Harry Potter Shipping Shitstorm: JK Rowling Says Harry/Hermione Is How It Should Have Been

lord geryon

Well-Known Member

Well, damn. I can't guarantee this is true, but if it is... the shipping wars for HP still rage today. If the author weighs in in support of the unofficial pairing over the official one?

I honestly don't think I've seen that happen in any fandom.


Well-Known Member
Heheheh. Let the firestorm begin.


Well-Known Member
LOL wut? So it turns out that all the people that argued that Ron was a sub-optimal choice and the BIG WEASLEY FAMILY were right all along.

By the way, it seems legit. AFP was reporting it and I saw it linked via yahoo news.

Edit: While I think that H/Hr would have been a better couple than R/Hr (it was a belief that I have held since 2002 but I was never a heavy ship guy), I wouldn't say that Harry wit Hermione would have been a good idea in the books in the end. Their personalities work great as the best friends and partners that they were but... not so much as lovers without a lot of work (less than what it would to have a realistic R/Hr relationship but more than it would to have a stable H/G one). Hermione, while a loyal and good person, is a bit controlling and highly stubbornly opinionated in her views. Those traits wouldn't mesh well romantically with Harry and his dislike of being controlled; you know that he has major issues despite canonically forgiving his puppet masters. Real relationships take work. So, they would be a good couple but it would be a realistic one with compromise and sacrifice.

Ginny, regardless of how abrupt or shallow their romance was, really was the easy and logical choice for Harry after the war. She would provide him with an instant family and she wouldn't push him like Hermione would. It would also be much less work to maintain a content relationship on his end. She literally would be the fantasy end with a happily ever after without all the hard work.

I just looked at it as a final "eff you" to Dumbledore. He deserved to be able to choose the easy option after being covertly directed and forced to chose the harder "right" option his entire life.

In the end, this still doesn't change the fact that 99.9% of H/Hr fics are utter garbage idolizing Hermione and putting her on a pedestal or that H/G fics are horse manure that uses cliches lines and tropes developed and repeated for over a decade. People are still going to ship their ships and write shitty fics. All this is going to do is bring in rash of shitty H/Hr fics in the short term.


The Collector
Heh, hilarious.

I wonder how HBP would have turned out if JK had realised this sooner when a good chunk was devoted to Hermione being bitchy and lusting after Ron and Harry lusting after Ginny.


Well-Known Member
Well, HBP did have a great moment with Harry and Luna that never went anywhere.

I always felt that there was so much potential there after their scene together in Order, their date in Prince, and their moment in Hallows. It just felt like two ships passing in the night.

Dark Schneider

Well-Known Member
I think HBP could have had a great Harry/Luna moment, but the book was so poorly written that it did next to no real character development. Since HBP was where she really started the romance, that really disappointed me because OOTP was great for character development.

I also think that a large portion of why people have become obsessive about Harry/Hermione is due to the chemistry that Daniel Radcliffe had with Emma Watson. My opinion is that this revelation of shipping is more of the movie influencing thoughts on the book.


Well-Known Member
She basically states that the book got away from her and they she was trying to force things to fit back in with what she had originally planned. This isn't news to most of us.

Frankly the romance in the books was just bad. The Ron/Hermione relationship was heavy handed at times and just really didn't seem to fit. Ginny and Harry was also badly done with Ginny just coming out of nowhere. None of the pairings that finally came about seemed any good.

Romance was pretty much an afterthought, and what we got wasn't that good. If H/Hr happened, then I don't think it would have made one bit of difference, story wise.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Windstream is reporting it as well...

JK Rowling says 'Harry Potter' ending may be wrong
- http://www.windstream.net/news/read/category/Top%20News/article/ap-jk_rowling_says_harry_potter_ending_may-ap
Fail to see why this matters in the slightest... she can say whatever she wants but if it is outside the canon material I never consider it to have any impact whatsoever on it.

Fan fiction authors are going to write the pairings they want no matter what she says.


Well-Known Member
I sense a disturbance, as if millions of shippers suddenly cried out in glee...and then began writing fan fiction.....

lord geryon

Well-Known Member
Also, what i find most interesting about this is that Emma Watson is also involved in the article, and agrees with it. So, we have the author of the work and the actress that played Hermione in the movies agreeing that the official pairing is wrong.

It makes me wonder what Daniel and Rupert think about it.


Well-Known Member
The sad thing in my eyes is, the whole H/G ship had about as much, if not less, development by the end of HBP than if she just threw all fucks to the wind and tossed in Myrtle.

I'm not saying I hate the H/G ship, nor am I saying that H/Hr would have been perfect, but Ginny's sudden rise from a mostly background support to sudden love interest was kind of a whiplash causing event, especially when it didn't have to be. If she'd just been built up a bit more in Order of the Phoenix, if she'd gotten a growing role that showed a greater competence and personality than just a background 'Friend's Sister' and maybe a building closeness to Harry, it could have been a whole lot better in HBP, but as it is, it seems to me about as sudden as Myrtle perving of folks (And Harry) in the Prefect's Bathroom.

We had no real indication that Harry had gotten to know Ginny all that much at all and, even without Hermione in the mix, there were probably better choices of folks that they could have hand-waved by with Harry knowing them off screen or something (Quidditch teammates and the like), but the one who stands out the most is, yes, Luna, a character Ginny had a three or four book head start on with which Ginny did all of jack with. And despite being in less than half the books and possibly in less of the material than Ginny, Luna managed a unique bond with Harry. Again, not saying it's an end all ship, but more that this shows J.K. could create such a bond in a shorter time, but it kinda seems she tried to force things 'back on track' too much and kinda forced it off the other side to where the pairing she wanted and got at the end felt kinda unnatural and forced, instead of finding a way for things to flow to her desired ending better.

