so my mom's not good enough for you, huh?" Miko yelled at Ranma. "Grr! Master Jedah was right. You are evil."

"What's this Master Jedah stuff?" Irina asked in confusion.

"I have no clue." Ranma shook her head. "I mean, if he used that brainwashing Sacred Gear on her, her mind would be like Akane and Leonardo's minds were." Her eyes widened and her pupils shrank as a thought came through her head. "Son of a bitch! That bastard! He did it! He actually mastered that Sacred Gear, didn't he?"

"Did what?" Irina looked down at Ranma before yelping as the tentacles wrapped around her boobs and squeezed. "Hey! Stop that! Ngh!" She started to squirm and tried to get out, only to yelp as she was flipped over and her ass was struck by two other tentacles.

"Keep quiet or they'll penetrate you, miss Angel." Miko said pleasantly. "As for you, Ranma, I'll need to deal with you."

"In case you forgot, Miko..." Ranma said as she put her hand on the barrier that was holding her in. "This isn't a very strong barrier, I'll have it broken in a few seconds."

"That's fine." Miko smiled as her hands flashed through a series of hand signs. "That's more than enough for this..."

"What the..?" Ranma gasped as the pentagram that she was on suddenly changed colors from red to blue and energy flowed upwards, causing the redhead to scream in pain as she fell to her knees.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt for long." Miko said as Ranma stopped screaming and started panting. "It's a Devil sealing circle, sorry it hurt so much."

Ranma was sweating as she struggled to get up. "W...what was that?"

"I guess you didn't catch what I said? It's just a Devil sealing circle." Miko answered as she snapped her fingers and tentacles wrapped around Ranma's arms and legs, keeping her in a sitting position while two slid down her shirt and tore it in half, same with her pants, leaving the redhead naked.

Ranma didn't even blush as Miko opened up her vest, allowing her large breasts to bounce free. She did blush when Miko dropped her pants and underwear, leaving her naked as she walked towards Ranma. "To answer your question, Irina," Ranma grunted as two tentacles wrapped around her breasts, "Nabiki recently discovered that Sacred Gears have a stage higher than Balance Break. A fully mastered Sacred Gear is far beyond a Balance Break. Jedah had to have figured out how to do it and that's why she isn't mind broken like Akane and Leonardo were," she squirmed as the tentacles flicked her nipples, "hey, hey, stop..." Ranma grimaced as her breasts were squeezed.

Irina let out a yelp as her thighs were rubbed. "Dang it, what's going on? Why can't I focus?"

"Special tentacle pheromones." Miko answered as she did some hand signs and, to Irina's shock and Ranma's chagrin, a large, hard dick grew out from between Miko's legs. What surprised Ranma was the fact that there were black and red runes on Miko's dick, that and the balls that flopped under her dick. "In case you're wondering, Ranma... That pentagram seals away all Devil powers, and since all your..."

"I get it," Ranma started to sweat as Miko got behind her and started fondling the redhead's breasts while tentacles squeezed them. "The pentagram seals away everything and I'm as weak as a normal girl." Miko nodded and licked Ranma's ear. "Listen, Miko, I know you're bisexual and all, but..." Ranma gasped as she felt Miko's hard dick rubbing against her lower back, "raping someone isn't something you'd do."

"You would." Miko whispered to Ranma.

"I've never raped anyone." Ranma shook her head before Miko pushed on her shoulder, causing her to be put onto her back as the purple-haired woman got between her legs and spread them. "And, look, I'm not against fucking on the first date and all that, or even as a casual fling, but usually I have the dick."

"I know." Miko smiled as she rubbed her dick against Ranma's crotch. "In case you were wondering, the runes on my dick will seal your sex powers away forever. Every time you cum, they'll get weaker and weaker." The runes on her dick were glowing red and black. "But, don't worry, you might survive."

"Well, that's one way to say I'm fucked." Ranma sweat-dropped and gulped. "Miko, could you... Come to your senses and stop?"

"Hmm... No." Miko said as she thrust in.

Ranma's scream was heard throughout the forest as she was penetrated.

End Chapter 16


And now I shall take my leave by hiding in this bomb shelter.


Well-Known Member
I guess the last chapter didn't go over too well.

Ah well, I expected that.

Onto the next chapter!


Chapter 17

"Well, well..." A man with silver hair said as he walked out from behind a rock. "I never thought I'd face down someone who forced Kokabiel into a standstill in his prime and an Amazoness who's on par with the strongest fighters in Hell."

Cologne and Vasco, both with some bruises on their bodies, looked at the young-looking man in surprise. "A friend of yours?" Cologne asked and Vasco shook his head. "I suppose this means that the tournament is over, huh?" She wondered what the glasses the man was wearing were as she sensed a strong magic covering them.

"My name is Euclid." The man said as he reached up and removed his glasses. "And sadly for the two of you, I'm going to be keeping you busy while things go down in other places." Euclid sighed and shook his head. "I was supposed to deal with that half Vampire, but he lost his fight. Oh well. Killing the two strongest humans on the planet will have to do." He took a step forward as his eyes glowed and disappeared.

"What the?" Vasco said before he let out a yell at the same time Cologne did and both fell to their knees while Euclid re-appeared behind them. Grimacing, Vasco turned and launched himself at Euclid, who merely smirked and seemingly disappeared again, only for him to reappear right in front of Vasco, who jerked from several strong attacks before being launched away from Euclid and into a rock.

"And you fought Kokabiel to a draw?" Euclid chuckled before disappearing again as Cologne jumped at him. He reappeared with his knee buried into her stomach, sending her flying into a tree. "And despite having your youth restored to you, I can't tell that you're one of the strongest people on the planet." The silver haired man yawned.

Vasco grimaced. 'That wasn't super speed. I could have at least seen it coming. It's like he's teleporting around, but there's no...' His thoughts were cut off as Euclid appeared in front of him, grinning. The next thing the bald man knew, he was being struck over and over again before being slammed into the ground and then picked up and thrown to where Cologne was.

The young matriarch looked up and had to get to her feet to catch Vasco. "I've seen this before." Vasco looked at her as the two separated. "He's either moving so fast that we can't react, or he's stopping time."

"Oh, you figured it out?" Euclid asked and the two turned to see him behind them before he disappeared. The next thing either of them knew, they were slammed, face first, into the ground. "Too bad that doesn't mean you'll survive." He said as he disappeared.

Both Cologne and Vasco immediately rolled out of the way as he reappeared with his fist buried in the ground where Cologne had just been. "What?!" Euclid gasped in surprise as he stared at them. "How?!"

Vasco rushed at Euclid, who disappeared, only to reappear right in front of Vasco. Before Euclid could do anything, he was slammed by a flying kick, sending him flying to the side.

Cologne smirked at the silver-haired Devil. "You're getting slower. You have the power to stop time and attack while time is stopped, but you keep reappearing in normal time. Meaning..."

"You can't keep the time freeze going for too long." Vasco finished for her as he looked at Euclid.

"So what?" Euclid yelled as he threw an arm out to the side and a wicked-looking sword appeared in it. "I still have enough left in the tank to deal with both of you." He disappeared again.

Cologne closed her eyes before snapping her left hand out to the side, a short sword appearing in it and blocking an attack by Euclid, who had been trying to get her from behind. Cologne gave him a look that had the Devil freeze in his place. It was a look of a human who was truly centuries old, even if she was in the body she had as a young adult. The look was one that showed wealth of experience that truly rivaled long-lived Devils.

But mostly, it was a look of pure disgust and contempt.

Euclid disappeared again as Vasco punched through where he had been a moment before. "Got a plan?"

"Yes." Cologne nodded as she closed her eyes and swapped her sword for her cane. "When I was a child there was a clan of Indian warriors who could stop time for a few seconds at a time. Something about the world or whatever." She grinned as she stamped the tip of her staff into the ground a few times. "Too bad for this one, the counter measures is something I'll never forget."

Euclid appeared behind Cologne, stabbing his sword at her back as blood poured out of his eyes. "DIE!"

"No thanks." Cologne smiled as she stomped her foot, a magic sigil appearing under her and Euclid and washing over both of them. When it was over, Euclid was standing still with a shocked expression on his face while Cologne merely looked on pleasantly.

"What did you do?" Vasco asked her.

Cologne chuckled. "Temporal manipulation is a dangerous power. All I did was use an inversion spell. Instead of stopping time for everyone but him... He stopped time for himself."

Vasco chuckled as he looked at the frozen body of Euclid. "Clever. Very clever. It's too bad the tournament was canceled, I would love to have faced you fully."

"When this situation is over, perhaps we can have our match for real." Cologne said with a chuckle. "Anyway, we should go see if there are others who need our help."

"Good point." Vasco said with a nod and the two left Euclid frozen in time.



The mists swirled and spun as the air itself rocked from an explosion of two powerful forces colliding.

Morrigan glared as she flew upwards towards Lilith, who was flapping her wings hard and fast to get away. "You should give up!" Unlike her other self, Morrigan's wings were in the shape of a jet pack and she was using her power to launch her into the air at near super sonic speeds.

"You know, you're pretty desperate for someone who's likely on death's door." Lilith commented as she dropped straight down. She clapped her hands and held them straight up as Morrigan flew past her and did a loop upwards before rushing straight down at Lilith. "Light... RAZE!"

Lilith's body glowed for a moment before a powerful pillar of golden light erupted upwards at Morrigan, who swung her arms to the side and then swung them forward in an arc and a shield of black energy formed in front of her as the light washed over her.

Morrigan grimaced as the power that washed over her caused her barrier to shake and she was pushed back into the sky. Realizing that she couldn't get close, she turned her wings to the side and flew out of the beam. After getting out of the beam, she threw her arms to the side as her wings transformed and fired bat-like shapes at Lilith as though they were missiles.

Canceling her attack, Lilith flapped her wings and flew above the missiles, only to gasp as they turned in mid-air and managed to strike her. After being engulfed in an explosion, Lilith fell in the sky before letting out a yell and electricity blasted off from her in all directions.

Morrigan threw her arms up as lightning crackled around her in various directions, when the electricity covered her body, she let loose a moan of both pain and pleasure. "Ngh, that hurts but also feels nice."

Lilith was covered in soot from the explosion and had some small cuts on her arms, legs and chest. "Well, that explains why I like it when Master gets rough with me."

"And there you go again." Morrigan snapped at Lilith as she threw her arm to the side. "Calling him your master. If you were really a part of me, you'd despise him for enslaving you. For taking away your freedom."

Lilith tilted her head. "He didn't take away my freedom. I willingly bonded my soul to him. He and I are one." She flapped her wings as she took off. "I know you're old and probably outlived a lot of people..."

"Don't talk like you know me!" Morrigan yelled as her aura exploded outwards. Her eyes glowed as she punched forward and her aura erupted into a giant ball of energy that launched itself at Lilith, who dove to avoid it, only to gasp as the attack, for as large as it was, turned on a dime and rocketed towards her.

Lilith spun in mid-air as the attack rushed at her before several nearly clear walls formed in front of her. While they didn't stop the attack, they did slow it down and weaken it while she was flying away before the attack, to Lilith's surprise, sped up, slammed into her body and exploded violently, sending Lilith crashing face-first into the ground. "Urgh." She grimaced as she did a flip to get back to her feet. "Landing on my boobs hurt."

"I bet it does!" Morrigan yelled as she came crashing down in a diving kick with her wings removed from her back and wrapped around her extended leg, turning it into an over-sized spiral drill that Lilith had to avoid while Morrigan's attack slammed into the ground, creating a crater. "Come on, can't you do more?"

Lilith was about to say something when the mists swirled around her and Morrigan, eventually getting so thick that neither Succubus could see each other. There was a rush of wind that had Lilith covering her face and she blinked in surprise as she watched Morrigan, as a little girl, grow up, surrounded by children, to becoming a young adult surrounded by dozens of people, both male and female in various states of clothing, lust and various body fluids covering them.

However, what surprised Lilith, was how little Morrigan seemed to care about them. "...You never had anyone, did you?" Lilith whispered as the faces changed and became fewer and fewer over the years. "...You never reached out to anyone, you never tried to be friends with anyone."

"I need no friends!" Morrigan's voice suddenly broke through and Lilith turned, just in time to get hit with a flying kick that had her staggering backwards. While she staggered backwards, Morrigan rushed forward and struck Lilith in the face with her left hand before launching an uppercut that hit Lilith in her breasts, causing the purple-haired Succubus to cry out and fly backwards into a rock. "People are temporary! Why bother forming bonds when you'll outlive them?!"

"That's... Sad." Lilith gave Morrigan a look of pity. "To think that I could have been like you."

"And what do you mean by that?!" Morrigan yelled as she leaped at Lilith, only to pause as the mists thickened back up and a strong gust of wind picked up, causing Morrigan to gasp as the purple-gray mists obscured Lilith and revealed the Succubus when she was younger, a young boy and an older man who had thinning hair all traveling together, fighting and the older man actually teaching not only the boy but Lilith ways to fight.

"What?" Morrigan stepped back and stared as more and more people appeared in front of her, eventually surrounding her. From Kunou and Yasaka to Yohko, Bulleta, Nabiki, a slightly faded Ryouga, Cologne, Happosai, Mittelt, Atsuko, Azazel, Rias, Issei, Akeno, Irina, Xenovia, Asia and more just stood there looking at Morrigan.

"I'm not so proud to not ask for help." Lilith said as she walked out of the mists. "I'm strong enough that I typically don't need help." She stood before the images of Ranma and Genma as she looked at Morrigan. "Genma, despite his mistakes, made sure both Master and myself could survive anything that was thrown in front of us." She stood tall and proud as power pooled around her. "Everyone you see, they're with me at all times." Sure, she was terrified of Yasaka, but the Big Tittied Fox MILF was part of Ranma's family and thus was part of her family. "You ended up alone. Me?" Lilith spread her arms out and motioned to everyone. "I have people. I have a family. Something you wish you had."

"This..." Morrigan stared as she looked around her. "...You're so weak!" She growled and pointed at Lilith. "What makes you think that having friends matters!?"

Lilith simply said nothing and held out her hands. "We both know that the two of us will merge together after this fight, Morrigan. You're completely alone. I have people to go back to. That's the difference between us."

Morrigan let loose a yell as darkness started to swirl around her. "Don't give me that power of friendship bullshit! You think that just because you have people that believe in you that it will keep you safe?! You know what happened to our great-grandfather! And even if we merged back together, we're not going to be as strong as he was!"

"Maybe." Lilith nodded. "But I don't intend to change the world, unlike some people." She paused for a moment. "Well, if I had the power, I'd fix one small problem."

"And what's that?" Morrigan asked as the darkness around her built up.

Lilith smiled at Morrigan. "It's simple. I'd let the Angels have the ability to fall in love and have children without becoming Fallen." Morrigan gave her a look of dumbfounded shock and Lilith looked up. "When I found out that Angels can't have sex without becoming Fallen, I thought it was bullshit. After Irina nearly became a Fallen because of those lousy Shikima, it only reinforced what I thought awhile ago."

"Fucking Shikima." Morrigan grumbled, recalling an unpleasant experience with those tentacle Demons. "And why do you care about Angels? They're our enemies."

"Irina's not my enemy. She's a friend." Lilith countered.

Morrigan sneered and let loose a yell as her body started to glow.

"What are you..." Lilith began before her eyes widened. "Okay, stop, I know what you're doing, but do you really..." She trailed off as Morrigan's body glowed black as she was subsumed by the darkness. Morrigan let loose a yell and a burst of pure darkness erupted from her body, forcing Lilith to flinch away and throw up her arms to block out the rush of dark energy. When the energy was done, Morrigan stood there... Well, she looked like Morrigan with her long hair disheveled, her wings far larger and more nightmarish with sharp pointed tips and ridges, her eyes were blood red and glowing. However, what made Lilith a bit nervous was the fact that Morrigan's feet looked similar to a goat's hooves with fur that covered her legs and went up to her hips to cover her crotch. Out of her backside was a spade-tipped tail. Her breasts were completely exposed, but the front of them looked like open mouths. Her arms were covered in scales and her fingers were long and sharp. "...Ewww, nightmare fuel."

"Oh shut up." Morrigan growled at her and swung her right arm to the side, sending a wave of cutting air at Lilith, who tried to avoid it, only to cry out as her wings were cut in half, rending them from her body. "You should know that all Demons are Youkai who gave into their power." Morrigan took a few steps forward while her breast mouths opened up, revealing long, thin tongues and sharp, jagged teeth. Morrigan stabbed her left arm forward and her fingers extended, stabbing into Lilith's arms and legs before lifting her up and pulling her other self close while keeping her arms and legs spread open. "I wonder..." Morrigan tilted her head before grinning. "I wonder how lovely your screams of pain will be!"

Lilith's eyes widened as the mouths on Morrigan's breasts suddenly spat fire, bathing her body in flames while Morrigan laughed.

"This is what you gave up when you became someone's slave!" Morrigan yelled as the flames coming from her breasts increased in intensity. "You gave up everything!" The older Succubus held up her right hand as the fingers morphed into a solid blade. "You said that you had people that you cared for and that they cared for you, so where are they now when you need help? HUH?! NOWHERE!" Morrigan sneered and shook her head. "In the end, we all end up alone. SO WHY BOTHER CARING FOR ANYONE?!"

In the flames, Lilith groaned in pain. 'Fuck, this hurts, what kind of fire is this? Hellfire? It hurts so much!' She screwed her eyes closed to try and block out the pain while wiggling the fingers on her hands. 'Come on, I know how to do this, I just need to... Like this!'

Unseen to Morrigan, a long, pole-like barrier formed behind her, before launching forward at the monologuing Succubus.

Morrigan jerked in surprise, her eyes wide as she took a step forward. "What the hell!?" She looked back and down and groaned as she felt something being shoved into her ass. "NGH! I know I'm a slut that loves anal sex, but I usually know when something is going into that hole!"

Before Morrigan could react, her right arm was encased in a barrier, jerking her to the side and causing the flame from her breasts to pull off of Lilith, who had skin that was smoking from the attack. Lilith gave Morrigan an annoyed look before squeezing her fingers. There was several slices that came out of nowhere, cutting Morrigan's long fingers in half and freeing Lilith, who landed on her feet and cried out in pain. "Fuck, that fire fucking hurt you fucking bitch!"

Panting, Lilith glowed with a soft golden light, causing the long nails that were in her arms and legs to break apart and fall down, leaving holes in her body.

Morrigan ignored that as she focused her power to break the barrier around her right arm. There were some cracks before it finally shattered and freed her arm. When the barrier disappeared, Morrigan's right arm had returned to normal. After flexing her fingers a few times, she turned to glare at Lilith. "Time to end this."

Standing up, Lilith gave Morrigan a look of determination as her fallen Succubus wings glowed with light and flowed towards her, circling her body. "You're right, Morrigan." The light got so bright that Morrigan had to turn her face away and shield her eyes from the brightness. "It is time to end this."

"Your own beastial form?" Morrigan growled as the light died down. Lowering her arms, she looked at Lilith and her face showed complete shock. "...What in the name of the Abyss?"

Hovering just off the ground in front of her was Lilith, only dressed in a white two-piece outfit. Her large breasts were covered by a single strap top and her bottom looked like a harem dancer outfit, though pure white. On her head were her normal Succubus wings, but on her back were six more wings. The top ones were her normal Succubus wings, under them were her Devil wings, but what shocked Morrigan was the feathery wings under those, both pitch black. "...Fallen Angel wings?" She blinked as she realized that they weren't completely black like she had assumed, the tips and edges were white. "...How? You aren't an Angel. Just because our grandfather was one doesn't make us one."

