League of Legends


Searching for the six-fingered man.
Cho'gath tele-gank bot is terrifying. I love doing it!


Not The Goddamn @dmin
The number of incredibly bad lee sins have increased exponentially. It's really depressing seeing a coconut drink miss a 2% health chogath point blank, fly offf and hit a minion under turret, and see the lee sin obliviously fling himself into his own death as the chogath waddles away.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Wow. I love me some elise jungle.The gameplay and mechanics are awesome. Bit weird being super squishy though, used to tanky junglers.

EDIT: Just got a teamwork ribbon. Cool.

EDIT: I stand corrected. Oh god, Noctourne. Jesus christ, I'm loving me some fucking noctourne. machete, boots, rush a botrk, ganks all day while tearing apart the jungle and tearing down towers.


Well-Known Member
So um. I've tried running Leona top twice now and won both times.

The second time, well... I went 23/6/18 or something ridiculous like that. And my bot lane had fed the enemy Ezreal to 10/0 by eighteen minutes, which is when I left my lane and straight up outdueled him while he had double buffs.

I want top Leona to be a thing.
Leona's awesome, but her strengths and weaknesses are basically one and the same: She excels in teamfight situations. I don't see her as an all-day, every-day toplaner simply because in 1v1 situations against most straight bruisers, she leaves too much power on the table, so to speak. She can't proc her passive and most of her spells have intrinsic, exploitable faults as a concession to making them AoE.


Well-Known Member
Her stun is still insane though. And she gets a bunch of tank stats for free. I'm not saying she's the be-all and end-all of top laning but I'm saying that she does well enough (and does way more damage than people expect with BoRK and a Sheen item) that she's not a bad situational pick (say, if you want to run jungle Yi or something that carries but doesn't CC)


Well-Known Member
Shirotsume said:
Wow. I love me some elise jungle.The gameplay and mechanics are awesome. Bit weird being super squishy though, used to tanky junglers.

EDIT: Just got a teamwork ribbon. Cool.

EDIT: I stand corrected. Oh god, Noctourne. Jesus christ, I'm loving me some fucking noctourne. machete, boots, rush a botrk, ganks all day while tearing apart the jungle and tearing down towers.
Looks like you're liking yourself some carry junglers. You might want to try Hecarim, Vi and Evelynn. Especially Vi.

If you get fed with Hecarim, you'll be an unkillable monster in teamfights. Your ult also gives you a lot of teamfight utility.

Vi has the best lvl 6 ganks in the game. No contest. She also does an extremely surprising amount of damage, even early on. If you max Q, she will also have an extreme amount of mobility.

Evelynn is kinda underestimated by a lot of people. Thing is, hardly anyone ever buys anti-stealth (at low to mid elo, mind). Which means, Evelynn reigns supreme. As long as you can get the snowball rolling, you will keep on rolling. Also, Evelynn never has mana problems. Ever.

The problem with carry junglers is, of course, that they need more farm than the jungle can give them to be really effective. Which means that they need kills. At high elo, this is more of a problem, because it means taking kills from your carries. At low elo, the only problem is actually securing the kill.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
I just had a game of jungle noct where I was so fed I bought maw of malemortius, zerker greaves, youmuu's ghostblade, statikk shiv, and bortk.

I felt so sorry for their adc when I dived him. Sorta.


Well-Known Member
If you're dealing with a Brand who initially declares bot then takes jungle -leaving the support confused as to who they support-, are you being trolled? I ask because this just happened to me. I'm guessing someone decided to emulate the joke match that Worlds has so far invited, but unsure. My team lost, in case anyone's wondering.
I hate it when pros decide to play weird choices(which in itself is fine with me), but forget to tell kids not to try it at home.


Well-Known Member
Just pisses me off that I try to do my damn job as a support or mid or something, and there's either no communication or just trolling all around.


Well-Known Member
Had some fun as Nunu jungle. Won both the games I ran. :3

Even managed to kill a semi-fed Yi with one of the older Nunu ult tricks of running into bushes near the top blue golem, and ulting when he was chasing an ally Brand into said bushes.

