LVL 80 or bust


Well-Known Member
Well, I managed to get through the first four bosses in ICC without any working mods going for me. Only died bout four times total. Much better than I thought it would be. Even got the rogue cape out of the deal. Gonna spend part of Saturday figuring out what went wrong with DBM with the one buddy, and might go in Sunday morning to try the Plagueworks. Maybe get a quick ToGC 10/25 run before that.


Well-Known Member
While i usually don't bother, if your really having trouble getting addons working you might consider grabbing the curse client so it does all the installing for you etc. Not sure how safe the thing is so run a virus scan after etc.


(Hardcore) Gamer
Belgarion213 said:
While i usually don't bother, if your really having trouble getting addons working you might consider grabbing the curse client so it does all the installing for you etc. Not sure how safe the thing is so run a virus scan after etc.
The Curse client is great. Helps you manage all of your addons and checks for updates.


Well-Known Member
+1 for Curse Client. Most addons can be gotten on and its as simple as a click to download them

Haven't run into any issues as far as virus/etc go.


Well-Known Member
Hmm thats at least a partial releif. I like the simplicity but was worried about any virus's that might be on there (probably stupid but *shrug*


Well-Known Member
This probably isn't that impressive to most of you, but I just felt like mentioning it.

I've been storing up Dense Stone for my Jewelcrafting Alt, because the various Stone Statues are pretty handy in a pinch, especially for a warlock who's soloing.

Today, I just finished getting my warlock high enough to make Dense Stone Statues.

So, I got all the Dense Stone out of my bank and made them all in one go.

Each Dense Stone Statue requires 10 Dense Stone.

I made 49.

I had 7 left over.

That means I'd saved 497 Dense Stone. :rip1:

And Dense Stone stacks in 20s.

That means I was wasting 25 slots for all that Dense Stone!

No wonder my bank was full all the f**king time! :sweat:


Well-Known Member

Auction System updates are nice and I can get rid of the add on I had for it and this is a hell of a lot smoother.


Well-Known Member
Belgarion213 said:
This is why bank alts were invented -_-
Actually, that comment prompted me to check my bank alt.

I had enough dense stone to make 25 more Dense Stone Statues. :rip1:


Well-Known Member
Hivemind at work, I see.

The error page I posted was when I was trying to get on the fanart page. I was looking for that picture, but wanted to see if there was a bigger version on the website.


Well-Known Member
Yay finally got into a ICC that didn't fall to bits before first boss. We only did first quarter (yeah i know) yesterday but I had fun and were going to do 2nd quarter today.


Well-Known Member
Meh if your not aware they changed some stuff for Gunboat battle in ICC it's a bit harder but not by much.


Well-Known Member
The number 2 ability on the cannons does about 40% less damage(9000 dmg down to about 5500), so it takes a tad longer.


Well-Known Member
Whether you hate or love GearScore, Blizzard is now planning to implement their all-new EPEEN System, to match your gaming needs! No more bitching about low geared players, the game automatically prevents them from even whispering you or being seen by you! Oh, Blizzard... only you. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Well, I just had a fun experience. I just got a call from my brother saying my account was hacked, our guild bank cleaned, and my characters deleted. So I go online, reset my account password from, and then I log onto Gmail to click the required link to reset my password, and look, my Gmail account had been accessed from China. I'm pretty fucking pissed right now.

EDIT: Apologies for the random rant, as you can tell, I'm kinda pissed.


Well-Known Member

Dammit, this is at least the fifth account hack I've heard about in the last three months. Kinda makes me glad I already went ahead and got an authenticator. :sweat:


(Hardcore) Gamer
akun50 said:

Dammit, this is at least the fifth account hack I've heard about in the last three months. Kinda makes me glad I already went ahead and got an authenticator. :sweat:
People like hacking my guildies, but somehow, I never get hacked.

They now call me hacker. >_<


Well-Known Member
akun50 said:

Dammit, this is at least the fifth account hack I've heard about in the last three months.? Kinda makes me glad I already went ahead and got an authenticator. :sweat:
While an authenticator will help, it won't make it 100% safe.
My guild leader was hacked and he has an was some weird crap where when he logged in and it auto closed wow then it changed his user info and looted certain items on all his toons like it was a bot doing it. All in all he didnt lose much, frostweave, frozen orbs and flasks and what not and after talking to blizzard they got him to get malwarebytes and while it did find something, after he logged in and out again it happened again so something was inbedded in his comp that doesnt register to alot of anti-whatever, so now he has to reformat to be sure he gets it out.


Well-Known Member
It's called a virus program. Don't download RAR files, and don't go to cheap porn sites. You'll be fine. :p