"I've stopped asking questions about the weirdness in my life." Lilith muttered, her eyes having changed, one being its normal red and the other one being blue, her hair, which was normally purple, had red and black tips to it. "I blame the fact that I'm bonded with Master. Who knows? Maybe one of his ancestors was a Fallen Angel or something." It certainly wouldn't surprise her. "So, Morrigan..." She held her right hand to the side and a sphere of pure light energy formed there. "Shall we continue?" She thrust her right hand forward and streams of light rushed out towards Morrigan, who flapped her wings and the streams of light seemingly missed as they tore up the ground before arcing upwards and chasing after Morrigan, who flew in a circular pattern and spun to avoid them before launching tendrils of darkness from her wings that wrapped around the light tendrils, causing both attacks to crack and cancel each other out.

"Dark..." Morrigan growled as several magic circles formed in the air around her. "RUSH!"

From the circles, black bubbles slowly creeped out of them, before exploding violently, sending a rush of black and purple energy down at Lilith, who quickly found herself flying to avoid the attacks. She looked over her shoulder and gasped as the energy pillars crashing into the ground only caused lightning and black orbs to fly off in all directions towards her.

"It would have been less painful to get hit by the dark energy, Lilith!" Morrigan taunted as she launched more dark energy pillars at Lilith.

Glaring upwards as the attack rushed down at her, Lilith flipped her body around and created several barriers in front of her, becoming a pyramid shape, before rushing upwards at super high speeds and crashing through the dark energy as she tried to get to Morrigan. Lilith grimaced but was thankful that the barriers were splitting the energy and allowing it to wash over her without rushing over her. Holding her arms out as the power rushed over the barrier, Lilith could feel it straining. 'Got... One chance.' Focusing her energy, the barrier started to glow a bright golden color before erupting outwards, shattering the black energy pillar, much to Morrigan's shock as she stared as Lilith flew up at her, yelling while light swords formed in her hands. When she got close enough, she threw the light blades at Morrigan, who gasped in pain as one hit her in her left leg and one hit her in her right arm.

The shock of pain snapped Morrigan back into reality and she was about to retaliate when the swords suddenly glowed brightly and exploded, engulfing her in a violent storm of light energy. "NOT... FINISHED... YET!!" Morrigan screamed before gasping in surprise as Lilith was suddenly next to her, the other Succubus's foot glowing a bright golden color as energy erupted from it like flames. 'What the..?"

"Super Erupting KIIIICK!" Lilith screamed as her attack buried into Morrigan's stomach, launching her out of the energy and taking her into an arc that ended with Morrigan slamming into the ground, which caused another explosion that engulfed both Succubi. When the explosion was over, Morrigan was on her back and implanted in the hard ground with Lilith kneeling over her.

Lilith struck Morrigan's body several times with both hands, over and over, drawing blood before stopping as she noticed that Morrigan wasn't fighting back. "...It's over." Lilith said and Morrigan growled as her beastial transformation faded away. "Morrigan..."

"Don't..." Morrigan gasped in pain as she laid there. "Don't say anything. You won, it's over." She looked away in disgust. "I couldn't keep going, I'm going to die in a few minutes, you might as well absorb me for my power and forget about me."

Lilith was silent as she looked at Morrigan before bending forward and pressing her breasts against Morrigan's, causing the other Succubus to look at her and in a shocking surprise, Lilith kissed her on the lips. Morrigan had a shocked expression on her face as Lilith pulled away, smiling.

"We are one, right?" Lilith pulled Morrigan into a hug. "Don't worry, I'm not going to forget you." She chuckled softly. "I'll name my first daughter after you."

Morrigan couldn't say anything as her body started to glow and she felt her consciousness disappearing. 'For some reason... That makes me feel... Relieved.'

As she disappeared, the energy that was making up her body flowed into Lilith as the two fused together.

End Chapter 17


I've always liked the "Super Inazuma Kick" attack from Gunbuster.


Well-Known Member
Hey! New chapter!


Chapter 18

The sky turned dark as the Huitzil floated towards the downed Atsuko and Asia, both girls were twitching and barely able to move. The Huitzil let loose a beep and some of them shifted and got to the ground as large cannons, guns and other weapons and pointed at the two downed girls.

Asia was having trouble breathing as she felt like her very life essence was being turned against her. She couldn't open her eyes, but her skin and hair were rapidly losing color. Next to her, Atsuko was looking similarly pallid and both girls were having trouble breathing. 'I'm going to die. I'm going to die like this.' Asia thought to herself, finding it hard to do anything. 'Issei, please, be safe.' Tears welled up in her face. 'I can't... I'm so useless in situations like this...'

A growling sound came to her mind and for some reason all she could think of was a giant golden Dragon. 'Faf...nir...'

"If you need me, just ask, I shall come." His voice echoed in her head.

"P..please... H...help... Faf...nir." Asia whispered with the last of her strength.

A large pillar of flames erupted around Asia, blocking the light from the Huitzil as a large Dragon rose out of the ground, Asia and Atsuko on his body. "Well..." The golden spiked Dragon muttered as he looked around. "I never thought I'd see the things that destroyed the Dinosaurs still alive." His eyes glowed as he got onto all fours and let loose a loud, kaiju-like, roar that dissipated the flames. "BUUUUUURN!" The Dragon yelled and let loose a burst of golden flames that instantly destroyed many of the Huitzil, while melting several others just being near him. He turned and swung his tail while doing so, knocking many others away from him.

Despite not having wings, Fafnir proved to be far more nimble than the Huitzil as his claws slammed the ground, knocking several over while creating barriers around him that reflected any energy-based attack that was launched his way. "NONE OF YOU SHALL LEAVE HERE!"

After all, they hurt Asia. And if she died, she wouldn't be able to give him her precious treasure.

And that just wouldn't do for a Dragon King known for collecting treasure above all else.


It was nearly twenty minutes later when Asia found herself sitting up and panting. "W...What happened?" She asked as she trembled while being covered in sweat. The coloration in her skin and hair was returning to normal as she recovered from what had transpired.

"You nearly died." A booming voice spoke up and Asia looked up to see Fafnir standing on top of a bunch of melted and broken pieces of metal. "However, you called for me, so I appeared."

"Fafnir!" Asia's eyes sparkled. "Thank you for saving me." She stood up as fast as she could and bowed. "How can I repay you?"

"Your panties." Fafnir said and extended a claw out to Asia. "Our agreed payment."

"Of course!" Asia nodded as she lifted up her skirt and reached under to pull her underwear down, blushing as she realized they were soaked in sweat and thus rolling up as she pulled them down. "Um, they're dirty."

"That's fine." Fafnir said as he watched Asia get her white panties off and hand them to him. "With that, our agreement is finished, so I should..."

"Wait!" Atsuko, who was looking much healthier than she had been a few minutes ago, groaned as she stood up. "Can you take us back to the auditorium? I'm worried about the others." Fafnir gave her an annoyed look. Atsuko blushed and undid her pants, sliding them down. "I'll give you my panties if you take us."

"Very well." Fafnir nodded as Atsuko finished dropping her pants, revealing that she was wearing red panties, and pulled her underwear down, which were just as sweaty as Asia's, and gave them to Fafnir.

"I just don't understand how those things were able to hurt us like that." Asia muttered as Fafnir pocketed hers and Atsuko's underwear.

"The energy from some crystals that they had inside of them was anti-Devil energy." Fafnir answered her. "Do not worry, I made sure to utterly destroy those crystals. Now, hang on tight."

"Wait, I don't have my pants on!" Atsuko yelled as Fafnir grabbed her and Asia and used his magic to warp them to the auditorium. Sadly for Atsuko, she wouldn't have time to put her pants on as they were left behind in the field of battle.

"Wait! I left Excalibur Nightmare behind!" Asia yelled as they disappeared. "...I hope that no one steals it."



"YAH!" Yohko let out a scream as she was knocked to the ground. Gasping, she sat up slightly and saw Ayoko leaping at her. Rolling out of the way, she avoided the attack before kicking Ayoko in the side, sending her tumbling away. "Why can't you just accept that I'm not under anyone's control?"

Ayoko didn't say anything as she charged energy into her whip and struck out at the ground a few times, causing miniature explosions and causing fire to start up. "The fact that you said you'd have no problem being his personal sex slave is what bothers me!" She rushed at Yohko, who jumped out of the way as Ayoko's whip destroyed the rock she was on. "What happened to my strong-willed cousin? Still just a man-hungry slut?"

Yohko had angry, blank white eyes as she glared at Ayoko. "I'M STILL A VIRGIN, DAMMIT!" She swung her sword out and a wave of energy struck out at Ayoko, who jumped to avoid it, though the ground wasn't quite as lucky as the attack carved up a chunk of the ground.

Seeing Yohko disappear, Ayoko gasped and leaned back to avoid a kick at her head. "You're a lot faster."

"Yeah, I noticed." Yohko said as she spun around and fired an energy blast from her hands, which Ayoko countered with a blast of her own.

The two attacks collided and erupted outwards in a giant dome of energy, engulfing both brunettes, causing them to scream as the energy rushed out, destroying a good chunk of the area and leaving both of them on their knees, panting and smoking as their clothes were in nothing more than tatters.

"Note to self... Apparently mixing my chi with Devil magic was a bad idea." Yohko muttered, getting a nod from Ayoko. "I blame Mittelt, she mixed Devil and Angel powers together and got super exploding spears, I just wanted something similar."

"And you got it." A new voice said that had both girls sitting up and turning to see Yohko's grandmother, Madoka, standing not too far away from them while giving them a stern look of disappointment.

"Grandma?!" Yohko gasped in surprise. "What are you doing in Hell?"

Suddenly, a small person appeared on top of Madoka's head. "Hey, Yohko, nice lacy panties, girl. Glad you're wearing more sexy silky darlings."

"...Grandmaster Happosai?" Yohko stared at him. "What are you doing with my grandmother and why are you two in Hell?"

Madoka rolled her eyes. "I've known Happosai since I was a teenager when he stole my underwear."

"Ah yes." Happosai nodded and smiled. "A black garter belt, crotchless black panties and stockings that went all the way up your, hey!" He yelped as Madoka swatted at him. "Oh come on! You were the first girl back then that I found was wearing sexy underwear."

"DON'T BRING UP WHAT I WAS WEARING!" The old woman yelled, her face red.

Both Yohko and Ayoko stared in disbelief as the two old people argued. "...Wait, she has underwear like that?" Ayoko asked and the two girls immediately turned blue in the face as they realize that Yohko's grandmother probably still wore underwear like that.

"EWWW!" They screamed at the same time.

After chasing Happosai around a bit, Madoka sighed and calmed down before turning to Yohko and Ayoko. "You two... If you're wondering how I got into Hell, thank Happosai, he had a mirror that got us here." She looked troubled and looked down as Happosai tapped her on the leg to encourage her. "Listen," she looked up and gave the girls a stern look, "the way we used to do things, it won't work like it used to. The world's changing. Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, Dragons and other factions, they're coming together to live in peace. We really should learn to accept it."

"Are you throwing away over one hundred generations of Devil Hunter tradition!?" Ayoko yelled in disbelief.

"Of course not!" Madoka snapped at her and stormed up to the two girls. "Traditions are important and we should keep them, but not being able to adapt to the world only causes problems." She shook her head. "Do you remember the stories of that one Devil Hunter clan that got wiped out near Kyoto a few years ago?"

"...I remember that you said they were zealots that didn't even like Hanyous or Youkai." Yohko admitted. "What about them?"

"They were destroyed because they couldn't adapt to the world." Happosai told Yohko while he pulled out a pipe and took a puff from it. "Honor's important, but if you're too blinded by it, you can be manipulated and twisted, forced to violate your honor even more than if you broke it the first time." Happosai gave Ayoko a knowing look. "I might not have much honor, myself, but I've seen so many people brought to ruin simply by being bound to honor to the point that they lost sight over what's important."

"And as I got older, I lost sight of what was important myself." Madoka said with a sad look on her face. "Yohko, I want to apologize for making you leave the clan over what happened. Can you forgive this old woman?"

"Of course I can." Yohko smiled as she got up and walked over to Madoka, giving her grandmother a hug. "I don't blame you."

"You're always welcome back home."

Yohko smiled and tightened the hug before she let out a yelp. A moment later, Ayoko also yelped in surprise. Both girls jumped and turned to glare at Happosai, who was grinning and holding two pair of bras and panties in his hands.

"As payment for doing this, I shall liberate your silky darlings. And now, I'm off to do the same in Hell! Bye!" He waved and jumped away from everyone. "SWEETO!"

Yohko, Madoka and Ayoko all stared stupidly at where Happosai had been before Ayoko suddenly started to giggle. "I... Hee hee, I don't know why, but... Ha ha... Him going to steal panties in Hell is hilarious."

"As long as it's not mine..." Yohko muttered. "I don't care."

After calming down from her giggling fit, Ayoko looked at Yohko. "I..."

"You know..." Yohko tapped her chin. "The world still needs our clan, I think." She smiled at Ayoko. "A Devil can't be a Devil Hunter, but you can." She looked at Madoka. "How about it, grandmother? Can Ayoko be the 108th Devil Hunter?"

"I'm not worthy of that title." Ayoko said and shook her head. "Not after this. Not after I worked with a Devil."

"Well, you know." Yohko shrugged at her. "Then don't be the 108th Devil Hunter. Just be a Hunter that protects against the monsters of the world if that helps."

"Besides," Madoka spoke up, "I'll need to teach you some of the finer techniques that I learned over the years before I'd let you have the title."

Yohko sweat-dropped and nodded. "Trust me, grandmother's training is horrible!"

Ayoko nodded and walked over to Yohko and extended a hand. Yohko took it and the two shook hands. "I hope you don't mind me training my children and grandchildren to be able to defeat you, in case you turn evil."

"Not at all." Yohko smiled as she shook Ayoko's hand and then pulled her cousin in for a hug. "I'd have it no other way."

The two held their hug for a few minutes before separating.

A moment later, there was a tearing sound and their clothes fell off of them, leaving them completely nude and shrieking as they tried to cover up.

Madoka sweat-dropped and sighed as the two girls danced around in the nude while trying to cover up with their hands. "I'm reminded of me when I was their age." She chuckled. "Good times."



Demitri tilted his head as he looked at the smoke as it cleared, revealing that Kiba was no longer there. Letting out a huff, Demitri threw his left arm up as the back of his fist hit Kiba in the gut, sending him flying backwards. "Pathetic." Demitri said with a stern tone in his voice. "To think that I would be dealing with a mere child and the crazy bitch."

A shot rang out, hitting a flaming bat that appeared in front of Demitri. "I might be a crazy bitch, but at least I didn't get my ass kicked by a crossdressing half-Vamp." Bulleta grinned at him while throwing something over her shoulder that exploded violently, causing her outfit to flutter from the violent winds that kicked up. "Then again, you were always blind to anything but that stupid green haired slut."

A yellow aura surrounded Demitri as he let out a yell and moved at such speeds that he seemingly teleported next to Bulleta, who grinned at him. "I grow weary of your prattle, bitch."

"Bring it on, you pasty pussy!" Bulleta grabbed her skirt and pulled up, revealing rocket launchers on her ankles and a large cannon seemingly erupted from her crotch as she fired at Demitri, who let out a cry of pain as the blast hit him in the face. "Yeehaw!" Bulleta cheered as she pointed her Uzis around her and fired at the Soul Bees that were still in the area. "Sorry about going off so quickly. I know no one likes premature explosions."

"Indeed." Demitri's voice was heard from behind Bulleta. Her eyes widened as the Demitri in front of her disappeared, being replaced by a Soul Bee, who was missing her head. A hand grabbed Bulleta's head and she felt her neck being tilted to the right. "Now, it's time for you to become a good girl." He let loose a hiss as he leaned in, only to jerk hard as something hit him in the side, knocking him away from Bulleta.

"Are you okay?" Kiba asked as he held a double-bladed sword with a red center.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Bulleta rubbed her neck and didn't feel any puncture wounds. "Even if he entralled me, it would have only lasted a couple of months before I burned it out of my system." She gave his sword a curious look. "What kind of sword is that? Feels like Mittelt's exploding spears."

"It's my Sword of Betrayer." Kiba explained and started to walk towards Demitri. "A fusion of Heaven and Hell's power, which is only possible since the God I used to follow died."

Bulleta nodded and clicked her legs together. "I'll fire and then you rush in, you're only going to have one chance at this, that guy's tougher to kill than I am. I once shot him with bullets made up of Holy Swords and then doused his body in Holy Water and he showed up again a few months later looking for revenge."

"How lovely." Kiba muttered and nodded as Bulleta fired a few dozen micro missiles at Demitri before rushing in at the Vampire Lord.

Demitri glared and swung his arm in a wide arc as the missiles spun and twisted to get in close to him. Suddenly red lightning lashed out in a wide arc, hitting the missiles and causing them to explode. Demitri looked up as he saw Kiba trying to dive bomb him from above. Grinning, Demitri launched himself upwards. Kiba swung his sword down at Demitri, who spun in mid-air, his cape becoming a shield and blocking the attack while his fist hit Kiba in the stomach.

Kiba's mouth opened reflexively as the air was knocked out of his lungs. Before he could recover, Demitri grabbed him by his throat and spun in mid-air before diving down towards the ground.

"Embrace death, boy." Demitri's smooth voice was heard before the two crashed into the ground. The Vampire stepped back after landing on the ground and looked at Kiba's downed body. "...Hmm..."


Standing in a snowy meadow, Jedah grinned as he looked at Demitri. "How about it?" He asked and held out a hand. "Work with me."

"And why should I help you?!" Demitri yelled at Jedah, who chuckled while the Reaper girl near him looked at Demitri nervously. "You have nothing for me!"

"I know how much Morrigan Aensland means to you." Jedah told Demitri. "However, her time is coming to an end. Perhaps you can save her? She'll be there with my forces." He smirked as Demitri gave him a cool look. "And even if you can't have her, surely you could find another concubine to keep your attention for a little while."

*End flashback*

"...Indeed." Demitri's cape wrapped around Kiba's leg and pulled him off the ground before wrapping around the blonde boy's body. "Midnight... Bliss." He chuckled as the cape disappeared from around Kiba's body, revealing that Kiba had been transformed...

...Into a pretty blonde girl in a nurse's outfit. "Come on, baby." Demitri grinned as he grabbed the confused girl and tilted her head before she could recover. "Just relax, this won't hurt a bit."

Several shots rang out, hitting Demitri in the side and causing him to scream in pain as he let go of Kiba, who fell to the ground. Turning, he glared at Bulleta, who was holding a long tube of some kind. "What the hell?" He asked as he saw the ending looked like some sort of American football, but looked like it was made of glass with some liquid inside.

"Eat this, you fanged freak!" Bulleta yelled as she pulled the trigger and fired. "Holy RPG, right to you!"

"As if that will work on me!" Demitri threw his left arm to the side, sending a barrage of lighting at the grenade, though, much to his surprise, it just bounced off. "WHAT?!" He screamed as the RPG slammed him in the stomach and exploded, dousing him in water, which caused him to scream in pain. "HOLY WATER?!" He stumbled around and his arms swung around randomly as he tried to shake the water off as it burned him. "YOU BITCH!"

"Come on!" Bulleta grabbed Kiba and picked the girl up and threw her over her shoulders. "Let's get out of here." She extended her wings and flew off.

"Wh...How did you..?" Kiba asked and Bulleta gave the girl a smirk.

"I had that made specifically for him. It was made with clear ceramics that had some anti-magic wards put on the outside." Bulleta chuckled. "That chuckle-fuck just got an explosive amount of Holy Water blasted in him."

"I'LL GET MY REVENGE ON YOU!" Demitri screamed as Bulleta flew off in the distance.

Kiba sighed and nodded. "Well, it's good you had that." She was silent for a moment before she realized that the rough flight was causing her breasts to wobble uncontrollably. "Um, since you've fought against him before, I was wondering how long this spell of his lasts."

