Akamatsuverse Love Ronin


Well-Known Member
Just because I want to get some of that Screw You Elves trope off my chest I'll write this very bad snippet inspired by Andrew Joshua Talon chronological timeline setup.

London, 2004...

The elven horde strode through the streets of London in their glittering mithril armour, cutting down scores of civilians in their wake with their magical katana enshrouded in fire that made them seem made out of light itself or feathering them to death with their magical arrows.

Beside them walked the wizards wielding their magic wands conjured death to anyone who came in their way. Men and women versed in the mysterious power called magic who saw those without the spark of this wondrous gift as but cattle and cockroaches fit for slaughter. Very swiftly many learned to loath and fear these cloaked figures with a revulsion that bordered on the fear of the unholy.

Many other magical creatures and monsters fought beside these like the scores of dragons streaking through the air and setting people and buildings ablaze.

The were the heralds of the dark lord who had decreed that their time had finally come to show these insignificant mortals their place.

They thought they were demigods who could simply overstep the manmade laws of this world without any consequence and take it for their own without any force to challenge them.

They were wrong.

The SAS forces suddenly opened fire from the various ambush points staged across this metropolis as soldiers of the British army arrived on the scene accompanied by AFVs and IFVs, while the sky became filled military airplanes and attack helicopters.


"Bloody 'ell!" grunted a British private as he plunged his bayonet into the throat of the wounded but still living young boy draped in a cloak that lay bleeding on the ground and twisted it fiercely in grim satisfaction. "It's like a fantasy version of the War of the Worlds!" He then viciously kicked the head of the freshly made corpse, hearing the neck snap like a rotten twig made out of bone.

"Speak for yourself!" one of the SAS fighting beside him tittered madly. "Some think it's like Reign of Fire up there where the dragons are!" He laughed some more as he mowed down the charging, katana-wielding elves who discovered in their deaths that bringing swords to a gunfight was tantamount to suicide by extensive lead poisoning. "Sure you long-eared freaks are so bloody beautiful and bloody perfect! That makes it even more fun to bloody kill you!"

A few streets away a wounded soldier tried emulating Bellerophon by jamming the barell of his L85A2 down the throat of a chimera that had him pinned down and succeeded in emptying his remaining bullets through its throat and head before dying. And in another street a Challenger 2 was covering the soldiers fighting beside it while reinforcements disembarked from a Warrior.

And yet still the sound of desperate gunfire and thunderous explosions echoed through London along with the screams of the wounded and dying.


What can I say - I have issues... :crazy:

Basically the good wizards and the neutral ones stayed out of this fight to avoid getting caught into crossfire or friendly fire.
Well... Now I'm tempted to make a little RPG out of all this, even if it is going pretty dark. Then again, I can appreciate some black humor every now and then, and "Screw you Elves!" can be pretty fun.

But really guys... This is pretty much set after the demon lords get their asses kicked and after this initial misunderstanding, there is peace between the worlds. Though the Dark Kingdoms and such continue their work, either through magical girls or through demons that keep portaling in or by manipulating the leaders of various nations.

Of course, the majority of the worlds are at peace. This is helped a fair amount by the Allied naval forces that are routinely switched in and out via magical transport (though it can only be done every six months). Carrier battlegroups are an exceptional tool of diplomacy.

@andaandyckas: Thanks! Sorry it was so short.

@Finbar: As for how many magical girls? Probably in the thousands, but there are a lot of unaccounted ones and that's not counting the magic ladies.

I'm also thinking of including a Naruto crossover, except the "villages" are PMCs that employ preternatural troops who have been trained since childhood. This would be considered illegal if it wasn't for the explosion in magical girls and children with preternatural powers-However, rather than being treated as weapons, the majority of PMCs (and Naruto's especially) are all heavily watched by the government and provide extensive counseling and complete medical coverage to their employees.


Well-Known Member
Well, it can be fun to develop the story by making prologues or flashbacks that show how it was when that dark lord attacked since they were the bad times so to speak before things got more stable.

I kinda envision the 2004 invasion of New York like how it happened in the World in Conflict - trailer 4 like the invasion of Seattle along with other trailer and game scenes from that RTS like the World in Conflict NYC CGI trailer and
Another WiC trailer.

