League of Legends


Not The Goddamn @dmin
So I haven't played with anyone but ahri, but holy shit she's fun. I mean, it still doesn't help with the rest of my team sucking dick (talking to you, 6% health kennen that comes ALL THE WAY from top lane to tower dive a 60% health lux), but if nothing else there's that nice special glow that comes from shitstomping people in 4v1s (because positioning against ahri is hard, yo) that makes losing slightly more bearable.

Figures she's a 6300 champ >.<


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Storytime: in one match i went to grab blue (at the ~thirty minute mark, so rammus didn't need it) because... well, like you said, mana issues.

Our jungler powerballed in and smitestole it.

I was just like ಠ_ಠ
Oh my god I'm in love with Draven's passive. I mean, it overall sucks, but it's conceptually awesome.

"Dude, why'd you let Blitz grab you?"

"Adoration stacks, bro"


Well-Known Member
Oh it's undeniably awesome, but the days of Draven being able to 2 shot someone at level 1 with a bit of luck are over.


Not The Goddamn @dmin

Made an account with the intention of only purchasing OP ARAM champions, with the intention of only playing ARAM once I've purchased those champions. Suitably enough, I am now DarthARAMSmurf.

Seems to be an uphill battle. Everything I want is generally in the 3150-4800 bracket. That's about 35-45 regular games per champ. Oof.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Buy the 450 IP win bait characters first- annie, kayle, yi, etc. All can wreck in ARAM pretty hard.

EDIT: More stories from scrubville: Just got a support soraka that didn't support, only did two things. She basically had two modes. One was sit far in the back, not dodging nid spears, AA'ing every minion in reach and spamming starcall, ruining any attempt at CSing anything ever.

The other was what I like to call full retard, where she dives full health enemy champs at random, attempting to melee and starcall them to death. This doesn't work because you can't towerdive a pantheon and a nidalee as a soraka solo, or even with your adc, because you're going to get your shit wrecked.

Like, it would have been funny, if they didn't actually think that they were legitimately in the right and getting pissed at me for 'not following up.'
High level Soraka play, clearly.

The really cheap tier champs, unfortunately, have traits that I don't necessarily want to draw into when playing ARAM. Either inflexibility or glaring weaknesses on a poor team composition. Basically, if I wind up on a team with a Garen, Irelia, Rengar, and Fiora, these champions can't boost their win percentage past 0%.


Tristana - AP Trist is a single target burst with a jump refresh on kill. Q is wasted. AD Trist has average range at low levels and no skillshot poke, thus no way to contest the brush without facechecking it. Bad idea when nobody has a lightbringer, and that's an utter waste to buy if there isn't a Shaco or Teemo or something.

450 tier

Annie - has no skillshot poke. W is short ranged and impossible to poke with. NOBODY wants to waste Tibbers on checking brush.

Ashe - no steroids, good overall control, but lacks the kind of kick that a high powered ADC can provide. Outside of ult, though, she's nothing special, and I can easily find three or four better ADCs, so no need to bring something substandard.

Garen - He runs at you. He gets poked half to death. He never reaches that tanky endgame Garen state because his team's been losing for the entire game because he doesn't bring anything else to the team.

Kayle - Lacks range. Average sustain. Decent ult. No skillshot poke. Doesn't contribute much beyond heals and ult.

Yi - Changing the damage base of his Alpha strike from magic to physical killed his meditate sustain. He's not that self-sufficient anymore.

Nunu - Short range, mostly a supportish role outside of when his ult is up. there are better choices.

Poppy - No.

Ryze - Range nerfed. No skillshot poke.

Sivir - No natural steroids. Good poke. Spellshield is nice. Slightly above average. But I can find better ADCs.

Soraka - No hard cc. Short range, no skillshot.

Warwick - Short range no skillshot.


(Hardcore) Gamer
Annie is good in ARAMs only if you have someone else who's capable of checking bushes.


Well-Known Member
Just going to tell you, healers are insanely overpowered in ARAM. Sona is the worst of the lot but a Soraka who is free to buy AP? Yeah, that's actually a really scary amount of sustain and damage.

Also, Ashe is quite good; she's got the bush check and a 1.0 AD ratio on a low cooldown large AOE poke. Buy a Manamune and never turn her Q off.

