Akamatsuverse Things Mahora students are not allowed to do


Well-Known Member
78. A legal contract in which the first party promises to marry the second party is fine. A legal contract in which the first party promises to have the first male offspring of each succeeding generation marry the second party is not fine. And Ms. McDowell doesn't have the proper papers to get married to anyone anyway.

78. a. Recent evidence suggests that Miss Kagurazaka's own papers are also suspect.

78. b. Being a head of state still does not allow you to make up your own laws regarding this matter, Miss Kagurazaka. And your *ahem* home, does not qualify as a state, Miss McDowell.

79. Just because their former master transferred ownership of them to Mr. Springfield, does not mean the Slime Sisters are to be allowed free reign in the school. They are still demonic entities who~

79. a. Recent information via Miss Sakurazaki and Mr Inugami has given cause to the Slime Sisters' release. They shall still be under surveillance for the time being. . . vampires, robots, demons and slime girls, what next. . .


Well-Known Member
80.) Konoe Konoka is to be kept away from Saotome Haruna's Pactio artifact, Imperium Graphices, at all times henceforth. It took entirely too long to clean the blood off the floor, walls and ceiling after young miss Konoe drew her interpretation of the formation of the Pactio between her father and the Thousand Master.


Well-Known Member
81) It's now forbidden to make Chao sell you her family tree. The resultin 3rd A Civil War will be TOO MESSY even for US. And we do not count the external members of Negi's unofficial harem.


Well-Known Member
82) Due to an unfortunate... incident that happened during the last flu season, it is now required that anyone purchasing leeks must sign a form stating that they are not going to be used for medical reasons.

83) Just because Ms Sakurazaki is part crow spirit doesn't mean that she is attracted to random shiny objects.
83a) Or eating carrion.


Well-Known Member
83c. Her fear of scarecrows is totally unrelated to that.
83d. On a different note nobody is allowed to ask her why a raven is like a writing desk.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Shiakou said:
83.e. Because Negi has both.
83f: In fact, his raven might not mind being used as a writing desk.

83g: CHAMO!!


Well-Known Member
83h.) Or on a writing desk.

83i.) OJOU-SAMA!


Well-Known Member
84) Anyone asking Mana to exorcise herself on the grounds that she is both a Miko and a half-demon does so at their own risk.


Well-Known Member
85. Hosting an anime convention is not a valid reason to explain why the gym complex got blown up.

86. Replacing Eva's blood packets with tobasco sauce is no longer permitted.

87. Hakase you cannot host the 176th annual mad scientist convention in the gymnasium right after it got blown up, even if you did get it repaired within 2 days.


Well-Known Member
86b) This applies to all brands of hot-sauce, not just tobasco
86c) And tomato juice.
86d) Really, it's probably best that you not go anywhere near her blood at all in fact...


Well-Known Member
86e. Whoever decided that it was a funny idea to replace them with a concentrated solution of Negi and Nagi's blood. . . this is all your fault. All. Your. Fault.


Well-Known Member
88) Throwing pepper bombs at Professor Springfield in hopes of triggering his Stripper Sneeze is not permitted - by members of either gender.


Well-Known Member
89) Do not ask Setsuna if she has/is planning to make new techniques to honor further milestones in her relationship with Konoka.

89a) We just finished counting how many stitches the guy who first asked that question ended up with. All participants in the pool, please assemble in the gym so we can award the 150 lunch ticket prize.

90) There will be no more gambling on the magnitude of people's injuries.


Well-Known Member
90a. Gamblers are not to give any won meal tickets to the dean unless the gambling occurs after his diet is over.


Well-Known Member
91a. Besides, what's the chance he'd summon the same spirit as the last time? Such things are quite rare, and Medea is far from the most powerful Caster ever summoned. Don't aim so low.


Well-Known Member
91b. Stop giving him ideas, people! We don't want say, A future dark version of Negi tearing up the place, do we now.


Well-Known Member
91.c. There's a future dark version of Negi tearing up the place. . . and stealing all our women!!!


Well-Known Member
91d. Get it right. He already stole all the women when he was 10.