Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer


Well-Known Member internet connection just had to pick the weekend to crap out me... :headbanger:


Well-Known Member
OniGanon said:
I'd say maybe it's a time of day thing, but then I'm having no troubles getting games on Gold and Silver despite my oceanic timezone, so I dunno.

Granted half those seem to be in-progress FBWGG games...

In other news, I'm very sick of full extraction goals. There always seems to be some fool who dies in the last 3 seconds of extraction. ALWAYS. I'm getting tempted to just solo Bronze and be done with it.
Thankfully, it is just extract on any difficulty. The only difference a full exfiltration makes is it adds 4 to the goal tracker instead of one.


Well-Known Member
OniGanon said:
I'd say maybe it's a time of day thing, but then I'm having no troubles getting games on Gold and Silver despite my oceanic timezone, so I dunno.

Granted half those seem to be in-progress FBWGG games...

In other news, I'm very sick of full extraction goals. There always seems to be some fool who dies in the last 3 seconds of extraction. ALWAYS. I'm getting tempted to just solo Bronze and be done with it.
Even worse is the guy who expects people to revive him when he spams charge/shadow strike nonstop on gold and gets downed every 40 seconds.


Well-Known Member
I have discovered the joy of the N7 Paladin on Geth Gold farming. They seem to be made for it since they have Energy Drain, incinerate and Snap Freeze. Plus their shield can eat each shot from a Geth prime. So far the only thing i've actually seen break the shield is a Geth Prime's punch


Well-Known Member
I've been wishing for the n7 demolisher myself. I got the shadow and i have a lot of fun with it, but i want my never ending grenades....


Well-Known Member
Thardoc said:
I've been wishing for the n7 demolisher myself. I got the shadow and i have a lot of fun with it, but i want my never ending grenades....
It never gives you enough grenades to spam them nonstop like a class with actual powers instead of grenades. But the homing grenade is sweet.

Still need the Adept and Vanguard N7s. And both Vorcha.


Well-Known Member
Woot, i got my demolisher. I tried it out with a 6/6/6/6/0 build. My only gripe is that homing grenade and arc grenade share grenade numbers. I would've thought that the homing grenade was a power or something similar like turian mine thing.


Well-Known Member
You know what it is that you have to solo the data extraction and the other three players are camping through a glitch on the other side of the map in hydra :headbanger:


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Ps3 players, has anybody run into Rudolf2347? Cuz i'm playing a match with him/her/it at the moment. Here's the kicker, Rudolf just. Won't. Die!!

Stabbed by the banshee, shot by the Atlus, run over by a brute. Rudolf is just standing there running around without actually killing anything.

Platinum difficulty. Wave 8. Is there some hidden challenge going on that I don't know about?


Well-Known Member
So new multiplayer weekend thing.

Operation Patriot

Squad Goal: Extraction on any difficulty with all squad members as the same non-human race. Requires 2 or more players in squad.

Allied Goal: Kill 600,000 Atlas Mechs on any map at any difficulty.

Special Circumstances: Escort Drones travel speed reduced.

Squad Goal Success: All squad members awarded a Commendation Pack.
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack.

I think the squad goal is kinda dumb... seeing as you need to be the same race as everyone in the squad. What if you havent unlocked quarians? or geth?


Well-Known Member
Then next run, everyone switches to a race that's easily unlocked?
Hello. I'm j;ust getting back into the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer after not playing for a couple of months. I was wondering if anyone has any new strategies or tips for any character classes or levels. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
shikimalord said:
Hello. I'm j;ust getting back into the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer after not playing for a couple of months. I was wondering if anyone has any new strategies or tips for any character classes or levels. Thank you.
A bit late for me to respond, but what do you have available? Be a pity to talk about some build that does you no good since you haven't unlocked it.
I mostly have basic stuff. In classes, I don't recall specifics at the moment, but I have most of the soldiers and a fair bit of sentinals. I only have basic human and male Quarian engineers, and the rest of the classes I have a few of each. I did recently get the N7 Shadow and I wouldn't mind some tips for her. Otherwise, any tips or builds would be appreciated.Thank you.


Well-Known Member
The Shadow can be a hilarious class. Squishy as hell no matter what you do though.

In general there are two 'builds' popular for her. Shadow Strike and Electric Slash. The first focuses on maxing out melee and power damage bonuses (excepting the last evolution of the Sword Mastery tree, which doesn't effect Shadow Strike) specing tactical cloak for duration and bonus power, and then teleporting around the map chopping things in half.

The second basically does the same thing, only using electric slash instead of shadow strike, and abusing the way it goes through walls to kill things around corners and detonate tech bursts set up by your buddies.