Police officer: ...I repeat they have dragons! Need help immediately! America is under attack!
Well, here's one bit that I hope my friends in Britain will enjoy:

- - - - - - -

Over Dover, England, 2004

Flight Officer Jonathan Weasley was one of the odd ones out in his family. Without any magic to speak of, he'd first gone into accounting, and nearly made it through school for that. Then, however, he'd lost his job and couldn't keep up with the tuition AND living. So, for lack of anything better to do, he'd enrolled in the RAF Officer Training corps. He'd felt that a stint in the reserves would provide food for the table, money for the rent, nothing big. And an officer in Her Majesty's Armed Forces? Well, that'd be something, wouldn't it? Even to magic folk.

It wasn't. Not really. They were barely even aware of what airplanes were. Then again, he was in the reserves of the RAF-Not even called on to go to Afghanistan or Iraq. He flew air defense patrols over Britain that had become mere habit long ago. Sure, flying was preferable to accounting-The sheer thrill of pulling gees was fantastic-but who was he defending his country for? Who was he serving for?

Or was he simply trying to make up for having no magic?

"Slayer 4, close up! Close up, over!"

Weasley increased the throttle and pushed his Harrier GR7 up, making sure he was in formation.

"Sorry Slayer 1, lost focus. Over."

"Try not to, Slayer 4. We've got a whole lot of company coming," the leader of the section said.

Weasley looked out ahead. The dark storm clouds surrounding the portal (as it'd been described in the very short briefing) were dark and ominous. And the shapes of dozens... Hundreds... Thousands of flying monsters filled his sensors.

He knew magic. He knew how it laughed in the face of modern technology. Stupid, foolish Muggles. They hadn't a chance-His whole life was proof of this to him. Johnathan Weasley. Squib. Accountant. Nobody.

Why was he here? He couldn't stop these monsters! Not even if he was a true and proper wizard! They were showing up all over the world, invading everywhere... Why was he here?

"Damn... It's like bloody Revelation... The end of the world," another pilot muttered.

"Slayer 1... Can we take them? Over?"

Weasley wondered the same thing. He felt the temptation to run, despite his training. What good would it do? He was in this... Why? To be a hero? To make up for not being a wizard like everyone else?

The line was silent for a few moments, only to be answered by this: "What the bloody...? On your right, left! They're everywhere! Bloody fucking HELL!"

Weasley looked around, and his jaw dropped behind his mask. All around them, the ghostly shapes of Spitfires, Hawker Hurricanes, Mosquitoes, Gladiators-A regular WWII RAF parade was with them. They flew with the Harriers and Tornados and Eurofighters all streaking across the Channel, headed for the onrushing hordes.

Weasley felt tears come to his eyes, as one of the ghostly pilots turned his head and gave a thumbs up. He didn't think he was the only one. He turned his head back to the coming monsters, legions of them. So many they would blot out the sun from the ground, cast Britain into darkness.

It wouldn't be the first time that someone tried it though. Tried... And failed.

"... All right lads," the section leader said. "Let's give 'em hell!"

"TALLY HO!" Weasley shouted, as the Royal Air Force, old and modern, living and dead, opened up their weapons into the demonic armies, riding fire the whole way in.

- - - - - - - -

In Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone, Ronald Weasley talks about one of his cousins being "an accountant, but we don't talk about him." I thought it'd be nice to give a non-magical Weasley the chance to kick some ass in the name of his country. That, and how could I leave The Few out of a magical invasion of Great Britain? It'd be downright rude. ^_^


Well-Known Member
I for one loved it. :cumdrool:

If it wasn't for my self-restraint I'd be begging for MOAR.


Well-Known Member
Nice, AJT. :yay: :yay:

Another Battle Over Brittain eh?? You know, when I read that snippet, my MP3 player on shuffle decide to play the theme of final fight of Ace Combat Zero , a very nice music, I usually play it when playing Simulation Combat game. It really give me goosebumps, especially when Weasley said "Tally Ho" and then the music hit the cresendo to the EPIC Territory (Around 2:55 ) I almost cry tears imagining the furball that ensues.

once again, N-I-CE, NICE. :mmm: :mmm:
As for Ranma... Finbar's take is a lot darker than I had intended for him. Not sure what to do with him now though... I'll come up with something.

In the meantime, keep the snippets coming. I'm working on the Iranian Magical Girls bit.


Well-Known Member
Eh nothings set in stone right.

Besides which it can always be "Love Ronin" done by different animation studios.

Gainix "Love Ronin": Where things Get Worse, and the Gainix bounce is in full effect.

