LVL 80 or bust

I'd buy it, but Blizz won't let me use my credit card... They don't even let me upgrade normally (from my account), I'll have to get BC and LK shipped at one point.

From North America, all the way to India. Woohoo.


Well-Known Member
Haha, there's people selling in-game codes for celestial steed for in-game gold. It's a reverse gold farmer!


(Hardcore) Gamer
I would totally do that, if I got some of those codes for free.

WTB 25 Primodial Saronites!


Well-Known Member
Got Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter last night I hit things for 16k now I feel fulfilled. :angel:


Well-Known Member
Ever had something really odd just happen with other people?

For example, I've attracted the attention of a guild of people that open trade window with me and offer me a copper at random times and random places.

Admittedly, it's probably my fault for humoring one guy after declining his copper that first time and chatting briefly with him when he whispered at me with a 'D:' emoticon, and the next time actually accepting his copper. And then we recently started having an escalating war where I start adding coppers on -my- trade window, while he starts one-upping going that amount +1 copper. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I do know it's my own fault for humoring that one guy, but now his guildies get in on it. And really, these people keep sneaking up on me! I could be in like, Feralas, and they still sneak up on me with a trade window! :huh:

So far I've made a 54 copper profit off these guys. :sweat:

Edit: Also, grats on Bryntoll, dark.


Well-Known Member

You never go ass to mouth. That's quite possibly the most important rule Paramedic school has taught me.

Oh, and the link you posted:

He was going nice and slow, then he yelled " BOONNEESTOORRMM!!!!!". I can't walk straight.


Well-Known Member
While you guys are here, I've got high hopes for my new Death Knight and my current goal as it refers to gold is to get 5k so I can get epic flying. This will be followed by Cold Weather Flying and, once I'm exalted with Wyrmrest Accord, a red Drake flying mount.

Are there any quick ways to get gold that don't involve professions? I wanna wait until I'm lvl 80 before I start on my professions.


(Hardcore) Gamer
Juubi said:
While you guys are here, I've got high hopes for my new Death Knight and my current goal as it refers to gold is to get 5k so I can get epic flying. This will be followed by Cold Weather Flying and, once I'm exalted with Wyrmrest Accord, a red Drake flying mount.

Are there any quick ways to get gold that don't involve professions? I wanna wait until I'm lvl 80 before I start on my professions.
Dailes. Heroic dungeons. Regular dungeons. Regular quests.

And you can keep killing regular monsters for their loots.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I wonder, would a lvl 80 DK be able to solo Demon Lord Kazzak? As a world boss, I'm unsure as to the results.

By the way, something occurred to me. Instead of a skeletal gryphon for a class flying mount for DKs, why not a frost wyrm? Same speed/skill upgrade, but the model of a frost wyrm. Lol. Be badass.


Well-Known Member
The absolute fastest way outside of professions is to make sure you hit level 80 while still having a good number of high level zones not done. Quests at 80 don't give experience, so they'll give you a fair chunk of gold instead.

To make sure you can do this, make sure you don't go to northrend until you're level 70-71 (even though you can start as early as 68. It makes quests easier if nothing else, and there's that gold waiting at level 80). Make sure you do all/most of the quests in a zone (ie, get the achievement).

Also make sure you do at least one daily pug each day. Besides the experience coming from a non-questing source and the gold/experience for pugging, you'll start earning emblems of triumph for your level 80 gear. Of course, you only get them on your first pug, so you really don't need to do it more than once a day.

Doing all that, it's pretty easy to hit 80 while you're in Grizzly Hills or Zul'drak at the latest. That leaves Sholozar, Storm Peaks and Icecrown to do gold quests in.

The one bad thing is that the good dailies require some pre-questing in those three areas, so you won't immediately have access to some of the good daily quests at once. That said, it's still worth it to save those areas for last, with a few exceptions.

Because of time restrictions, you'll probably want to get an early start on the Sons of Hodir chain if you don't have any other level 80 exalted with them (due to the shoulder enchant being BoA), and the tournament chain takes one week to unlock the majority of the dailies, and there'll still be more that won't unlock until you're exalted with -every- horde (or alliance) faction as well as argent crusade as well as the sunreavers. That takes a while, so getting started on all that early is a good idea (I think you can from level 77).

All the other dailies can be unlocked as soon as you finish the pre-quests though, so it's entirely possible to have them all unlocked in one day (if you are the dedicated/insane).


