Evangelion Neon Genesis Eidolon

Shikaze said:
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
If you are careful, you can make an OC interesting. Just as long as they don't steal the show.

So, how would SEELE react to the Eidolons being revealed to the world?
"NOT as planned ! :rant: "
Strangely enough, the escaped berserker Eidolon and the US going public with the program as a cheaper supplement to the Evangelions, SEELE cannot act overtly. There's no way to cover it up once the rogue Eidolon unit is seen tearing across the US and making it to Japan. Public admittance and spreading of the story as far as possible prevents SEELE from quietly doing away with the program. They must rework the scenario now that there is a new player on the game board.

A player with power potentially to rival theirs.

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
Lol at citing canon religion. NGE is anything but canon. Any canon. It borrows aspects from every major religion based upon the Old Testament, then uses that as nothing more than a loose guideline.

Keep the accusations and insults out of the thread, if you please. Religious canon went out the window the moment God was ruled out of existence, aliens seeded earth with life, giant biological superlifeforms were anointed "angels" and encased in giant robot armor, and the stand-in for God got blown out of orbit and disintegrated across the surface of the earth by the "Lance of Longinus", which looks more like an eggbeater tuning fork than the spear of a Roman Centurion.

If Talon-san wants to use things out of the Kabbalah, that's his prerogative. He's not obliged to learn the entire canon inside-out before he can write about it. The very idea is absurd.

If anyone here is acting "douchebaggy", it's you for jumping all over him without even bothering to explain why before doing so.

If you have any questions about various angels and demons, feel free to ask. I'm fairly well-versed in several religious canons, and if I don't know it, I can at least point you in the right direction.

For starters, I'd suggest drawing upon the QurÆan instead of the Kabbalah. As Ike pointed out, the Kabbalah is excruciatingly complex, and there aren't a lot of interesting things to mine and use unless you're willing to invest a large amount of time and effort into finding them.
Thank you Lord Raine. I appreciate your input and standing up for me. However, I think I'll stick with the Book of Enoch. It mentions the Nephilim, it's referenced in the Torah, so I think I'll be somewhat safe with it.

Granted, I am probably not the religious scholar you are, but given the convoluted nature of Eva's interpretation of religion, a rebel group of Angels who became demons and were sealed by Adam underneath the Earth for wanting to ally themselves with humanity would probably work pretty well.

It adds a dimension to the Angels that until Kaworu had not been shown: Free will. The Fallen would have decided to disobey instinct and become one with humanity on their level, that of individuals interacting.

But, feel free to suggest alternatives. I would very much like to hear them.

Robo Jesus

Well-Known Member
Question. Beyond the obvious conclusion that the Japan seems to have penis envy (a very plausible reason for why only those of 'Japanese blood' can seem to control these various "godlike" forces of the universe :rolleyes: ), why does any of the pilots have to be of Japanese descent? Why not African? Or Arabic? It's a pretty valid question that needs an answer (even if only for yourself).

Bpen for example went with an answer of "we pilots were made for the Evangelions as much as they were made for us". If that's the case, why 'Japanese'? Was it done through a Japanese fertility clinic (given that Rei was created though, Yui would have had to have access to a lot of human eggs with which to experiment on, which though circumstantial, would fit perfectly in that type of scenario). Was it due to the results of some experiment run (unknowingly) on the peoples of Japan?

Another question. Why does Lilith and Adam joining lead to Third Impact? Why would Rei need to act as a go-between in order to harness their powers? Is Rei's soul actually Lilith's soul (as in not seperate), or is Rei's soul 'part' of Lilith's soul yet still seperate (like a mother and a daughter would be considered as cut of the same cloth yet not the same (which leads to the bigger question of where Humanity fits into all of this considering that 'we too' are of Lilith in much the same way Rei is (at least in the fact that we're of the 'same' blood)))?

Also, given that the angels seem to need something from either Lilith or Adam that they seem to lack, what is it?

Have you thought about how these Eidolon's affect the battlefield in regards to SEELE's plans for Third Impact? And could this AU Evangelion universe be looking at a new world war once what SEELE and Gendo were trying to do is leaked to the public as a way of killing SEELE's ability to 'manipulate in the shadows anonymously'?