Tristana should never be built AP on Abyss, and her AD is actually really good because she can peel for herself to stay alive plus the healing debuff makes her worthwhile in case of enemy sustain.

That said, none of them are the absolute top tier. That's like, Lux Nidalee Sona. I don't know if Jayce is still considered OP.
Alternately a full tank team actually dominates, surprisingly, though their early levels may be tough.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Just gonna point out, you're going to want some decentish ARAM characters in addition to the godlike ones- the free week characters are in your ARAM rotation and most of them usually suck for ARAM. You want to have as large of a roster of decent ARAMers as possible so you there's a smaller chance of ending up with a crappy free week character.

EDIT: Huzzah! I'm level 30! Finally!

Now to herp and derp about whether or not I should do ranked.


Well-Known Member
The problem with ARAM Soraka is that any team with her instantly has a designated kill order. Take out the ADC(if there is one), then knock out Soraka from the fight. She has no resistance to dives and no real combat capability besides starfall. Plus, taking her out fast ends ALL her potential, unlike with Karthus. Her one real try at self-defense is the liandrys/rylais shred build, and that cuts into the AP of her heals. She provides substantially less utility than MANY of the other supports that can be picked up, and becomes less effective the bigger the teamfight gets, which is a pretty silly weakness to have in ARAM.

Ashe, also, is someone I'd avoid picking up for this account. She does a few different things at a mediocre level, and nothing particularly well. Her base stats are on the low side, and she has no steroids, natural or otherwise. Her greatest weakness is probably her slow mechanics, which bait the player into picking up manamune to sustain constant volley spam. Slows in ARAM are basically useless against any team that had any sort of counterplay at all. The volley damage itself is on the low side unless you hard stack AD instead of attack speed and crit, and manamune also eats into damage output. Altogether, she can be outdone hard by other ADCs in this format.

As for my dream pickups, they would basically be something like the following:

Pure ADC - Ezreal(doubles as AP), Kog'maw(Doubles as AP), Caitlyn, Varus
AP - Nidalee, Sona, Lux, Malzahar(Doubles as AD and you will never convince me otherwise), Morgana, TF(doubles as AD), Viegar(rage-inducing stun).
Tanky initiators - Blitzcrank, Amumu, Galio, Leona, Jarvan, Maokai.
Bruisers and assassins - Kha'zix, Jayce, Diana, Zed

That's pretty much a killer pool to draw from. I'm noticing that most of these champions have at least one of the following: Overpowered poke, very hard engage, or incredible team utility. Any of these champions would be useful in any team composition. If I had four other AD carries on the team, for example, I would still keep Caitlyn if I rolled her.

After that, I'd probably wind up picking up things that I'm pretty good with, for utility purposes, Something like:
Fiddlesticks(E poke, 3 second CC, and phenomenal ult)
Alistar(with an Iceborn Gauntlet, his CC and combat ability becomes absolutely retarded)
Kennen(manaless and AP/AD fluidity)
Gragas(powerful zoning ability)
Thresh(hooks OP)
Nautilus(dem hookers)
Zyra(CC and unexpected damage output)
Akali(her level 6 bullshit)

With 30 owned champions in the pool, that makes it somewhat unlikely that I'll random into something I really need to waste a reroll on. I expect most of the time I'll be rerolling just free-week stuff.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Played my first ranked game as nunu support. Our fiora went 2/16 top lane, ryze fed kat 23 kills in mid, jungle warwick ran bot lane when we went to teamfight at baron instead of trying to steal it or kill them and never ganked a single lane, and our varrus AA'd bot lane and had as much CS as their support lulu. Less, actually.

tl;dr: fuck this, jungling more.

EDIT: fucked that, jungled more, worked out.

EDIT2: Fuck you riot, jesus christ. Facing a team with 2 seeds, a silver II, silver IV and silver V. My team is me, two seeds, a bronze V taric that fed like fuck, and a bronze II.

How the fuck.... at least I learned a bit more about J4. Not a complete loss, I guess.

EDIT3: Placement complete!

