Doctor Who


Well-Known Member
the DragonBard said:
DeathGod666 said:
Ok I retract my previous statement

Davies confirmed that the woman was his mother. Which makes no sense she is supposed to be human but w/e
Well, if the movie with the 8th Doctor is canon, then it was established he was half-human.
But apparantly there was mention that the statement made was a ruse. It wasn't mentioned in-show but out.

But it would help fit in with what the Doctor was saying about his Half-Human clone. He never once mentioned that he himself is half-human.


Well-Known Member
His mother? :blink:

I was thinking it might be Romana or some other Time Lord who had some TV history behind them. But his mother?

I suppose that means he gets his humanity from his father then.


Well-Known Member
DeathGod666 said:
Ok I retract my previous statement

Davies confirmed that the woman was his mother. Which makes no sense she is supposed to be human but w/e
Where did he say that?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't really matter what Davies said though. Since there was nothing definitive on screen, the new team are free to have the mystery woman be anyone they like.

If things the writers say count, that includes the scriptwriter who decided that the Doctor was no mere Time Lord but the creator of his universe incarnate, which is just a little over the top.


Well-Known Member
Belgarion213 said:
Forgive me if I'm misremembering something But I vaguely remember somewhere that the Doctor at one point plugged himself into that super computer that stored all Time Lord Knowledge or something. Somewhere buried in his head probably IS the knowledge about how to remove the 13 regeneration limit.
That would be Tom Baker in "The Deadly Assasin". He was hooked into the matrix which was a organic repository of the brain patterns of all dying timelords. It was capable of predicting events on Galifrey before they happen. However as the matrix at the time had been subverted by another timelord into a trap for the doctor I don't think he was able to gain any real knowledge from it.

The question is will the Valeyard appear.
Having the 13th doctor destroy the Earth that his previous incarnations had saved so many times. :eek:


Well-Known Member
Downloading The Eleventh Hour off of Demonoid as I type. First appearance of Matt Smith. (Heh... Doctor John Smith, Matt Smith? Irony)

Ezit Meti

Well-Known Member
The first five minutes or so are a little weird, but once you get past that it gets pretty good. Matt Smith really comes into his own towards the end of it, I think. He'll probably be very good in the role, and I expect to see him only get better from here on in.

Also, rather than ending with a "next time", there was a "coming soon" trailer that showed spoilers for the rest of the season. Looked pretty cool.

There is also a key phrase for this season as well, by the looks of things. I'll be keeping an ear out for it in future episodes.


Well-Known Member
The ending of the preview was pretty damn good, and I really like Matt Smith for the role now. He does pull of the older-than-hell-yet-child-at-heart thing pretty well. And I like his mannerisms. And Fish in Custard.


Well-Known Member
I like this Doctor. Creepy in a way... but also awkwardly sincere. He just needs to lose that bow tie. ^_^;

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
The new Doctor has a manic energy that I find entertaining, despite me finding his face highly punchable.

And his assistant is hot.


Well-Known Member
He doesn't need to lose the bow tie. Though I like how he looks young but has over alls and a bow tie lol.


Well-Known Member
I guess it is true that he's like Merlin in reverse aging... getting younger with each regeneration. B)

Also, Daleks, Cybermen, Quantum Angels look like they're returning this season.

I suspect that the cracks in space and time might be responsible. Hints of what the main issue will be this series.

Ezit Meti

Well-Known Member
I will admit to curiousity about what "silence will fall" means. Can't wait to find out!


Well-Known Member
Hmm, silence falling...

Sounds familiar. Where could I have possibly heard that before...


Ezit Meti

Well-Known Member
Whatever it is, I'm excited. Can't wait to see how this whole thing plays out!

While I'm at it, older enemies I'd like to see return (but probably won't).

The Celestial Toymaker.
The War Lords.
The Ice Warriors getting a proper return might be nice. I'm just glad they were mentioned in Waters of Mars.
The Rutan. So many things can be done with the Rutan, if given half the chance.
Omega. He'd have survived the Time War, so he could still be a threat.
The Black Guardian.
The Land of Fiction.
And, of course, the Raston Robot. You think the Weeping Angels are scary (well they are) how about something that kills you if you move any muscle while it's around?


Well-Known Member
I want the Master to come back to be honest. He's my favorite. The Sontarans would be nice to see again.

Ezit Meti

Well-Known Member
I gotta be honest here. John Simm's Master was not The Master. In thirty seconds, Jacobi managed to perfectly capture the essence of the character to a degree far closer than Simm did with all the time he had onscreen put together. I don't really blame Simm, mind. I blame the script he was given to work with.

And for the benefit of those that don't understand what I mean by this, well...

A few clips should make my point.


Well-Known Member
Don't be hatin. But I liked the original master(s) as well.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who doesn't like the new TARDIS?


Well-Known Member
It's a different look. I don't mind this version. Different Doctor, different Tardis.
Ezit Meti said:
I gotta be honest here. John Simm's Master was not The Master. In thirty seconds, Jacobi managed to perfectly capture the essence of the character to a degree far closer than Simm did with all the time he had onscreen put together. I don't really blame Simm, mind. I blame the script he was given to work with.

And for the benefit of those that don't understand what I mean by this, well...

A few clips should make my point.
I can definitely agree with that. Simms certainly made a good foil for Ten, but the Master he was not. Oh sure, there were some hints of the old him in there, like him watching the Teletubbies and remarking on their evolution, but for the most part his manic energy did not fit at all, even with the handwave about the Sound of Drums.

That said, the new episode was really good. Far better than Ten's introductory episode at the very least. Some amazing lines, and the Doctor calling back the Atraxi just to lecture them? And for them to run when they hear who he is? Awesome.

I think I'll like Smith. I just hope he tones down from Tennant's exuberance a bit and try to make his own distinctive role.


Well-Known Member
Meh. I personally prefer the older Tardis desktop theme, but the new one is interesting too. 2nd level he actually uses apparently.