Small questions sometimes lead to very big answers. Don't skimp them, they can trip you up if you're not careful with them. :p
As for why some of these questions need to be asked, well, you're adding new material into this AU universe. You're going to need to know how these sort of things can and will affect the other aspects of the story. Sometimes a small change can lead to big consequences. Best to figure them out earlier than to halfway finish the story and then suddenly realize you dug an eighty foot plot hole and now can't seem to figure out how to fill it. ^_^ ;)


Well-Known Member
Robo Jesus said:
Question. Beyond the obvious conclusion that the Japan seems to have penis envy (a very plausible reason for why only those of 'Japanese blood' can seem to control these various "godlike" forces of the universe :rolleyes: ), why does any of the pilots have to be of Japanese descent? Why not African? Or Arabic? It's a pretty valid question that needs an answer (even if only for yourself).
Lilith/ 's Egg/ Black Moon might have something to do with that since it's been buried under Tokyo 3 for who knows how long and likely changed locals to some extend... although by that logic wouldn't ainu work better? :huh.:


Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
Thank you Lord Raine. I appreciate your input and standing up for me. However, I think I'll stick with the Book of Enoch. It mentions the Nephilim, it's referenced in the Torah, so I think I'll be somewhat safe with it.

Granted, I am probably not the religious scholar you are, but given the convoluted nature of Eva's interpretation of religion, a rebel group of Angels who became demons and were sealed by Adam underneath the Earth for wanting to ally themselves with humanity would probably work pretty well.

It adds a dimension to the Angels that until Kaworu had not been shown: Free will. The Fallen would have decided to disobey instinct and become one with humanity on their level, that of individuals interacting.?

But, feel free to suggest alternatives. I would very much like to hear them.
Book of Enoch=Not mentioned in the Torah. I called it Apochrypha for a reason... Only one subsect of christianity even calls it legit. Ethiopian Orthodox, or something like that.

Lord Raine, if you paid any attention at all to what I wrote, its that I specifically stated that 'What pissed me off is Andrew claiming it was Jewish belief', and I even already fucking said that NGE takes shit all from real religion.

So no, you're wrong, thank you very much.

Feel free to use whatever the heck you want. As I've stated twice now, its the attribution to Judaism that pissed me off.

Though running with the Nephilim idea seems like a rather good one... I forget the specifics, but I do remember several specific people who descended rather directly from Nephilim. If you want to run with them, go for it... Just please leave attributions of religious belief (the same way Evangelion did!) out of it.

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
No, I wasn't wrong. There are about a hundred different ways you could have said the exact same thing and not come across as an asshole. The fact that you didn't even bother to try and be polite or understanding is the issue.

Just because you, I, or the third lurker to the left know about the details of the Kabbalah doesn't mean everyone else does, and it's arrogant and introverted to the extreme to expect them to. This was a chance for you to educate someone, but instead you chose to jump down their throats and fling insults like it was a deliberately aimed and calculated personal attack.


Well-Known Member
If you wish to argue with each other, there's PM for that. Thank you. <_<


Well-Known Member
Lord Raine said:
No, I wasn't wrong. There are about a hundred different ways you could have said the exact same thing and not come across as an asshole. The fact that you didn't even bother to try and be polite or understanding is the issue.

Just because you, I, or the third lurker to the left know about the details of the Kabbalah doesn't mean everyone else does, and it's arrogant and introverted to the extreme to expect them to. This was a chance for you to educate someone, but instead you chose to jump down their throats and fling insults like it was a deliberately aimed and calculated personal attack.

I only responded like that after he replied to my first post, where he said 'oh well, i'm doing it how I want and I don't care if i'm making shit up for your religion. Gainax did it, deal with it'.

Seriously, Raine, if you need to get pissy at me, you can always pm if you want. I explained my whole point twice now. But i'll do it again here for you.

I don't care if you know jack shit about the Kaballah, or are a 70 year old Jewish man who's spent the last 20 or so years of his life studying it. I'm not hear to educate, or wave my e-peen around about something like this.

I don't expect you to know anything about the subject. I don't care if you do or don't, because, seeing as you haven't identified yourself as Jewish already, Andrew, it isn't even likely for you to ever have a need to learn this stuff.

All I care about, and all i was offended by, was the blanket statement at the beginning of Jewish belief. Then, I was further offended by the response of 'I don't care, this is how I'm doing it'. You've long since appologized for that, and I don't care anymore as you've happily changed your attribution to something that isn't even included in the Jewish faith. Thanks.

