Akamatsuverse Love Ronin


Well-Known Member
@ Tonyloco Yeah, I found the irony in that to be too much to let it be. :)

And in the 'verse of this snippet they never where incompentent. It was just that their standard uniform and tactics where designed to be good for PR, not just a SpecOps team.

They were supposed to be the highly visible 'good girls' of the SilMil, boosting morale when they showed up. That they happened to be some of the strongest of the army too didn't hurt any of course.


Well-Known Member
Quick thing to point out, AJT: the non-Iranian Arabs and the Persians hate each other's guts with a passion. As far as I know, it's mostly the Sunni/Shia sectarian split, but the Saudi government and your average Iraqi, in particular, despise Iran. It's one of the reasons certain Iraqi politicians have to keep their ties so close to their chests.

In Iraq's case, the two fought a very nasty eight or ten year war. In the case of Saudi, they're at one of the centers of the Islamic world and the local superpower- and they're not Shia, which Iran is. Iran also wants to be the local superpower, but that's more of a political thing.

Iran's got six or seven major ethnic groups that I know of, and for the most part, they have their own languages. There are Iranian Arabs, but not nearly as many as there are Persians.

@Reader458: the Knight Sabers are from the Bubblegum Crisis series.


Well-Known Member
Ahh, thanks ringlhach. I have not gotten around to watching that series yet.

Oh and Tonyloco, about Ranma vs Senshi. I think soem humor could be made it he didn't know about them being MGs, and working with them at times. Having him ranting about magical girls, and the senshi sweatdroping all the while could be amusing.
ringlhach said:
Quick thing to point out, AJT: the non-Iranian Arabs and the Persians hate each other's guts with a passion. As far as I know, it's mostly the Sunni/Shia sectarian split, but the Saudi government and your average Iraqi, in particular, despise Iran. It's one of the reasons certain Iraqi politicians have to keep their ties so close to their chests.

In Iraq's case, the two fought a very nasty eight or ten year war. In the case of Saudi, they're at one of the centers of the Islamic world and the local superpower- and they're not Shia, which Iran is. Iran also wants to be the local superpower, but that's more of a political thing.

Iran's got six or seven major ethnic groups that I know of, and for the most part, they have their own languages. There are Iranian Arabs, but not nearly as many as there are Persians.

@Reader458: the Knight Sabers are from the Bubblegum Crisis series.
Did I say that merchandize would be sold in the Middle East? ;) Plus, Iraq and other countries can enjoy their enemy's police forces and militaries being defeated by girls. Obviously the religious fundamentalists will object to these girls, calling them heretics and the like but they are proper Muslim girls and for the majority of the Muslim world that's enough.


Well-Known Member
For some some reason I want to write a snippet about the oddball crew of an AC130U Spooky or AC130H Spectre unleashing death from above on a horde of demons while listening to Drowning Pool's version of Rebel Yell, but I then get a writer's block since I have trouble figuring where this takes place.
Crusader said:
For some some reason I want to write a snippet about the oddball crew of an AC130U Spooky or AC130H Spectre unleashing death from above on a horde of demons while listening to Drowning Pool's version of Rebel Yell, but I then get a writer's block since I have trouble figuring where this takes place.
How about fighter pilots above New York City engaging dragons, demons, harpies and other nasty beasties?

And maybe the demon king Belial stopping his rampage briefly when confronted by the press to give an interview.


Well-Known Member
The low drone of an AC130 filled the cabin and cockpit.

"Dragonsfire, this is Command. Come in, Dragonsfire."

"Command, this is Dragonsfire. Go ahead."

"Dragonsfire, support is needed in Grid One. Zero. Five. Six. We have a Mike Golf fireteam pinned down by Echo Deltas. Evac teams are on the way but the team needs support in the mean time."

"Roger that Command. Changing course."

The pilot turned back shouting into the cabin,
"Listen up! We got orders to head to a new grid locations. Deltas got a Mike Golf squad pinned down. Evacs on the way but we have to hold them off for now."

"Mike Golf?" one gunner turned to the other

"Magical Girl."

"Oh. Wait what?"

" You know, waving the magic wand, spouting some random words, big explosion?"

"Oh I didnt know the army wanted big explosions."

"They dont that's why you're up here, am I right?"

"Cut the chit chat ladies. We're on station!"

"Mike Bravo, this is Dragonsfire. Mike Bravo. Mike Bravo are you there?"

"THIS IS MIKE BRAVO- HOLY SHIT! *Crashing a roar and a sound of a phaser* Oh there's blood EVERYWHERE! HAGS STOP STOMPING ON IT!"

