League of Legends


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Anyone who played ahri in those matches just got stomped.

God damn though, those ori ults did damage.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
I dislike it as well.


Well-Known Member
They clearly hired the esteemed Cecilia Giménez to restore some champions. Well done, Riot.

In other news, 2-for-1 runepage sale from October 2 to October 9. If you have IP banked, this is the time to blow some.


Well-Known Member
The two major things I dislike about the Garen patch is the reset of my graphical settings and that no change affects my fps jackrabbiting. The UI interface adjustment is slightly easier for laptop play, at least for making adjustments. Interesting to make the surrender be a tab in the menu. Does make it quicker if everyone is on a time pinch.


Well-Known Member
Why, Riot? Why did you have to make the lovechild of The Joker and Tank Girl?

Lost Star

Well-Known Member
Oh for crissakes. Women do have small breasts naturally. It's not automatically loli if they do.


Well-Known Member
I can't really get excited for Jinx' character, but she looks fun to play, and her laugh is hilarious. So, I'll probably buy her pretty soon.


(Hardcore) Gamer
Jinx is insane. Her W is like a Nidalee spear, and she snares like a Cait while her Q's area damage is like Grave's Q, except it's on auto-attack.


Well-Known Member
Every time I look at Jinx' skill set she seems more and more like Tristana, tbh. If you max E on her, you will at lvl 6 be able to 70 - 0 most ADCs with your damage skills and ~3 auto attacks. Add the fact that her E is a root and suddenly she's very scary indeed.

Sure, she can max Q and be a harassing monster, but the AS on her minigun is useless until later, and the mana cost on her rocket launcher will dry her out fast at low level.

Essentially, I end up with this:
R > E > Q > W

The AD scalings on W and R means she's not completely useless during mid game, unlike an unfed Tristana. All in all, she looks like fun.

Also, I love her passive.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
I've actually yet to see anyone play a decent Jinx.

Granted, jungle shaco is about as anti-ADC as you can get early game, so maybe I've just never seen anyone get a proper amount of farm since I've been spamming him for shiggles, but... I've yet to even see one go 1:2 kdr...

She just seems really weak to people that can get in close- her whole kit is damage from afar and keeping people there, but once you're in close she literally has nothing- she can't even really orbwalk worth a damn with her attack speed.

The current assassin meta just doesn't seem to play nice with her unless her team manages to get her rolling with a kill for her passive.
The thing that entertains/interests me about Jinx's character is that her jokes all involve her pretending her giant shark-rocket launcher is a pacifist and making it shoot things/people.


Not The Goddamn @dmin

This was absolutely hilarious. Cait picked off more people (thresh), but I aced them more so we got objectives for free.

I have a feeling that they were being toxic to their kat though, since instead of GG as the nexus explodes she was like "Fuck all of you" and instaleft the lobby. Whoopsie?

EDIT: and, of course, cait was obviously being toxic as fuuuuu

That probably didn't help them.


(Hardcore) Gamer

Most hilarious game ever, with a panth that just gave up 10 min in, and then vilemaw, aced, and won.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Good exmaple of 'kills don't win game- kills let you get objectives for free, which wins you the game.'


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Friendly public service announcement: If there's a Nasus on the enemy team that has 5 full items and the only guy on your team with any items at all has 3 and change, don't focus him.

Took a full 3/4 of their entire teams damage, wish I had gotten a screenshot, at the end I would get 'picked off' and basically just ult and /d as they all killed themselves trying to drop me below 75%. ;p

Don't do that, kids.