Raine? If you want to scream at me, and pretend like I did something wrong, do it via pm's. That way, everyone doesn't have to deal with you ignoring posts and twisting statements.
You know what? It might just be easier for the demon to be codenamed Satan or Lucifer. It could be regarded as a Fallen Angel who rebelled or something, but it's origin is not as important. What it is depends upon your interpretation.

Satan/Lucifer was simply chosen because of the thing's appearance (giant razor sharp teeth, claws, long tail, black and red skin, etc.) and the fact it was imprisoned under the sea floor.

So this simplifies things. Especially if it's discovery is not in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Then the scenario is rather screwed.

I would just like to try to settle things peacefully so we can work on the actual story, okay?


Well-Known Member
You know what? It might just be easier for the demon to be codenamed Satan or Lucifer. It could be regarded as a Fallen Angel who rebelled or something, but it's origin is not as important. What it is depends upon your interpretation.

Satan/Lucifer was simply chosen because of the thing's appearance (giant razor sharp teeth, claws, long tail, black and red skin, etc.) and the fact it was imprisoned under the sea floor.

So this simplifies things. Especially if it's discovery is not in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Then the scenario is rather screwed.

I would just like to try to settle things peacefully so we can work on the actual story, okay?

No Fuck that Talon. Everyone always goes "Man lets go for Lucifer, or THE BEAST, or maybe...Demon Guy." Anything with hell is cool to the common fiction writer, to the common writer(*Cough*Mr. Cynical*Cough*) super charging Shinji at any given time is the perfect thing to do either making him evil, psychotic.

What you have with this is instead a way to add new dimensions of FEAR into the story have Shinji question his value even more! Bringing forth even better character development!

If you stick with a name like Lucifer it just cuts down the value. Eidolon is a bad ass name go for it, as long as you pay tribute or write in disclaimer: This is not really what Eidolon means I just thought it looked good, then I don't think anyone can judge.

As to the fighting, I agree we should all be focusing less on the debate of the religion and instead trying to work on the story.
Konous said:
You know what? It might just be easier for the demon to be codenamed Satan or Lucifer. It could be regarded as a Fallen Angel who rebelled or something, but it's origin is not as important. What it is depends upon your interpretation.

Satan/Lucifer was simply chosen because of the thing's appearance (giant razor sharp teeth, claws, long tail, black and red skin, etc.) and the fact it was imprisoned under the sea floor.

So this simplifies things. Especially if it's discovery is not in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Then the scenario is rather screwed.

I would just like to try to settle things peacefully so we can work on the actual story, okay?

No Fuck that Talon. Everyone always goes "Man lets go for Lucifer, or THE BEAST, or maybe...Demon Guy." Anything with hell is cool to the common fiction writer, to the common writer(*Cough*Mr. Cynical*Cough*) super charging Shinji at any given time is the perfect thing to do either making him evil, psychotic.

What you have with this is instead a way to add new dimensions of FEAR into the story have Shinji question his value even more! Bringing forth even better character development!

If you stick with a name like Lucifer it just cuts down the value. Eidolon is a bad ass name go for it, as long as you pay tribute or write in disclaimer: This is not really what Eidolon means I just thought it looked good, then I don't think anyone can judge.

As to the fighting, I agree we should all be focusing less on the debate of the religion and instead trying to work on the story.
Well, what about Baal instead?

And yes, we need to focus on the story more.

I have four OCs in mind, I just need to write them down. But, here are their names and a little about them:

-Mayumi Reynolds (US)
-Japanese/German/Scottish (American)
-Pilot of: Advanced Bio-Mechanical Mecha Unit (ABMMU-01) Eidolon "Oblivion"
-Father: Doctor James Reynolds (Absorbed willingly into Eidolon 01).
-Personality: Quiet, shy. Has moved around a great deal with her father and has difficulty making friends. Mother died in childbirth.
-Piloting: First Eidolon pilot to control mecha-Also first to have her Eidolon go rogue on her. Cold and ruthless while fighting.