Well-Known Member
Juubi said:
Yeah. I wonder, would a lvl 80 DK be able to solo Demon Lord Kazzak? As a world boss, I'm unsure as to the results.

By the way, something occurred to me. Instead of a skeletal gryphon for a class flying mount for DKs, why not a frost wyrm? Same speed/skill upgrade, but the model of a frost wyrm. Lol. Be badass.
You won't be able to solo Kazzak. A prot pally can solo him if he's geared enough, just because he can heal himself enough (although even he can have trouble). Not sure about a bear, but a warrior and dk won't be able to.

He is 2-mannable, though.

And skeletal frost wyrms are the reward for doing achievement metas from Icecrown (or doing arena and being super awesome). That's why all you get is a skeletal chicken.

The good shit is for the people that are dedicated.

...or that's what I'd say if they hadn't popped out the star pony, which looks better than Invincible, which only drops off heroic Lich King. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I'm the kind of player who will reach exalted with a faction for the sake of being exalted. The incentive of extra/better gear only makes me more "dedicated/insane". According to my friend, who has been teaching me how to be an effective DK, I don't have the coordination for raiding, though. So a great many options are closed to me. PvP is another option, but I suck at that too. About the only thing I don't suck at is using my Blood abilities to stay alive and make sure the monsters don't.

EDIT: I know about the ICC mounts and the PvP ones, although I thought those were taken out of the game, but I just think having one as a class mount would be awesome. Doesn't mean it will happen.

Plus, having an army of DKs blotting out the sun would be epic.

"Our army will blot out the sun".


Well-Known Member
You're going to get pretty bored at 80 if you neither pvp or raid, since there's not much to do otherwise (you'll get exalted with a lot of factions quick). The only thing to really do otherwise is being a collector of either achievement, pets or mounts.

While you'll obviously be restricted with a lot of the pvp/raid collections, you can solo a good deal of old content, so you can farm for those things on your own.


Well-Known Member
I was planning to. I don't want to do the meta achievements, so some of the mounts are out for me, but Sartharion and his Black/Twilight drake mounts interest me. I might try raiding and stuff for the hell of it, and PvP definitely for my war mount.


Well-Known Member
Oh, since you mentioned Kazzak, you -can- solo Doomwalker as a DK, and he's a good source of gold too (drops something like 500 to 600 gold) if you happen to spot him alive and kill him.

Of course, the difficulty there is in (1) finding him alive as he only respawns something like every 3 days and the gold he drops (2) making sure you don't get griefed if you're in a pvp server. You also need a certain level of gear, but that's not a big deal to get just though heroics and emblem loot.


Well-Known Member
I'm on Eonar, a PvE server. I had considered Doomwalker as a source of gold, but I didn't know his spawn times or whether I'd be able to kill him, even at 80.


Well-Known Member
All world bosses respawn 2-4 days after they were last killed.

The only reason Kazzak isn't soloable by a non-prot paladin is because he puts a magic debuff on player that will heal him each time he hits you. There's only three classes that can get rid of a magic effect: paladin, priest, warlock (with right pet). Priest and warlock are squishy (they possibly -could-, just because they can remove the debuff, but I haven't heard of it happening).

Doomwalker's only big thing is the sunder armor thing, which you can kite around, and his 20% enrage effect. Well, and the chain lightning, which really only means you can't pop Army cooldown.


Well-Known Member
Meh. First I've gotta get to 80. At my current rate of progress, I can hit 80 in 9 days by gaining 2 lvls a day. I'm lvl 62 right now. Half way to 63.


Well-Known Member
Which is faster: getter Emblems of Triumph and buying an Heirloom by downtrading them or getting Stone Keeper Shards?

I'm looking to buy a second heirloom to make my Warlock's leveling a bit easier, but my main DK is at 8 Emblems of Triumph (because I bought a new chestpiece to replace my last PoS) and 9 Stone Keeper Shards (after I bought a heirloom of cloth shoulders for my warlock); and I'm hesitant to make my Priestess buy it since I'd like her to start gearing up for heroics.


Well-Known Member
Stonekeeper Shards are only useful for the pvp shoulders and weapons. Unless you pvp at low levels, the best use for them IMO is to grab Wintergrasp Commendations (grant 2000 honor) and convert that honor into epic gems.