Bulleta had a confused look on her face. "...Odd, you should have turned back to normal by now. Might have to have someone look at it later."

Kiba just nodded, part of her worried that this was permanent.

Another part of her hoped it was.

End Chapter 18


Okay, you should have seen that coming with Kiba, huh?

Just so you all know, this arc STILL has a good 10 or so chapters to go.


Well-Known Member
Issei: Why do I suddenly feel a chill?

Somewhere else
Konatsu: It should have been me! Not him! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!


Well-Known Member
But Konastu is already a girl, so.. XD

Issei might feel a chill, but even in canon, Issei wasn't against the idea. In fact, Rias, Akeno, Asia and the others made Kiba changing genders illegal after that incident, since Fem!Kiba was Issei's perfect girl in looks.


Well-Known Member
Ah, so...

The next chapter is a bit TOO spicy for the normal thread. It's going to be in the NSFW thread.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 20

As he flew through the air, Ranma jerked in surprise as he saw Vali and La Fey standing on a hill. "What are you two doing here?"

Vali gave Ranma a side-ways glance and shrugged. "Waiting for you, apparently."

La Fey pouted and looked glum. "I'm sorry, Lord Vali, I tried to break the dimensional barrier, but whatever this spell is, it's far more advanced than anything I can undo." It was then that Ranma noticed that the air in front of La Fey and Vali looked like a giant crystal flower.

"Well, that..." Ranma trailed off as the flower suddenly started to shift and move, spinning open revealing a small girl with dark purple hair which was done up in a long braid that went down to her hips. She was wearing a light blue dress with a black and white hood that looked like a jester cap over her head, she had golden eyes and a scythe in her hands. "...Wait, aren't you that cute reaper girl that helped us with the Bishamon armor?"

"Ah!" The girl's eyes widened and she smiled. "Yeah, thanks again for dealing with that thing, Lord Hades was quite pleased." She then bowed to the group. "Sorry, but Lord Jedah didn't want to be disturbed until now."

"...How come you're transparent?" La Fey asked and the girl smiled.

"I'm just a projection." She giggled. "The real me is working on a grand spell. Anyway, the spell is..." There was a suddenly surge of power as the sky itself behind her turned green. "Ah, it's complete. Just head towards the light." She paused and tapped her chin. "I guess that isn't the best thing for a Reaper to say, huh?" She giggled and started to fade away. "Anyway, only you two," she pointed at Ranma and Vali, "are welcome in."

"And why should I listen?" La Fey asked before blinking as Vali put a hand on her shoulder. "Lord Vali?"

"Let's not risk anything, okay?" Vali told her. "Besides, if something happened to you, Kuroka wouldn't have anyone to wash her clothes."

Ranma groaned in disgust. "I live in a house with over ten other people and most of them are complete slobs." It was a good thing that some of them knew how to clean, because otherwise he would have gone crazy from all the messes that were left around. He pointed at La Fey, "are you good at cleaning?"

"Maybe." La Fey gave Ranma an annoyed look. "I get what you're thinking, I don't agree with it." She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. "I'm a very powerful mage, not a maid, I don't see why I should clean your place up."

Ranma scratched his head. "...Kuroka's pregnant and has been wondering if you'd be there for her when she starts to show."

The next thing Ranma knew, La Fey was right in front of him, clasping his hands, her eyes having stars in them. "OHMYGOSHSHESPREGNANTOHIBETTHEYLLBESOCUTE!"

Ranma sweat-dropped and nodded. "So, um..."

La Fey let go of Ranma's hands and put her right hand over her mouth as she cleared her throat. "After careful consideration, I have decided that you need someone who can clean up around your place. I shall gladly accept your wonderous offer."

Ranma and Vali both sweat-dropped heavily as she waved them goodbye while they stepped inside, only for the crystal flower to slide and move, closing behind them.

After it was closed, La Fey smiled and looked up. "Well, I hope that everything will be okay in there." She then had stars in her eyes as she thought about Kuroka having babies. "OHMYGODTHEYLLBESODARNCUTE!" She squealed in delight while putting her hands on her cheeks and jumping around in place.


As they flew over the sandy desert, Ranma looked around confused. While the sands were a large area, there was a lot of trees that he could see in the distance. Looking to his left, he saw that there was a large body of water in the distance. "Where is this?" Ranma asked Vali, who snorted.

"It's part of the Lucifer estate." Vali had a disgusted look on his face. "Can't believe I'd ever come back here."

"...Oh right, you're Lucifer's descendant." Ranma muttered and Vali twitched in annoyance. "...At least your grandfather's dead?" Vali gave Ranma a flat stare before nodding. "Also, what is with the sand?"

Vali merely shrugged as they flew towards the green spiraling energy pillar. "I don't know, it was here before my grandfather was born, so who knows?" The two tried to fly close to the pillar, but to their surprise, energy spun around the pillar, making it dangerous to get any closer as they were pushed back and forced closer to the ground.

"HEY!" They looked down and saw Issei waving up at them from on top of a rock several meters away from the pillar. The two flew down and Vali snorted and looked away. "Nice to see you too, jackass." Issei grumbled and then turned his attention to Ranma. "Sorry, I can't get close at all, I was boosted like twenty times and the best I could do was get three steps closer than what you two did."

"Of course you can't get close." A female voice said and the three turned to see the same reaper as before, but still transparent. She smiled at them. "Hi. Look, I thought I'd let you three know that unless you can teleport to where I and Valrie are at, you won't get any closer." She giggled at their looks. "Look, don't worry, we're just fishing for a soul in the Well of Lost Souls."

"...By the Abyss, THAT'S what that is?!" Ranma yelped, his face pale as both Vali and Issei gave him a confused look. "The Well of Lost Souls, where beings too powerful to be reaped fall into. Or souls that just get forgotten about. Anyone or anything in there has the power to be a true threat to reality. ...Does Jedah want to absorb a soul from there? He'd destroy himself!"

"Well, only if I tried to absorb the souls found within." Jedah's voice came from behind the reaper, who smiled and disappeared while Jedah walked out from a tear in space behind her. "Bennia is a good girl, isn't she?" He chuckled and smirked at Ranma. "You're correct about what would happen to me if I absorbed a soul from there. It would consume and destroy me. But what about a body with no soul?"

"That's impossible." Vali scoffed. "As soon as someone is concieved, they have a soul, a fully born person? Unless you can rip their soul out of them, they couldn't take a new soul into them. And that's just hoping that their body doesn't just outright reject it."

"Of course." Jedah nodded at the silver-haired young man. "Using a living person? Impossible. Dead bodies are useless for holding souls in them." He snapped his fingers. "And so... I decided that I needed something special." His eyes glowed as the area shook and Ranma, Vali and Issei all stumbled as the ground shifted and changed while the area morphed and warped. "Welcome to the Fetus of God." Jedah declared to them. The area had changed to a fleshy pink and behind Jedah was the largest half-complete human baby that any of them had ever seen.

Looking around, Vali frowned in confusion. "Why is it..." He trailed off as he took a good look behind Jedah and his expression changed to one of sheer disgust.

"Eww... What is that?" Issei asked with a similarly disgusted look on his face. He took a step back and when he heard a wet, squishy sound, he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

Ranma gave him a flat expression. "Crack open an anatomy book once in awhile." He turned to look at Jedah. "So, we're in a giant womb of some sort with a big fetus that looks like its skull hasn't fully formed?"

"Eww, do I need to take a shower after this?" Issei asked as he looked at the flesh he was standing on. "...Icky."

"I actually agree with this numbskull on this one." Vali said as he grimaced. "This is disgusting."

Ranma gave both of them flat expressions. "If we get through this, you two are going to go work for some farms that need their barns cleaned of animal crap."

"On second thought, this isn't that disgusting." Issei and Vali both said at the same time.

Jedah chuckled at their antics. "As amusing as this is..." He snapped his fingers, returning them to the desert sands. "It was merely an illusion, I'm not so foolish as to fight where one of you three might get cute and try to abort the baby." He smirked at their annoyed expressions.

"You know what?" Vali said with some annoyance in his voice. "I'm going to end you, right now." He jumped at Jedah, becoming engulfed in white light.

"Wait!" Ranma yelled out to no avail as Vali's speed picked up and he rocketed towards Jedah.

"Vanishing Dragon, Balance Break." Albion proclaimed as Vali rushed at Jedah, who grinned at the White Dragon Emperor as he got closer.

There was a clanging sound and both Ranma and Issei looked on confused as Vali was standing still. "What's going on?" Issei asked Ranma.

"That bastard's incredibly clever, there's no way he didn't have a trap set up ahead of time." Ranma twitched. "Don't rush in on someone who manipulates events to his advantage."

"Divide." While it was something that they expected to hear, the way it was said was entirely robotic and mechanical. When Vali fell backwards and crashed onto his back, both Ranma and Issei ran towards him in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Jedah asked as his scythe-like wings disappeared and a familiar white and blue set of wings appeared on his back.

"No way..." Issei gasped in surprise. "That's..."

"Divine Dividing." Vali, still in his armor, stared in shock.

Ranma tilted his head. "It looks off-color to me." The white wings that attached to Jedah's back looked slightly darker than normal and the blue wings looked almost gray in color. "What the hell?" Ranma gasped as Jedah raised up his left arm and a familiar looking gauntlet appeared on it. "An orange Boosted Gear? But how are you using both?"

"YEAH!" Issei yelled while his eyes were white and blank with anger as he pointed at Jedah. "Just grabbing one of Vali's balls was enough to cause me extreme pain." A moment later, he realized what he said as Ranma, Vali and Jedah all gave him weird looks, and Vali's face was completely covered. "OH COME ON!" Issei's face was red as he yelled in protest. "You know what I meant!" Shaking his head to clear it, he glared at Jedah. "Just using one of those orbs really hurt! I can't even use my Dividing Gear without risking it killing me! So how are you..?" He trailed off as Jedah chuckled.

"That's actually a fair question." Jedah grinned at Issei and then he looked at Vali. "If I had tried to use replicas of both Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing at the same time, then yes, it would have torn my soul apart. However, your grandfather was quite... Generous with his donation."

"...Oh, so you used my grandfather's soul to act as a buffer so you could use both Sacred Gears without getting killed." Vali said as he stood up. "I guess I should thank you. I wondered what happened to that bastard."

"You should all thank me." Jedah smirked at him. "Had I not ripped his soul out of his body, he would have used his death to break the seal on Trihexa and sent this world into chaos." He held up his left hand and enjoyed the Boosted Gear on it. "So, while I did manipulate people to do what I wanted, I ended up saving the world. How about a little appreciation for that?"

"No." Ranma said flatly while pulling out his artificial Sacred Gear.

"No." Vali answered as well.

"Yeah, I'm with them." Issei said as Boosted Gear formed on his left arm. "Let's go, Jedah."

Jedah watched as Ranma and Issei were engulfed in green and red light respectively and he grinned. "Well, since you three are going to wear armor..."

"No way..." All three said as both Divine Dividing and Boosted Gear started to glow on Jedah before he was engulfed in orange and gray light. When it was over, the three of them could only stare in shock.

Hovering in the air was an orange and black striped scale mail, with the main body looking like Vali's scale mail, including the large wings, but the hands were two Boosted Gears.

Chuckling, Jedah formed his replica True Longinus in his right hand and held it to the side. "Behold... You can call me Super Jedah in this form."

"Well... This sucks." Ranma muttered as he prepared for a fight.

End Chapter 20


Yeah, he's pulling a Vegeta here.


Okay, Omake time. I couldn't find a place to stuff this in the chapter properly.


"Issei..." Ranma patted Issei on the back. "I completely understand how you felt when you were raped by Raynare."

"Eh?!" Issei gasped in shock. "You mean you were..?"

"Yes, a dickgirl raped me as well."

Issei teared up and grabbed Ranma's hand. "It sucks when a dickgirl fucks your ass, huh?"

Ranma sweat-dropped. "Well, I was a girl at the time, so..."

"YOU BASTARD! You let someone else stuff your girl's side pussy with their dick and not me?!"

The next thing Issei knew, he was face-down in the dirt.

Vali sweat-dropped heavily. "Get a room, you two."

Jedah just wondered if maybe this was too much craziness.


Well-Known Member
Real life punched me in the face, literally.

Have a new chapter.


Chapter 21

"Behold... You can call me Super Jedah in this form."

"No." Vali said flatly, though he mentally grimaced at the thought of facing someone who was not only strong to begin with, but had both the power of Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing on top of that.

"I'm going to agree with Vali on this one." Issei told Jedah. "I'm not calling you Super anything."

"Way to be a buzzkill." Jedah muttered before shaking his head. "Fine! If you want to be that way..." He grinned under his armor. "Then I'll just have to beat you until you call me Super Jedah!" Jedah yelled as the spear tip started to crackle with power before he thrust it down and a powerful beam lanced out, forcing all three to jump away from the attack as the ground exploded from the attack.

Issei let out a yell as he shifted to his knight form, losing much of his armor and massively increasing his speed, zipping forward at his max speed, Issei struck Jedah across the face, causing him to jerk to the left as he spun around. Issei quickly dashed out of the way as Jedah pointed his Longinus spear at Issei.

"Not a bad punch. That could have hurt if you had some force behind it." Jedah chuckled in amusement.

"Boost." His armor said in a robotic tone.

"Heh heh heh haha hahaha!" Jedah laughed as he grinned behind his armored helmet. "All that speed means nothing to me now!"

"SCREW YOU!" Issei yelled as his back thrusters erupted in speed and he rocketed towards Jedah.

"BOOST! BOOST! BOOST!" D'draig yelled out as Issei's speed and abilities increased, allowing him to move so fast that not only did everything around him seem to be slowing down, but he was leaving after-images in his wake as he moved around.

"HOW'S THIS?!" Issei yelled as his armor shifted to his rook form, increasing in size and bulk as he allowed his speed to carry him into Jedah, who chuckled as he dodged at the last moment and slashed upwards with his Longinus spear, cutting through Issei's armor and exposing his underside. "Damn!"

"Too bad!" Jedah laughed as he swung his free hand to the side, tagging Issei and encasing him in a blood-red orb. Grabbing his spear with both hands and holding it over his head like a baseball bat as the tip glowed with power, Jedah swung down as hard as he could, destroying the orb and sending Issei flying to the ground with his armor falling into pieces. "And now..." Jedah held out a hand as Issei crashed into the ground.


On the ground, Issei gasped as he felt his strength fade and drain away. "This feels familiar."

Jedah chuckled and looked behind him as the air turned a bright green. "Hmm?" A large spiraling pillar of energy rushed his way. "Oh, right, you can fire all sorts of energy, can't you?" Jedah asked rhetorically.


Behind his armored helmet, Jedah grinned and flew backwards as his spear glowed with power. "Okay then! I'll show you what this can do!"

"Boost." The monotone voice spoke up again and Jedah's whole body was glowing, especially the gems on his armor.

"Now!" Jedah yelled as he thrust his spear forward.


Jedah's entire body seemed to turn blue as a large and powerful energy blast erupted from the tip of the spear, slamming into the large green energy beam, before cutting through it at an angle that caused both beams to dissipate as they became unstable.

"Damn." Ranma muttered as the blaster fins that had surrounded his right arm, making it into a cannon blaster, split apart and flew to his back, reconnecting with the back of his armor. "I was kind of hoping to end this quickly."

From where he was on the ground, Issei stared in shock. "...Did he just casually fire a blast that was on par with what I did in Kyoto?"

"Well, it lacked the dimension shattering power you had." D'draig spoke up. "But beyond that, I told you that Sen was dangerous, did I not? What you're seeing is what Sen was capable of. There's a reason that no one wanted to mess with Sen, the hassle was never worth it."

Not far away and in the air, Vali narrowed his eyes as he looked at Jedah. "Hey, Albion, is it just me, or does it feel like he's not draining us anymore?"

"No, it's not just you. Perhaps this imitation has limitations that even he is not aware of?"

"Then again," Vali said as he readied himself, "have we ever tried to use our power on more than one person at a time?"

"Not you, but some of my past users did have to fight a war after all." Albion commented as Vali suddenly rushed forward at high speeds. As he got close, Jedah jumped away as Vali swooped in, missing by mere inches. Vali turned his head as Jedah thrust the Longinus spear forward, extending it out to cut through the White Dragon Emperor. Vali turned his body as the spear came close and raised his left arm up in defense, hitting the shaft and causing it to miss by centimeters. Vali grabbed the spear and stopped Jedah from recalling it, making the armor-covered Devil to jerk in surprise. Pulling with a yell, Vali dragged Jedah to him before rushing forward and slamming his elbow into Jedah's face-plate, cracking it and sending him flying back.

"Divide!" Albion yelled out as Jedah let loose a gasp.

"Boost." A monotone voice called out from Jedah.

Vali didn't say anything as he zipped forward, dashed upwards before coming down on top of Jedah with a mid-air stomp, sending him flying to the ground where he crashed into the sane with a large explosion of dirt and dust. "Even if you can cancel out my Divide powers, you can't keep up with them, can you?" Vali said before frowning behind his helmet as the dust and dirt cleared away to reveal Jedah's body, but something was wrong. "Where's his left arm?" He could clearly see Jedah's left arm, but the arm was missing from the elbow down. While such a detail normally wasn't something Vali cared about, he didn't recall slicing the arm off.

He stiffened as he felt a tap on his left shoulder, turning, he saw an arm and hand floating there. Before he could react, the hand rushed forward and grabbed his face, squeezing his helmet with enough force that he could hear the armor groaning to keep together.

Suddenly Jedah, in his armor, appeared behind the severed arm while his body glowed green. Vali was flung away and Jedah grabbed his severed arm and slapped it back on his left arm, the two instantly reattaching to each other.

"Divide." The monotone voice said and Vali grimaced as he felt his power drained from him. He was able to slow his free fall through the air and was lowering himself to the ground as he planned his next move.

Jedah chuckled as he started to glow. "Ready for something interesting Vali?" Vali looked up at him as he stopped his descent. "What happens when you combine Divine Dividing and Boosted Gear's powers?"


Vali's eyes widened and he fell to his knees as his armor completely disappeared from around his body. "W...what is this?"

Jedah laughed at Vali. "Your Divine Dividing power cuts the victim's power in half with each use, but with Boosted Gear, I can boost the power and cut out all of your power in one hit." His body started to glow as the power was building up by a lot. "Ah yes, the downside of your Sacred Gear, it can only hold so much before it has to vent or restart." He chuckled and pointed the replica of True Longinus at Vali. "Too bad that Boosted Gear and True Longinus can let me take all this power that I have and return it to sender, huh?"


Vali stared with wide eyes as a gigantic blue beam of energy was launched at him. 'Dammit, that's got to be the size of a freaking aircraft carrier.' And his power was so drained that he knew that he wouldn't be able to get away before being killed by it. 'At least I went out fighting.' He grinned as the power came crashing down. In a way, it was comforting to lose in battle and not because of treachery.

Before the giant blue beam got to him, a green body got in front of him. "Relax, you aren't dying yet." Ranma said as he held out his right arm, his blaster fins from his back reattaching themselves to his arm. "I've got this." An aura flared up around him as the blast came close. Shockingly, to Vali, the aura seemed to be causing the giant energy beam that was crashing in on them to waver. "Reverse Strike Wave!"

A bright green blast ripped out from the blaster fins, crashing into the giant blast, causing it to stop, before twisting, curving and eventually expanding before seemingly popping like an over-filled water balloon as an uncontrollable torrent of blue, green and yellow energy rushed back at Jedah.

"CRAP!" Jedah yelled as the blast rushed back at him and consumed him in a rushing wave of energy.

"What the hell is that?" Vali asked in shock.