-Nathan "Nate" Carter (US)
-Dutch/Scottish (American)
-Pilot of: Advanced Bio-Mechanical Mecha Unit (ABMMU-02) Eidolon "Nemesis"
-Grandfather: Lieutenant General Johnathan Carter, USAF (Absorbed willingly into Eidolon 02)
-Personality: Sarcastic, rough, "punk". Very intelligent, however, and treats honor and duty seriously. Willpower hard as steel.
-Piloting: Uses street fighting experience, cunning, and sheer determination to win battles. Can control berserker state better than other pilots.

-Briana Parra (US)
-Hispanic (Cuban)
-Pilot of: Advanced Bio-Mechanical Mecha Unit (ABMMU-03) Eidolon "Aegis"
-Father: Master Chief Sergeant Elian Parra, US Army (Absorbed willingly into Eidolon 03)
-Personality: Mature, responsible, somewhat bossy. "Big sister" of group after raising younger twin sisters after their mother died. Puts everyone else before her.
-Piloting: Among the best controlled Eidolon pilots. Rarely goes berserk.

-Daniel Oyelowo (UK)
-Nigerian (United Kingdom)
-Pilot of: Advanced Bio-Mechanical Mecha Unit (ABMMU-04) Eidolon "Prometheus"
-Mother: Doctor Patience Oyelowo (Willingly absorbed into Eidolon 04)
-Personality: Child prodigy, somewhat arrogant and condescending. Has had little true social contact with people due to his parent's wealth and his own talents.
-Piloting: Expert in melee combat, controlled and calculating. Rival to Nate.

Feel free to propose more additions or modifications to these characters.
Right, I'm going to just declare this story idea defunct. Not enough interest and I don't think I can write it well anyway. Goodnight everyone...
happerry said:
Pity, I Liked this one.
Well, if anyone would like to take it up, it's still here. I am willing to act as a consultant of sorts for anyone interested in writing it.


Well-Known Member
Aww, too bad. I saw it up on Apartment 402 as well. And it's been stuck in my head ever since, which is a BAD THING, nuclear powered idea machine that I am.

How about this instead?

1) Retool your "Demon" somewhat. Give him a more reptilian appearance, like a snake or a lizard. My reasons are coming up later.
2) Do what you thought a couple posts up, codename him "Ba'al".
3) Retool your Eidolon berserk er state a bit, at least for "Oblivion". And have it be "Oblivion" that breaks loose. Because "Oblivion" is different from the Evas or the other Eidolon. "Oblivion" is the ONLY one that has a human brain. They only did that once, because the completion of the Maggi supercomputers eliminated the need for it. They just insert a single Maggi unit into the lobotomized Eidolon to control it, all except for the prototype unit and "Oblivion". The prototype for it's own reasons. Well, "Oblivion" is different because of this. When it berserks, it doesn't rampage mindlessly. It moves with purpose. It went for Tokyo 3 because it KNEW that at least one of the men responsible for the Angels was there. And it KNEW that killing him was one step closer to saving humanity. How scary is that: giant cyborg with an agenda?
4) I propose a character of my own: a scientist. He's the head of project Eidolon and one of the heads of the Human Instrumentality Project. Officially, he's working on engineering S2 organs for the Evas. Unofficially, he's working on "returning what Adam has taken from us, restoring us to what we were even before our rise to conquer this planet." He's trying to find a way to restore our OWN S2 organs, returning our lifespans to centuries, instead of decades as well as eliminating a large portion of Adam's "contamination" from our genome. He was one of the scientists on the Katsuragi expedition. And he is one of the two eyewitnesses to 2I. His full name is Kamisawa Akira. But since he doesn't legally exist anymore, he goes by his codename, Elijah (again, just a freaking CODENAME). His personality, think about if L hung around Dr. House too much.
5) The reason to make "Ba'al" look reptilian, he was found inside a massive spherical cavity underneath the Canadian shield. The overlying rocks are very early Triassic, maybe even borderline Permian, meaning that the Cavity and "Ba'al" probably date back to the event which caused the Permeo-Triassic boundary, the BIGGEST EXTINCTION EVENT TO EVER HAPPEN.
So, add in a scientist who wishes to make humans more like Angels but retaining our free will, make at least one of the Eidolons MAGI-like with a brain that functions during a berserker state, and make the progenitor of the Eidolons be, in essence, a primal Angel-like lifeform that predates the arrival of the Black and White Moons on Earth?
Shaderic said:
Well, when you put it like that...
Well, maybe the Ancient Race that first seeded the planets in our galaxy with White and Black Moons had rivals. It's not out of the question that a third kind of lifeform based upon Angel and Humanoid life might have arisen. Or perhaps there were other factions in said race that modified themselves genetically. There are a number of possibilities...