Also, yo do get triumph at a slightly higher rate than shards, since shards you only get from boss kills (and a few pvp weeklies in wintergrasp), but boss kills also give you triumph emblems and if you did random pugs, you get an additional two (four if you lucked out and got occulus). And you can get them from the weekly raid quest and one normal random pug too.

So yeah, use the triumph emblems preferably.

That said, if you're gearing up your DK and don't mind slightly weaker stats, nothing wrong with saving triumph for DK's gear and using the shards for the pvp shoulder/weapons instead. I still say it's better to use the shards for the honor/gems though.


Well-Known Member
Well...remember to ALWAYS do your weeklies in winter grasp and a daily dungeon (when your faction owns winter grasp) and stone keeper shards accumulate pretty quickly.)

Honestly really simply thanks to the ways its structured if your willing to put in the time just spam heroics for a day (yeah it will be boring as hell) and you can have your T94p as well as heirlooms in a day or so.

However if you mean just doing your thing? tough call, Ive stopped accumulating stone keeper shards simply because I'm not doing much other than raiding anymore..

As for money Jubei you should be, unless your pissing your money away, if you buy NOTHING other than normal flying easily be able to make 5k by 80. Basically sell greens either to vendors ore AH, sell cloth, sell dropped items, sell everything, get quest rewards, make sure you do as much in each zone as possible and leave the basin, Ice crown and Storm Peaks for last as at 80 those places will easily give you a couple god each.


Well-Known Member
akun50 said:
Which is faster: getter Emblems of Triumph and buying an Heirloom by downtrading them or getting Stone Keeper Shards?

I'm looking to buy a second heirloom to make my Warlock's leveling a bit easier, but my main DK is at 8 Emblems of Triumph (because I bought a new chestpiece to replace my last PoS) and 9 Stone Keeper Shards (after I bought a heirloom of cloth shoulders for my warlock); and I'm hesitant to make my Priestess buy it since I'd like her to start gearing up for heroics.
I can only really comment on my own experience. I'm assuming that your faction has WG when you are running heroics since that is the only time they drop.

Currently, bosses drop 4 shard per boss and one emblem in heroics. So a HC run will net you on average about 12-16 shards. So you'll need to run about at least 13 HC's (at 16 per run) before getting enough for the heirloom shoulders, which is the only type of item you can buy with shards that increase XP. If you also include the weekly quests, that will drop to about 9 runs.

You will get on average about 5-6 emblems for running random HC's, after the first one for the day. So you will only need about 7 runs (at 6 per run) to get enough emblems for either the heirloom chest or shoulders. You can also do the weekly raid, which will add another 5 emblems. Also you don't need to have WG to get emblems

I'm assuming that on average you will get about 3-4 bosses per HC. Some have more, some have less. I have used the 4 bosses per run for my maths.

So, emblems is faster to get. You should be able to easily do it in a day (or even just an evening if you are tanking). The emblem heirloom is also better suited for PvE leveling, while the shard heirloom is an PvP item thast has resilience and missing another stat.


Well-Known Member
I thought about this again, and realized that you said this was for a -warlock-.

Usually, for almost any toon, the pve heirlooms are superior for leveling. However, warlocks and tanks are curious cases in that the pvp heirlooms can be better.

Tanks benefit from the resilience because it helps them get closer to crit cap (at least until cataclysm, whe resilience only affects crit damage from players, but right now it should still apply to mobs) and the pieces usually have slightly more stamina. Of course, old world content is stupid easy levelling right now, so...

Warlocks don't get anything from the resilience, but the extra stamina doesn't hurt, as stamina is as much their mana as their intellect. So the loss of intellect isn't quite so badly felt (you do lose a slight bit of spellpower). In exchange, they get on the shoulders extra crit, or hit rating (useful pre-lv 50 when the stat's very lacking) on the staff.

Personally, I still prefer the pve stuff, but the pvp staff/shoulders are honestly fairly acceptable alternatives on a lock.

Whatever you choose though, remember to enchant your staff with the +29 or +30 spellpower enchant. That SP is incredibly powerful in the early levels for a lock.


Well-Known Member
I finally got my Warlock to level 80.

That's now three different characters in three different classes (Death Knight, Priest and Warlock) that I can at least say I'm demi-competent at.

And I've got level 58 Paladin in heirlooms who's ready for Outlands.

Now to try leveling a DRUID!