"An attack I learned from Sen," Ranma told him as the blaster fins detached from his arm and reattached to his back. "It only really works against a really strong energy attack, but it turns the power against the user and fires back at them. Issei used a much weaker blast than what Jedah did and it laid him out for awhile from what Lilith told me, so this should kill Jedah."

When the blast subsided, Jedah was nowhere to be seen.

"You weren't kidding." Vali muttered as he stood up. "...Wait, something doesn't feel..."

A red sphere appeared in the middle of the sky before shattering, revealing Jedah, still in his armor, which was smoking from the heat of that last attack. The armored Devil was panting as he tried to regain his bearings. "That... Almost killed me." He turned his head as he felt someone coming from behind him. "ENOUGH!" A large reaper scythe formed in his left hand as he slashed upwards, cutting through Issei's left arm and severing it, causing him to scream and fall to the ground.

"Issei!" Ranma yelled as he flew over to his friend, who was clutching at the stump of his left arm. "Hold on!" He grabbed the severed arm as Issei returned to his unarmored form, screaming in pain. "Here!"

"FUCK THIS FUCKING HURTS!" Issei yelled as Ranma grabbed his arm and put it back on. "What good will that..." He trailed off as Ranma pulled out a vial of fluid, opened it up and poured it on Issei's wound, healing it. "Phoenix Tears?"

"Yeah, you were given one before the tournament started." Ranma said as his helmet opened up, revealing Ranma's smirking face.

Issei nodded and grimaced as he flexed his fingers. "That... That's a Holy weapon." Issei said as he looked up at Jedah, more specifically, his scythe.

"Are you sure?" Ranma asked as he looked back at Jedah, who was just hovering there. "I mean, are you really sure?"

"Ranma, I've taken attacks from Fallen Angels, Sacred Gears and Holy Swords, there are three types of pain that I REALLY never want to experience again and Holy weapons are really high on that list."

"Well, shit, how is he using it then?" Ranma frowned in confusion. "Even if you hold a Holy weapon, it has no power if you don't have some sort of Holy power in you." Ranma tilted his head. "That reminds me, I still have no clue how I was able to use that fused Excalibur."

Jedah looked down at the other three Devils and shook his head. "We could keep this fight going, where I will eventually win, or I could explain some things to you and let you have a chance to recover and fight back."

"And why would you give us a chance to recover?" Vali asked as he stood up while Jedah lowered himself to the ground.

"Well, for one, I don't actually wish to fight." Jedah said with a certain level of smugness in his voice. "And before any of you protest, remember, it was Vali who attacked me first."

Issei held up a finger to say something before thinking about it and lowering his hand. "...You DO have a point."

"Oh come on!" Vali yelled at Issei. "You're taking his side?!"

"No one's taking anyone's side." Jedah interjected himself into the conversation. "But, didn't you want to know just why I wanted to risk everything on this crazy plan to use the Well of Lost Souls?"

"To take over the world?" Ranma asked rhetorically. "I mean, for all I know, you're trying to find some sort of Primordial God that could let you kill off Big Red and Ophis before somehow taking its power for yourself to rule reality."

Jedah chuckled in amusement. "Do you really think I'm so short-sighted? Controlling a dying reality? What good would that do?" He ignored the skeptical looks he got from Vali and Issei. "In fact, I decided that I want to fix the world, but I need help for that."

"Fix the world?" Ranma asked as he dismissed his armor. "What? Are you going to get rid of religious fanatics or something?"

Jedah chuckled in amusement. "Ah, no, that won't be needed. See, without..." He paused for a moment as he thought, "without the Creator," he nodded as he didn't feel any pain in his head from that, "without Him, the world is heading towards a path of destruction."

"Yeah, you told me this before, so what?" Ranma asked Jedah with a slightly annoyed expression on his face. "What are you doing to do? Restart time?" Jedah merely turned to look at him and Ranma's face turned from slight annoyance to terror. "...I was fucking kidding, are you SERIOUS?!"

"How else can I ensure that the world won't be destroyed?" Jedah asked as he sighed softly. "The world needs a firm, guiding hand to ensure that it survives."

"And that's you?" Issei glared at Jedah. "Get bent! As if we'd allow you to restart everything! I'm not going to let you take what I've earned from me like that!"

Jedah's helmet opened up, revealing his face, which had a contemplative look on it. "And what if I could not only guarantee that you'll still have those who are close to you, but also that your future will be secured?"

Issei looked completely lost and confused. "...What are you talking about?" He turned to Ranma, who had a stunned look on his face. "What is he talking about?"

"How did you know?" Ranma asked Jedah. "I knew, but how did you?"

Jedah chuckled in amusement. "I'm a master of souls, boy." He looked at Issei and shook his head. "You seriously don't know?" His spear disappeared and he thrust his hand through a portal that appeared next to him. "Here!" He grinned and pulled his arm back, shocking Issei and Ranma as he held Rias by her arm. "Why don't you ask her?"

"OWW!" Rias yelled as Jedah let go of her and she stumbled forward. "Where... Issei? What are you doing here? Where are we?" She turned around and saw Jedah smirking at her, causing her to step back, her eyes wide. "You..."

"Why don't you tell him, princess?" Jedah smirked as he flew backwards. "It seems that he doesn't know about your secret."

"What secret?!" Issei yelled in frustration. "Jedah and Ranma both seem to know and I have no fucking clue what's going on and I..." He stopped as Rias ran up to him and hugged him. "Rias?"

"I..." She trembled before letting go of the hug and stepping back while squeezing his left hand and pulling it towards her, putting it on her stomach. "You're going to be a father."

Issei's eyes widened to saucers. "I...You...You're..."

Rias nodded, blushing hard. "Yes, I...I'm pregnant."

"B...But how? I had that contraception spell on me." Issei's mind was spinning so fast that he was starting to feel dizzy.

"You used me HOW many times to keep yourself going that night when the rats attacked?" D'draig spoke up from Issei's wrist. "Don't you think that eventually, ESPECIALLY with THAT many boosts, that you'd become so potent that you'd break through even the strongest contraception spells?"

"But, I..." Issei couldn't help but feel faint. "...Wait..." He looked at Ranma, who had a calm expression on his face. "...You knew?"

"Of course I knew." Ranma rolled his eyes. "It wasn't my place to tell you that she was pregnant."

"Ahem!" Jedah interrupted them. "As amusing as this all is, Red Dragon Emperor, no, Issei Hyoudou," he gave the brunette a grin, "I told you, didn't I?" He held up his right hand casually. "If you help me, I'll not only guarantee that you'll have her in the new world, but your child will be born into the new world as well."

"What is he talking about?" Rias asked with a confused look on her face before she yelped as the back of her sweater was grabbed and she was pushed through a portal.

"RIAS!" Issei yelled as the portal closed behind her.

"Don't worry about her," Jedah told him, "I made sure to return her where I found her. She's fine." He reached up and stroked his chin. "So, how about it? A world that isn't dying, one that you won't have to worry about the future of your children, a world where you'll have what you do now, but without the constant worry of dying." He gave Issei a cool look, "in fact, I can ensure that you and Rias will be together in the new world."

"...You could do that?" Issei whispered as he lowered his head, his bangs covering his eyes in shadow. "...Protect Rias and my child?"

"That's right." Jedah grinned at him. "How about it? Work with me and not only will you and yours survive in the new world, but the world itself will not be facing destruction."

Ranma jumped back as he looked at both Issei and Jedah. He wanted to say something, but he knew, in the end, it had to be this way.

Issei would have to make his own decision on this.

End Chapter 21


And thus Jedah's true plan is finally revealed.

Also, boo to everyone who figured this out before this chapter. You ruined the surprise!
(I'm kidding!)


Well-Known Member
After being repeatedly punched in the face, I have returned!

Man, that dentist visit was *SOOO* needed. Yeah, I had some dental stuff that needed to be taken care of.

Anyway, here's the next chapter.


Chapter 22

Issei stood there with his hair over his eyes. "My children, my family..." Images of his parents, of Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, Irina, Xenovia, Rossweisse, Ranma, Lilith, Motohama, Matsuda, Azazel, Kunou, and even Ophis all flashed in his mind.

"Issei!" He could hear Rias's voice calling to him.

"Issei!" So many others called out to him and he trembled.

"Daddy." A voice he didn't recognize but his pupils shrank as his eyes went white and blank.

"Jedah..." Issei said softly. "You can..."

"Yes?" Jedah asked before jerking in surprise as Issei lifted his head, revealing a compeltely furious expression as his eyes glowed bright red and boosted gear formed on his left hand, only on top of it was a blaster cannon.

"GO TO HELL!" Issei's voice roared as he pointed the his cannon at Jedah and fired a gigantic blast of energy that seemed to spiral and engulfed the armored Devil with no effort at all.

"Heh, knew he wouldn't take it." Ranma smirked, before his smirk slowly faded and he looked concerned. "Wait, something's not right."

"You tried to use my family against me..." Issei declared, only, it wasn't just Issei's voice. It sounded like D'draig was speaking at the same time as Issei. "AND NOW YOU WILL PAY!!"

The roar that came out of Issei's mouth wasn't human as it sounded like an angry animal while flames erupted from his body.

"Is he going Juggernaut?" Vali asked as the erupting flames kicked up a wind that made it hard to see. On top of that, the power he felt from Issei was starting to make him excited. After a little bit, the winds died down and he, Ranma and Jedah all looked at Issei.

At first, he looked like he was in his Crimson Cardinal form, but there were differences from what Vali and Ranma had seen in images. The gems on his body were a bright gold color, black lightning streaks covered the center of his chest and gauntlets and the wings on his back were white. There was an aura of red energy that surrounded his body as he raised his head and arms before letting loose a roar of power that shook everyone to their bones and even caused the energy surrounding the energy tornado to crack and shatter.

"Boost." A monotone voice said. "Transfer."

Jedah sneered as he pointed his replica True Longinus at Issei and fired a large blue beam. "Fine, if you won't join me, just die."

Issei lowered his head and held up his left palm at Jedah and to the shock of everyone, a black sphere of power formed in it. "DIE! JEDAH!"

The sphere was launched forward and quickly grew in size, cutting through the blue beam of power with ease, causing Jedah to quickly duck out of the way.

"What the actual fuck?!" Vali gawked in shock as the orb flew off before hitting the ground, exploding violently. "That was the Power of Destruction, how in the name of my family does he have access to that?!"

Ranma shook his head. "I don't know, there should..." His pupils shrank as he remembered something. "Oh fuck! That's right! Issei was working on synchronizing his aura with Rias and Xenovia before and when he and Xenovia finally got in synch, he had access to her Holy powers..." He went completely pale. "Oh..."

"Crap." Vali finished as he realized the same thing Ranma did.

"Fine!" Jedah sneered as he used another boost to increase his abilities. "I'll just have to get close. All it will take is one touch and you've lost." He rushed forward before disappearing.

Jedah reappeared right next to Issei with his hand inches away from Issei's shoulder when Issei spun and, using his right hand, grabbed his wrist, much to Jedah's shock as he tried to get free from Issei's grip. "JEDAH!" Issei screamed as a ball of destructive energy formed in his left hand. Jedah gripped his spear and thrust it forward, only for Issei to move to the side, letting the spear pass him before he slammed the destructive energy into the spear, destroying it. "FOOL!"

The only warning Jedah had was a small crackling sound before lightning crashed on him from above, causing his whole body to light up like a christmas tree. Issei let go of his arm and punched Jedah in the chest, shattering his armor. "GAH!" The Devil screamed as the punch was accompanied with a large orb of energy, sending him crashing to the ground in a powerful explosion.

When the explosion cleared, Jedah was on his hands and knees, his armor cracked and falling apart. His helmet was destroyed, revealing the blue-skinned Devil angrily glaring up at Issei. "Fool..." He raised his hand up. "You..." He snapped his fingers, "touched me!"



Two monotone voices spoke up at the same time, causing Issei to jerk as his power was rapidly being drained to nothing.

"Boostboostboostboostboostboostboostboostboost!" D'draig and Issei's voice yelled out in harmony as they boosted so fast that Jedah found his eyes widening in surprise.

"N...No! This is too much! GAAAAH!" Jedah screamed as he clutched his side. "STOP!"


What happened next shocked Ranma to his core.

"JEDAH!!!" A large, single blade sword formed in front of Issei as he grabbed it and rushed at the fallen Devil, slamming the sword into Jedah and causing a massive explosion of demonic energy.

"That was the sword Kiba tried to use against Xenovia." Ranma gasped in surprise.

Blood flowing freely over his body, Jedah gasped in pain before his large scythe formed in his right hand. "FUCK OFF!" He screamed and slashed at Issei, severing Issei's sword hand. Jedah grinned as he realized that his scythe was still enough to hurt and even kill Issei. His grin left his body as Issei grabbed his sword hand and put it back on his severed arm and a light green glow covered his arm. "...You can use Twilight Healing too!?"

Issei let out a roar and launched himself forward, slamming a knee into Jedah's stomach. Before Jedah could recover, a large armored fist slammed into his face, sending him crashing to the ground where he bounced several times before spinning and sliding to a stop. "JEDAH!"

"Great, he's devolved to the point of only being able to say my name." Jedah groaned as he stood up. "A Boosted Divide should drop his power to zero instantly, so why..?" He looked at Issei and wondered why his plan didn't work. Even if Issei currently had as much power as most Gods, he should have been defeated, even boosting from zero meant that there should have been nothing there to boost anymore. "Unless..." Jedah's eyes shrank as he looked at his right arm. "...It's a replica, so it doesn't have the same immediate effect?" Jedah started to chuckle. "Oh you have got to be kidding me! The ability divide doesn't cut in half because of this replica Sacred Gear, but causes the statistical values to drop to half? They decrease like a freaking gas tank in a car?"

Which meant that until the statistical values hit where they were supposed to go, there was still values that could be boosted.

"Great!" Jedah laughed. "Instead of instantly dropping his ability to zero, it becomes like some video game with numbers that decrease over time!" He looked at Issei as he let loose a roar and a black and red sphere formed in front of his hands and he launched a large sphere of destructive energy. Jedah smirked and put out his right hand.



As the blast struck his hand, two monotone voices spoke up at the same time, Jedah grinned as he felt the energy start to dwindle and dissipate before dissolving completely. "How pathetic. No matter how strong of a blast you fire at me, I can simply make it go away in one..." He stopped monologuing and his eyes went wide as Issei was right in front of him, slamming his left hand into Jedah's face and slamming him into the ground.

Issei let out a roar as he held Kiba's destruction sword and slashed at Jedah, leaving a deep cut across his chest and down to his legs. He then slashed upwards in the opposite direction, leaving a large X-shaped cut on his front as he stumbled backwards, only to get kicked in the jaw and knocked backwards into the desert sands.

"I carved my own path to this point." Jedah groaned as he flipped back onto his feet and hundreds of spinning blades formed around him and launched themselves at Issei. "You followed your wrath." He grinned as lightning crashed down around Issei to destroy the spinning blades. "But maybe we're both the same? We both want to protect what's important to us."

Issei's body only glowed brighter as more power built up around him. The energy focused around the sword in his hand before it shattered under the weight of the power. Letting loose a roar, Issei didn't seem to care as the power swirled around him.

"Heh, killing both of us at the same time, huh?" Jedah asked as he felt the armor around him cracking and falling apart. "Fine! I'll meet you head..." He trailed off as an energy blast the size of a city bus crashed into Issei from the side, sending him flying away. "What the fuck?"


A short moment ago...

Vali frowned in confusion. "How can he use powers and Sacred Gears that aren't his?" He looked at Ranma. "Seriously, you seem to know what's going on, so what's he doing?"

Ranma gave him an incredulous look. "I seriously have no fucking clue! This isn't Juggernaut Drive, this isn't anything I've ever seen before! For all I know he somehow brute forced his way into mastering his Sacred Gear and can draw upon all the power of everyone he loves and..." Ranma trailed off as he realized that's what was happening. "Oh."

"...That explains things." Vali smirked as he watched Jedah getting knocked around and cut apart. "This will end quickly."

Ranma looked at Issei with narrowed eyes and shook his head. "No, something's wrong."

"He doesn't have full control of it, master." A new voice spoke up and Ranma's eyes widened as he and Vali turned to see Lilith walking towards them. "His life is burning up since he's just acting on instinct and has no clue how to regulate his energy."

"Lilith?" Ranma gasped as she was in her succubus form, only her hair was purple, except for the tips, which were green, and she had a long, green ponytail on the back of her head. Her eyes had changed, her left eye was still red, but her right eye was green. "So you merged with Morrigan, huh?" Ranma gave her body a once over and smirked. "Your boobs are bigger."

Lilith smirked at hearing that. "Thank you, Master. Yes, the ones known as Morrigan and Lilith have fused together and I've been reborn again, so when this is over, you'll get to take my virginities for the third time." She looked at her right hand as energy formed around it and turned into a bat before disappearing. "I could stop him, but I haven't had a chance to adjust to this power yet and I'd probably kill him."

"So kill him." Vali huffed in annoyance. "Though I suppose that wouldn't be fair to his women."

"Aww, you do care." Lilith smirked at him. "But, Master, you'll have to fight him all out, can you do that?"

Ranma nodded as he glowed green and his armor formed around him again. "Yeah. I'll undo the seal on the King's piece to let me keep up with him. I assume you'll face Jedah?"

Lilith grinned and nodded. "Yes. I don't care if I kill him. He is someone who Morrigan should have killed ages ago. I have to thank him though, if not for him, Lilith wouldn't have been born to meet you."

"Why do you keep talking about yourself in third person?" Vali asked as he formed his armor.

"Because I'm neither Morrigan nor Lilith. The fusion merged us together and created a new person." Lilith answered. "We'll figure out a new name later." She held up her hand. "Ready? GO!" A powerful blast rocketed forward that was larger than Lilith's body and nearly knocked Ranma and Vali off of their feet.

"GO!" Ranma yelled as he and Vali rushed forward behind the beam, which slammed into Issei and sent him flying away.

Jedah, who was covered in cuts, struggled to get to his feet and looked up as Lilith walked towards him. "Lilith... No, Morrigan, no... Liligan, I suppose." He chuckled as he staggered while trying to stand up. "I guess I have you to thank for surviving that brute's attacks?"

"Only so that he doesn't die, because his women would be sad if that happened." Lilith said before pausing. "...Liligan, huh? Not bad, I'll think about it." She narrowed her eyes at him. "But, Jedah, I didn't save you. I'm going to kill you myself. For my father and everyone else your madness hurt and killed, I'll stop you."

Jedah growled as he reformed both Sacred Gear and Divine Dividing on his body while his scythe appeared in his grip. "Foolish Succubus!" His body glowed as he reactivated his Balance Break. "Don't get cocky!"

Lilith smirked at him. "If I wanted to get cocky, I could simply grow a dick." She cracked her knuckles. "For you, though, Jedah, I'm going to tear you apart so you can never revive."

Jedah let loose a roar as he leaped at Lilith in anger.

End Chapter 22


Oh look, Jedah finally came up with a name that didn't totally suck.

Anyway, as for the boosted divide, I was thinking "what if someone had both D'draig and Albion's power at the same time?" We know that D'draig can boost what Albion can absorb from the fight between Issei and Vali.

But I realized that such a thing would be impossible to beat.

But if they were replica Sacred Gears, and thus not as powerful as the real deal, it wouldn't quite be as powerful, but still dangerous, wouldn't it?

Next two chapters were originally one chapter, but I thought that was too much, so they'll be a bit shorter than usual... Maybe.

