TFF: Halloween World


Well-Known Member

"Look, I am one of the undying..."


"...the eternally damned..."


"...cursed to roam the world..."


"...hunting for the blood of the living..."


"...never to see the light of the sun..."


"...and can only be killed..."


"...with a wooden stake through the heart!


" stop stabbing me in the HEAD with an ORDINARY METAL KNIFE, YOU SON OF A...!"



"Guess I must have hit him in the gothicluar membrane. That's good, at least now you won't be able to spout your crap poetry any more."

Wild flails and gestures.

"Yeah, it was total crap. Look, if it makes you feel any better..." STAB!


"That was a wooden stake through your heart, just like you asked. Now say thank you."




"Some jerks just can't show any appreciation for when you do them a favor."


Well-Known Member
The fight was inching closer to the non-combatants, and Chris blinked and nearly stumbled he'd decided to help and found himself already moving. Recovering after a less than graceful moment, the pokemon quickly approached the fight. A few small bursts of Aura powered parries got the attention of the shadowy sword wielding thing his father had become.

Christopher was almost led into backing himself into a corner or pillar a few times, but his heightened situational awareness led him out of the small traps as he kept giving ground.

He could feel the thing filling up with Aura as they fought, the tattered cloth of it's robes seemed almost more substantial and longer, the sword that had been a dull grayish black metal was beginning to almost gleam.

It was getting stronger, he knew, but it was also becoming... real, mortal? He could sense it, in the air, in Aura.

Chris had led them over to the other side of the courtyard, in the center was the other fight, and then the civilians.

He felt more than saw one of the Jedi direct first the younglings training lightsaber and then his own in a saber throw, the target was his dad! A metal claw move managed to backhand the training saber out of the air, but he only managed to clip the other, sending it off course for a moment before it corrected itself and bisected the wraith/thing/Dad!


Well-Known Member
Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck, IT FUCKING HUUUUURTS! Getting a chainsaw shoved through your back is fucking painful! DAMNIT!
Woah, dood! That looks painful!
I should have suspected a trap! It was fucking obvious! Damn the loud music fucking up my thinking process! Need a friggin pla - FUCK! THE FUCKER JUST SAWED THROUGH MY HEAD!
Even I knew that something was up, dood.
Damn, I was in trouble. A horrible migraine was taking root in both sides of my head. And I was having a hard time holding Kayla up with only two tendrils.
I didn't think your tenta - your tendrils were weak, dood.
"Eurgh, I feel sick, Adders...Stop the ride....", moaned Kayla as she swayed precariously in the grip of my tendrils. I turned around slowly to face Leatherface. He was holding his chainsaw and waving it around as if he was challenging me. Well if he wanted a fight, then he'll get a fight.
Man, that guy sure got some serious cajones, dood.
I shot out several tendril out to spear the killer, however Leatherface was able to counter my attack quite easily. Using his chainsaw, he swung at my tendrils, cutting them down to size. Chunks of black flashy substance rained down in front of me. As far as I could tell I was screwed. And also hungry, damn it.
Uh-oh, that isn't good.
Then the bastard threw his chainsaw through my left knee. Without any support for my already deteriorating sense of balance, I fell to the ground on my back and Kayla landing on my front. Oomph!
Ouch, dood.
Seeing as I was down, Leatherface walked slowly towards me and pulled out the chainsaw, still roaring away in my left kneecap. He slowly lifted the weapon behide his head when he froze. That was when I heard the sounds of something eating slopily and loudly.
What the?
"Waai! It's cute!" Kayla was pointing to something near the ground. I stretched my neck out to look and saw a black blob with eyes and sharp fangs, eating through Leatherface's right leg. A strange sound started coming from Leatherface before I realised that he was screaming. The pieces of tendrils that were carved off from me had taken on a life of it own. And they were hungry.
Kayla, your idea of cute may explain your attitude to the whole everyone turning into monster thing, dood.


Well-Known Member
Man I wish those prinnies were back with my food.
Well they are trying hard I bet. D00D
While they are gone I might as well think about what happened. I remember going to that party. Then pain. And finally waking up with Mad Geomancer Skillz. Also flirting with Jubilee girl. So what the 'ell caused the transformation? I mean It would take more energy then any Mage I could think of to do this. Also I was sure magic wasn't real before the Shift. So how did it actually occur? I hate mysteries.
Don't we all D00D.