That said, a sudden dead Harry/Myrtle ending would have been funny as fuck, even if completely out of nowhere.

The Vale

Well-Known Member
i did have a big long thing here explaining how shipping/romance is unnecessary and how shallow and transparent it can/has became as a plot device and character motivation.Not to mention the negative impact it can have on developing minds and their concept of acceptable/healthy behaviour in relationships. Then i realised i could say all that needs to be said in two sentences.


Well-Known Member
It is really funny reading about some of the reactions. Just scan some fansites and it is comedy gold how many hackles are rising.

One thing I am surprised how many Luna supporters (even if they are fanatics of other ships, it seems that loads of people don't mind if she was a second choice for some reason) there are through the net, never thought it was very popular and their "hints" were extremely subtle and infrequent compared to more obvious ones. That is news to me, I always thought that this ship was a small one.

Still don't know why people are getting huffy over it.

Canon IS STILL canon. Even if Harry and Hermione are emotionally cheating on their spouses.


Well-Known Member
Canon may still be canon but lets face it this is darn near word of god and has the possibility to have as big an effect as Dumbledore being gay.

Hell by this time next week i bet there will be dozens of new h/hr cheating spouses fics floating around (among other things) more then a few involving die for our ship


The Collector
shiki said:
That is news to me, I always thought that this ship was a small one.
Same. Wasn't expecting these folks to start coming out of the woodwork. Or for these folks to exist.


Well-Known Member
I'm one of those ppl that never understood the whole romance thing with H/G, just felt forced... but yea Luna was probably one of the few characters that had some real character development in the whole series. I also agree that Harry and Luna had some great scenes that never went anywhere.. it was always in the back of my mind that they would've had some amusing adventures together, then again I did read Contemplating Clouds which is probably THE BEST ARGUMENT for a Harry/Luna pairing.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
shiki said:
One thing I am surprised how many Luna supporters (even if they are fanatics of other ships, it seems that loads of people don't mind if she was a second choice for some reason) there are through the net, never thought it was very popular and their "hints" were extremely subtle and infrequent compared to more obvious ones. That is news to me, I always thought that this ship was a small one.
Luna? Per my sorted sampling that I posted in the other thread... Luna ranks seventh in popularity of the stories actually tagged with Harry matches... See other thread for full list.

Draco - 712
Ginny - 403
Hermoine - 381
Severus - 182
OC - 94
TomRJr - 91
Luna - 60
Canon may still be canon but lets face it this is darn near word of god and has the possibility to have as big an effect as Dumbledore being gay.
Meh... merely Author Intent, or as I call it here, Author Whimsy. Nothing to say 2 weeks form now she cannot reverse this statement.


Well-Known Member
NuitTombee said:
pidl said:
Which other thread, PC?
He means my Thoughts of Shipping thread.
Ah, thanks. I'm sure if you take all fics and not just the ones with the new filter system you'll find as much or even more slash. I just automatically filter out Draco and Snape as characters to avoid it.


Well-Known Member
whitewhiskey said:
The sad thing in my eyes is, the whole H/G ship had about as much, if not less, development by the end of HBP than if she just threw all fucks to the wind and tossed in Myrtle.

I'm not saying I hate the H/G ship, nor am I saying that H/Hr would have been perfect, but Ginny's sudden rise from a mostly background support to sudden love interest was kind of a whiplash causing event, especially when it didn't have to be. If she'd just been built up a bit more in Order of the Phoenix, if she'd gotten a growing role that showed a greater competence and personality than just a background 'Friend's Sister' and maybe a building closeness to Harry, it could have been a whole lot better in HBP, but as it is, it seems to me about as sudden as Myrtle perving of folks (And Harry) in the Prefect's Bathroom.

We had no real indication that Harry had gotten to know Ginny all that much at all and, even without Hermione in the mix, there were probably better choices of folks that they could have hand-waved by with Harry knowing them off screen or something (Quidditch teammates and the like), but the one who stands out the most is, yes, Luna, a character Ginny had a three or four book head start on with which Ginny did all of jack with. And despite being in less than half the books and possibly in less of the material than Ginny, Luna managed a unique bond with Harry. Again, not saying it's an end all ship, but more that this shows J.K. could create such a bond in a shorter time, but it kinda seems she tried to force things 'back on track' too much and kinda forced it off the other side to where the pairing she wanted and got at the end felt kinda unnatural and forced, instead of finding a way for things to flow to her desired ending better.

That said, a sudden dead Harry/Myrtle ending would have been funny as fuck, even if completely out of nowhere.
I really wish I had saved those interviews and QA's she did back when the first few books came out. She talked about Hermione being herself personified in the books and there was some hints about a Harry/Hermione pairing. I always figured Ron was going to get killed off later to explain the hints of R/H. Then Ginny came out of no where in the later books and suddenly JKR was talking about how Ginny was really herself personified.

It goes back to where she was forcing stuff to make it fit with her original plan. We see a lot of that in the last two books where events and details don't fit in with the rest of the story. Or things are retcon from an earlier explication.

In the end, this really isn't anything earth shattering. Most people with some intelligence already at least suspected this and the shippers were doing their thing long before this came out.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
pidl said:
NuitTombee said:
pidl said:
Which other thread, PC?
He means my Thoughts of Shipping thread.
Ah, thanks. I'm sure if you take all fics and not just the ones with the new filter system you'll find as much or even more slash. I just automatically filter out Draco and Snape as characters to avoid it.
Meh... I considered that list I made merely a representative sample of the trends by way of a quick search, not nearly an absolute. A few thousand stories, while impressive, is a very small sampling indeed when you factor Harry Potter has over 600,000 stories.

Realistically, you will see such in most series as many authors love writing about that.

I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.