Either one works best with low weight weaponry.


Well-Known Member
shikimalord said:
Just got the N7 Slayer. Does anyone have any tips on builds or uses? Thank you.
I like the second build:

<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'></a>
I can't seem to use the link. Sorry.
Nevermind. Fixed.
Thanks for the link. I like.javascript:emoticon('^_^')


Well-Known Member
Slayer's phase disruptor is very good at staggering and one of the few abilities that will wreck Phantoms on harder difficulties. The main trick is to avoid targeting them and hit the ground near them instead so they don't activate their anti-biotic field.

It can also be used to save the life of a comrade about to be sync-killed by an unshielded Banshee/Praetorian. Not too sure if it'll work against the Brute kill since I've never actually seen the animation for it despite being killed by it once. Same deal with Scions but I've never even seen theirs.


Well-Known Member
New Classes added today, they basically completed the Avengers line up that started with The N7 Destroyer and Paladin.

Adept = Awakened Collector (apparently Leviathan freed some of them from Reaper control, Javik moveset)
Infiltrator = Alliance Infiltration Unit (EVA/EDI, fast as hell, great with shotguns, can self-rez)
Soldier = Geth Destroyer (It's heavy melee is like a force choke that works on everything and stuns Banshees/Phantoms, it has the most shields period, can't take cover, but can drop a shield that absorbs 3000+ damage and can electrocute enemies. It also has the Geth Prime cannon of doom)
Engineer = Talon Mercenary. (Their melee is an Omni-Bow, powers are laser trip mines and concussion/armor piercing bow shots, Basically Hawkeye, the class. The trip mines are strong enough to vaporize a full health Dragoon on silver)
Sentinel = Krogan Warlord (They have a hammer. Their powers empower it. Essentially Thor the class)
Vanguard = Female Turian (They use poison and their 'charge' is a dash that goes through just about everything and can get you aruond the map quick. She's hard to use properly.

New weapon mods = Ultralight Materials for Sniper Rifles and Assault Rifles, Mod for pistols and submachine guns that increases power damage

New weapons
Pistol = Blood Pack Executioner a 1 shot per clip armor piercing pistol.
M=11 Suppressor, a Silenced pistol a pistol that doesn't draw aggro
Submachine Gun = Bloodpack Punisher. It periodically fires an armor piercing round.
Shotgun = Venom Shotgun
Rifle = Adus Anti-Synthetic Rifle, essentially a Saber made for synthetics.
Geth Spitfire, M7 Lancer

New Gear Kits
Batarian Gauntlet = Changes your Heavy Melee into something new
Geth Scanners = Lets you see enemies through walls.

No new maps. The Geth Juggernaut is extremely overpowered. Downsides are that he can't take cover and walks really slow, though he doesn't need to take cover since he can provide his own. His shield ability also scales with the health/shield upgrade tree. The Alliance Infiltrator is basically Geth Infiltrator only with more speed, great melee, and self-rez. The Talon Mercenary's crossbow is... iffy. Doesn't seem to do as much damage even with the power modifications but his trip mines are excellent.
Just tried out the Geth Juggernaut. At lv. 14-16, don't remember which, on silver I could basically stand toe to toe with multiple banshees and brutes. A single banshee was no danger to me at all.


Well-Known Member
shikimalord said:
Just tried out the Geth Juggernaut. At lv. 14-16, don't remember which, on silver I could basically stand toe to toe with multiple banshees and brutes. A single banshee was no danger to me at all.
I'm wondering... can Banshees and Phantoms even sync-kill Juggernauts? It'd make sense if they couldn't but I've idled in front of Atlas's and Praetorians and not been lifted as well. Its something I'd expect from Brutes and Scions since they rarely do their kill but it hasn't happened to me at all today and i've been up in their faces laughing/force choking them. Only time a Phantom got me was as the Turian female.

Edit: Which reminds me. The overpowered thing about Juggernaut Heavy Melee is that it not only stuns smaller enemies, but it converts their lost life into shields. It took multiple (3-4) Ravagers on Gold to down me while I had an army of things to Heavy Melee for life. It wouldn't have happened at all if my shield power's duration didn't run out.


Well-Known Member
shikimalord said:
As far as I can tell, Juggernaut cannot be sync killed. Yay.
Well of course....after all nothing stops the Juggernaut.


Well-Known Member
Only 2 Banshees, a Ravager, and a stream of Swarmers on Platinum can stop the Juggernaut.
It was mainly the swarmers. Those shield decimating little jerks.

Also, Alliance Infiltration Unit is kinda overpowered being an Infiltrator with Snap Freeze and the fastest Heavy Melee in the game.