Well-Known Member

"All this stabbing is working me up an appetite! Gonna go get me some food." Xaosite said aloud to himself, as the body of the vampire wasn't in any real condition to actually hear him. Looking around, he noticed a couple of penguins with bat wings walking by, holding up various items of food in their flippers.

"This is obviously a gift to me to compliment just how awesome I am." Strolling over, he grabbed one of the bags, reached in, and pulled out what turned out to be a cheeseburger.

The prinny piped up at this theft, "Hey, dood, that's not yours! That's for..."

SHING! (This is the sound of a stabbin' knife, held up in one hand over the prinny, as the other hand is busy occupied in stuffing a black void that fills in for a face.)

", dood! No, no complaints here! No need to get all stabby!"


"Well, I'll... just... be... running away now! Bye!" With that, the prinny ran off, leaving a little trail of dust.


Well-Known Member
My food senses are tingling. The prinnies must be back.
Food D00D
Okay let's see couple burgers, a pizza, a two liter, and a gallon of vanilla ice cream.
Score D00D
"Yah guys did good, But why did you not have anything random prinny #5?"

"Well we were attacked by this funky looking clown dude with a knife. He stole the food I had D00D"
Well that's not nice D00D
"Oh well. Anyways did you guys notice any artifacts glowing with power or anything while you were looking for food?"

"Sorry D00D we didn't see anything like that."


Well-Known Member
'That was, my Dad!'

He felt his emotions welling up, his heart was in his throat, tears threatened to spill over. Suddenly he was there, a quick attack brought him in range and his paw rested lightly on the Jedi's chest ready and able to use a force palm and pulp the man's insides.

He wanted to, so badly, but he wasn't capable of it. He couldn't kill him not when he'd been acting in his the defense of those not capable of it. The man apologized in a voice too low to carry beyond the two of them, Chris stepped away turning and walking towards the opposite overhang. Pausing he sent the address of those he'd left at the house, letting them know to tell them that the Lucario had sent them.

For now he was going to try and find his way to the remaining family he had nearby. He screwed his red eyes shut as tears overwhelmed them, he didn't stop running the Aura was with him.


Well-Known Member
The black blobs pounced onto Leatherface's body sinking their fangs deep into the flesh. Leatherface tried to pull the blobs off him but they had latched on too fiercely. Unconciously, my own tendrils shot out and wrapped themselves around Leatherface and the blobs.

Within moments Leatherface's screams faded away into a gurgle then into silence. The only thing that showed that he had even existenced was his chainsaw, dropped while flailing for his life.

Looking around, Drayton Sawyer was nowhere to be seen. The barbeque and chilli were still there though. The backdoor was opened as evidence of his escape.

"That was scary, Adders", said Kayla as she got off me. She looked around and saw the food on the table, "Waai! Meat!" Kayla headed to the table and starting eating. I watched in fauxed horror as Kayla wolfed down the barbeque on the table, knowing full well what she was eating. I glanced at the bloody chainsaw and looked back at the chilli and barbequed meat.

Screw it. I've already eaten a monster, a bugman, and a psycho killer.

I joined Kayla at the table and grabbed some ribs. The meat was surprising the best I ever had. It seemed that Drayton wasn't lying in the movie when he boasted about his barbeque and chilli were the best in Texas.


Well-Known Member
"Those burgers were good. I wonder where they stole them from?"
That one burger place down the way D00D It has nice fries.
"Do prinnies eat? I can't remember. I would think not since they are only souls in pengiun suits, but with my luck the would."
Yes we do D00D.


Well-Known Member
As a fighting type, a Lucario's stamina was such that one could run for hours on end if need be, and be ready to fight at the end of that run. He was slightly out of breath once he reached the freeway. Chris was apparently a somewhat out of shape Lucario.

It was eerie the Lucario thought, there were no cars at all, the only sounds were his own breathing and the scuff of his feet on the pavement... no they were paws now, but paws were still feet so- Think on it LATER.

Chris had cried out his tears already, his heart ached mightily but that had been the way he had been before... His tears always dried up quickly, but the internal ache would persist for months.

