League of Legends


(Hardcore) Gamer
Tryn, Singed, and Garen are very good in 3s, because they can deal a lot of damage, and stay alive through the enemy's nukes.


Well-Known Member
Ultimately, in order to be good on TT you have to be A: Either not squishy or really good at kiting, and B: A Duelist of some sort.

They don't have to be a conventional 1v1 confrontation type duelist, (Singed for instance, duels by kiting while still being tanky. He's considered OP there for a reason). But you have to have a solid chance of being able to beat anyone in a 1v1 situation. Because having 2/5 of both teams removed causes said 1v1 situations to happen fairly often.

It's also nice to have good escapes, as the small map size means they very rarely stay 1v1 for long.


Not The Goddamn @dmin

When you see it.... (And no, it's not me doing super horribly.)


Searching for the six-fingered man.
Poor, poor Shiro. Ranked is slightly better once you get nearer to Silver. I've found that in Bronze I, retards and flat out trolls are much rarer. You still get them, but it doesn't make you want to rage quit the game like Normals do.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Yeah, I have four levels to go before I can even try ranked... and even then, from what I understand trying ranked the second you hit 30 is basically begging to get screwed.

I'm under no illusions that I'm actually good enough to do ranked the instant I hit 30.


(Hardcore) Gamer
You probably are good enough, it's only because a lot of people don't save up their IP for tier 3 runes that they're caught at a disadvantage.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
I would have a full t3 rune pages for jungle udyr and general support.... but I wanted to buy janna and soraka.

Worth it just for going ap soraka mid one game. I don't know who raged harder, my team for going ap soraka mid, or their brand for facing ap soraka in mid.

After I finish jungle udyr and support rune pages... I guess I should save up 6300 for another page. Not sure what to grab after that though.
For a long time, all I had was one AP page and one AD page. It worked fine. Didn't even buy or need extra pages until they had that 2 for 1 sale and I had like 18k banked in IP.

In other words, get bare-minimum runesets that can tide you over until you get to the point where you actually necessitate having perfect runes in order to stay competitive. Focus on expanding your champion pool in order to not get banned out/counterpicked/composition screwed when you're stuck playing a role you weren't expecting.


(Hardcore) Gamer
I currently have three rune pages, one as a Top-Lane armor/mr/arpen, aka the SPINTOWIN rune page, and one straight AD and one straight AP.

I don't believe in scaling runes. :p


Well-Known Member
I have 5 of them. Two AP ones, one with health the other with mana regen. A tanky one, an AD one, and a support one.


Searching for the six-fingered man.
Lucian is OP. Like, ridiculously so. I know it was on bots, but I swear to god, I didn't even TRY to do well, and he ended up getting over half of the team's kills.

Shit be cray cray.


Well-Known Member
Shirotsume said:
Worth it just for going ap soraka mid one game. I don't know who raged harder, my team for going ap soraka mid, or their brand for facing ap soraka in mid.
Probably the Brand because he actually had to deal with you and losing to what is supposedly the heaviest heal-based support would be a slap in the face for him.

What I find hilarious is that anytime someone breaks the meta, they usually find a hilariously broken and/or devastating combination that decimates because people have forgotten about what non-meta champions can do.

Characters that are traditionally heavily AP-based, like Brand, Swain, Lux, Karthus and Cassiopeia can get ruined by a good Soraka, and that's just her Silence. Then you add in her armor-granting heal, MR-shredding Q and global ultimate?


(Hardcore) Gamer
Soraka is just a weird support character. Her heal is on such a long cooldown and takes so much mana that it's, in my opinion, just not worth it. I'd much rather play Taric or Sona.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Honestly, I almost find that the armor buff is of more use than the heal.

EDIT: Story time for fun stuff!

Was screwing around on Ryze (nerfs D: ) but anyway, we had no jungler, so our wukong top called for an invade at blue. OK, that might work well, we have a nasus with wither, I grabbed rune prison, wukong can decoy for aoe and wasting enemy time/dps, mundo aoe, garen silence.

So we stack in the bush, waiting for mundo because he had been going top... and at 1:03 wukong suddenly charges their blue without warning, and nimbus strikes in. We're all like '...fuck'

He instantly encounters 3/5 their team, with the other two quickly joining as we're cresting the hill between river and their jungle. This is where I declare fuck it and start retreating with rune prisons, because we're not going to win a 3v5 with wukong down and mundo elsewhere. nasus, on the other hand, drops his aoe (goddammit) and charges into melee, with garen Q'ing in (Someone took the right spell!) and overtaking him, and mundo hasn't even reached mid yet.

Garen ended up having to blow flash and Q to get out alive with the help of a rune prison, but he was super low, nasus/wukong died, and mundo reached mid and was finally like "You guys are fucking insane." and turned around.

I took a fair amount of damage, but managed to save both myself and garen, and besides that's what pots are for.

Ended up completely destroying their TF 3/0 with a 70 CS advantage, but I ended up just getting destroyed once we hit teamfights. Mundo/nasus fed hard, and wukong... lol. let's not go there.

Lucian is fucking terrifying fed, ftr.

On the plus side, made some friends on the enemy team whilst bantering with them.

tl;dr: Ryze nerfs make me sad, he's so low range it's practically painful. I need to buy another midlaner, ideas?


Not The Goddamn @dmin
I can't really justify paying 6300 for champs, especially for some I've never played. I might look into lux though.
For 3150 or under, the following mid AP champs should last you for a long time. Not including ADCs or Bruiser builds on this list, just people that can singlehandedly provide enough AP damage output on your team to force opponents to get MR.


Twisted Fate



Not The Goddamn @dmin
I'm playing around with kayle atm. Dat burst.

So thoughts on the whole TSM debacle between Reginald and Dyrus?

EDIT: OK, kayle is ridiculous.

Basically what happened in my last game: Flash in, Q+E the carry for an instakill, ult to absorb their burst, my team follows up and I just hammer whats left with E while kiting back for shitloads of splash while I heal with w. Didn't even take any kind of special skill, except for not getting CC'd before ulting.

How is this balanced O.O


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I don't keep up with much of the e-sports recently. Had a rough couple of months dealing with animals. What debacle?


Not The Goddamn @dmin

EDIT: just got a blitz support when I was playing ashe adc. He refused to use rocket grab, and would instead run in to melee them when they went out of position. Perhaps for the knockup, but he never actually got in far enough to hit them before being forced away by taking shitloads of damage from their leona/MF, even as I tried to get some damage on them in return.

And then our jungle noctourne would ult in to KS everything I did manage to do, of course, because fuck letting your carry get fed.

Yet somehow it was my fault we lost because I couldn't adc... despite having the most CS out of both teams by 60~ish.

Please, please tell me that this is like... bronze V level bullshit, or I'm going to break a goddamn keyboard in ranked.
In response to the Kayle thing: All they had to do was focus someone else while your ult was up. And preferably position better so that you can't get to their carry that easily. Basically, any burst AP can do the same thing with Zhonyas and good peel.


(Hardcore) Gamer
It's just Bronze bullshit, and maybe a third of Silver. Just ace your placement games, get Gold, and it'll be like... 1/8th of the time.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Free week champions are:

Swap out Draven and Soraka for J4 and Lee Sin and you literally have every champion I've been wanting to try :D