AIC "Love Ronin": Where the Tenchi Solution is in full effect.

Sunrise "Love Ronin": Loads of Mecha and shaded more Seinin than Shonen.

Toei "Love Ronin": Go Nagai! BSSM! DBZ! Lots of exclamation points and things going over the top.

CLAMP "Love Ronin": Outrageous outfits, feathered hair, big eyes, small mouths and anywhere from light hearted comedy to the world ending.



Well-Known Member
"Some say that magic can defeat our tanks, our missiles, our body armor.

I've yet to see magic defeat a bullet.

Oh they have their barriers that will stop a bullet in its tracks. BUT! What is the first part of Newton's law!?"


"CORRECT! Now what happens when that bullet hits that barrier? All that momentum and energy has to go somewhere. The second law of thermodynamics state that energy can not be created or destroyed. Now who can tell me where the energy went if it didnt just suddenly disappear?"

"Sir, it went into the shield sir!"

"That's right. The bullet's energy went into the shield. Now I'm quite sure that the magical shield can take a bullet. Even 2, 3, 5, 10 bullets. But can they stand up to 30 rounds of 5.56 bullets moving 3 times the speed of sound?"

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
- Clarke's Third Law
Any sufficiently used amount of lead, explosives, and plastics can be used to break said magic
-US Army's corollary to Clarke's Third Law

EDIT: Had an image in my head of a metal gear having a magical girl transformation sequence.

Cause its a Mahou Gear...


Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
As for Ranma... Finbar's take is a lot darker than I had intended for him. Not sure what to do with him now though... I'll come up with something.

In the meantime, keep the snippets coming. I'm working on the Iranian Magical Girls bit.
The thing is......

That could be Ranma on a bad day. The snippet could easily be translated away from martial arts meets sam spade.....

And through the power of Retcon.... Ranma now lives at a half-way house or some kind of magic girl shelter, and it's now a super powered love hina!:)

Which leads to Keitaro and Ranma getting together for drinks of Thursday nights. Utterly aware that half their respective houses are spying on them.

"I tell ya man, It's just not fair."


"They come in while I am in the bath, grope me and then call me the pervert?"

"Then comes the special techniques"

"And the mallet"

"and the punches"

"and they prance around the house in their underwear, but If I say anything, I'm the pervert."

"I hear you"

"and while there is one or two that can cook, there is always the Naru or Akane"


"I swear, we must be the only people in the world that can be force fed that crap and live"

"I think it's a magic thing. I'm more upset about the skimpy clothing"

"Oh yeah, I mean, any day now, i'm just gonna snap and the next thing you know, I'm gonna be up on rape charges and they will all be pregnant"

"did you hear squealing?"

"Was it joyful squealing or horrified?"

"Ummm...... I cant really tell. It didnt sound too old, probably the pre-legal girls."



I enjoyed it... Also, speaking of the Sailor Senshi, I'm not sure how to approach them. Did the Silver Millenium exist? I think so. Is it the proper path to take for world peace? Not sure. And what would the girls be doing now?


Well-Known Member
Well, AJT, I know you've already got something in the works for the Iranian magical girls, but if it's giving you problems, have Ranma and Keitaro run into each other out there. Ranma's essentially a merc with a good rep; the Iranian government may have contracted him to resolve the MG problem. Keitaro, on the other hand, was sponsored to what's essentially a UN watchdog agency, if I understand right. Similar goals, not necessarily the same method of execution... and I mean that as in "mission execution." What are the terms of Ranma's contract? Keitaro's gone up against teenage cyborg ninja wannabes; what are SCARF's TTPs- tactics, techniques, and procedures- for dealing with MGs?

RE: Sailor Senshi: Would they even come forward, given the current reputation of MGs?


Well-Known Member
It probably depends on if Sailor Moon villains can be gunned down or not.

What about other magical girl series? I can't imagine the TSAB stepping into this late in the game.
A snippet of mercenaries fighting French Forces in Africa. You can't be much nerdier than writing fanfics of fanfics.

"Force of French Gears with supporting infantry and Leclercs spotted. Permission to engage?" called a camouflaged mercenary over the radio.

"Hold fire, Captain Konrad. They're going to advance into our minefield. That'll get them stationary so we can engage with arty and tanks. Fuckin' gears. I'm sure our tankers will be more than happy to point out the failings of the trippies. Your boys have to keep them pinned down," replied his CO from their base.