Well-Known Member
Exactly, less "lore" and more "scifi". Less HP Lovecraft and more Arthur C. Clarke.

I have a more detailed file on the scientist if you like.


Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
Shaderic said:
Well, when you put it like that...
Well, maybe the Ancient Race that first seeded the planets in our galaxy with White and Black Moons had rivals. It's not out of the question that a third kind of lifeform based upon Angel and Humanoid life might have arisen. Or perhaps there were other factions in said race that modified themselves genetically. There are a number of possibilities...
Possibility: The 'third race' is a mutation/crossbreed of the White and Black species, arising completely by accident and somehow thriving.

As such, it is anathema to both Adam and Lilith, especially in their currently-dormant state. As far as they're concerned, the 'Greys' register as OMFG ENEMY ENEMY KILL KILL KILL. Or possibly confusing them, making them think there's both Lilith and Adam-spawn in the same place at the same time.

That said, they'd probably hate the Greys anyway, due to the HERESY of a species that has both their DNA/whatever and that of their hated nemesis.

Furthermore, the Adam/Lilith equivalent of the Greys would probably be fully aware (Since it's probably not a torso nailed to a cross or been reduced to an embryo). This being EVA, it can only be a bad thing. A very bad thing. Especially considering that Adam and Lilith are somewhat Lovecraftian in nature. Best case scenario, it just wants to wipe out its rivals, and couldn't give two sh*ts about us, we're only tools. It doesn't matter if we get wiped out, after all extinction would be neccessary in order to attain 100% probability of it's children becoming the dominant species. Other possibility: It merely wants to OM NOM NOM us or assimilate us Tyranid-style.

And the whole Ediolon project is probably part of its master plan to do something that we really won't be happy with. Shaped like EVAs in order to gain the trust of the populace, all unaware of the true horror lurking beneath that familiar armour...

Protip: This is EVA. Saying things are going to be all happy-happy with puppies and rainbows and sparkly vampires if this or that OC wins is probably going to turn people off the fic. Nothing is for free, and a cosmic horror on the level of Adam and Lilith, one that is likely at 100% power to boot (Though since it seems to be hesitant about moving openly one could safely say its significantly weaker than its counterparts), wouldn't really care about the ants scurrying at its feet. It's probably seen (or remembers via genetic memory) thousands upon thousands of sentient species, almost all of which hae been seeded by one of its rivals. To it, we'd simply be foolish Lilim that don't understand the true scale of what we're toying with. Try to stay on the cynical end of the scale. One of the main points of EVA was that we're f*cked no matter who wins.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes. I was going for that with my additions too. "Elijah," the scientist is a cripple, from barely escaping from the Antarctica expedition. And his "Pet project" is mainly an attempt to, more or less, make us "taste bad" and more resistant to an Anti-AT field in the process by giving us S2 organs.

And by the way, you didn't get the implication of what I was saying in my initial post. "Ba'al" is the progenitor of reptilian and avian life on this planet. Lilith is the progenitor of all mammalian life on this planet. And Adam is the progenitor of the Angels. Thus, "Ba'al" isn't some "Grey Moon" that produces "hybrids." He's more like a "Red Moon." He produces beings that are more reptilian in mindset and/or figure. For instance, the Aztec Indians might have been under his influence with their Quetzal Qotal figure. As well, images of dragons may be based on this creature, due to some manner of genetic memory.

Cacklingly yours,



Well-Known Member
Da-Guru said:
Oh yes.? I was going for that with my additions too.? "Elijah," the scientist is a cripple, from barely escaping from the Antarctica expedition.? And his "Pet project" is mainly an attempt to, more or less, make us "taste bad" and more resistant to an Anti-AT field in the process by giving us S2 organs.

And by the way, you didn't get the implication of what I was saying in my initial post.? "Ba'al" is the progenitor of reptilian and avian life on this planet.? Lilith is the progenitor of all mammalian life on this planet.? And Adam is the progenitor of the Angels.? Thus, "Ba'al" isn't some "Grey Moon" that produces "hybrids."? He's more like a "Red Moon."? He produces beings that are more reptilian in mindset and/or figure.? For instance, the Aztec Indians might have been under his influence with their Quetzal Qotal figure.? As well, images of dragons may be based on this creature, due to some manner of genetic memory.

