Harry Potter hogwarts rules that you better follow


Well-Known Member
408. All students at the school are to be from this planet and temporal period.
408a. That means the Asari have to leave... I don't care if they can do magic, and you'd better hope they don't her you calling them "Sexy blue space witches" Mr Finnegan
408b. And the Quarians too, yes I know it's sad they have to go back in the suits and they are very nice girls but they have to go back home, we still haven't found Mr. Potters broom... or Mr Malfoyà or found out what they did with that junk they took from the muggle scrap yard.
408c. All rumours to the contrary about our recent visitors being sent back from the future by Mr. Potters descendants are false, George, Fred... whoever! put down that omni tool and Miss granger hand over that documentary listing the great achievements of the Shepard family and their ancestors.
408d. No student is to touch anything left behind by our visitors that means you Mr. Potter get out of that armour... Not Here!


Well-Known Member
29g) And Professor Lupin is most definitely NOT Sailor Moony

409) Propping cauldrons full of unsuccessful (or successful) Potions experiments on doorframes is not an acceptable prank.


Well-Known Member
zerohour said:
I just had a horribly hilarious idea.

At some point, Remus and Sirius get to drinking, and reminiscing about the good old days at Hogwarts. They get to talking, and make a list of "rules" about various things that would be hilarious.

Now the next day, Sirius gets to thinking. What would be an epic prank? Get Harry to swear an oath to break every one of those rules. If things are supposed to get worse, he's not allowe to tell anyone about the list.

He would have to trick Harry, but I doubt Sirius is going to worry about that too much, since it's for Harry's own good, and think of the hilarity that would ensue.

Obviously, parts of the list here would have to be excluded, since crossover rules and similar rules wouldn't be applicable, but that still leaves a good amount of hilarity.
Why? It would be far more fun to have them write the list while dead drunk and 'accidentaly' put a lot of crossover shit there. Poor Harry will have to find a way to actualy pull all this crap off... :evil3:


Well-Known Member
410.) Students are forbidden from commenting on professor dumbledores choice of the 7th doctor as his favorite doctor