"Don't worry Colonel. We've got the place rigged up with anti-vehicle mines and blast mines. We've got claymores on the flanks and the ground is rigged up with det cord. We've got some Vektor 77s and Carl Gustavs set up to slam the top armor and troops. Our guys are hidden along the sides of the valley with FALs, M79s, and scoped Ishies."

The column of French forces continued down the valley. Even with the magitek, some things remained the same. The French infantry equipment was similar to as it had been. They still used the FAMAS rifle. However, they had personal HUDs and some enhancements. The Leclercs were still the same. There were approximately three platoons of French infantry, a platoon of four Leclerc tanks, and the tall shapes of eight "Trippie" tripod walkers. They walked with an odd tilting gait that made it seem as though the walkers were going to fall over any minutes.

A massive explosion was not merely heard, but felt through the ground. One of the tanks had struck a mine. The explosion had shredded right tread of the tank and slewed it around a full 90 degrees. Captain Konrad depressed the trigger to fire the Claymores. The sides of the valley erupted in flames as the mines detonated. He depressed the trigger again, and buried lines of det cord exploded underneath their feet. One of the trippies had the lower part of a leg shredded by the exploding det cord. It toppled over onto the ground. Near instanteaously, the French tank commanders who had been riding unbuttoned fell back into their vehicles as their heads were ventilated by the mercenary snipers.

The three Carl Gustavs fired their rocket-assisted shaped charge warheads at the top armor of the Leclercs. One of the recoilless rifle shells missed, but two impacted to penetrate the thin armor with jets of hypersonic molten copper. Half the tanks were down in a matter of seconds and the others severely impaired due to the loss of their commanders. A volley of 40mm grenades arced to slam into one of the gears. The lightly armored vehicle proved no match for eight HEDP grenades and it too toppled to the ground. Machine gun teams opened up with a hail 7.62 bullets.

The soldiers fired their FALs in single, aimed shots at the French. What the gun lacked in its barely controllable automatic fire and heavy weight, it made up for in power, reliability, range, and accuracy. When the French troops were put down with the battle rifles, they stayed down. The 5.56mm rounds were considerably less effective. Within moments, the French lost thirty soldiers.

The anti-tank teams finished reloading and another two gears went down. Although momentarily stunned, the French soldiers responded by diving for cover or concealment as their squad automatic weapons sent out suppressive fire. The shots missed for the prone, camouflaged soldiers for the most part, but a few bullets hit soldiers and penetrated their old, obsolete PAGST armor. Most were merely wounded, but a few slumped down, dead. The earth erupted in a beaten zone as they were pounded by machine guns. One of the Mahou Gears traversed around. A hellish light surrounded its lightning gun as it was charged. This cycle was rudely interrupted by a volley of grenades, and it toppled over like the unsteady, top heavy platform it was. Hand grenades were thrown and more French soldiers were killed, lacerated by shrapnel or occasionally blown apart. Young men barely out of high school called for their mothers as they tried to scoop their entrails back into the bellies.

The grenadiers accurately lobbed a few 40mm grenades into the hatches of the tanks. One lucky grenade managed hit a ready-rack of shells on the autoloader. The turret was blown a good five meters into the air. Autocannon rounds from the trippies pounded the slopes of the valleys. Each hit blew a man apart. The Gustavs and M79s put an end to that shit with extreme prejudice. Three walkers were destroyed in the return fire.

Captain Konrad grabbed one grenadier by the shoulder and pointed to a French officer trying to direct the pinned troops.

"Hey, you see that guy over there?"

"Yes sir."

"Fuck him and everyone near him."

"Yes sir."

The grenadier, a twenty-something Liberian, took aim and lobbed a grenade. The French officer was blown apart and the men near him killed by the explosives and shrapnel. Two Gustavs fired, the third having been taken out, and the final two Gears were killed. The French simply broke and the remainder dropped smokes and frags to cover their retreat. The mercenaries cheered and took potshots through the smoke.

"Hey Colonel, we took care of the French patrol. Didn't even need armor or arty and we get nice bounty from the Frenchies. Their tanks went down like bitches, but I'm not complaining," radioed Konrad

"I'll send out the Hinds to extract you. Good work, Konrad," answered the Lieutenant Colonel.