Despite being finished crying for the moment, his eyes remained closed as he made his way, it was pitch black barring fires in the distance.

Part of him wanted to slow down some, keep himself somewhat fresh just in case he'd need to fight. And the rest of him knew time was likely of the essence. It was an hour to his mothers place by car, he'd likely be too late regardless.


Well-Known Member
I burst from out of the building, vomiting all over the pavement.

What had happened? I had just walked in and-

"So, another vile demon tried to invade the sanctity of this place."

Sour bile gushed up my throat, making it's way onto the ground.

Who was that? And-

Uuuugh... I'm still throwing up...

"Take that as a warning, you foul creature."

That voice... it really made me mad.

I got up off my knees, spitting out the last bit of vomit in my mouth.

I still felt shaky, but whatever had made me throw up was out of my system.

I looked toward the source of the voice. It was a priest.

At least, he looked like one.

I'd never seen a priest go around in all white clothes like that, all covered in crosses and silver chains. And that bible he was carrying... what sort of priest carries around a bible with silver and rubies pressed into it?

But, his face... it scared me.

I've never been able to read people very well, but his eyes... that smile...

They reminded me all too much of a certain comic book character, one Paladin Alexander Anderson, to be precise. But, that was ridiculous, there was no one who was crazy as Anderson.

"Who..." I spat on the ground, "Who are you?"

"I am Father Pierre Peterson, but there's no need for a Monster to know my name. You tried to set foot on Hallowed ground, you idiotic demon. Now, I'm no Paladin, but..." He opened his book, turning to a specific page, "I can still banish you to Hell, you Cretinous Being."

He then began to chant in Latin. It wasn't normal talking, or reading, it was honest to god chanting.

I was filled with fear and confusion. What was he doing? Why did he think I was some sort of... well, monster, judging from his speech.

And why were words from a bible so... terrifying, all of a sudden? I had gone through bibles before, read them, and studied them. There was nothing to be afraid of. There was nothing but ink and and paper.

But... part of my brain was screaming at me 'Move! Run! Get Away! You're in Danger!'. I tried to back away. Maybe it was just being so close to this freaky guy.

I couldn't move. My legs couldn't function. My arms move through the air like it was molasses. I couldn't breath.

Suddenly, everything in front of me seemed to be blurring and distorting. It was like everything was underwater.

I could feel myself falling over. But I couldn't do anything. I couldn't even turn my head now. Everything was moving so slowly, I could see the trees next to the library becoming taller as I went lower. What had happened?

You couldn't just say words and have this sort of thing happen? What was going on? What had happened? In my mind, I was becoming hysterical.

Why, God? Why? I wasn't a bad person, why was this guy trying to kill me with words from a bible? Please... I don't want to die.


Well-Known Member
For the first time since all this crazy stuff happened, I was able to enjoy myself. I was currently looting the house that the Sawyers were living in apparently. Before I would never had the guts to break open locked chests, doors and what-nots. Now, no lock could stand in my way.
Looting is the best, dood! It's how we, prinnies get paid, dood!
The house had belonged to a typical two parent, two children family. That was until the Sawyers came.

"Wai! Can I have this, Adders?" Kayla held up a large pink teddy bear. I felt a little guilty about taking stuff from the room of a deceased little girl but it wasn't as if they would be using it anymore though.
Pfft, Teddy bears are overrated, dood. Grab that plush penguin!
I was stuffing various pieces of clothing into a several bags that were full of other stolen loot. I had earlier stashed away a large box of cash, jewelry, a PSP, a DS, a laptop, clothes for me, camping equipment, a couple of walkie talkies, toiletries, and the chainsaw that Leatherface was using earlier.
Why the heck do you need a chainsaw, dood?!
"Yes Kalya, you can have it", It was probably a good idea to bring some toys for Kayla to play with. I had a feeling that life as we know it would never be the same again. I recalled a phrase from a game that I had been playing recently that fitted the situation perfectly.

"Peaceful days are over. Let's survive"
Hey! You stole that from Devil Survivor, dood!!