"Bravo are you okay?"

"Just fine Dragonsfire. Some fire down on the Deltas would be nice, take your time."

"Ha. Ha. Bravo, mark your position with IR strobes. Fire will be coming down continuously. Evac is on its way. "

"Many thanks Dragonsfire. IR strobes are lit."

"Whew man thats a lot of dead bodies. Looks like they've been here for days much less a couple of hours."

"You got that right- enemy target. By the houses with the water tower."

"Holy shit that's a lot of them. Get them!"

"Howitzer away!"

The plane shook as 105mm round left the barrel

"WHOA. Got all of them in one shot. Wait no one left. Ah nevermind fireteam got em."

"Dragonsfire, you losing your touch up there?"

"Negative Bravo, just wanted to make sure you got some fun in too."
"Hags why'd you talk us into this?"

"Me Sweets? You're the one that said 'Noo send us in, they'll send in some special ops douchebags with magic sensors and heartbeat monitors.'"

"Shut it you two."

"Sorry Sarge."

"Uh Sarge, they're coming from the east. West... and South. "


"Whatever you just did it stirred up the entire nest of them. They're all coming out of the woodwork."


"Command this Dragonsfire, what's the ETA on that EVAC?"

"Dragonsfire Evac reports 10 mins out. Status."

"Fuel is at half, munitions good. Ground team reports no casualties or ammo issues."

"Roger that. Be advised enemy activities has picked up across all grids. "

"Confirmed Command, Dragonsfire out."

"Ho-ho-Holy shit."

"What what?"

"You didnt see that?"

"See what?"

"That giant beam of DOOM!"

10 seconds ago:


*Pretty pink beam of DOOM.*

"Finally. Motherfuckers."

Sarge turns back to his squad. Hags, Sweet and Marlowe are hugging each other shivering.



"Bravo team how are you doing?"

"Bravo team?

Bravo team respond!"

"Heehee... WE'RE DIEING." a voice crackled in through the radio.

"Stop that Haggard, Dragonsfire this Bravo Actual we're taking heavy fire. There' s just too many of them coming from too many places. Level the goddamn place around us if you have too. Requesting fire mission danger close. "

"Roger that Bravo, keep your head down."

"Heads up Bravo you've got more coming from the South and West. 40 Mike Mikes are coming down on the West group."

"Bravo, this is Evac team Echo. We've secured the route out. Get your men and pull back to the Northern most building. "

"Negative Echo, there's too many of them. "

"Sarge, if we pop smoke... maybe we can-"
"We dont know if they cant see us through it."
"Better than nothing Sarge."
"Grah, fine, Never mind that last one Echo we are pulling back to the Northern house with the green roof. Do you see it?"
"Affirmative Bravo. We see it."

"Dragonsfire, this is Echo. Bravo team is preparing to pop smoke and move to the house with the green roof. Do you have visual on it?"

"Negative Echo, its all black and white to us up here."

"Dragonsfire, we are popping IR strobes onto the roof of said house.

IMMA Continue THIS LATER. Need food.


Well-Known Member
:hail: You certainly made it better than I would be able to, Mercsenary.


Well-Known Member
The first thing you need to know about the Hrimfaxi-class stealth sub-carrier, is that it 'Officialy' doesn't exist.

The second thing you need to know about it, is that it's the fucking god of ocean warfare. We're talking about something that can fire just about any missile you can think of (and more than a few you can't), launch aircraft, and take direct hits from ORBITAL FIRE. Oh, and to top it off? You can't see it.

Of course, one would think, 'Hey, isn't it impossible to build something like that?', and they'd be right. But then, you see, we got our hands on interesting foreign energy technology. No, not magic. Magic says that their's something at work here that we don't get. We know our stuff. You won't see another repeat of Greece's little 'Titan' project here. Some funny symbols in paint, and they think they can use an NBE? Idiots. Here, we're using type-3 Elemental reactor. Of course, we had to contract out for some of the odds and ends in it, much as I hate to admit.

But with a power source like that (100% green one to boot!) we could really go to town and implement some fun ideas. The frame is adamantanium, with refined mithril making up the hull. Lighter and stronger than anything I've ever had the pleasure of working with. It can even take that Advanced Aquatic RAM the chemists have cooked up.

And then there's some of the more... special features, I suppose you'd call them. We had to call in some real weirdos in order to get them. But... much as I hate them, they do good work. The made the active camouflage possible. And they say that they made it so you couldn't find it their 'way' either. Personally, I don't buy it and think they were just trying to milk the budget people for a bigger bonus.