"Sir. Thank you, sir."
ringlhach said:
Well, AJT, I know you've already got something in the works for the Iranian magical girls, but if it's giving you problems, have Ranma and Keitaro run into each other out there. Ranma's essentially a merc with a good rep; the Iranian government may have contracted him to resolve the MG problem. Keitaro, on the other hand, was sponsored to what's essentially a UN watchdog agency, if I understand right. Similar goals, not necessarily the same method of execution... and I mean that as in "mission execution." What are the terms of Ranma's contract? Keitaro's gone up against teenage cyborg ninja wannabes; what are SCARF's TTPs- tactics, techniques, and procedures- for dealing with MGs?

RE: Sailor Senshi: Would they even come forward, given the current reputation of MGs?
SCARF's TTPs- tactics, techniques, and procedures- for dealing with MGs are pretty straightforward.

SCARF is a military organization so they operate based on capabilities, not intentions. So first they do extensive information gathering with the UN's civilian watchdog organization regarding preternatural events (the acronym for which I haven't decided on yet). They assess the capabilities of the magical girls-Strengths, weaknesses, cultural backgrounds, that kind of thing.

There are six categories of Magical Girl: Independent Ally, Independent Neutral, Independent Threat, Non-Independent Ally, Non-Independent Neutral, Non-Independent Threat. Summed up, IA, IN, IT, NIA, NIN, and NIT. First three are MGs operating with their own agenda. The majority of these are NITs, as there are very few MG groups governments would allow to operate without government oversight. Second three are usually in the employ of a government, an organization, or a PMC.

If they are determined to be a threat, SCARF deploys agents to deal with them. Keitaro isn't normally sent on anti-magic girl missions. His job is that of infiltrator, to do reconnaissance for the most part. He didn't mean to get caught while investigating the Svarog Project.

SCARF's usual RoE regarding magical girls is straightforward-They try to disable the girls while they are out of their MG forms. They'll take out their animal guides, then hit them with tear gas or other gas grenades that impair speech to stop their transformations, then use non-lethal weapons to take them down. The amount of firepower needed depends on the threat level of the Magical Girls. Also whether or not to use deadly force. Snipers are SCARF's best friends when it comes to taking down MGs, along with the MH-6 Little Birds and the Predator series of UAVs. They go for surprise and stealth over firepower in most cases though-If you can nail the girls when they're not transformed, it's relatively easy to incapacitate them. However, they always have a few MH-6s or Predators/Avengers standing by to deliver some precision strikes in the worse case scenario, though most of them would deploy additional gas attacks to aid the troops on the ground. It's bad PR to kill little girls, after all.

Procedures after that are simple-Remove the brainwashing (if any) and return the girls to their families. If they were doing it of their own free will and they're local to the area, hand them to the local authorities. If they're not domestic, you bring them home for evaluation and possible sentencing. Extradition treaties regarding magical girls are different than for other kinds of criminals. Though several rogue nations like Cuba and North Korea have been scooping up wanted MGs by the dozens.

Most Magical Girl teams can be brought down with a few SCARF teams. These guys are special forces-Army Rangers, Navy SEALs, Marine Recon, SAS, etc. Magitech shielding on support vehicles and magitech weapons are usually more than a match for them. At the start it was hell to manage them because they were popping up everywhere. Some magical girl teams, such as the Senshi, were regarded as more or less legit and tried to assist local authorities in dealing with the demons and MGs and other craziness, but when this stuff was happening ALL OVER THE WORLD, it was hard for them to cover even Tokyo.

Senshi are only called in to take down other MGs if they are way too much for SCARF teams to handle. In most cases it's simply inconvenient to deploy heavy weapons like the Mahou Gear REX to engage MGs, and the Senshi have greater experience fighting magical entities.

As far as their foes go, they can be taken down by conventional ordinance... Most of them. The Big Bads require more firepower.

Ranma's contracts vary from client to client but for the most part they don't want their girls killed.
Tehran, Iran

Protests continued to mount and grow in the city streets. The government of Iran had cracked down upon it, many times, but the Iranian people continued to grow.

The police faced the approaching crowd, riot gear on, armored vehicles in support. The commander got his orders: Another crackdown. He grinned behind his mask-This was his favorite part, and the reason for which he'd been appointed his post. His predecessor was hesitant about firing on his own people-As far as the current commander was concerned, these people were opposing the will of Allah. Corruption from the Great Satan's poison was seeping in everywhere, and only he could stop it.