Well-Known Member
"Overlord D00D ah I need to report that we have seen that girl that you describe"
I have a bad feeling right now.
"Really that's good. Now lets go find her now."
I don't think that this is going to end well


Well-Known Member
It was unknown how far he could broadcast, but it was likely the entire neighborhood heard his telepathic howl of rage and sorrow. That 'sound' brought out the darker denizens some covered in semi-dried blood. To Chris their presence, their apparent glee, mocked the sight of an apparent last stand.

Fresh tears marred Chris' sight and his shoulders shook, the crowd circling the pokemon rippled in amusement. He looked down at his feet before closing his eyes. This hadn't been self defense, this had been a slaughter.

Aura sight.

His awareness expanded, Chris could see and feel every body in that crowd, and with a half moment of focus he looked deeper. Hearts, brains, spinal columns, joints, kidneys, major arteries, he could perceive them all.

'Feel free to die when you've had enough'

A slight bending of his knees was all the warning the monsters had before he was among them, and became death incarnate.

To the assembled predators turned prey, the pokemon seemed to kill with a touch. If his victim was thin enough they could be lit up from the inside by an intense blue light.

Chris had entered a state of instinct and cold fury, he thrust Aura into critical points. Reducing internal organs to the consistency of 'chunky salsa', one enemy, one hit, one kill. He'd be horrified later, but for now, he had a job to do. Runners to put down.


Well-Known Member
Huh, Ork's.


I didn't even bother dodging, they were Ork's, their bullets would hit me when hell froze over.

Especially with how few of them there were, only about 11, the nob in charge of them was getting ready to charge...



I brought my power fist forward and annihilated the car thrown at me, then shot forward out the smoke and liquefied one of the werewolves with a quick swipe of my right hand then swung out my left arm and power clothes lined some weird stone creature, the cloud of dust and dirt from it exploding gave me enough cover to dodge out of the Wizards sight, through the wall of the building to my right, I started slamming my way through the walls of the nearby houses to slowly get behind the lightning chucking Wizard.

That guy was next, time to see how squishy wizards really are.


I fired at the nob with my mounted Storm Bolter's (rolled 4d6, BS5 - 7 = 2, hits on 2+, 5,4,6,6, 4 hits, roll to wound, S4 vs T4, wounds on 4+, rolled 4d6, 4,3,1,5, 2 wound's, Nob get's 6+ save, save fails 3,2, Nob takes 2 wounds, Nob has 2 wounds, Nob is dead.) He went down, the Ork's stopped shooting for a second, one in the back, a Mek judging by what he was wearing, moved upfront and shot his Kustom Mega-Blasta at me, (rolled a 6, hit, rolled a 4, wound, 6+ save from Forcefield, 1, failed, 2+ Termi save, 4, no wound.) ! I felt the impact as it slammed into my me, The Terminator armor's various F*** YOU Defenses pretty much negating it, but still it's the principle of it.

"Listen up you Grots!" I yelled at them, it got their attention pretty well actually.

"Who you callin a Grot!?" the fact that their were a few (12) Gretchin with them notwithstanding (20 Snotlings, about 34 Squigs, it's hard to tell, most of them utility squigs, like hair or paint squigs)

"You!, I iz bigga an stronga den you! I'z da boss now!" To be honest I didn't think I could beat them all, and I was technically bigger then them now, and I had just defeated their previous boss, except being an Ork I met all the boss requirement's.


I waded through the bullet's, guns from various ages firing their payloads at me, they did jack.

"DIE ROBOT SCUM!" Some General wearing generic 'future' clothes with a fancy gun screamed at me, he was standing on a big tank, my new Astartes memories were unimpressed, they had seen tanks far larger and torn them apart by hand.






There was some... disagreement with my declaration, I responded to this with several strong blows and a few shot's and had them in line, more or less, being Ork's and everything.

My Space Marine persona was mildly objecting to this, but the Crimson Wyrms viewed the Ork's as less an enemy and more an out of control weapon anyway, and using them as mercenary's and assault forces was a popular chapter tactic, so there was some precedence.