Now then, the tech specs are available if you want to have a look at them. They're in that folder.

What, the 'special' weapon system? If you really want to know about it, it's in the folder. I don't know about that thing, and don't trust it. In my opinion, it should never have been included in the design.

Ah, sorry. I've got to run. Seems there's been a little problem in one of the minor labs.

-Excerpt from the informal briefing on the Hrimfaxi, given by doctor Evan Grimm.


Well-Known Member
Hrimfaxy?? A nod to Ace Combat Series, Shaderic?? I Approve. Please make a snippets from this Idea. A cookie if you also make the Razgriz Squadron a mix between a proper military with some access of equipment from Strike Witches, especially their STRIKE pack, that can be used by Male and Female.


Well-Known Member
Ah, thankyou.
Dr. Evan Grimm is what I'm going to call an Open Source character for this. Think of him as a proffessional designer of super-weapons. He's a pretty laid-back dude.

Two things set him off, though. Magic is one of them. He's lived his life believing in the power of Science. To see something like that being taken seriously... it irks him. Seriously. I tried to convey that a little bit in his little briefing up there.

The second thing he hates, is when people try to kill him. Being a designer of super-weapons, this happens more than he likes to think about. Good thing he invented basic android stand ins, or he'd be dead a few dozen times over already.

Of course, he's always working on something new...
Grimm Notes
'Caster' Weapon
Part 1
When I was first approached with the idea of creating a system to allow normal people to use magic, I wanted to kill the person who suggested it. My opinion on that sort of thing is both well documented, well known, and is totally taboo.

But, once I calmed down, and thought about it, the idea had a certain allure. To take that force, and conquer it, for science... Well, men have tried before and gone mad. Of course, it is an interesting idea.

The research itself would involve three stages.

The first stage would involve the study of ... magic. This, while being the most critical phase, would probably be the most difficult to accomplish. We'd need to do some serious out-contracting, in order to get our hands on the research material, and then we'd need to achieve an in-depth understanding of it.

The second stage, would be duplication of the effects. With the research from the first stage, this should be relatively simple. I hope. But if we can accompllish it, then it shall truly be a massive step for mankind.

The third, and final, stage, is miniaturization. To take what will probably be a roomful of complex lab equipment, that requires precise tuning and maintenance, and shrink it down to something a soldier can carry around, and reliably use with only crude maintenance and basic know-how.

Ironicaly, I think the last stage shall be the easiest.

Anyway, I have decided to call this weapon, once it is completed, a Caster. The reasons for this are two-fold. Reason one, is that the name fits. Is it not named what we are trying to replace? The secon reason is that in fiction, such a weapon already exists. The Caster Gun from Outlaw Star. While I doubt it will look much the same, I believe the basic concept is similar. A weapon that will allow those without the ability to use that to stand up to those who do.


Well-Known Member
Are we ever going to get back to the Keitaro-centric parts of this thread?
DhampyrX2 said:
Are we ever going to get back to the Keitaro-centric parts of this thread?
I'm working on them now, though I've been a bit distracted. In addition, I found a few parkour enthusiasts on campus and I want to start learning how to do it.


Well-Known Member
DhampyrX2 said:
Are we ever going to get back to the Keitaro-centric parts of this thread?
I can try to work on a minor snippet centred around Keitaro if you want to, but why not try making one yourself and then posting it on this thread?

here's a teaser from the unfinished snippet I'm working on.

I guess this is what you could compare with one of your dates gone bad with Naru, and when I say bad I mean really, really bad. Eh, Solid Ronin? A voice quipped through the codec transmission.

"Shut up, Midas! Can't you see that I'm in a bit of a jam here!" Keitaro growled as he knocked out an underage magical girl out cold by slamming her against the ground and then dove behind a tree that became seconds later bombarded with magical blasts of energy clothes in psychedelic colours that would give an average person headaches. He twisted his arm out from behind the tree and emptied the magazine of his Uzi, blindfiring in the direction he guessed those brats were hiding.
Here's a snippet I came up with while I was having a walk. The jumping, non-sequituerial thought patterns are intentional.


I am a Sniper, one of the few men of the proud institution known as the British Army to wear the 'Crosshaired Wands' of the Counter-Magical Girl Unit "Mordred".

Here I lay, on the roof of this old factory, on the outskirts of Exeter, watching, waiting. My Ghillie Suit and special helmet mask me from both physical and magical detection. By my side is my rifle, a silenced and scoped Lee-Enfield bored out to take .338 Lapua Magnum rounds.

Ah. My appointment has arrived.