This arc is stupid long. Longer than the Betrayal arc, if you can believe it.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 23

Racing after Issei, who was starting to descend to the ground, Vali turned to Ranma, "So, do you have any idea what to do when we catch up to him?" Vali had to ask, since Ranma was the one who had him chase after Issei. Ranma shook his head as Issei crashed into the ground. "Well, that's just lovely, what are we going to do? I doubt I could use Divide on him enough times even in Juggernaut, to stop him before he boosts beyond what I can handle."

Ranma looked over at Vali for a moment then turned back to where Issei had been blasted off to. "Speaking of which, from what Azazel told me, he's been trying to keep Issei from ever using it unless he intends to die, since it's supposed to kill the user. But you've used it before, right?"

"That's right." The White Dragon Emperor confirmed. "However, since I am the great-grandson of the original Lucifer, I simply use my Devil power as a substitute for my life, but I can't do it for very long."

Ranma was about to say something when there was a loud roar that caused the very air to vibrate and it caused the two armored Devils to stop flying towards Issei. "Ah crap, that really is a lot different than his normal Balance Break."

"Yeah, and it's not monsterous like his Juggernaut Drive would be." Vali commented as he and Ranma were pushed down and away.

Ranma grunted as his fin funnels detached from his body and circled him while pointing just in front of him while energy pooled from them to a point while Ranma put up his hand and charged up some energy. "I'll blast him and then you get in there and try to Divide him."

"Works for me." Vali nodded. "Your best chance..."

"NOW!" A huge green energy wave rushed out of the attack. While the center of the attack was a concentrated beam of pure yokai energy, it was surrounded by a torrent of energy that flowed over it like a wave rippling through the sea.

The energy seemed to zoom foward before bending and twisting in the air, missing Issei by less than a foot.

"Dammit, is his aura that intense?" Ranma grunted as he twisted his hand slightly, causing the beam to turn and arc upwards before coming down and slamming Issei from above. "GO!"

Vali was already rushing in.

"Why do you care if he lives or dies, Vali?" Albion asked his host. "We are eternal rivals after all, there is no reason to help him."

Vali smirked behind his helmet. "If he dies, I'll have to wait for another rival to appear. And since I'll live for a damn long time, how long will it take for another bearer of this power to come anywhere near as close to my power as Issei is?" As he got close, he saw Issei standing while hunched over as the power crashed down on him. "THERE!"

Mere centimeters away from touching Issei, the gems on his armor suddenly glowed brightly.


"Ah crap." Vali muttered before getting punched in the face so hard that he was sent flying backwards and crashed next to Ranma. Standing up, he coughed as his helmet cracked before shattering into dust around him. "That hurt." Vali grimaced and looked up as Issei held up his left hand and a black and red aura erupted from his palm, destroying the energy beam that was crashing down on him and eating its way towards Ranma, who cut the energy to the attack. "He can use the Power of Destruction like that?!"

"I don't see why not." Ranma yelled as he and Vali dodged in all directions that they could move in as black and red lightning crackled down across the battlefield. "That power's supposed to destroy anything, right?"

Issei threw his head back and the roar that was let out was a Dragonic one that had Issei's voice mixed in, causing both Ranma and Vali to grimace and fall to their knees.

"Infernal Abyss, what the FUCK?!" Ranma gasped as he looked up just in time to get a knee to the face, sending him flying.

Issei turned to Vali, who was in the air and boosters erupted from his back, launching him upwards at the White Dragon Emperor. "Fast!" Vali gasped in shock as Issei let out a scream and slammed his fist into Vali's chest, causing the armor to crack and shatter, revealing Vali's chest. Vali grimaced before smirking as he grabbed Issei's still out-stretched hand. "Got'cha."

"Divide!" Albion called out as Vali let go of Issei and flew up, using the power he got from Issei to repair his armor. "Vali, even if we use Juggernaut on him, he would outlast us."

"I get it." Vali held out a hand and blasted at Issei, who simply swiped it away, shattering it into particles. "Any suggestions?"

"I got one." Ranma muttered as he floated behind Vali. "Use your Divide on me." Vali turned his head and Ranma could feel his confusion. "Did you forget that I have my King's piece? It's under a seal, I'll unleash it, you can use Divide on me to keep yourself going while Dividing him."

"True, I can use it on more than one opponent at a time." Vali nodded, "but I don't think it would work, he can boost too fast for it to stick."

"Don't tell me you're giving up." Ranma asked and Vali chuckled.

"Who said I was? I can use Divide on him in my Juggernaut," Vali looked back at Issei, "it'll allow me to keep up with him, you'll need to come up with some sort of crazy attack to take him down when I weaken him enough."

Ranma tapped his chin and nodded. "I got an idea, but I'll need a little bit of time."

"I can give you a few seconds." Vali nodded as he rushed at Issei, his body changing and becoming larger and more dragon-like. Rushing forward, he slammed into Issei, pinning his rival down under his bulk.


As Issei's strength started to fade, his eyes suddenly glowed.


Vali grimaced as he was taken aback by how fast Issei had recovered. 'FUCK! HURRY UP, RANMA!"

Behind Vali, Ranma held his hands in front of him as his King's piece hovered there between them while surrounded in a green sphere. "Alright, let's do this." He whispered before the sphere that surrounded his King's piece shattered and the piece flew into his body.

Ranma gasped and his eyes widened. "Oh fuck, this is... GAHH!" He screamed as a pillar of pure green energy erupted from his body.

While the area was bathed in pure green light, Issei managed to push Vali off of him and grab the transformed Vali by his throat and judo toss him to the ground. "DIE!" Issei spread his wings and flew up as a black and red orb formed in front of his hands.


Letting out a roar, Issei launched his palm forward, sending the Power of Destruction at Vali.


The power shrank and fizzled, leaving just scortch marks on Vali's armor as his Juggernaut ran out of power and he returned to his normal Balance Break armored form.

A moment later, a large, green-colored thing slammed into Issei from the side and Vali blinked behind his armor as he took in the scene more. "...Albion, am I crazy or is Ranma covered in an aura in the shape of a cat and is currently fighting Issei in close-range combat?"

"The aura looks like a tiger." Albion replied as Ranma dodged out of the way of an attack and slapped at Issei, knocking him down to the ground. Issei growled and swung his arm out, sending a wave of power out at Ranma, who nimbly dodged out of the way, while Issei got to his feet and grabbed the pouncing Ranma's aura, his arms shaking, as he tried to hold off the tiger aura.

"...A tiger vs dragon... Never thought I'd see it happen in my life." Vali muttered.

Issei's gems suddenly glowed gold as his aura erupted outwards while he let out a yell. "BoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoost!"

Issei suddenly started moving so fast that both Ranma and Vali seemed like they were standing still as Issei zipped in, slammed his hands into the chest of the aura manifestation and tore it in half. "HAAA!" He yelled while tossing the energy construct to the side, causing it to dissipate. Before Ranma could react, he was struck in the stomach, causing him to double over and Issei grabbed his over-sized shoulderpads, crushing them in his grip. Ranma looked up as Issei's left arm was covered in an aura that Ranma could tell was Holy in power.

Suddenly Issei jerked to the side as Vali did a dive kick, knocking him away.

Ranma looked up, his armor falling to pieces around him as he threw his arms up. "Stop this, Issei!" He yelled and crossed his arms as suddenly several nearly transparent boxes surrounded Issei, trapping him inside.

"That's..." Vali looked at Ranma in confusion. "What is that?"

Ranma had his arms crossed as more boxes formed around the ones that had Issei trapped inside. "A skill I learned from a Devil Hunter clan that I wiped out. They tried to use it on me and I turned it around on them."

"An entire clan?" Vali asked in surprise. "That's impressive, but what good is just trapping him in the boxes supposed to do?"

"You're supposed to collapse the box and crush what's inside, killing it." Ranma shot back. "It's pretty brutal."

Issei let out a roar as his body glowed black and red before he punched forward, causing all the boxes to turn a bright red as they exploded outwards, sending Ranma and Vali crashing to the ground. Issei held up his right hand and a large sphere of power formed above Issei before he dropped his hand down, sending the sphere rocketing towards Ranma and Vali, where it slammed into them, exploding and kicking up a ton of smoke and dust.

When the smoke and dust cleared, both Ranma and Vali were out of their armors and laying on the ground. "D-damn..." Ranma grunted as he pushed himself up.

"How are you still going?" Vali asked as he rolled onto his stomach and pushed hismelf to his knees.

Ranma smirked before coughing up some blood and wiping his lips. "I'm a lot tougher than I look." He looked at Issei, who was glowing with power. "Still, how do we beat this? His power keeps increasing."

"Oi! Brat!" A new voice spoke up and Ranma's eyes widened as he turned around to see an old man with a trimmed beard wearing a suit and smirking at him. "You're a pain in the ass to find, you know that?"

"Zelretch?!" Ranma gawked in surprise. "What are you doing here? Please tell me that you're not here to do something silly."

"Nah," the old man shook his head and pulled out a long, familiar-looking sword. "Here, the cursed Excalibur you gave me. I took it to the Fae, they weren't exactly happy with the abomination, so they fixed it, but decided to leave the taint on it." He tossed the blade towards Ranma, where it landed on the ground near him and slid to a stop next to him. "It's a complete Holy sword now. It just needs a name."

Ranma picked up the sword and examined it for a moment. The hilt was blue, the handle was gold and the blade was silver with a black sheen to it. Unliked the abomination before, which was a wicked-looking scimitar, this was more of an European-style broadsword.

"Um," Vali spoke up and pointed at Issei, "he's about to do something again."

Ranma turned around and faced Issei, holding the sword to the side as powerful black energy built up in the blade. "In that case, I'll call this... Excalibur Shadow!" He called out as the black energy suddenly erupted and Ranma slashed upwards, sending a wave of power out that slammed into Issei, who screamed in pain. "The light that protects from the dark!" Letting out a yell, Ranma jumped into the air and did a horizontal slash, sending the wave of power to slam into the already existing vertical pillar of power.

As the pillars of energy faded, the armored form of Issei hovered in mid-air, not moving and the lights on the gems had faded and gone dim.

"Issei..?" Ranma asked as he floated towards the still figure. "You alive?" He asked and touched Issei. There was a loud cracking sound and suddenly the armor shattered, revealing a knocked out Issei. "Woah!" Ranma grabbed Issei. "Got'cha buddy." He slowly flew to the ground and put Issei down. "You really need to stop getting sudden power-ups that you can't control."

A sudden laughter had Ranma turning his head towards Vali, who was doubled over, laughing. "I'm sorry, it's just... Hahahahaha! You basically nailed Issei to a cross!"

"...I guess I did." Ranma shook his head. "Why is that so funny?"

"Did you forget who the most famous person to get nailed to a cross was?" Vali asked and Ranma's eyes widened in surprise. "My family has a bit of history with him."

"I suppose you would find it funny." Zelretch smirked, though he privately thought it was funny. "But, seriously, brat, you're lucky I came to Hell looking for you. I went to your place but you weren't there. I almost left, but decided to find where you were."

"Yeah, about that." Ranma said as he stood up. "How in the name of your sorcery power did you convince the Fae to fix this?" He asked as he pointed to the Excalibur in his hands. "And if this is a Holy sword, how am I using it? I got no Holy power in me."

Zelretch rolled his eyes. "Simple, they were going to destroy it and I simply told them that was what the one who had it said that's what they would do, since they probably couldn't fix it."

Ranma gawked at the old man. "You taunted them? No, you pulled a ME and taunted them?! To their face?!"

Zelretch chuckled. "Your old man was many things, but I have to admit, his idea of taunting things works out well when you can prick their pride."

"...I really hope it doesn't snow in Hell again." Ranma muttered. "Seriously, since when is my dad considered a genius?!"

"Also, I keep telling you, you really don't know enough about yourself to make any judgement calls." Zelretch told Ranma. "Look into your family history some time."

"I know, my mom's side is part Demon, I turned myself into a Devil, there's no way..."

"I meant your dad's side of the family." Zelretch shook his head and pulled out his Jeweled Sword. "And you should look further back into your mother's side of the family. You'll find some interesting answers. Anyway, I'm out of here."

After the old man opened a portal and left, Vali walked over to Ranma. "So, who is that guy?"

"The guy who taught me magic." Ranma answered with a shrug. "Dad somehow summoned him to our world and he was amused by Lilith and myself. I still don't know what he's thinking."

"Anyway, I'm going to go." Vali turned to leave.

"Wait!" Ranma grabbed his shoulder. "Could you watch after Issei? I need to check on Lilith."

"Why?" Vali asked with narrowed eyes. "He's my rival. Why should I care about him?"

Ranma tapped his chin. "...You like girls with big butts, right?"

Vali tried not to show any response. "...I'm listening."

"I know some succubi who have big, juicy, jiggly asses that would love to have you as a partner."

"I'm not looking to have any kids." Vali scoffed and turned. "I'll be the last of my family."

Ranma put his hands on the back of his head and sighed. "Well, I suppose so, I mean, it's not like you couldn't work to undo the legacy of Lucifer in the world or anything, right? Besides, if the rest of your clan is dead, doesn't that mean that the legacy of Lucifer is whatever you want it to be?"

"I'll always be bound to the legacy of my family." Vali grumbled. "And what would you know about families?" Vali spun around and pointed at Ranma. "You don't even know everything about your family!"

"You got a point. But the past is the past." Ranma said and walked past Vali. "All I know that is if I was you, I'd try to make my own legacy and not tie myself to my past so much. Besides, you're not a bad person. Isn't that why you hid your mother and half-siblings away from the rest of your family?"

Vali's eyes widened and he growled. "You... How do you know that?!"

Ranma raised an eyebrow. "Nabiki has a form of omniscience, remember? I asked her about you and got that information. She wasn't looking for that, she was just wondering what happened to your mother, since she didn't see if your mother had died." He sighed at Vali's angered look. "Trust me, I meant no harm. I won't press the issue, but you're proof that your family doesn't have to be the pieces of shit that they were in the past."

"Whatever." Vali huffed and walked over to Issei and sat down. "Go! I'll stay here. I need to think."

Ranma nodded. "Thanks, Vali." He said as he took off.

After Ranma was gone, Vali pursed his lips and sighed softly. "...A new legacy, huh?" It wasn't anything he had thought of before, but he wondered if maybe he could finally be free of the chains of his past.

End Part 1


And that's the end of part 1 of this chapter. Almost done with this arc.

Next part is Super Jedah vs Super Lilith

...Yeah, I'll go with that. XD


Well-Known Member
And here's part 2.


Part 2

Lilith flapped her wings as she landed on a nearby alcove. "Shine... Sphere!" She clasped her hands before thrusting them upwards and many arrows of light launched upwards, pooling and turning into a large orb of pure light. "Fall!" She dropped her hands, causing the orb to lash out at Jedah, who simply twisted out of the way of the attack. Lilith simply snapped her fingers as Jedah got close and the orb suddenly exploded, sending a large wave of power back at both her and Jedah, bathing both of them in Light magic, getting a hiss of pain from the armored Devil while Lilith simply grimaced. Before Jedah could recover, she punched forward with both hands, sending a flashing bat of energy that slammed into Jedah, knocking him to the ground. "Really? Even with my newfound strength, Jedah, I'm surprised at how easy you are to defeat." Lilith laughed at him as he stood up, barely any marks on his armor.

"Just because you've obtained a new level of power thanks to merging back together, Liligan," Jedah said with barely disguised disgust in his voice, "that doesn't mean that you've won."


Jedah threw his arms back and to the side as the air was filled with spinning scythes, which continued to multiply and grow in number, surrounding Lilith on all sides.

Lilith looked from side to side and in all directions. "Huh, this might hurt." She suddenly giggled and rotated her right wrist and thrust her index and middle finger upwards, causing a swarm of bats and power to surround her before they lashed outwards and slammed into the spinning blades, destroying them. "Or not."

Jedah growled and rushed at her, his scythe held to his side as he cut through her body. Or rather, the large log that suddenly appeared. "What the hell?"

"Master and I learned from ninjas, you know?" Lilith said from behind him. Jedah turned, only to get a large energy fist to the face. "And if your thing works like Vali's, you need to touch someone in order to Divide them, right?"

Suddenly an image of Vali using Divide Dimensions popped into her head and she sweat-dropped, hoping that Jedah had no clue how to pull that off. 'Then again... If he could do that, why couldn't he do Boost Dimensions? Maybe it's something that only Albion and D'draig have the potential to do?'

She looked up as Jedah got in close and was swinging his scythe at her. She held her hand out in front of her and dark power pooled in front of her, forming a staff, which allowed her to block the attack. "Impressive. You really are impressive." Jedah chuckled. "You're everything I had hoped for when I took the third of your soul that was free floating and put it into that body."

Lilith sneered at him. "You really are a piece of work, Jedah. Trying to bring my dead great-grandfather back from the dead? For what? So you can control the world?" She blinked as Jedah started to laugh. "What's so funny?" She asked as she pushed him away from her.

Landing a few feet away, Jedah continued to chuckle. "You don't get it, Liligan..." He pointed his left hand at Lilith. "Your dead great-grandfather, he might be my ultimate goal, but you..." He pulled his hand back and clenched it into a fist. "You are my masterpiece. And, even more important, without you, I could have never tried this whole scheme."

Lilith frowned in confusion as she stood up. "What do you mean?" That didn't make any sense to her.

"Simple." Jedah chuckled. "Had I not found your soul and been able to craft a body for you, I wouldn't have had the idea to do the same for Him!" Jedah threw his arms to the side. "Think about it, Liligan. With your help, I could reset the world and fix the problems that plague it." He looked to the side, where the green tornado of souls was starting to get stronger. "Soon, He will be free and in a body of my choosing." He looked back at Lilith. "How about it, Liligan? Join me and I'll ensure that both you and your master are reborn into the new world."

"Hmm, no thanks." Lilith shook her head. "I know that there's threats out there, Jedah, but I'm not going to let you take control of this world to fix what you think is wrong with it."

Jedah hung his head and shook it. "I'm not making this up, I really will give people what I promise. But, oh well." He sighed and raised his head before launching himself at Lilith, who jumped out of the way as Jedah slashed down where she had been a second ago.

In the air above Jedah, Lilith held her hands upwards. "Try this... Tempest... VORTEX!" She flipped around in the air, sticking her butt up high as she launched a swirling mass of dark energy that caused the sand that was covering the ground to get pulled up into her attack.


Jedah concentrated power into his scythe and swung upwards, sending out a wave of energy that slammed into Lilith's attack. The two energy attacks swirled before shattering into particles, revealing Lilith's shocked expression. "What' the matter, Liligan? Surprised that this scythe, unlike the ones that Hades's reapers have, can kill even energy attacks?"


Suddenly Jedah seemingly disappeared. A moment later, Jedah appeared behind Lilith and slashed at the back of her head. She ducked and avoided the attack while spreading her wings and firing out multiple small energy fists from her wings to get him to back off.


Jedah let out a roar and rushed at Lilith, who flapped her wings to fly straight up. Jedah spun to look at where she was, only to find a bunch of blasts of light and darkness crashing down on where he was.

Lilith growled and extended her wings out as far they would go, causing them to increase in size and making her seem four times larger than she normally was. "Try this, you bastard!" She held her arms out to the side as suddenly lightning crashed into her from both sides. Her eyes started to glow and crackle with power. "Lightning..." She clapped her hands together and raised up her arms before swinging them down, a trail of lightning following her motions as she did so. "FALL!"

Jedah let out a loud scream as the lightning crashed down on him. 'This is... Divine lightning?!' His eyes bugged out as he couldn't believe that she could use something that should have been out of her reach. 'What is with this girl?!'

His pupils shrank as he recalled a conversation with Belial back when the Nephilim had still been alive.

"It would be far too dangerous for her to have her full power. If she did, she might accidentally destroy the world. I worry that she might even be able to use power that should be out of her reach."


With a loud roar, Jedah burst out of the lightning and rushed up at Lilith, extending his arm and grabbing her by her throat. "It's OVER!"



