Stargate: Universe

Well... Saw the premiere.

It was certainly... "Dark and edgy", though with a few hints of the old Stargate spirit. All the same, it's like Stargate done as Battlestar Galactica. The reimagined version. Including the flashbacks. LOTS of flashbacks.

Nearly all of the characters are assholes aside from Eli Wallace, who solved a puzzle on an online MMORPG that was actually a mathematical proof on a Super Stargate project.

... Yeeeah...

... What the hell, I'll watch if only to see where the hell this is going.


Well-Known Member
I'm really not sure if I want to see it or not. In my opinion, abrupt shifts to 'darker and edgier' aren't good in a franchise. Also, after going through the character descriptions and leaked episode plot (w/out evidence that it's real I'll admit) I am not enthused. Is it online too, or just on Sci-fi?


Well-Known Member
At this point it's too early to tell much, since we only saw the first episode. My guess is th flashbacks were there to help setup the episode/series, and probably won't be too prominent in following episodes.

I'll give it a couple more episodes to see if I like it or not.


Well-Known Member
It was on tonight? :blink:

All my guide showed being on was a constant Stargate SG1 marathon.


Gulping Again

Well-Known Member
It's Stargate: Voyager, only instead of the Borg, the main enemy is the fact that their ship is a giant piece of shit.

And pretty much every character besides Eli was a douchebag. Eli himself seems to be the only real link this show has to what made SG-1 awesome.


Well-Known Member
There's a few technical inconsistencies which I cannot forgive (among them, only three Ha'tak against a single BC-304, and they didn't get shot down within the first few minutes by the Asgard plasma beams?!), but otherwise, I'm strictly of a neutral opinion regarding the premise and the characters.

Yes, Eli Wallace finally throws in a bit of the 'next door neighbor being thrown into something way over his head' that Stargate hasn't really shown up until now, but really... did they have to pull him in through something almost ripped straight from The Last Starfighter?

I actually kind of liked the character of Nicholas Rush, if only because of Robert Carlyle's portrayal of him. Granted, he is just a bit too similar to Gaius Baltar of nBSG fame (or infamy), both in terms of appearance (they even share a similar haircut!) and some personality traits (a rather single-minded approach to achieving their goals, regardless of the cost to those around them).

Of course, Rush hasn't been definitively proven as a traitor (yet?), although the Lucian Alliance's appearance over Icarus Base does hint at the possibility of one among the refugees.

Other than those two however, there isn't nearly enough material to even make a preliminary judgment on, so the next few episodes can and quite probably will make or break the whole series.


Well-Known Member
eh SGU seems to be Voyager meets Battlestar meets Stargate, and as for characters the only character I didn't like was Rush. hell even the newbie Lt that was is practally the SIC of the military contingent there was likeable if you don't mind the hard ass moments and frankly this series several hundered billion lightyears away from earth they kinda all need to work as one.


Well-Known Member
As a side note, the episode is currently up on rewind


Well-Known Member
What bugs me the most is why they couldn't use one of the floating cameras to close the shuttle hatch. Just glue a short stick to the bottom, position it over the switch, walk out of the shuttle, hit the down button on the remote and voila!


Well-Known Member
Warden said:
What bugs me the most is why they couldn't use one of the floating cameras to close the shuttle hatch. Just glue a short stick to the bottom, position it over the switch, walk out of the shuttle, hit the down button on the remote and voila!
First thing I thought.

I'm streaming it now but the University proxy I'm on is as slow as a decrepit turtle. I'm liking all the characters so far; even if they're assholes, they're interesting and it seems like there will be a lot of good character driven episodes. The black Sergeant in need of anger-management and the fat geek spring out to me as the ones I'll like the most so far, but time will tell.


Well-Known Member
At the moment, I'm thinking that Eli will go on to be like either Daniel Jackson, Rodney McCay, or Carson Becket. Meaning, in the beginning he's not that tough but still very smart, later becoming a badass in his own right and gaining a camaraderie with his teammates (Jackson route). He is a whiny little bastard but learns to use a gun pretty fast yet still gets on everyone's nerves until the end of the series (McKay). Or lastly, he ends up being a side character that does serve an important role (doctor, scientist, scholar, etc.) and has an impact on the story without any significant presence in the show (Becket).

I'm realistically expecting a mix between Jackson and McKay, but I could end up surprised.
I agree with that they didn't exactly put that probe to the most effective use, and the episode could have worked a bit better if they had rearranged a few parts and made the flashbacks into introductory parts of the show, sparing us the need for confusing and pointless scenes that make no sense in the context they were given. <_<


Well-Known Member
So far so good. Although I'm still disappointed that SG1 and Atlantis got scrap heaped.

Also I didn't notice this thread until just now. Shame on me for not thinking that this would have been talked about.


Well-Known Member
It felt more like it was drawing from Lost as far as style and directing went to me.
Also why is every one saying that it was the Lucian Alliance that attacked?
In the episode some one asked if it was them and Carter replied that there was no indication of who they were; they just dropped out of hyperspace and attacked.