Last three games my team threw hard as all balls. Last was a particularly hilarious throw. Literally every lane kept pinging for ganks in bad situations at once (our guy 10% health, their guy full) and started arguing over who needed babysat more. Best was when I landed a beautiful J4 ult on their mid and split off their adc from their team in the jungle. My team, instead of nuking the adc or the ap carry, decided to run the long way around the jungle to get to the enemy team while cursing me out.

Even the enemy team was like 'wat.' Was fucking hilarious, couldn't stop laughing, it was so bad I coulnd't even be mad- like getting angry at a retarded puppy.

Anyway, got thrown in Bronze I with a 4-6 W/L, but I think it was probably close as hell since it did this weird animation of the silver badge falling apart and transforming into a bronze one. Not too worried though, I'll probably be silver really fast, I actually personally did really well in all but like 2 of my placements (one of which I got thrown into teemo top. The less I speak of that, the better.), so I'm pretty OK with this. I won't get terribad teams forever. Hopefully. maybe. Oh[size=-1]god[/size][size=-2]why.[/size]

My goal is to at least not be bronze, and I don't think I'll be bronze very long at all, since silver IV/III seems to be about the people I'm facing.

EDIT: nvm, getting matched with terrible, terrible scrubs. Counterjungled a team's lee sin to the point where he was lagging 4-5 levels behind our lowest leveled person. Our bot lane promptly fed him 15 kills by tower diving him.

In a fucking row.


Well-Known Member
Welp. I bought Lee Sin.

I'll be honest, I haven't had this much fun in league since around Level 15.


Well-Known Member
SivHD is streaming for charity on twitch. The goal is to reach $50k in donations, at which point $500k will be donated to Save the Children. Go watch the stream! Siv is hilarious, and it's for a good cause.

Edit: Wow. More than 40k has now been donated by the lol community. That's pretty sick.

Also, go here for more about the charity event. When you donate you get points at the charity webpage which can be used to buy games that have been donated to the event by loads of different developers and publishers.

Edit 2: So, apparently I was wrong about the 500k ting above. SivHD has raised 55k in donations, and because of that, US AID is giving, not 500k, but 700k to the Save the Children Fund. Wow.

Edit 3: This is crazy. The goal has been raised to 100k, donations are at 86k and rising.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
I believe he reached 100k. I think he was calling "Farming jukes to save the children" at one point.

Anyway, I'm done with ranked for a while. I apparently need to carry hard as balls because I've yet to see a lane in ranked win without me babysitting their ass, and I seem to always end up with a team full of all-star quarterbacks. The throws are like hail marys at the first and goal while 20 ahead. Only thing I can do is just play better.

tl;dr: farming skill in normals, dicking around with top atm. Been messing around with renekton, he's actually pretty solid champ and pretty fun. Won lane hard every time I've played him (to be fair, none of them were hard matchups), was able to roam mid and counterjungle- can't do much to help bot though but build a randuin's late game and sit on their presumably fed carry's face, so I'm not sure being able to play top will help.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Figures. Get a working headset, set some time to play, and my network decides it's going to turn to shit.


Well-Known Member
Shirotsume said:
I believe he reached 100k. I think he was calling "Farming jukes to save the children" at one point.

Anyway, I'm done with ranked for a while. I apparently need to carry hard as balls because I've yet to see a lane in ranked win without me babysitting their ass, and I seem to always end up with a team full of all-star quarterbacks. The throws are like hail marys at the first and goal while 20 ahead. Only thing I can do is just play better.

tl;dr: farming skill in normals, dicking around with top atm. Been messing around with renekton, he's actually pretty solid champ and pretty fun. Won lane hard every time I've played him (to be fair, none of them were hard matchups), was able to roam mid and counterjungle- can't do much to help bot though but build a randuin's late game and sit on their presumably fed carry's face, so I'm not sure being able to play top will help.

Any suggestions?
If you can win top very easily, then try picking up teleport instead of ignite. Tell your botlane to lane ward and if they're falling behind, just coordinate ganks as soon as you see the enemy pushed past the river. You'll also be good to countergank if the enemy jungler shows up and yours is nowhere in sight.

When you do either of the above, make sure you shove your lane super hard and then walk off, so they don't know if you're counterjungling or something until the teleport animation on the ward starts to show.