Lilith's eyes widened and Jedah grinned savagely behind his armor. When Lilith's body turned dark and she melted into a puddle of goo, he jerked in surprise. "What the?"

"Congrats, you caught a shadow." Lilith said from behind. Jedah growled and spun around, extending his arm while his scythe was in it, cutting Lilith in half.

"Now, now..." Another Lilith said while sitting on top of Jedah's head appeared and shook her head. "I am not the reason that you're failing right now. You are."

Jedah let out a yell and slashed upwards, cutting her in half, before two more Lilith appeared around him. "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON?!"

Not far away, Lilith was sitting on a rock, with one eye closed as she looked at where Jedah was rushing around slashing the air itself. "You're caught in an illusion of light and shadow." Lilith whispered. "What you're seeing isn't real."

She watched Jedah rushing around, slashing at everything he thought was real. "Still, that scythe is a problem, isn't it?"

Waiting until Jedah paused to catch his breath, Lilith launched herself up at Jedah. When she got up to him, she raised her left leg up, while her outfit changed, her tight spandex bottoms shifting and melting away, revealing her bare, muscled legs and butt-cheeks to anyone who was looking, while reforming above her left leg, becoming a large axe, which Lilith dropped down, cutting through Jedah's right arm at the elbow, severing it and causing him to drop the scythe while he screamed in pain. "It's over."

Jedah spun around and gripped his stump of an arm. "It's never over! Even if you kill me, I'll just revive myself after a few centuries!"

Lilith tilted her head and nodded, "you do have a point, I guess."

The next thing Jedah knew, he was punched away by a large energy fist that destroyed his scale mail armor, leaving him hovering in the air in his normal form and a bloody stump of an arm. "You..." He hissed as he saw Ranma flying towards them. "When did you get here?!"

"Just now." Ranma smirked at him. "Have fun, Jedah?" Jedah didn't say anything, but did glance down to where the scythe had fallen. "Hmm?" Ranma looked down to where the scythe was and flew down to it.

Lilith, meanwhile, was starting to glow with power as she chanted in a language that was so ancient that even Jedah had never heard of it before.

Jedah wasn't sure what was going on. But when he saw Ranma reach down to pick up the scythe, Jedah sneered. "Fool! That's a weapon of Heaven! Other than me, there's only one person in the entirety of the world that could ever touch it, and you're..." Jedah paused as Ranma picked up the scythe and turned to look at Jedah. But Jedah wasn't seeing Ranma, instead, an image of another man with raven black hair and dark eyes was standing where Ranma was with the scythe in his hands. "...A...A...Azrael?!"

"Who?" Ranma asked before grimacing as Lilith was engulfed in a bright purple light.

Lilith held out her hands while finishing the spell she was working on. "It's over! BANISH!" A stream of purple energy lanced out and slammed into Jedah, who was suddenly engulfed in a purple aura, before Lilith let out a yell and turned to where the tornado of souls was at. "You might be able to revive, but let's see you get out of the Well of Lost Souls!"

"I'll BE BACK!" Jedah screamed as he was sucked into the vortex. Less than a minute later, the vortex suddenly glowed brightly and after a bright flash had vanished, along with Jedah.

End Chapter 23


Alright, time to wrap up this arc and... Oh sheesh, this is going to take awhile. Stick around until the end, you'll love it.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 24

Ranma and Lilith both had to look away as Jedah was sucked into the Well of Lost Souls and the portal closed with a bright flash. "I hope he can't get out of that." Ranma muttered, though he wondered about the name Jedah had called out. 'Who's Azrael?' He shook his head and made the scythe disappear. He could figure it out later, right now he had other things to worry about.

Namely the two girls making their way to him and Lilith.

"You're... Valerie, right?" Ranma asked as he looked at the Vampire, who nodded and blushed.

"Yes, I'm Valerie and..." She squirmed in place. "Thank you for freeing me from Jedah's control, but I'm sorry, I REALLY need to use the bathroom! I've needed to go for months but haven't been able to since he put me under his mind control and I can't hold it!"

Ranma sweat-dropped and looked at Lilith, who nodded and grabbed Valerie before disappearing. "Poor girl." He really hoped that there wasn't any complications from not being able to go to the bathroom for months.

"Well, since everything worked out, I should, owowowowowow!" Bennia yelled in pain as Ranma grabbed her hair on the back of her head and pulled. "That hurts! Owwie!"

Ranma gave her a stern look and she whimpered. "You're coming with me. We're going to where Issei and Vali are. You will then explain to all of us why you were working for Jedah and then we'll decide what to do to you."

Bennia sweat-dropped. "Don't you mean "with me" instead of to me?"

"I know what I said." Ranma said as he yanked on her hair, getting her to cry out as she was pulled off balance and fell on her butt. "Now hurry up. If you try and flee, I'll hunt you down and feed you to tentacle monsters."

"YEEK!" Bennia cried out as she got to her feet and ran after Ranma. "That was mean! You were nicer when you were working with Jedah."

Ranma gave her a tired expression. "I've been raped in my female form, tentacled when I was in succubus mode and just fought someone who tried to reset reality. Of course I'm not in a good mood."

"...When you put it that way..." Bennia nodded. "Okay! I'll be a good girl. Just, um..." She poked her fingers together as the two walked over the desert sands. "Please don't tell Lord Hades that I was helping Jedah under my own free will. I don't want to work for him, but he, well..."

"Extremely powerful Greek god, right?" Ranma asked and Bennia nodded. "Fine, if he shows up and asks, I'll tell him that you were under Jedah's mind control." Ranma blinked as he felt Bennia hugging him from behind. "...Seriously, I'm not happy with you."

"No, but thank you." Bennia let go and grinned. "Onwards!" She ran in front of Ranma and started to walk with her legs fully extended. "One-two-one-two!"

"What is this? The military?" Ranma sweat-dropped but followed after her as they made their way to where Issei and Vali were at.

After all, she didn't seem like a bad sort.



Lilith waited outside of the bathroom for Valerie to finish her business. After nearly fifteen minutes, Valerie walked out of the bathroom, a relieved look on her face. "Are you sure you're okay? You were crying in pain a little bit ago."

Valerie nodded. "I still hurt, but..." She shook her head. "I'll take a bit of pain from flushing so much out over holding it in for so long."

"I bet." Lilith nodded as she scratched the back of her head. "Anyway, it looks like things have settled down here, so we should..."

"HEY!" Lilith and Valerie looked down the hallway as Atsuko, in her NK-SGD outfit, ran up to them. "You're alive!" Atsuko yelled happily as she glomped Lilith, who had to spin around a couple of times to deal with the momentum. "Oh my gosh! You're okay! What happened? Your boobs are bigger, why do you have green in your hair? Oh wow, one of your eyes is green now."

Lilith giggled and shut up Atsuko by kissing her on the lips. Atsuko's eyes widened and she relaxed into the kiss. After a few moments, Lilith broke the kiss and smiled at the blushing and panting girl. "Okay, to answer your questions, I'm fine. Lilith faced Morrigan and won, merging together into me. My boobs did get bigger, yes. The green is from Morrigan after all." She let go of Atsuko, who stepped back but looked at her in confusion. "I'm both Lilith and Morrigan, I have both of their memories, but I'm not either of them at the same time." She shrugged, causing her boobs to jiggle. "So why are you in that outfit?"

"Less embarrassing that running around with no pants on." Atsuko told her.

"...I like seeing you with no pants on though." Lilith told her and Atsuko blushed and giggled. "Anyway, are things calming down?"

Atsuko nodded and gestured to one of the windows. "Thankfully, whatever forces that Jedah had here were mostly wrapped up by the time Asia and I got back, so I've been helping finding stragglers and people who got hurt."

"I guess when you have the Norse All-Father, several Satan-class Devils and Fallen Angel leaders around, whatever problems in the area would be taken care of easily." Lilith muttered and looked at Valerie. "So what about you?"

Valerie looked at Lilith sleepily. "...Can I get back to you after I sleep for a few hours?" Lilith nodded and Valerie smiled before slumping down and passing out. Had Lilith not caught her, she would have hit the floor hard.

"Let's get her to a bed." Lilith said as she picked up the half-Vampire and carried her bridal style while Atsuko led Lilith to the make-shift infirmary.



Vali looked up as Ranma and Bennia walked up to him and Issei. "There, you're back, I can leave the idiot now."

"Well, hold on." Ranma stopped him and looked at Bennia. "Don't you have something to say? Like why you were working for Jedah?"

Bennia sighed and lowered her head. "Lord Hades was going to try and destroy all the other supernatural factions on the planet while working with some other Gods like Angra Mainyu."

"The Persian God of evil?" Vali grimaced, getting a nod from Bennia. "Lovely. Met him once, total asshole."

"Even worse than your grandfather?" Issei asked as he pushed himself to his feet.

Vali laughed. It was an empty, hollow laugh. "I wouldn't say worse, but they did get along." He smirked at Issei's shocked expression. "Where do you think I met him?" Vali shook his head to clear his thoughts and looked at Bennia. "And Hades is pretty xenophobic towards other pantheons, so why is he working with Angra Mainyu?"

"Well..." Bennia looked troubled and lowered her head. "They want to destroy all the other Pantheons and then divide the world up after that. Lord Jedah was going to revive God," she missed the grimaces of pain Vali, Issei and Ranma all felt as they staggered from hearing that name, "and put His soul into a new body and use the power of his artifical Boosted Gear to increase His power and rewind time to when humans were first born."

"That's a lovely thought." Ranma grimaced as a thought came to him. "Crap, if Jedah has those two Sacred Gears, he might still be able to get out of the Well of Lost Souls, wouldn't he?" He looked at Bennia as she started giggling. "What's so funny?"

"Well..." She smiled and spun around twice before holding her hands out, shocking all three Devils as she held both the Replica Boosted Gear and the Replica Divine Dividing. "When he went flying into the vortex, I went in, grabbed the Sacred Gears and got out."

"How did you not get sucked in?" Vali asked. "Even Gods can't escape from there."

"Reaper privilege!" Bennia grinned at him. "I can go into Cocytus and pull people out." She shivered and rubbed her arms. "Still leaves us cold down to our cores, it's never fun."

"Lovely." Ranma muttered as Vali started to walk away. "Where are you going?"

"I have no reason to hang around." Vali said while waving over his shoulder. He did stop and look back at Ranma and then at Issei. "...I'll say this, Issei, it'll be fun to face you in the future. Same with you, Ranma." His Sacred Gear's wings formed on his back and he took off at high speed.

Ranma shook his head and grabbed Bennia. "Come on, let's go." Wings popped out of his back as Issei nodded and the same happened to him.

"What will happen to me?" Bennia asked and Ranma shrugged.

"We'll see, I have no clue."

The group took off into the air, towards where the portal was. Thankfully Bennia knew its location and was able to guide them to it.



Indra sighed as Asia finished healing his wound. "Can't believe that I have to thank a Devil." He stood up and rubbed where his wound was before looking at Asia, who smiled up at him nervously. "...It seems that the one in charge of your pantheon was a lot more powerful than I gave him credit for if those artifacts he left behind are so effective."

Asia smiled and walked off. Turning a corner, she bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see, oh!" She gasped, her eyes going wide, "Xenovia!" She was surprised that Xenovia was changed into her schoolgirl outfit, but otherwise she looked fine, if a bit flush and sweaty.

The blue haired girl smiled at Asia. "Hey, sorry I wasn't around to help during the crisis, I was..." She looked away, blushing, "dealing with a problem that Lilith left for me." She had been stuck in a continous loop of orgasms for nearly thirty minutes before she finally started to calm down. "Anyway, how did your match go?"

"Got interrupted." Asia told her and fidgeted in place. "I'm sorry. But when I was leaving the area, I left Excalibur Nightmare behind and now someone might have stolen it and..."

"Oh, is that all?" Xenovia asked and held out her hand and concentrated. Before Asia could ask what was going on, a glow appeared in her hand before Excalibur Nightmare formed in her outstretched hand. "See? I have it back."

"...How did you do that?"

Xenovia smiled as she pulled out her Ex-Durandal and opened one of the cartridge slots before shifting the Excalibur Nightmare and putting it back in the sword. "Yohko taught me how to recall my weapons. When she found out that I have several Excalibur fragments in this sword and that I could take them out and give them to people, she thought to teach me how to recall them in case they get lost."

"Neat!" Asia smiled brightly.


It took more than an hour later to finish cleaning up the mess as various leaders had to converse with each other, families that had gotten lost in the shuffle found each other and various groups meeting up together.

"I not surprised that you two are okay." Ranma said as he and Lilith walked up to Vasco and Cologne, who were finishing talks with Ajuka Beelzebub. "Ah, hello there, uh..."

The green-haired Devil smirked at Ranma. "Have you forgotten me already? And after I was Satan Green in that episode of Satan Rangers meets Mahou Shoujo Levia-tan?"

Ranma sweat-dropped heavily. "Sorry, I forgot who you were... Ajuka Beelzebub, right?" The Devil nodded, chuckling.

"Don't worry, I'm not offended, we've not interacted much. No, these two were informing me about a certain someone that has to be retrieved." Ajuka nodded at another Devil that walked by. "If you'll excuse me, I need to go."

Ranma nodded and watched as Ajuka walked off while catching up to the Devil that passed them and started talking. "Must be a secretary or something." Ranma muttered and looked at Cologne and Vasco. "Man, it's too bad that everything was interrupted, huh?"

Cologne chuckled with a wistful smile on her face. "Oh, but that's fine, the chance to be young again, even if for a short period of time, I can't complain about it."

Vasco chuckled and nodded. "It feels amazing to be young again, but I'm glad it's only for a short while. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy not feeling my bones pop every time I lift my arm or having the aches and pains that come with age, but I've had a good life."

Ranma nodded and pulled out a thin vial. "Well, I was going to offer this to one of you, but since neither of you want it..." He trailed off and popped the cork off of it. "Last chance to stay young." They both shook their heads and he nodded. "Well, okay then..." He started to tilt the vial to pour out the contents.

"Ranma, my boy! What are you doing?!" A powerful slap to his back had Ranma stumble forward, the vial slipping from his hands as it flew forward.

Cologne's eyes widened in surprise. "HapposARUGH!" She gagged as the vial flew forward and into her mouth in such a way that it went straight for the back of her throat and before she could react, the contents drained out and down her throat. Quickly, she pulled the vial out and coughed in surprise.

Ranma had a shocked expression on his face as he looked at Cologne. "Uh, congrats?"

Cologne growled as she started to glow, her eyes gleaming with malice. "HAPPOSAI NO BAKA!" She yelled and chased after the tiny grandmaster of Anything Goes.

"Well, that wasn't what I expected." Vasco chuckled in amusement. "Things sure aren't dull, that's for sure."

Ranma just nodded and hoped that Issei was having an easier time than he was.


In the infirmary...

"Issei!" Rias called out as she got into the infirmary where Issei was at. "Are you okay?"

"I'm sore, extremely tired and drained..." Issei said as he sat up and smiled. "But what about you?" His smile faded away as he looked at her in concern. "How long did you know about..."

"Only a couple of days." Rias said with a blush. "I was going to wait a couple of weeks and take another test to make sure that it wasn't a false positive, but..." She put her hands over her stomach. "There's a life growing in here, Issei. One that we made together." Her eyes teared up as she suddenly hugged him. "I'm so happy."

"Yeah." Issei smiled as he hugged her back. "I mean, I was expecting to be a father, but not for a bit longer and..."

"AHHH!" A new voice shocked Rias and Issei and they both looked at the door where Irina, Asia, Xenovia, Koneko and Akeno were standing. Asia had a shocked expression on her face while the other girls looked on in confusion and jealousy.

"You're pregnant?!" Asia yelped in surprise. Rias blushed and nodded. "Moooouuuu! No fair!" She pouted. "I wanted to have Issei's first baby!"

"But I was the first one to get engaged!" Xenovia protested. "I promised my mom that I'd get knocked up during the honeymoon!"

"And I'm his wife!" Irina yelled in protest. "How come I'm not already pregnant?"

"Ara ara..." Akeno felt her eyes twitching. "If Rias is pregnant, then I won't be able to do hardcore BDSM on her." She sighed and shook her head. "Oh well, I guess I can practice my shibari and wax skills."

Koneko just pouted. "Issei-senpai gets to put a baby in you and all he can do is use my butt until I get bigger. Not fair."

Rias turned her head to look at Issei and smiled at him. "If you think this is bad, wait until I tell my parents and brother."

Issei just chuckled nervously.

End Chapter 24


Mostly just wrap-up chapters from here on out.

Sure has been a fun ride, huh?


Well-Known Member
Chapter 25

Sirzechs walked through the halls of Valhalla's medical wing as fast as he could while remaining dignified. When he arrived at the room he was looking for, he knocked twice before opening it up. "Grayfia?"

His wife was laying on a bed, looking worn out, tired and sweaty, but otherwise okay. "Are..."

Grayfia smiled at him tiredly and jerked her head as she shifted the blanket that she was under down, revealing two small bundled blankets with tiny baby faces peeking out of them. "The Asguard are quite skilled, my labor didn't last very long and these two girls were ready to come out and see the world."

Sirzechs walked up to his wife and smiled at her, giving her a kiss. "They're lovely, dear."

Grayfia smiled at him before reaching up and grabbing his shirt by the necktie and squeezing it. "I love you, Sirzechs Gremory, but I do not wish to have any more children for awhile, understand?"

He nodded and she released her grip on his neck before pulling him into another kiss. "After they grow up, I won't mind, but right now, I don't want to worry about it."

"Of course." Sirzechs smiled at her. "Still, this is a small miracle."

After all, Devils, like most of the Moonlight World, had very low fertility rates.


Standing on the roof of the arena, Cologne looked out across Hell and had a small smirk on her face. "Never thought that Hell was this nice. Guess everyone who ever told me Hell was nice at this time of year wasn't lying." She looked at her hand and sighed softly. It was nice being young again, but there was a new complication.

"Grand Elder, I am here with Mousse." Shampoo said in Chinese as she and Mousse knelt behind Cologne, who nodded and turned to look at them. "You wished to speak with us in private?"

Cologne nodded and responded in Chinese. "Shampoo, I can say that I am very pleased with how your progress in combat arts has progressed. You have room to grow as a leader and as a person," she smiled gently at her great-grandchild, "but that will come with time." She sighed softly, her smile leaving her face, "sadly, that is time that I will not be able to be with you."

"Grand Elder?" Shampoo and Mousse both asked at the same time as they looked up at her.

"Having drank a second dose of the youth potion that young Ranma got me, I am permanently a young woman." Cologne paused for a moment. "Well, at least until I grow old again. I have confirmed with Nabiki that my body is exactly how it was when I was eighteen and I will age and grow old the same way I did before, only with my skill and experience, I probably won't get old again for several centuries."

"Might I ask what this has to do with you not being there with us?" Mousse asked and Cologne nodded.

"I was getting to that." Cologne gave him a mock glare before shaking her head. "Even if an accident on Ranma's part, I still reversed my aging and will live an artificially extended life. It's not something that is well-known, but do you know why Jusenkyo is viewed as a loss of honor for Amazons?" Both Shampoo and Mousse were silent as they waited for Cologne to continue. "Because the springs are an abomination that mocks the natural order of things." Cologne explained. "If someone were to fall into the springs and marry into the tribe, there is no loss of honor, of course." They both nodded, knowing that. "However, the Spring of the Drowned Girl? Imagine for a moment, that as we Elders got older and our fighting prowess faded away, we could simply splash ourselves with cold water and return to when we were teenagers, but with all our skill and knowledge."

"The Amazons would be unstoppable." Shampoo gasped in surprise.