After my unanimous 'election' to 'Boss' status I went over my new 'boyz'

1. Mek
2. Painboy
3. Tankbusta
4. Loota
5. Kommando
6. Stormboy
7. Flash Git
8. Runtherd
9. Cybork
10. 'Ard Boy

Of the ten boyz I now was in charge of, surprisingly, each was of a different Caste of Boy, I hadn't noticed before because they all only had the basic Ork Equipment, a Slugga and Choppa, though the Cybork had a large buzzsaw blade on the back of his Cybork left arm and some kinda large gun, most likely some kinda Big Shoota, and the Mek had his Kustom Mega-Blasta, the Nob had been twice as big as the rest and had a Power Klaw and Twin-Linked Shoota (that the Loota and the Flash Git were now arguing over, the Mek had snatched the Power Klaw and was getting the Painboy to rip him open so he could get all the 'Metal Gubbins' out of him.)

Overall, I think things are going well.


"Give it to the Mek you Git's!"



*sounds of gory death*


Or at least better then it has been going anyway...


Well-Known Member
[This post has been jacked for story purposes. Henceforth, everything shall be Red.]

The boots made little sound, as he walked steadily forward.

There was no need to rush, after all.

The little witch who used such strange magic was straight ahead, cowering.

It was such an interesting spell she had thrown at him, that he had stopped his examination of the strange golem ('animatronic' said a voice at the back of his head) and decided to inquire about it's nature.

It was felt so much like a simple force-based spell, but there was an underlying part of it that burned away at him, even now.

It would be a lie, to say it didn't hurt. But he had endured far worse things.

He walked forward, approaching the girl.

He wondered why she looked so scared. She almost looked like a fairy, and he'd never had any trouble dealing with them back home. Maybe it was because she was so young? He'd heard that small children could be frightened quite easily.

Never once, did it occur to him, that this particular fairy wasn't like the ones he usualy dealt with (which had more in common with the Fae) and that she could see parts of his soul.

He had finaly reached her. A gloved hand stretched out, as to pat her on the head.

She screamed.

He could feel the working of another spell, in the sound. He recognized it though.

A cry for aid that could summon help from far away.

Well, he had best be quick, then.

The hand went the rest of the way, closing around her skull.

In seconds, the scream had died away.

He could the arcane knowledge flowing now.

A moment later, he smiled behind his mask, and gently set the lass on the ground.

Just as quickly as he came in, he turned to leave, leaving behind a poor slip of a girl, that wouldn't remember a single thing about how to do magic.


Well-Known Member
The bags were packed and slung over my shoulders. A little wolf girl took her place up upon my shoulders. The tool of death and destruction in my right hand and a plastic bag holding tupperware filled with barbequed flesh in my left, the preparation were finished. It was time to head out into the night and unto the path which laid before Kayla and I.
Aren't you the dramatic one, dood
Kayla's ears perked up and she looked around searching for something.
Hmm? What was that, dood?
"Kayla, what are you doing?"

"I heard someone crying for help, Adders!" I raised an eyebrow. I hadn't heard anything of the sort.
Okay, now I hear it. No, rather I felt it. A feeling of fear and desperation. I frowned, could the cry for help be the work of a psychic?
Please! Help me!
Out of thin air came strange floating symbols made from light. No, instinctively I somehow recognised it as....magic?
Uh-oh. I know what this is, dood
The symbols suddenly began melting into some kind of floating liquid thing. Then it converged onto me and Kayla. Damn it.
What the? Crap, dood! It got me as well!
"Wha! What is happening, Adders!" cried Kayla as the liquid magic wrapped around us.

I tried to struggle as the liquid wrapped itself around me like a cocoon but I was currently hampered by the bags and what I was holding. The light reached my eyes effectively blinding me.
Looks like I'm coming along on the ride, doods
As soon as the weird magic liquid thing had completely surrounded me and Kayla, I felt a strange sense of momentum as if I was moving. For how long, I do not know.

It felt like I was in some kind of ocean except that I perceived no feeling of wetness. It felt like I was in that ocean for hours or was it seconds. Then I felt the ocean recede away. I felt my feet land on hard ground. The light faded away, my sight slowly being restored. I heard Kayla gasp.
That was trippy, dood....
I blinked my eyes to wipe away the effects of brightness, stared at what was in front of us, rubbed my eyes, and looked again to check that I wasn't hallucinating.
Woah, dood!
Kayla and I were now standing in front of a medieval castle. Above the gates was a sign that had the words:


"What the hell is going on!?"
We were summoned, dood


Well-Known Member
Lance follows his prinnies to an area they say that they saw Jubilee at. He notices a flash of yellow and turns to look.