"Ready!" He called. "Aim!"

Then something unexpected happened. In front of the protestors, five girls in brightly-colored costumes landed. The commander paused, and his jaw dropped as he took them in.

They wore hijab as proper Muslim women did, but each was a different color. Red, blue, black, yellow, and green. Under their hijab, the girls wore pure white bodysuits, modesty preserved with strategically-placed skirts and cloaks.

"Shahadah!" Called the black-garbed one, brandishing a scimitar.

"Zakt!" The blue one shouted, spinning a spear around.

"Siyam!" Called the green one, her weapon a whip (which she cracked).

"Salat!" Called the yellow one, who appeared to wield a bow and arrow.

"And Hajj!" Cried the red one, who wielded what looked like a staff

"We are Al Hubb Hurriya! And in the name of the Prophet (Blessing Be Upon Him), we will defeat you!" They shouted together.

The commander, in response, had only one thing to say.


Machine guns fired, gas grenades were thrown... And they all had absolutely no effect on the magic girls, as Siyam had begun spinning her whip in a wide dome above her fellow magic girls which defended them (and the protestors behind them) from the bullets.

The other girls then moved, becoming mere blurs as they evaded the fire of the police and closed the range. Shahadah slashed through the regular police officers like they were nothing. Where Zakt slammed her spear, explosions followed. Salat's arrows penetrated body armor and she let them loose at a speed that was unbelievable, with a quiver that seemed to never run out.

Hajj, however, was the worst, because as she spun her staff, powerful winds erupted from the motion. The commander's armored vehicle, rated to take anything up to RPGs, was blown over and crushed by the force of the wind blasts.

The five girls of Al Hubb Hurriya worked together, striking Iranian forces and driving them off. They kept moving, protecting the protesters and allowing their message to be heard. However, they took no offensive action. Only if the protestors were attacked would they intervene.

All the same, the international news got to post something they'd never shown before: Iranian police and even troops fleeing protestors.

You can bet Al Hubb Hurriya merchandise began appearing almost the very next day.

- - - - - - -

Al Hubb Hurriya is, roughly translated, "Love Freedom". However, since I don't speak Arabic I probably got the translation wrong so if anyone wants to correct me, please do.


Well-Known Member
Someone ordered a Sailor Senshi snippet?

Usagi crouched behind the ventilator of the office building she had as her surveillance point. She heard the sounds of battle coming closer, and tensed in preparation.
The world had only a year ago been made painfully aware of magic, and the hunt on magical girlÆs had started. Her Senshi had been forced to train quickly, to adapt to the changing environment, and the new threat they had to deal with. Thankfully their old enemies had not shown much activity and those who had shown up was mostly taken care of by other magical girls. So she and the girls trained every night, soon learning to use their power to make up for the lack of sleep.
ôFire to leader, we are nearing your position,ô her earpiece crackled to life.
ôRoger that Fire. Ice, how is the barrier forming?ö
ôItÆs fully ready to deploy, and not visible until then.ö
Usagi stepped out from behind the ventilator, mentally charging for her task in this. It was important to hit fast, their prey had shown a startling ability to adapt if they managed to escape.
ôThis is Fire; we are turning the last corner. 30 seconds.ö
She began breathing deeply, focusing her energies. While she could use magic on an instinctive level, they were still learning to use them better, and using magic on a conscious level increased the awareness about how it worked. Even during missions they couldnÆt stop their training.
ôThey are entering the square, block it off!ö
ôBarrier is going up, youÆre on Leader.ö
Usagi stepped up on the ledge and launched herself off the building. Time was of the essence here, she could not stop to make speeches or poses. While she fell she let the magic she had collected flow out, and with a mental command she let it shot in front of her. It spread in a wave of almost invisible energy. She studied it carefully, noting several weak points she would have to work on. Nothing that would be of use for this enemy though, they had barely time to look up and see her; they didnÆt even register the magic before it hit them. They slumped to the ground like puppets with their strings cut.
Usagi, only seconds behind her attack, righted herself in the air for the landing, and braced for the impact. Even with her magic slowing her down such a fall was always hard. She landed in a crouch, as her team moved in to take care of their assigned duties. Ami would take pictures and scan every one of their enemies, both for identification and for data on their weapons. Rei and Makoto would walk among the bodies, making sure that there would be no surprises and tying them up. Minako never left her observation post on a higher building, making sure they would not be surprised by an attack from someone else.
They moved swiftly, it only took a few minutes to do everything they had to. Just as they finished up they heard the rumble of heavy engines, signaling the approach of the militaryÆs collection vehicles. Usagi straightened up to take care of them.