Cologne nodded to her. "Yes, but it's unnatural and goes against nature. Using your skills to prolong your life is acceptable, you still eventually get to the grave. But using something to reverse your age permanently is a slap to the face of the natural order and any Elder who does it, whether intentional or not, shall lose her status and be exiled from the village."

Shampoo had a confused look on her face. "Then why did you take the first dose if that was the case?"

Cologne smiled, glad that Shampoo caught the double standard. "A temporary reversal of aging is acceptable. We have many boxes of the temporary curse spring powder hidden away in case the Musk or Phoenix tribes decide to get uppity. Why do you think those two tribes have never succeeded in defeating the Amazons? It was decided ages before my great-grandmother was even conceieved that temporarily reversing one's age, while it goes against the natural order of the world, is only temporary and thus will still correct itself."

"So what will happen with you?" Mousse asked and Cologne shrugged.

"I'm not some city girl that can't live off the land." Cologne smirked at him. "That said, I'll see what I can do about living in the near future." A contemplative look crossed her face as a blush appeared on her face. "Oh my, I just realized... Since I'm eighteen again..." A wide grin came to her face while Mousse and Shampoo looked confused. "I'm back on the market!"

"The... Market?" Both Shampoo and Mousse asked in confusion.

"The dating market." Cologne smirked as the two young Amazons gawked at her. "What? You think that I'm going to spend my second chance at being young all alone and miserable? Hell no! Bring on the men!"

Both Mousse and Shampoo face-faulted while Cologne laughed.



Azazel nodded to Serafall and Ajuka as he walked into the makeshift conference room. It was hours after the attack and most people had gone to their homes or nearby to rest. "Ah, you two... Oh, hello, Falbium Asmodeus." He nodded to the bald Devil, who nodded back, "I'm surprised to see you here."

"Well, I do have to work once in awhile," he said before yawning, "even if working means losing at life."

"Anyway," Ajuka coughed into his hand, "I'm glad that everyone's here. Sirzechs couldn't be here since he's seeing his wife." The others nodded in understanding. "For the most part, Jedah's forces consisted of various Demons and animals from Earth that were dealt with, however, there's a few problems that have popped up."

"As for the human... Tarou," Falbium began, "it looks like he was completely under Jedah's mind control. We can let him go back to the human world after he's recovered."

"I don't have a problem with that." Azazel told them. "There's the Reaper, Bennia Orcus that is a bit more troubling. From what she said, she was working with Jedah willingly."

"Yes, but only because was worried about Hades trying to cause all other factions problems." Serafall spoke up. "If what she says is true, we should probably give her sanctuary. As strong as Hades is, I doubt he'd try to attack if she's under our protection in some form."

"It's a tricky situation regardless." Ajuka nodded. "As for the last one, that's a very... Sensitive subject."

"Miko Mido," Serafall pursed her lips, "as much as Lilith would love to have her executed, our hands are pretty tied with her, aren't they?"

"Sadly, yes," Ajuka agreed while shaking his head in dismay, "while she did attack with Jedah, she didn't directly harm any families or harm Devil society as a whole. And even though I have no problem with promoting Issei to high rank after this, Ranma's allies are very thin and expending political clout to protect a rogue hanyou isn't worth the hassle."

"Before any decisions get made with her, I'll have a talk with her." Serafall said in an uncharacteristic serious voice. "Even if my hands are tied politically, it still affects me."

Ajuka shook his head. "Serafall, we all know that you're sleeping with Ranma, but you know the rules about having a harem." Serafall opened her mouth to say something and Ajuka just held up a hand. "And don't give me any line about joining a harem, you know that it applies that way as well."

Serafall went quiet and didn't say anything.

"That said," Falbium spoke up, "so long as you're able to do your job, we're all willing to look the other way."

Serafall nodded, she knew that. It was risky to skirt the rules like she was, but no one really raised a stink about it, though that was mostly because the only ones who knew what she was doing were in that room with her at that moment. "Do not worry, I can keep a clear head."

"I hope so, for everyone's sake." Azazel commented. "I do think that the test run for the International Games was a success though." He smirked at the interested looks from the Devils. "Despite some hiccups, we got plenty of praise from the games." Part of him wondered if that was because of that one video that was floating around online, but he mentally shrugged it off. "My only suggestion is that we scrap the forest arenas from here on out."

"Agreed." Ajuka nodded in agreement.


"Thanks for allowing us all to stay at your home, Ravel." Ranma said to the blonde girl as the two walked towards one of the guest rooms. Ranma was wearing just a tank top and pants and Ravel was in red and white pajamas.

"It's fine with me, after all, you are my King." She smiled as she walked with him. "I'm surprised your parents were willing to stay here. Most humans hate the thought of Hell."

Ranma shrugged at that. "Well, mom seems to be open minded and dad learned the hard way that not everything is as you think it is." As they continued to walk, Ranma looked around in confusion. "Um, Ravel, I thought we were going to the guest rooms. I need to talk to the others about something..." He looked and saw Ravel's blush and smile. "...We're heading to your room, aren't we?"

Ravel nodded and hugged his arm. "It's a Bishop's duty to pleasure her King after all." She blushed and fidgeted. "I..."

"If you're sure." Ranma told her softly. "Realize that you'll be ruined for..."

"I don't want any other men." Ravel whispered. "I want the man who saved my life." She looked up at him and smiled. "So, please, don't make me wait."

"I guess I can wait until the morning to talk to the others." Ranma nodded as he moved and picked her up, bridal style. "Where's your room?"

Ravel blushed and gave him directions. Their clothes didn't last long once they got into the room and Ranma was quite thankful that he used silencing spells on the walls.

After all, Ravel was quite the screamer when she was warmed up.


In one of the guest rooms, Lilith started giggling, causing Mittelt and Atsuko to both look at her in confusion. "Master just claimed Ravel." She rolled over on the bed so that she was on her back and grinned at the two others who were on the bed with her. "Well, we WERE going to have a small orgy with Master, might as well not waste it, huh?"

Atsuko shrugged and threw her shirt off, letting her bare breasts bounce freely while Mittelt took off her panties. "Not like any of us have hang-ups about lesbian sex." She reached down and slid her pants and underwear off of her hips, before licking her lips while Lilith just made herself naked. "I haven't had a chance to taste that new body of yours yet, Lilith."

Lilith giggled as Atsuko crawled over and kissed her while Mittelt got between her legs and started licking her thighs.

None of the three got much sleep that night.


The next morning...

Ranma woke up and reached up to rub the sleep out of his eyes, only to find his right arm wasn't responding. Blinking a few times, he saw Ravel's nude form laying on it. He smiled and shifted so that he could run his hand over her side sides, letting him feel her breast, side and butt without waking her up. "Ravel..." He whispered and leaned in, kissing her on the lips. "I need to get up."

"Nnngh, comfy. Sore. Can't move."

Ranma chuckled softly as he squeezed her butt, getting a soft moan from her. "If you don't let me get up, Lilith will be coming in here and you'll have your first lesbian experience."

Ravel's eyes snapped open and she sat up, her breasts jiggling. "What?!"

Ranma chuckled as he sat up. "Morning, beautiful." He put his hand on the back of her head and pulled her close to him, kissing her on the lips. Ravel opened her mouth and Ranma stuck his tongue inside as they made out. Ravel moaned softly as she felt Ranma's hand squeezing her butt. "Still too sore?" Ranma asked as he broke the kiss.

Ravel's only response was to pout and push him down before straddling his waist and reaching down to rub his dick to full hardness. "Yes, but I'm turned on now, I'm not going to let you get away with this."

Ranma grinned at her and reached up to squeeze her breasts as she positioned and lowered herself down on his dick with a loud squeltching noise. "We'll have to be quick."

Ravel moaned as she started to rock her hips up and down on his rock hard dick. "You made me horny, you better take responsibility."

Ranma nodded as he did just that. "Want to know something, Ravel?" He asked as he smirked at her confusion. "I wanted to do this to you the day I met you." Her eyes widened and she blushed. "I don't know why, but there was something about you that made me want to ravage you for hours."

"Why didn't you?"

Ranma chuckled as he fondled her breast. "Considering the trauma you had suffered when I met you in China, I decided to hold off. And after you moved in, you seemed nervous about the whole situation, so I let you get used to it."

Ravel blushed and smiled at him. "Maybe you have a thing for blondes?"

Ranma chuckled and nodded as he pinched and pulled on her hard nipples. "Yeah, maybe."

The two didn't say much more as they continued to make love.


It was more than an hour later that Ravel, dressed in her pajamas, found herself staggering to the breakfast table, a completely dazed expression on her face as she flopped onto her chair and winced slightly. "Morning... Ah!" Her eyes widened and her dazed expression disappeared as she saw her mother staring at her with a knowing look. "Mother! I didn't expect to see you..."

Her mother shook her head. "Well, I can say that at least he's quite the lover." She gave Ravel a polite smile. "I would recommend, dear, taking a few more hours to recover from what you just went through and then doing stretches, it will help with the stiffness and cramps that will come from hours of lovemaking."

"Yes, mother." Ravel blushed as a thin book was dropped in front of her. "What is this?"

"A list of exercises that I do every day after a hot and heavy night." Lady Phenex told her daughter. "I recommend you do those."

Ravel nodded and blushed.

A few minutes later, Genma, Nodoka, Leonardo, Lillie and Kuroka all walked into the dining room. Nodoka took one look at Ravel and immediately rushed to her side to give the flustered girl a hug and coo about how cute she was.

Lady Phenex chuckled in amusement. She had met the two the previous night when Ravel offered up their home for everyone to spend the night. "I can tell that your son is quite good for my daughter." A mischievious gleam came to her eyes. "Perhaps we should plan a wedding?"

Nodoka brightened up at that and let go of her hug while Ravel blushed. "Oh yes, that would be just lovely. My manly son has so many suitors, should we do just a single wedding or make it a group one?"

"Hmm, I was thinking of just my daughter..." Lady Phenex said as she tapped her chin, "however, so many of Ranma's lovers seem to either not have families or come from poorer backgrounds. It wouldn't be fair to them."

"Eh?!" A disgruntled voice chipped in and the others looked at Bulleta, wearing a tank top and boxer shorts, as she walked into the room. "I ain't wearing no freaking wedding dress. How am I supposed to hide my weapons and get to them fast enough?"

"Would you need weapons for a wedding?" Ravel asked.

Genma and Nodoka both suddenly laughed. "You would be surprised, dear," Nodoka smiled as she looked at Ravel. "At my wedding with Genma, we were attacked by ninja bears."

The others looked at them weirdly.

"Ah yes, the ninja clan of Fukui." Genma mused. "Ferocious warriors that use the spirit of bears to give themselves tremendous power. They also get to transform into bears. And no one wants to fight a bear that knows martial arts."

"That's true." Ranma nodded. "You made a lot of Chinese thugs run away crying when you fought them as a panda." He then looked at Bulleta and gave her a wry smirk. "From the way you were talking, you almost sound like you wouldn't mind getting married."

Bulleta shrugged at that. "Would it change how things are between us?" Ranma shook his head. "If that's the case, then sure, it's you, I could think of worse things to happen to me. Like having my arms and legs cut off while being tied up." She grumbled, thinking back to some of the torture she had suffered. "Or..." She trailed off at the looks she was getting. "What?"

Genma shook his head. "Girl, you've suffered more than most military vets did in their lives and the fact that you can even function at all is impressive." Bulleta scoffed and looked away. "Still, if you're sure..."

"Fuck, don't care!" Bulleta threw her arms up in the air and pointed at Ranma. "You're my husband, no arguments, okay?" Ranma rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. "Just don't expect me to be some mewling house wife."

"...If I wanted a mewling house wife, I'd go get one." Ranma rolled his eyes. "Anyway, let's eat, the others will be getting here at their own speed."

"I'd rather all of us eat at the same time." Nodoka said but didn't press it, figuring that everyone woke up at their own pace and there was no need to rush them.

Over the next hour Yohko, Atsuko, Mittelt, and Nabiki all made their way to the breakfast table.

"I'm just glad that those Phoenix Tears that your family makes work so well." Nabiki muttered as she finished up eating.

Lady Phenex smiled and nodded, "I agree, they helped us get quite rich and they're so useful for Rating Games too."

"I have an announcement to make." Ranma said suddenly, catching everyone's attention. "Lilith and I will be moving away soon."

"HUH?!" More than one person said and they looked at Ranma and Lilith, both of whom looked at them seriously.

"Makai has no ruler in charge right now." Lilith explained. "The last thing we need are a bunch of Demons running around thinking that they can do whatever. It would be a complete disaster for humanity. So Master and I will be going to Makai to fix up the Aensland castle and take over as rulers."

"Before any of you say anything, you can choose to go with us or stay near your homes, neither of us are going to force you to come with." Ranma continued on. "Take some time to think about it."

"Well, that was a bombshell." Nabiki muttered, even if she knew what his plan was, she didn't realize that he'd drop it during breakfast. "Fine, my decision is easy. I'm staying on Earth. That said, we still need to uphold our engagement and get married too, huh?" She sighed softly. "We'll work it out."

Ranma nodded and stood up. "Anyway, for the rest of you, go ahead and take your time to make your decisions, we won't be leaving right away."

Bulleta snorted, "easy choice for me. I'll go with you. I'm more at home in Makai than on Earth anyway. No one tries to arrest me for violence there."

"Me too." Mittelt said as she gave Ranma a stubborn look. "I'm not letting you abandon me again."

Ranma smiled and nodded as he and Lilith left the table.

End Chapter 25

And that was Ranma's big announcement that Nabiki hinted at before the Rating Game began.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 26

Walking up to the Phenex mansion, Serafall smiled and nodded at the guards as she walked in. As she entered, she noted that Lord Phenex was there to greet here.

"Welcome to our estate, Lady Leviathan, I trust that your trip was uneventful?"

"Of course." Serafall said with a pleasant smile on her face. "While I would like to simply talk about how things are going, I must ask if there is a certain Lilith Aensland still here."

"Ah," the older-looking blond man nodded. "Quite. Ravel told me that Lilith Aensland and her family will be staying one more night before being returned to Earth. Is there something you need from her?"

"I merely need to ask her some questions, nothing more." Serafall said as Lord Phenex nodded and led her towards the back yard. "Before I forget, I must thank your family for all the snow removal that happened over the past couple of years."

Lord Phenex chuckled and nodded. "Yes, does anyone know where the snow came from?"

"As far as anyone can tell, it's a random and chaotic event." Serafall told him. "Juka-chan said that a nexus of chaos was causing such events to happen, but even his ability to understand nearly everything is hampered because of it." Lord Phenex nodded and the two went to the back of the mansion.

Which took around ten minutes due to how large the whole estate was.

Serafall and Lord Phenex both looked on in mild surprise as Ranma, Genma, Lilith and Yohko were in the middle of what seemed like an all-out spar, with Genma throwing Yohko into Ranma while blocking a dive kick from Lilith, only to get knocked down as a log, of all things, was thrown into the fight while Atsuko jumped into the fray to join in. "...Does this happen often?" Serafall asked Lord Phenex, who shook his head. Looking around, the Devil King saw Ravel, Nabiki, Lillie and Leonardo sitting on the side, watching the spar and decided to walk over to them with Lord Phenex following after. "Hello." She smiled at them.

"Oh! Lady Leviathan." Ravel gasped as she stood up and gave a curtsie to the Devil King. "What brings you to my family's home today?"

Serafall continued to smile. "I was merely surprised at the spectacle that's going on." She turned to see Atsuko grabbing Lilith and throwing her as hard as she could at Yohko, who created an energy orb in front of her to stop the attack while Ranma and Genma sparred in mid-air. "Does this happen often?"

"Quite often." Ravel giggled as she watched Ranma twist out of the way of a punch and grabbed Genma before using moment to spin the older man around and kick him to the ground. "It surprised me the first time I saw it."

"They'll be done soon." Nabiki spoke up as she watched the sparring. "They might be battle maniacs, but they aren't completely insane, so..." She trailed off as Yohko landed a kick on Ranma, who staggered back, only to have to block a strike from Atsuko, who sent him flying across the field. The next thing that Atsuko knew, a strong kick slammed into her jaw from below as Lilith, standing on one foot, delivered a blow that sent the cyborg girl flying with a loud cry.

As Lilith turned to face Yohko, both were covered in bruises and were panting. After a moment, they charged at each other, only to both get slapped on the back of their heads by an invisible force that sent them both to the ground.

Genma reappeared behind Lilith with his arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. "Didn't I tell you that there was always a chance an invisible enemy could strike you down when you were distracted, girl?"

The next thing Genma knew, he was being lifted into the air before being dropped on his head as Atsuko landed a picture-perfect German suplex that left Genma with a shocked expression on his face and his hands in a warding position.

Atsuko let go and stood up, only to look up in time as a spinning kick hit her in the face, causing her to spin around and fall on her ass.

Ranma landed with his arms extended while looking around the battle field in a defensive pose before standing up. "Well, I'm the last one standing, I win."

The others just groaned, but didn't dispute it.

There was a clapping noise and Ranma turned to see the audience that was clapping. "Ah!" Ranma smiled as he saw Serafall and Ravel clapping. "Enjoy the show?"

Serafall giggled and nodded as she walked towards him. "Indeed, basic martial arts are a joy to watch at times as well, at least when the participants know what they're doing." She looked at where Lilith was pushing herself to her feet while rubbing the back of her head. "I actually need to speak to Lilith, but I think it would be prudent if she got cleaned up first." Ranma looked at Lilith and nodded as he saw the bruises and dirt on her body. Serafall turned to Ranma and gave him a grin. "Oh, and please don't take too long while cleaning up, I can't stay here all day."

Ranma chuckled and nodded as he helped Lilith to her feet. "I'll go get clean with her then." He grabbed Yohko and helped her to her feet as well while Atsuko walked over to them. "See you in a few minutes."

Serafall nodded as Ranma and the girls walked off.


Thirty minutes later...

Ranma and Lilith, both still damp, walked towards the dining area. Ranma was wearing just a dark tank top and pants while Lilith was wearing biker shorts and a tube top. As they entered, they saw Serafall drinking some tea. Her eyes lit up and she stood up. "Ah! Ranma! Lilith! I'm glad that you didn't take too long."

"The others are still cleaning up, so what's up?" Ranma asked and was surprised as Serafall's expression became more serious than he was used to seeing on her.

"Due to the attack that happened yesterday, there's some issues that need to be addressed." Serafall motioned for them to sit at the table with her as she sat down. They did so and Serafall continued. "We have three people captured. One of them was simply under Jedah's mind control and after we make sure that he's okay, we'll be sending him back to Earth." Serafall pursed her lips and sighed. "The next two, however, are causing us a bit of a headache. One of them is simply a matter we'll have to deal with, but the other one?" She looked at Lilith. "One Miko Mido."

Lilith's eyes widened and she hissed. "The bitch that raped master?!"

"The very same." Serafall nodded. "Quite simply, due to her nature as the daughter of the Shikima King, any punishments we dole out to her are a potential political logistical nightmare."

Lilith growled as she remembered what she felt from her link with Ranma. "That bitch needs to be put down. Have her be face down and ass up as you spear her with some sort of super thick magic pole and crucify her and..."

The next thing Lilith knew, she was face-first against the table. "Mouuu..." She sat up and rubbed the back of her head. "Master, that was mean."

"I tried to get you to calm down, but you wouldn't listen." Ranma told her as he lowered his hand. "Besides, why are you mad? Didn't you tell me that rape was basically your species way of saying hello?"

"Yeah, but..." Lilith had a distraught look on her face. "It's not just anyone, Master! If YOU! If she had done it to anyone else..."

"If she had raped Mittelt, Nabiki or Atsuko..." Ranma cut her off, "you'd be just as upset."