"Now we go that way."

Laying before a wierd looking monster dude was Jubilee. Her color was gone and her eyes were shut. The monster starts laughing.

"Bwhahahahahhah another meal comes to Emplate."

Waves of dirt and rock radiate from around Lance.

"So that's what your power is Earth mover. I couldn't tell before. Unlike with her."

He raises his hands and fires fireworks from his hands.

Lance dodges. His staff begins to glow green. Spiked vines erupt from around Emplate covering him. Lance begins talking.

"You know I'm a fairly happy go lucky guy. I don't like Torture and other things, but you I will make your suffering Legendary"

Lance begins to feel a pulling sensation. His eyes widen.

"NO no no not yet. I haven't even begun."

He fights the pull.

"I will not leave without giving you something to remember me by."

The spiked vines thorns grow into his body. Emplate screams in agony. Lance watches runes begin to circle around him as he slowly becomes intangible.

As Lance is finally summoned he watches a giant red flower grow from on top of Emplate.


Well-Known Member
My head should have hit pavement.

It kept on falling.

The rest of my body followed, into the ring of darknes.

I was surrounded by pitch black nothingness, the hole I'd fallen through, growing smaller and more distant.

I began to feel to better. Somehow, this disquieting darkness wasn't as terrifying as that priest.

As that last sort of light coming from the hole disapeared, I closed my eyes... I was so exhausted...

'Listen up, you newbie. I'm only going to say this once.'

'If you want to hit hard, you have to use Mana.'

'To use your mana, you need a strong will.'

'And there's no will stronger than the one to survive.'

'That's why demons can do all sorts of crazy things in battle.'

'It's like human andrenaline.'

'Now, to call on it outside of battle, you need to recapture that feeling.'

'Once you can tap your Mana outside of battle, you can start to really control it.'

'And with that control...'


I woke up again. This time, a bit faster than before.

Where was I now?

I had landed in some strange field. A bit aways, I could see a couple of rollercoasters rising into the sky, and a castle, behind a heavy fence.

Looked like an amusement park.

I walked toward the front gate, or where I assumed it was.

There was a rather large sign.

Where all your dreams come true!

Morbidly, I wondered if that included nightmares.


Well-Known Member
Only when the last of the enemy was put down did he allow himself to show fatigue. Chris stumbled over to lean on the wall of a house as the adrenaline slowly wore off and the shock started to set in.

Managing to avoid being ill over what he'd done if only barely, Chris levered himself up and may have laughed if he'd been capable of it at the moment when his stomach complained of lack of food.

The pokemon after a bit of struggle had his trail mix before setting to the grisly task of setting up a funeral pyre for his departed family. He left an empty neighborhood with a bit of fruit and nonperishable stuff in an appropriated child's hiking pack, it was bright orange, but he could manage putting it on and carrying it. Which was a plus, he was still fairly light enough to move about easily, or at least to roof hop. Coming down to a fight he'd probably ditch the thing and retrieve it later.

He was about to hop down onto the streets from the final house of the are when he heard, faint call for help. No heard wasn't quite right, Chris thought, long ears twitching slightly. That had been a mental call, faint but there. He tried to send back get a location, but the call only repeated and got louder.

He hadn't even noticed fading away until he was mostly gone, there was a barking cry of alarm and the Lucario was gone.

Chris came to, with a vauge memory of runes, symbols, psychedelic colors, and a vague question if this was what pokeballs felt like already fading from memory.

Levering himself up into a standing position, and wished he hadn't, he found himself on the roof of a castle, one that was in the middle of a theme park by the looks of things.

A quick scan with Aura showed there were a few people about, no one that seemed to be in immediate danger, no trace of what brought him here. First order of business was to get heck off the roof, clinging to the base of this flagpole was both unnerving and a bit silly looking.

Chris slowly started making his way off of the roof.


Well-Known Member
I was getting fidgety, nothing had attacked me since I 'recruited' the Ork's.

Speaking of which...