ôAmi, how did the test go?ö
ôThe new equipment is working perfectly. I will start implement it in our suits tonight. First yours Usagi, then MinakoÆs, RieÆs, and last MakotoÆs.ö
ôGood. Rei, anything special about the enemy to report tonight?ö
ôNo, they were standard issue. I will detail it in my report tomorrow.ö
ôMinako, any unusual movements around us?ö
ôOnly one enemy group and they were on the edge of my visible area, moving quickly at North-East. They gave no indication of having heard our battle, and it is unlikely they did at that distance.ö
Usagi nodded. ôVery well. Good work everyone, Rei, Minako, Makoto, go home and get some sleep. I want you to be rested for training with the new equipment tomorrow.ö
She studied her friends as they moved away, Ami towards the basement to work on the suits. They had come so far so quickly, but would it be enough? Every week the numbers against them grew. She shook those thoughts away and went into her office, there were paperwork to complete. At least they had gotten a nice bounty this time.
It was profitable hunting this fast spreading infestation of æmagical girlsÆ, and what better force against them then the real thing?


Might need to be adjusted for timeline and such. Thoughts? Comments?


Well-Known Member
Feels like the Inner Senshi's reinvented themselves as magical girl versions of the Knight Sabers. I thought it was pretty great, even though it woulde be interesting to see if Mamoru has undergone a costume change.


Maybe a group name in Farsi/Persian would be better for the Iranian magical girls even though their codenames seem to be in Arabic, Andrew, but then again there could always appear magical girls who have Persian mythology as their theme..
@Reader458: It's pretty good. Given how MGs are seen in the media, the Senshi could operate with government approval as Knightsabers, essentially. I like it! They'd also be the kind of people you deploy against really big, bad MGs and magical threats. If their cover was blown in public, that would be interesting.

@Crusader: Well, they are good Muslim girls, so they decided to go with a name and theme that reflected this.


Well-Known Member
As I don't know what Knight Sabers are, I can't say. :sweat:

But yeah, they aren't running around in fukus any more. In my mind they are dressed in full cover skintight suits, and no distinguising features other than a splatch of color somewhere, maybe on their shoulders. They have full face masks, and all their attacks have been remodeled at least slightly, and are done silently.

The new equipment that Ami field-tested is a sensor pack and a HUD system for the masks.
The new hardware and tactics comes from abandoned SilMil military projects, that Luna and Artemis dug out when shit hit the fan.

Oh, and the attack Usagi used was a modified Moon Healing.

Hmmm, just had an idea. There was a speech made here, (don't remember who wrote it) about magic vs bullets. Should the girls have access to extra protection, something modeled on Metroids Zero suits?

Edit. How did you imagine their cover being blown? Them really being MGs or their civilian identities?

Edit 2,
It was Mercsenary who wrote about the magic vs bullets. Question about that. If the energy go into the shield, why not have it Strengthen the shield? As you are already transforming energy anyway.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of the senshi beaing the original and real magical girls, and hactually having become competent in this one.

I wonder how whould thei interactions to others like Ranma are, after all Ranma is The MG hunter, are the friends, oponents ocassional rivals ?

The bullet part is a gruesome way to kill someone, and I would say that their effectiveness would depend from one kind of oponent to another.

I remember reading that some guns wouldn't work on some people from Ranma1/2 since they can take hits from 10 ton boulders and only get dazed... but then again the army should have bigger guns.

I would say that most experienced figthers can take more than one shot, but would avoid taking them, demons and amateur MG/mages would underestimate them with variable results.


Well-Known Member
"And in the name of the Prophet (Blessing Be Upon Him), we will defeat you!" "

Ok...... that was pure win.

Absolutely awesome. Just that line




Well-Known Member
Are Magic Girls the aberation?

Are they girls who have a nifty power or two, and their magic is further maleable?

Are they girls who's power creates a skimpy outfit?

It's an interesting facet, where belief creates reality, They have powers, therefore, this is how they HAVE to dress and act.

Which means Japan gets more MG's on average than other nations. As people believe in them

On the other hand, you also get the girls who sprout spontaneous cyberware, or become something else


Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
It continues to hold my interest.