Akamatsuverse [Negima] Can normal people fight them?


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Sage: Bishop, if they put their minds to something, what can they NOT do? Who can possibly stand AGAINST them?

Bishop: Charles speaks for mutants, that's a GOOD thing.

Sage: But what about THEM? The people who AREN'T mutants? Who will be THEIR champions?
X-Treme X-Men # 19

It seemed like a taboo discussion on the MSN section here, so I decided to break the ice with starting a Muggles vs. Wizards thread here.

Personally I wondered if people here could come with suggestions of how normal humans can defeat overpowered characters like Jack Rakan, Fate or Negi Springfield who seems to be closing in on some of the strongest wizards in terms of raw power. Or how normal people might defeat the superhuman and/or pactio-enhanced cast of the Mahora Academy.

What weapons; what tactics; what methods can be used to overcome such individuals who can basically overstep the rules of society and are walking WMDs?


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

"I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

ecs05norway said:
"I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
Using tactical nuclear weapons would probably be a drastical choice, but I doubt most of the Mahora Academy would survive that, and probably high-yield loads would be able to overcome a lot of defences in the magical world.

But that would probablyy be last-resort option, I think.


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

Go the Kaede route, instead make it actual ninja. In a way, Asuna IS the normal human champion, since the only magic she uses is what she borrows from Negi. She's basically the anti-mage. Think of her as The insane priest from Hellsing. You know, the badass one. She exists to be the opposite, even if she fights on their side at the moment.

Of course, she'd need a few lessons in being a bad-@ss, and a different upbringing or some other tragic event, but the principle stands. MSN makes it's own humans that can challenge the magical community. Ku Fei is a good example of this, as is Mana with her enchanted bullets. Anyone willing to get their hands dirty in an assassination attempt that doesn't involve announcing themselves would have an alright chance of it, except maybe on Eva or another of a similar level.


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

uh, Asuna's upbringing was quite about being HaXX badass.

It has been all but described in details how Asuna lost most of her skillz when she was mind-wiped, and that it also screwed her brain (hence her bad marks).


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Can normal people fight them?

Ryuugi said:
Didn't Nagi say the mages could make a Magical Nuke if they wanted? It was in that video of Rakan's, I think?
No, he said that humans on earth had a weapon able to destroy cities.


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

Doesn't Rakan count in the not a mage category?
Can normal people fight them?

Mage: Sagitta Magica! Series-

Normal Human: *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* ..... *BANG* Yep, he's dead. On to the next one, comrades.

Echo 8

Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Mage: Sagitta Magica! Series-

Normal Human: *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* ..... *BANG* Yep, he's dead. On to the next one, comrades.
This is why Negima Mages work in teams...


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

Pactio! Partner : Your bullets were parried
Mundane : .... ;_;
Mage : Shooto!
Mundane building explodes!


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

zeebee1 said:
Doesn't Rakan count in the not a mage category?
I doubt most people would notice the difference, considering that Jack seems able to hold his own against people like Fate.

To them Rakan would seem like a warlock specializing in combat.


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

C4. Prox mines, hell just regular mines.

*step step step step CLICK*



Claymores are fun.

When one does not have one

Pointed at themselves.
Can normal people fight them?

Echo 8 said:
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Mage: Sagitta Magica! Series-

Normal Human: *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* ..... *BANG* Yep, he's dead. On to the next one, comrades.
This is why Negima Mages work in teams...
What the hell do you think a fireteam counts as?


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

Mercsenary said:
C4. Prox mines, hell just regular mines.

*step step step step CLICK*



Claymores are fun.

When one does not have one

Pointed at themselves.

The same probably goes for Bouncing Betties as well.


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

This raises an odd question.

Given when the magical worlds hid themselves, what could have frightened them to do so? Remember that it should have been around the medieval era if not earlier.

Back when there weren't massive tech weaponry, and yes... while there ARE numbers on the normal side, it's not something that can't be dealt with by factoring in that there ARE magic, demons and armies with magitech on the side of the wizards and such.


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

You raise an interesting question here, biigoh.

What stopped the magical world stationed on Earth's equivilant of Mars in another world from conquering Earth or having rogue elements from their world try to seize power and establish magocracy rule in a world full of mostly normal non-magic users?


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

We know there are powerful magical groups still remaining on Earth. Maybe one or more of them is responsible?


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

ecs05norway said:
We know there are powerful magical groups still remaining on Earth. Maybe one or more of them is responsible?
Maybe, but then they'd probably have some supersecret superspell or superweapon on MAD scale to use as a deterrent against invasions from the magical world.
Can normal people fight them?

Notice that legends of mages and wizards started dropping off around the time of the rise of Christianity and Islam. Perhaps the Abrahamic religions gave magicians a smackdown through the inquisitions and necessitated the exodus to the Magicus Mundus in the first place? That would then mean that at least the Vatican - and likely other groups, not even counting secret modern day government magic agencies - has either a unit of mages or a unit of anti-mage warriors of some sort.


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

Or that they early on discovered something that was like kryptonite to magic-users and such. And then went Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian on them.


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

Or perhaps people simply stopped relying on the mages and instead on the Church's "magics" after all what Jesus and the Prophets in both religions did can be constured as "magic" of some sort.

Perhaps the mundanes got tired of having the mage's reactions to rogues of theirs as "We'll do with our own." At least with organized religion there is a higher power to appeal to, so to speak, for help


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

Could be. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of magic users got a bit power mad of the fact that they could use magic while others could not and tried to lord over normal people and that the normal people got fed up with them and appealed for the aid of other religions to help them in overthrowing the magi.

The theories you and Dark Knight Gafgar come with seems like plausible explanations.
Can normal people fight them?

I think that, among the highest power levels, nukes are the only way for normal humans to take out mages. Even a sniper is unlikely to be much good. Remember, at the higher levels the mages are capable of tossing out and surviving more firepower than a battleship! With that kind of defense, I doubt even armor piercing rounds would be able to penetrate their defenses.

BTW: Asuna hasn't been using Negi's magic for a while now, not since Eva took her Pactio card at the beginning of her training in the arctic field.


Well-Known Member
Can normal people fight them?

the DragonBard said:
I think that, among the highest power levels, nukes are the only way for normal humans to take out mages.á Even a sniper is unlikely to be much good.á Remember, at the higher levels the mages are capable of tossing out and surviving more firepower than a battleship!á With that kind of defense, I doubt even armor piercing rounds would be able to penetrate their defenses.
Do you think a MOAB or a daisy cutter, or any fuel-air bomb would work on the high-tier ones, or are kiloton to megaton yield nuclear weapons the only thing that can finish them off?

And would chemical and biological weapons work?