Cacklingly yours,

Weeeell...to confess, I hadn't actually read your post at that point...*nervous laughter* :sweat: ...had kinda skipped a lot of the topic in favor of just posting.

Still, now that I have read it - those are some damned good ideas.

Furthermore it implies that Ba'al has been around for significantly longer than Adam and Lilith - after all, the dinosaurs ruled the Earth long before us mammals. And the 'meteor strike' that wiped out the dinosaurs was in fact Adam and Lilith going at each other - the dinosaurs probably could have survived, if Ba'al hadn't gone HOLY SHIT WTF and retreated into hiding. Or, perhaps both superentities simply thought that the reptiles were naturally occuring life on the planet, and thus set about altering them for their own whims - and either Ba'al called them out on this or they found out their origin themselves, and promptly freaked out, or something. Then they blew each other up while Ba'al was like OMG GET IN THE CAR!!! and reduced his presence in the world in order to avoid notice by those higher up the food chain.

It would, however, be a good idea to change the species assignments to be thus -
Ba'al: Reptiles
Lilith: Mammals
Adam: Avian life (Wings=birds, several of the Angels possess avian traits eg wings, beak (whether in drill form or mask form) etc)
Reptiles initially dominated, but started to lose grip with the rise of the mammals and birds. We can guess Adam and Lilith's arrival time by seeing when each type of species began to evolve. Since birds have never become the dominant species (as far as I know), that kinda says something about Adam's position throughout history, neh?

Hee hee, just thought of something evil. H.P Lovecraft's work was all REAL, sorta - Ba'al continues his 'life experiments' (if they could be called such) under the sea, the latest result being Deep Ones (the humanoid form, or at least the concept of it, is popular among all superentities - It allows the most powerful A.T fields. Who the hell do they think they are?!?). Other concepts are mirrored in real life (Nylarhotep = Tabris etc).

BTW, the 'hybrids' thing - while Ba'al's creations might contain both Adam and Lilith's precious DNA sequences, it doesn't mean that the end result would be a 'hybrid' species. There's plenty of things that, when mixed together, produce something completely new. It just means that, to Lilith and Adam's lower senses, Ba'al gives off a mixed/scrambled signal, and also gives an explanation for how/why it exists in the first place.

Or, Ba'al is the end result of a successful Instrumentality. Heck, maybe it's an alternate-universe super-Shinji (In which case the 'puppies and rainbows and sparky vampires' option IS valid. We all know how much of a wuss Shinji is). Maybe it ATE its world's White/Black God, then has been going around hunting superentities

1.Ba'al is some sort of hybrid Adam/Lilith formed by accident. Lilim are meh.
2.Ba'al is an entirely seperate, third species of superentity created by the precursors (or whoever). Lilim are meh.
3.Ba'al is an Instrumentality God here to oversee our own Instrumentality. Lilim have potential.
4.Ba'al is an Instrumentality God here to prevent our own Instrumentality, in order to not share power. Lilim are threats.
5.Ba'al is an Instrumentality God here to eat our own Instrumentality, adding to itself. Lilim are food/to be absorbed into the collevtive.
6.Ba'al is an Instrumentality God here to hunt and consume Adam and Lilith. Their landing on the same world was no accident. Everything is a JUST AS PLANNED on his part. Lilim are mildly-interesting tools.
7.Ba'al is an alternate-universe Instrumentality, possibly dominated by Shinji, here to prevent/streamline Instrumentality. Lilim are people.
8.Ba'al is some?t???hi?ng e????l???s??e????. Lilim arH?????????????E? C????????????O???????? M????E?S? ??H?????E?? CO??M????E???S ?TH?E W?AT??C??H???E?R??????? ?????? ? ?I????N?? T????H????E W????A????L????L???? oh god oh god oh go


Da-Guru said:
"Ba'al" isn't some "Grey Moon" that produces "hybrids." He's more like a "Red Moon."
Ba'al = Lavos, maybe?

Whoo, this is shaping up to be quite interesting...


Well-Known Member
I shall simply respond to the above possibilities with "yes".