The Mek was having the Gretchin help him tear up various car's and other assorted technological devices for parts, the Mek had so far managed to make a 'Burna' out of 2 car fuel tanks and a few 'metal gubbins' he got from... somewhere, the Burna was happy with this, Lit some Gretchin on fire and everything, he also gave the Loota a good fire bath when he spent a few seconds to long looking at it.

After lightly scolding the Burna (I would also prefer the flamethrower stayed in the Burna's hands- that's where it would be most effective.) and the Painboy giving him a onceover then complaining that he was being a puny grot.

So with the Mek still grabbing anything made of metal he could get his hands on, I decided to get a bit of sleep, I had been running around getting in random fight's for hour's now, strangely I was barely tired...





I shot up immediately, I noted that we were being sucked up by some odd magic, Also some of the Ork's were shooting at it.

No I'm not joking.

The trip through whatever portal we were being sucked through, dimensional by the make of it, looked like the bastard child of an Aurora and a Rainbow.

The first thing I noticed on my way out?



Well-Known Member
Reality Check. Kayla and I were teleported via some kind of magic to a themepark with a castle as one of its attractions. Okay, that sounds plausible.

"Woof! Look, Adders! A blue dog!" Kayla was pointing to something on the roof of the castle. Turning towards where Kayla was pointing, I caught a glimpse of a black and blue jackal-dog thing moving slowing making its way down from the roof of the castle. It had an orange waist-pack.

"A lucario?" Okay, I wasn't really surprised by the appearance of a pokemon, having encountered a whole bunch of fictional characters just a short while ago.

Suddenly the sounds of machine gun fire and general shooting of firearms broke the silence that permeated through the park.

"EVEN IN ANOTHER DIMENSION! ZOMBIES!" Okay, from that shout I concluded two things.

One, there were zombies in the park.

Two, the sounds of guns were coming from interdimensional soldiers.

"Muuni, scary. Let's go somewhere else, Add-EEK!" Kayla's cry of terror prompted me to turn and face a zombie with a really long red tongue. Ew.

Instincts took over as several tendrils shot out of my body and grabbed the zombie thing. As soon as the tendrils had grabbed hold, they flung the zombie into the air.


In the general direction of the lucario.

"WATCH OUT, LUCARIO!" I cried to the pokemon as the flying zombie came closer to causing disaster.


Well-Known Member
Lightwave begins to appear.

"I hate teleporting."
Don't we all D00D.
Lightwave sees a bunch of prinnies around him. He glares at them as he recognizes them.

"How the 'ell did you guys get here? Wait I don't really care how. Just go find who summoned us so we can deal with this and get back."


Well-Known Member
Chris picked his way down slowly, trying to always have at least three holds in any given moment. He'd had a few rock climbing lesson when he'd been younger, though then he'd always had a spotter or someone wat-




Chris was startled by the first call, looking down at the two being attacked at the second, and was watching an undead fly at him at the third.

He froze, well most of him froze, he was more surprised than anyone when one paw shot forward and forcefully deflected the flung menace with a Force Palm. It went flying again at an angle. Towards where the fist shout had come from, in crashed into the ground with a crunch. There was only one problem though, he hadn't exactly set himself when he'd used that move and had just lost his hold on the building.

The pokemon went tumbling down the roof, but just managed to get a hold at the edge that dropped strait down until it met the main doors, at least two dozen or so feet below. The hiking pack and jiggled and bounced about on the way down and he was fairly sure at least a few things had been crushed but it was still on his back at least.

After a moment the pokemon levered himself back over the edge, lying partially on his side as he took a moment to rest. Waving one paw at the two down below, he tried to say 'thanks' but all that came out when he spoke was a grunt/bark. The waving limb dropped down to rub his head before he sent at them.

:Thank you for the warning:


Well-Known Member
:Thanks for the warning:

I blinked. A random voice in my head just said thanks. A glance at the pokemon who had been successful in deflecting the airborne undead but not quite successful in moving down from the roof told me that the psychic message came from it, no him.

"Er, you're welcome?", Best hope that the 'mon didn't have hard feelings over me sending a human-sized projectile his way.

I decided to wait for the pokemon to get to the ground before deciding what to do next. I had no intention to go anywhere near where the gun fire was. Something about it made the mouths and eyes on my body agitated for some reason.