Into the front yard of this old factory appears six figures. Five teenaged girls, wearing silly costumes. And my target.

All snipers will tell you, that what they do is strictly business, and they hold no personal grudge against their targets. And on any other day, I would agree. But today?

I shouldered my rifle, and activated the magitech rebreather implant in the back of my neck. Closing my left eye, I focus on my target, what appears to be a Calico cat with a blue star symbol on its' forehead. That star symbol is now lined up in my crosshairs.

'This is for Emma.' I think, and smoothly pull the trigger back. I hardly feel the jolt against my shoulder, or hear the muted report.

The 'animal advisor' is reduced to a greasy stain on the ground as the bullet, blessed by both the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster and the Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury strikes home with deadly precision.

I am CSM Ian Hyde, of the Royal Anglian Regiment of the British Army. I am the best at what I do. And what I do is not nice.
Ian's just supposed to be just a nameless mauve shirt, one of thousands of men and women who willingly risk their lives in the service of their country?

As for Emma? She's Ian's young daughter, who was one of the girls in that group.

Char Aznable

Well-Known Member
Have you guys though about making the Monster of the week scary? One way you could do that is by making them into the magical equivelant of the terminator.


Well-Known Member
Char Aznable said:
Have you guys though about making the Monster of the week scary? One way you could do that is by making them into the magical equivelant of the terminator.
Magical Zerg infestation...


Well-Known Member
Shaderic said:
The first thing you need to know about the Hrimfaxi-class stealth sub-carrier, is that it 'Officialy' doesn't exist.

The second thing you need to know about it, is that it's the fucking god of ocean warfare. We're talking about something that can fire just about any missile you can think of (and more than a few you can't), launch aircraft, and take direct hits from ORBITAL FIRE. Oh, and to top it off? You can't see it.

Of course, one would think, 'Hey, isn't it impossible to build something like that?', and they'd be right. But then, you see, we got our hands on interesting foreign energy technology. No, not magic. Magic says that their's something at work here that we don't get. We know our stuff. You won't see another repeat of Greece's little 'Titan' project here. Some funny symbols in paint, and they think they can use an NBE? Idiots. Here, we're using type-3 Elemental reactor. Of course, we had to contract out for some of the odds and ends in it, much as I hate to admit.

But with a power source like that (100% green one to boot!) we could really go to town and implement some fun ideas. The frame is adamantanium, with refined mithril making up the hull. Lighter and stronger than anything I've ever had the pleasure of working with. It can even take that Advanced Aquatic RAM the chemists have cooked up.

And then there's some of the more... special features, I suppose you'd call them. We had to call in some real weirdos in order to get them. But... much as I hate them, they do good work. The made the active camouflage possible. And they say that they made it so you couldn't find it their 'way' either. Personally, I don't buy it and think they were just trying to milk the budget people for a bigger bonus.

Now then, the tech specs are available if you want to have a look at them. They're in that folder.

What, the 'special' weapon system? If you really want to know about it, it's in the folder. I don't know about that thing, and don't trust it. In my opinion, it should never have been included in the design.

Ah, sorry. I've got to run. Seems there's been a little problem in one of the minor labs.

-Excerpt from the informal briefing on the Hrimfaxi, given by doctor Evan Grimm.
an image for those that want to know the "inexistent" Sub.



Well-Known Member
Mercsenary said:
Char Aznable said:
Have you guys though about making the Monster of the week scary? One way you could do that is by making them into the magical equivelant of the terminator.
Magical Zerg infestation...
I think a law firm like Wolfram & Hart would be a quite scary adversary for many people.

Like having magical girls or exorcists locked up for reckless vigilantism or trespassing into private property owned by the evil overlord of the week. Evicting a family from their century old ramen shop since they centuries ago stole the ground from demons who in this century took their case to the court and won thanks to this law firm.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Crusader said:
Mercsenary said:
Char Aznable said:
Have you guys though about making the Monster of the week scary? One way you could do that is by making them into the magical equivelant of the terminator.
Magical Zerg infestation...
I think a law firm like Wolfram & Hart would be a quite scary adversary for many people.

Like having magical girls or exorcists locked up for reckless vigilantism or trespassing into private property owned by the evil overlord of the week. Evicting a family from their century old ramen shop since they centuries ago stole the ground from demons who in this century took their case to the court and won thanks to this law firm.
The problem with putting a law firm up against a black ops group, though, is that its a black ops group.

Very nasty for magical girls, though.
I liked this when it was Keitaro but now it seems to be spiralling out of control, in my opinion. Kinda like a loop thread.