Well-Known Member
Random said:
Also why is every one saying that it was the Lucian Alliance that attacked?
Because they're the only remaining power with Ha'tak in the Milky Way? And have a history of fighting Tau'ri?

Seriously, the other choices are Jaffa (who, if their nation exists at all, are allies of Earth), the Tok'ra (if they have any, allies of Earth) and System Lords (who were wiped out, every last one). I can think of no other power that could field three Ha'tak for a surprise attack with the reasons to go after the Tau'ri so recklessly.

Plus, I think there may have been a mention of the Lucian Alliance in the show itself. Maybe, I'm not sure ...

Otherwise, I'll refrain from commenting until at least a few more episodes into the show. It's hard to tell the overall mood and style just from the first episodes.


Well-Known Member
NeoSeether said:
I actually kind of liked the character of Nicholas Rush, if only because of Robert Carlyle's portrayal of him. Granted, he is just a bit too similar to Gaius Baltar of nBSG fame (or infamy), both in terms of appearance (they even share a similar haircut!) and some personality traits (a rather single-minded approach to achieving their goals, regardless of the cost to those around them).

Of course, Rush hasn't been definitively proven as a traitor (yet?), although the Lucian Alliance's appearance over Icarus Base does hint at the possibility of one among the refugees.
I hate Rush with a passion. Bastard stranded a buncha people billions of lightyears from Earth just to complete his big project successfully, and I'm not convinced that he didn't gimmick the Stargate control so it couldn't be shut down when he spoofed the DHD ID code to make the system think it was dialing from Earth. However, I'm quite certain that Rush did not betray the location of Icarus base to the attackers. He wouldn't endanger his big project like that. The SGC and IOA were giving him everything he needed, and with Eli's proof he finally had the key. Spilling the beans to whoever attacked the planet had way too high a risk of destroying all his hard work just when he was at the verge of success.

On the other hand, now that you mention it, I can believe that there's a traitor among them somewhere, which could be fuel for some intense drama down the line, maybe somebody exploring an area that hasn't been checked since the big scramble on the first day finding a piece of Goa'uld tech, specifically a communications device, that wasn't on the manifest. Then they gotta figure out who ditched the darn thing and what to do with them when/if they figure it out(and maybe some angst when they do something permanent to some poor sap who was claiming innocence the whole way, then they find out it was actually someone else)


Well-Known Member
Who is the spy is a Leftover Goa'uld from The Trust inside the senators daughter who was feeding info to the enemy for the win!

Seriously though, I agree that Rush is a real POS. The one guy who really needs to die via spacing is one of if not the guy they most need to keep. At least for the moment they can't afford to lose any scientists at all really.

If the guy playing him wanted him to seem like that then he did a really good job.

B.B. Rain

Well-Known Member
Warden said:
What bugs me the most is why they couldn't use one of the floating cameras to close the shuttle hatch. Just glue a short stick to the bottom, position it over the switch, walk out of the shuttle, hit the down button on the remote and voila!
I kind of figured the controls were unfortunately bio-locked, requiring someone flesh-and-blood-and-alive, probably with the ATA gene, to use them.

Also, the trailer, and the premiere episode (which has been broken into two parts) are available for free on iTunes.


Well-Known Member
They're sunburnt!


To add to this:

I freakin' love this show.


Well-Known Member
I'm calling it now: The pod that came off the ship at the end went to the same planet the scientists did.


Well-Known Member
I find it annoying that the crew seems to be composed of a bunch of 5 year olds in adult bodies, really interested about that shuttle/probe/pod/whatever at the end though.


Well-Known Member
Warden said:
I find it annoying that the crew seems to be composed of a bunch of 5 year olds in adult bodies, really interested about that shuttle/probe/pod/whatever at the end though.
That puts them 3 years older (mentally) than the average adult, and right on target for genius scientists and battle hardened grunts from the SG program. Keep in mind, with the constant darkness, air going bad, a nasty CO2 headache and knowing certain death is on the way, few people would handle it much better.

I can't help but wonder what happened to the lost 2 scientists. They're needed. They only have 50-70 people there, which is too few for a generation ship. I also liked that the temp CO snagged a chick and banged the hell out of her in a closet, which is a very typical reaction to life threatening danger and stress, part of the reason that modern battle troops don't have women with them. They tend to get distracted in the after-action by screwing if women are around. I thought it was very honest to include it.

I'm willing to watch a few more episodes before I decide on SGU. I disliked Atlantis for having crappy direction and poor acting, even after 5 seasons they're at the level of Season 1 of SG1, just with better graphics. That just isn't enough to make up for bad acting: witness Star Wars Phantom Menace.

Comparing SGU to Voyager and BSG is accurate. It has the same feel. Madness and psychodrama instead of aliens is an interesting twist. I suppose we should be grateful there's no imaginary woman in the lead scientists head, though hallucinating the priest is an ugly twist on Number 6.