And by the way, it's a little hard to think of Adam as controlling the avian species since they're descendants of the dinosaurs anyway. Mammals are the descendants of a different group of reptilian species. My suggestion was that each change in the direction of evolution was a direct result of each Impact.

In as far as the Instrumentality God, I think that Ba'al is somewhere between the Overmind (Childhood's End) and Cthulhu (take a wild guess) in terms of his motivations.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the double post, but something is stuck in my head now:

The daughter of the man who became the brain of Oblivion comes to the Nerv Boston base after receiving a mysterious letter from her "deceased" father. And just to distinguish her from being a female Shinji, she enters rather bitterly. She comes demanding to know who the FECK thought sending a girl a letter from her DEAD FATHER would be funny and what all this business about saving the world was. Thing proceed much more smoothly than the first episodes of Eva simply because they don't have an enemy to fight just yet. This time serves as training and introductions to characters.

My thoughts seem to take a much darker tone than AJT's, for some reason. Given that I usually write senseless crack, I find this especially odd.

The Eidolon's I've been imagining are not entirely mindless. Hence the problem. They're always poking at the pilot's mind and fighting for control. Their solutions are usually a mix of "Kill, maim, burn" and "maim, burn, eat." As such, the pilots can't form a really coherent barrier that we normally call an "AT Field." They also can't directly remove a target's AT field to make it vulnerable to conventional weaponry because of this. They can, however, form more "active" versions of the AT Field. Temporary blades and spikes are most common. One thing that my "male Rei" was supposed to do in addition to piloting was training everybody in martial arts and AT field manipulation, a specialty of his. But more than that, the eidolon are much more carnal than the Evas. Their mouth armor is meant to open because they're almost always near berserk.. And just to make things a little nastier and more in line with the borderline "The Watcher Comes" attitude that this whole story takes, Oblivion shares knowledge with it's pilot when it berserks, knowledge of instrumentality and the nature of human existence that no human wants to see. It basically mind rapes its pilot whenever it berserks. Its previous pilot couldn't handle it and they were about to call in for a replacement when its daughter shows up with a mysterious letter.

And one thing about Baal: Baal's motivations are more...scientific than anything. He shares his observations with, of all freaking people, Shinji. During one of Shin-chan's many trips into lala land stuck in the Eva, Shinji hears the voice of Baal. Baal has a very civil conversation with Shinji about the nature of human existence and how, really, nobody wants to be alone. This all has the feeling of having tea and biscuits with Nyarlathotep. He has no real interest other than curiosity. But Shinji does come out of the experience a little wiser. Well, wiser to the point where he doesn't BSOD when things start to fall apart, mainly because he's got a larger and more permanent Nakama around him but also to spite Baal's expectations...much to Baal's enjoyment. After all, Baal is a scientist at heart. He LOVES getting a result he never expected. It forces him to rethink things.

A few events that I thought up:

Gendo declares Oblivion to be the 13th Angel and the Evas fight it. Oblivion is a disturbingly intelligent enemy. It even calls Gendo out...with a booming, demonic voice. Before it shuts down, it utters a phrase reminiscent of Xenogears and Xenosaga, "We shall walk as gods." The third Eidolon unit shows up just in time to stop the Evas from destroying Oblivion. The Matsushiro base comes back up on comms and relates the whole story. Turns out, Eva unit 03 WAS Bardiel. But the Eidolon units already stopped it. The wrecked the base in the process and cut off communications. Two of the three Eidolon units were disabled and Oblivion went worse than berserk. It "awoke." Yup, the guy whose brain is inside it is fully and completely awake during the fight. He knows what Seele and Gendo are planning. And HE. IS. PISSED.

When Kaworu shows up, he doesn't try to "romance" Shinji like in the series. Shinji is having his own issues and plot at the moment, mostly revolving around the revelation that he himself might be an engineered being, the fact that he has the complete, perfect genetic sequence to generate an S2 organ in a human, and his women troubles, of which there shall be plenty...troubles, not women. Get your minds out of the gutter. He does, however, fight one or more Eidolon units and/or Unit 02 when Kaworu goes after Terminal Dogma. Too bad for Kaworu that someone is waiting for him when he gets there. And that person is NOT HAPPY WITH HIM. I shall summarize said battle with a cliche, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

As for the events of the end...my lips are sealed.

Sorry for the necro, too. But I had to get this off of my chest. It's GROWING and interfering with my originals.