He didn't seem to realize he was in my ult until he exploded.
Pretty insane free week. Blitz, Panth, Akali, MF, Cait, Zed are terrors. Round that off with solid picks in Malph, Ryze, Yi, and Taric. Normals games will get crazy.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Lemonnation throws worlds for C9. >.>

Why is that guy even on C9, I've seen better warding from bronze league players, in that they at least buy wards during a vision war instead of a goddamn mana manipulator.

His level 1 shotcalling and picks/bans were terrible as well. People are legit wondering if he got paid to throw or something, that's how bad it was.
Just dueled a fed Ezreal as Cait while he was full hp and on his fountain. Juked 3 Qs, pounded his hp down through the healing and WEQR for the finale. Jaws were dropped.


Well-Known Member
Shirotsume said:
Lemonnation throws worlds for C9. >.>

Why is that guy even on C9, I've seen better warding from bronze league players, in that they at least buy wards during a vision war instead of a goddamn mana manipulator.

His level 1 shotcalling and picks/bans were terrible as well. People are legit wondering if he got paid to throw or something, that's how bad it was.
Maybe he was hoping people would confuse trolling with brilliant tactics...?

Or maybe he'd played too many games on a troll account and forgot what to do in an actual professional game.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
No idea. It's funny, because members of C9 have been doing AMAs on and off, and streaming etc, and the question always comes up: what was with the mana manipulator?!

None of them know why.

Though at least why on earth they didn't ban kass and banned ori instead finally came to light- they don't know how to deal with xPeke's ori, so they banned it. And then they had a counterpick for kassadin (talon) but then... hai got put on kennen, of all things.

Which is why they were running double AP (vlad/kennen) against a kassadin who takes 15% less by default. There was supposed to be a talon in there.


Well-Known Member
So, the newest Champion has been released onto the PBE, Jinx, the Loose Cannon.

She's the first champion (that I know of) that has two distinct backing animations based on what skin she's in.

Haven't had a chance to play her, but from having played alongside her twice and she has a pretty nasty kit. I liken her attacks to a combination of Corki, Lucian and Ezreal/Ashe (her ult crosses the map and is visible on the minimap). Personality-wise, she's very much like a cross between Vi and Lulu, except murderous. She is going to have special interactions with Caitlyn, Vi and a possible third character that's been hinted at as being related to either Jinx or Vi.

Personally, I'm going to get her and her Mafia skin (because it's the better looking of the two, IMO, even if she resembles a gypsy/1920's flapper because of it.)

Stonewall008 has said her jungle clear is ridiculously low, at about 3:30 (when many of the current faves are at 4+ minutes), but since she has no real CC of her own, she might only be a situational jungler, and likely a new bottom ADC to challenge Draven.

Just remember that this is still the PBE, and all things are subject to change.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Personality-wise, she's a crazier Tristana.

A lot of their lines are damn near identical. I think they also share a fondness for explosions, big guns, and have the same voice actor.


(Hardcore) Gamer
Words cannot express how happy I am that NJS beat China. Now, if only Fnatic will beat China, I'll be the happiest guy in my city.


Well-Known Member
Nagane's Ahri in the final SKT vs NJS matches was just terribad. He really wasn't able to do anywhere near the same level of minion clear with Ahri that as Faker's Orianna, and as a result, he fell off HARD. Then again, seeing Faker's clearing of waves was INSANE. He had, what, 300 cs by 25 minutes?

Watcher's Nocturne was WAY too passive. I personally felt that even showing himself a few times in the lane could've added some much needed pressure to the enemy and could've done his top and midlane some good. But getting invaded caused him to fall off even harder than poor Nagane's Ahri and he never did fully recover from that.

But both SKT and NJS pulled off some crazy awesome shit.
Nagne's Gragas was so good that he shit all over Faker's Ahri twice and forced a ban once SKT wised up, though. I was impressed.