Lilith paused for a moment and imagined those three pinned down and unable to fight back as they were mounted and taken advantage of. "Well, yeah, but that's because I like them and it's not the same! She pushed you down and raped you and..."

"You did too!" Ranma cut her off and Lilith went silent, her eyes wide as Serafall stared in shock. "While it's not the same type that Ukyou or Miko did to me, you did rape me when you had sex with me when I was barely twelve."

"Statutory rape when you didn't fight back isn't the same..." Lilith tried to defend herself but shut up at the look Ranma gave her. "...Is it too late to say I'm sorry?"

Ranma shook his head. "Look, Lilith, if I was mad at you, I'd let you know." She nodded meekly. "Do you remember what pops did after that day?" Lilith gave him a confused look. "The speech about forcing someone?"

"Ah!" Lilith gasped in surprise.


Genma, who had thinning hair, looked at the two kids and shook his head. "Well, you two made a fine mess of the bedroll, huh?" He asked as he finished hanging up the bedding that the two had made a giant mess of the previous night.

"I have no regrets!" Lilith grinned as she hugged Ranma, who was blushing and embarrassed.

Genma sighed and turned to face the two. "I don't doubt that. And I know that stopping you two will be impossible going forward." It wasn't something that he looked forward to, he had seen many promising warriors fall to the temptation of flesh and gave up fighting. "Therefore, I need you two to promise me something." Both Ranma and Lilith looked at Genma seriously. "I need you to promise me that you will not slow down with your training. If you can, I will allow this partnership between the two of you to continue."

"Yes!" They said at the same time.

Genma nodded, knowing he could trust them. After all, he had made sure to drive into both of their skulls that someone's word was only as good as the promises they could keep. "Very good. There is one more thing." He narrowed his eyes and both Ranma and Lilith gasped as they found it hard to breathe as Genma was putting out an actual aura with tremendous killing intent. "Is it hard to move? Hard to think?" Both of them nodded while sweat started to roll down their bodies. "How easy would it be for me to push you to the ground and have my way with you, Lilith? Or any other woman?"

"Very easy." Lilith gasped.

Genma kept the aura up for a few more moments before letting it go, causing both kids to gasp in relief. "Yes." He waited for them to stop panting and look at him curiously. "One day you two will become strong enough that you can force anyone you want to have sex with you with no problems. And it will be at that point that you will become the enemies of the world."

"Huh?" Both Ranma and Lilith were confused by what Genma was saying.

"If you two ever force someone to have sex with you, you will find that the world will turn against you. Forces that barely tolerate you now will use all of their power to kill you." Genma stood above them in such a way that was terrifying to both children. "No matter what, never force anyone into such a situation. If they do not want it, you do not force it."

Genma turned away from the two children. "For if you do, you will be monsters that will need to be killed to protect the world." He walked away, leaving them staring at him in surprise.

*End flashback*

"But, master..." Lilith sighed softly. "I can't let her get away with what she did to you."

Serafall clapped her hands. "That's why I want you, Lilith, to come with me. I need to interrogate her myself, you can listen in. Then make your decision. Besides," a look of maleviolence crossed her face, "Ranma means a lot to me as well. This is another reason that things are complicated. See, Devil Kings like myself aren't supposed to be in a harem or be part of one."

"...That's stupid." Lilith muttered and Serafall nodded.

"I agree, but those are the rules. Anyway, because of that, if I were to act out over this..." She had a pensive look on her face, "the fact that Ranma and I are lovers might come to light to the broader public and it could force the other three Devil Kings to have me step down from my position."

Serafall didn't want to mention that both Ajuka and Sirzechs were working on changing some of the rules, but that wasn't here nor now.

Lilith sighed softly and nodded. "Fine, I'll listen, but can I at least spank her until her ass is bright red after I make my choice?"

Serafall giggled and nodded. "So long as it's you." She looked at Ranma. "No offense, but you'll need to stay here."

"Fair enough." Ranma nodded as Lilith and Serafall stood up and walked off. "Lilith," he called out just before she left the room, "don't go overboard. I won't stop you from doing what you think is right."

Lilith was silent as she left.

"You sure you can trust her to not kill the girl who raped you?" Nabiki asked as she walked into the dining area from the kitchen. "I was listening in. I'm surprised Genma would teach such things to you."

"He doesn't seem like the type of person to talk about that, huh?" Ranma asked and Nabiki nodded. "Yeah, but pops worries about me, ya know?" Ranma leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling. "Besides, after learning from you how bad it would be for me if I did force people to have sex with me, I'm glad that he took the time to beat that lesson into my head."

"So..." Nabiki trailed off. "The thought of us having kids together isn't something that I hate." She twirled some hair in her index finger. "Unlike Rias, I'd rather not be a high school teen mother."

"I'm guessing you talked to your dad about it?" Ranma asked and Nabiki nodded. "So..."

Nabiki sighed softly. "He agreed to wait so long as I get married to you by the time I graduate high school and I have kids within three years. I mean, it sucks, but it's easier to have kids when we're younger than when we're older." She smirked at Ranma's amused expression. "Yes, I know it doesn't matter as much to us, but..."

"I know," Ranma nodded to her. "It's important to our parents."

Nabiki nodded before giggling. Ranma looked at her in confusion. "Don't worry about it, but I peeked a bit into the future and was looking at Rias's pregnancy and, let's just say that Issei's going to get more than he ever expected."

"Hoo boy."



Azazel looked at Kiba and chuckled softly. "So... You were turned into a girl by that vampire, Demitri..." He trailed off as Kiba nodded. "And now you're stuck like this?"

"That seems to be the case." Kiba said while blushing. "I was told this should have worn off by now, but it's still affecting me, so I don't know what to do."

Azazel sighed softly and scratched his head. "Leave it to you kids to make my life more difficult." His annoyance faded as he saw the look on Kiba's face. It was a mixture of desperation and, somewhat shocking, hope. "First of all, we'll need to do some tests, it could take us months to find out exactly what's going on." Kiba nodded and clasped her hands and Azazel let out a soft sigh. "You know that this might be permanent, right?" Kiba nodded. "If that's the case, going by the name of Kiba while you're a girl might not be a good idea."

The blonde was silent, a look of surprise on her face before she looked down and to the side. Azazel waited for her to speak, since he could imagine that she needed time to think about what she heard. "...ki... Yuki...Yukiko... Yes, Yukiko."

"Snow Child?" Azazel asked as he scratched his beard. "Oh yeah, you were found in the snow when you died, weren't you?" Yukiko nodded. "Hmm, makes sense, but I thought you'd go with Yuki, why that name?"

Yukiko smiled at Azazel. "Yuuto Kiba... I just took the first two letters of my first and last name and put them together."

Azazel chuckled and nodded. "Alright, anyway, I'll get you to the lab with my people, they'll give you a full exam and see what's up. We'll even share what we have with Lord Beelzebub." As smart as Azazel was, he knew that Ajuka was far more intelligent than he was.

After all, there was a reason enemies feared Ajuka more than Sirzechs, despite both of them being Super Devils.



Sitting in a cell all to herself, Miko Mido looked up as the door opened and a black haired young woman with her hair done up in twin pigtails walked into the room.

The woman smiled at her. "Miss Miko Mido, correct?" Miko nodded, wondering who this woman was. "Hi! My name is Serafall Leviathan, one of the four Devil Kings of Hell." Her pleasant smile faded as she gave the shocked girl a stern look. "And I need to ask you a few questions."

End Chapter 26


The next part is the epilogue. It's quite long though, so I might break it into parts.


Well-Known Member
Real life totally kicked my ass.

Here's part 1 of the epilogue.



"So talk..." Miko said as she shifted in her seat. "I apologize if that was rude."

"It's fine." Serafall reassured her. "I merely need to ask you about why you decided to have forced sex with a high ranking Devil who happens to have a close bond with one of the rulers of Makai."

Miko winced at the question and sighed. "I suppose that's fair." She looked down. "I don't know why, but when I heard that he slept with my mother from Jedah, I was so angry that I wanted to make him pay."

"I see," Serafall bit her lip softly and took a moment to think about what next to ask before remembering a detail, "you see, I have to ask, since a video of the event was recorded and put up online," she nodded at Miko's shocked expression as the purple-haired girl blushed hard. "Lots of people saw what you did to Ranma, including summoning those tentacles and..."

"AHHH!" Miko put her hands on her head. "I knew I shouldn't have asked Jedah to give me full control over my Shikima powers!" She rubbed her hands back and forth on her head and she groaned. "Even though female Shikima don't have tentacles, I have the ability to summon them and my stupid nyoninboh technique is only supposed to make my clit grow big! Not turn it into a full-fledged dick and..."

"Well, that explains a few things, huh?" Lilith asked as she walked in. Serafall gave her a warning look and Lilith nodded before looking at Miko and sighing softly. "That bastard, he probably had you under his mind control by the time that he told you about what Master did to your mother, never mind the fact that your mother joined us willingly. As for your tentacle powers, I bet he modified your body somehow, so you'd have access to male Shikima powers. Probably made it so that you have access to male Shikima powers, which changed you in some other ways."

"Wait, he turned me into a tranny?! That explains so much and..." Miko gasped before blushing at the looks that both Lilith and Serafall gave her. "Sorry..."

"No, it's fine," Lilith shook her head. "Anyway, I bet I can prove it, stand up and drop your pants." She ignored the flustered stuttering of Miko and glared at her. "For fucks sake, none of us are virgins here, your entire fighting style revolves around sex and she," Lilith jerked a thumb at Serafall, "is the hottest piece of ass in Hell." Serafall had a bewildered look on her face as she blushed at the unexpected compliment. "So hurry up and drop those pants or I'll steal them."

Miko stood up, blushing but did as she was asked and dropped her pants, revealing her white panties. Seeing the expected look on Lilith's face, she put her thumb under the waist-band of her underwear and pulled them down while blushing more as, to Serafall's surprise, a large, flaccid, penis spilled out of her underwear. "It should have gone away by now, I don't..." She yelped as Lilith was kneeling in front of her, grabbing the penis and lifting it up. "HEY!"

"Just be quiet." Lilith said as she moved the shaft to the side and studied the balls that were there. "Hmm, this all looks real enough..." She lifted the balls up and raised an eyebrow. "Well, good news, you still have your vagina, it's just hidden."

"That doesn't make me feel better!" Miko yelled in frustration as she fidgeted while Lilith moved stuff around. "WOULD YOU QUIT IT!?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm done." Lilith stood up and walked away, leaving Miko with a half-erect penis. "You can pull your underwear and pants up now."

Miko grimaced as she did so. "This is uncomfortable."

"Yeah, get used to it." Lilith told her. "Part of me wants to kill you for what you did to Master, but I have a better idea." A wide grin came to her face and Miko gulped. "Master and I will be moving to Makai soon."

"Huh?" Serafall jerked in surprise.

"Sorry, Master dropped this last night." Lilith told her. "With none of the ruling families in charge, Demons might start being a problem for Earth, so we have to go there to keep them from getting out of control." Serafall nodded and looked a little troubled. "Anyway, Miko," Lilith smiled at the purple-haired girl, "we're going to have a castle in Makai and we need servants."

"...But I'm no maid. I can't even clean my room!"

"You'll have to learn." Lilith told her. "Oh, and as for your penis, I could fix it so it would go away, but I won't." She held up a hand to stop Miko's protests. "This is part of your punishment. You'll not only be our servant for a long time, but you're keeping that penis on your body."

Miko's eyes watered up and tears fell from her eyes. "That's not fair..." She whined.

"Yeah," Lilith crossed her arms under her large breasts, "too bad. When we go back to Makai, you'll be coming with us, until then, you can stay in prison. Also, get used to your dick, you're going to have it for awhile."

Lilith turned and walked out with Serafall glancing at Miko before following after the Succubus. "That was kind of cruel." Serafall said as she caught up to Lilith.

"Not really." Lilith told her. "Cruel would be me putting her dick in a cage or edging her every day and not letting her cum." Serafall nodded, she could understand that. Lilith turned to look at Serafall and smirked. "Besides, if she's around, I can finally get a good DP going. You saw how big her dick is! She's as big as Master is! Finally I'll feel good and stuffed in both holes!"

Serafall just face-faulted.


The Gremory estate...

The announcement that Rias was pregnant was one that was met with great joy and cheers. Several of the men were looking at Issei with looks that were more sympathetic than jealous and Issei wondered what they knew but weren't telling him. Even Rias's father had given him some vague warning about making sure that there was plenty of cute and sweet things around the house later on.

"Ah, Lord Gremory," one of the servants said as he bowed to the head of the house. "A message from Lord Beelzebub to one young Issei Hyuudou just arrived." He held up a letter, "I was instructed to give it to him."

"Of course..." Zeoticus Gremory smiled at the messenger as he took the letter from his servant. "I'll take it to him." The messenger bowed and left while the redheaded man turned and walked towards the guest rooms. As he got there, he knocked on the door, which opened to reveal Xenovia, who was blushing and wearing sweater that was obviously very hastily put on. Zeoticus smiled at her. "Do not fret dear, our family has no problems with nudity after all."

"...I was..."

"I can smell what you were doing in there." Zeoticus chuckled and handed her the letter. "Next time you're here, just answer the door, even if you're naked, no one will do more than raise an eyebrow." After Xenovia took the letter, he smiled and walked off, waving. "Have fun in there, and remember that it's important to stay hydrated. I'll send some servants up with some drinks later."

Xenovia blushed and slipped back into the room, closing the door behind her.

"What was that?" Asia asked as she waited for Issei to finish with Koneko, who was gasping as Issei plundered her ass while holding her arms backwards and using them as handle bars to get more rough with her. It had the benefit of thrusting her tiny chest out while Asia and Xenovia watched.

"Ah, a letter for Issei."

"Oh?" Issei blinked in surprise. "I'll have to see that."

"Not until you're done fucking me!" Koneko yelled and moaned as he pounded her butt. "Ngh! You're so good, Senpai." She bit her lower lip as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

"I guess it could wait a bit." Issei chuckled.

It would be more than an hour before Issei finally got around to reading the letter.

"Mr. Issei Hyuudou, I, Ajuka Beelzebub, hereby grant you the honor of being promoted to a King and will now be able to have your own peerage. Please meet with me in three days to finalize the ritual."

Issei stared in shock as he sat down. "This is..."

"Senpai," Koneko purred as she hugged him from behind and nibbled on his ear. "Can you eat me out, I'm horny still."

Any thoughts Issei had disappeared as Koneko pushed him onto his back and sat on his face. His hands squeezed her butt as he let his tongue go to work.

When he felt his dick getting licked by three sets of tongues, he doubled his efforts. After all, he didn't want to miss the moment he covered their faces with his cum.


The next day...

Walking into the large house, Ranma frowned as he looked around. Something was triggering the wards that surrounded the place and he couldn't figure out who or what was going on. "Something's not..." He trailed off as he saw a familiar face walk in from the upstairs hallway. "Oh, Cologne, what are you doing here?"

"Using your bathroom mostly." The young-looking woman wearing a green Chinese mini-skirt smirked at him. "Anyway, because of your little ploy in the rating game, I'm stuck as a young woman. I've got no problem living on my own, but since you..."

"If you want to move in with us, feel free to." Ranma chuckled at Cologne's annoyed look. "What? It's my fault you got kicked out of your village. But, just so you know, Lilith and I are heading to Makai soon to keep the Demons from going out of control."

"Is that so..?" Cologne muttered and tapped her chin while more of Ranma's peerage came into the house. "Well, darn, I guess I'm going with you to Makai then."

"Eh?!" Most of the group asked at once.

Cologne shrugged at them. "I've got nothing better to do and I'd rather be in a place where my martial arts skills are useful rather than waste my life in the modern world." She then smirked at Ranma. "Besides, I'm sure that you'll have children in the future. If you have as many as I think you will, you're going to need someone to help you out."

"Speaking of which," Ravel spoke up with her arms crossed under her breasts, "I'm going as well." She blushed at the confused look she got from Ranma. "I'm the youngest of four children, I love my family to death, but I won't be getting much of any sort of inheritence from my family." She winked at him. "Besides, father was willing to fix up the castle for everyone to live there."

"I see..." Ranma trailed off and wondered how Leonardo, Kuroka, Lillie and Kunou were doing, since they were spending the day at his parents place after Genma and Nodoka had returned from Hell.


In Nerima...

Leonardo just scratched his head in confusion. He looked at Kunou and Lillie, both of whom had confused looks on their faces as well. Leonardo looked at the garbage can in front of him and then back to Lillie before nodding.

The Dragon ran up to the garbage can and kicked it hard enough to go flying down the street while screaming in pain.

"I never knew that daddy came from a place where there were screaming garbage cans." Kunou giggled. "Come on, let's go find something else." The other two nodded and the three ran off in a random direction to find something to do.

Meanwhile, the garbage can fell over, revealing a cute brunette that fell out of it while grabbing at its crotch. "Ooooh! Ukyou-sama won't like it if I can't perform. Why did that little girl with the ponytail have to kick my balls like that?"

A young child nearby tugged on his mother's sleeve. "Mommy? Why does that girl say she has balls?"

The mother smiled at her child. "Because that's a weirdo and you should never associate with them. Come along, son."


Tsubasa Kurenai just wimpered at the insult as the mother and child left him behind in pain.


Back in Kuoh...

Ranma shook his head, he was sure that they would be fine. "Well, sure, I guess I don't have a problem with it."

Cologne clapped her hands and smiled cutely. "Excellent! Oh, and I'm going to need new clothes, these are the only ones I have in my current size."

"I guess so." Ranma chuckled and looked at the others. "So... Who wants to take her shopping?"


A few days later...

Ajuka smiled as he saw Sirzechs walk into the conference room. "Ah, how is your family?"

"Quite well." Sirzechs nodded. "Mother and father are quite happy with their new grand-daughters and the fact that Rias has a child on the way is making them even happier, though I'm not sure if the Gremory protocols are really needed."

Ajuka chuckled, he wondered how amusing things would get before he calmed his emotions and nodded at Serafall and Falbium. "Excellent, since the four of us are here, we need to talk about some of the changes we were going to make."

"About the Seven Lords of Hell?" Falbium asked and Ajuka nodded, the bald man yawned, "I've got no problem with it, it'll make our jobs easier."

"Ultimately, we'd have the final say about what goes on for Devils." Sirzechs reminded his friend, "but we could see these seven as governors who have control over various day-to-day things. Plus it would help keep complaints down with people who were unhappy with how we were doing things."

"Thankfully there aren't a lot of complaints, but having others deal with most common things makes it easier on all of us." Ajuka nodded. "That said, Serafall," he looked at the female member of the Devil Kings and tapped his chin, "considering that we have a very powerful Devil that's going to be ruling Makai, it might be a good idea to have an ambassador to keep cordial relations with Makai and Hell, don't you think?"

Serafall nodded in agreement. "Yes, I would think so. I guess I'll have to start packing for extended trips then, huh?" She turned to walk out before she paused and turned back to look at everyone with her eyes tearing up. "But that means I won't be near when my Sona-chan comes back and I won't be able to do lots of lovey-dovey sister things with her and I don't know when I'll be able to coordinate time with her."

The other three Devil Kings just smiled in amusement as Serafall whined about not being around her sister before she shook her head, patted her cheeks and walked off with new determination. "I'm sure she'll be fine." Ajuka chuckled.

"Is it a good idea?" Falbium asked Ajuka, "you know how..."

Ajuka gave his friend a side look. "Well, whenever an ambassador ended up having children on long-term missions in the past, no one thought twice about it. Besides," he shrugged, "Serafall's a grown woman, what she does with her life is on her."

"Besides, any of her kids would likely call you uncle." Sirzechs chuckled at the bald Devil.

End Part 1


Man, sure has been a fun ride, huh? Well, there's one part left of this epilogue.