What do you think of the Dark Icon Writers?


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity. It seems like a bit of a pretentious group to me, to be honest...


Well-Known Member
To be honest, not a huge fan of them. While I'm all for a group that help others become better writers, well, they just seemed... just like you said, a little pretentious. Heck, just recently a whole bunch of people left that group and formed their own.


Well-Known Member
Eh, I don't know, I've read some of their stuff and it seems okay but kinda' mediocre to me, if it was a coalition of all really great authors then I'd be more forgiving of it but none of them are really all that execellent so it doesn't seem like anything that spectacular to me, so overall, I really couldn't care less about them and their doings, so, meh.


Well-Known Member
That too. I mean, the point of the group was so that they could help each other right? But so far, all of their work has been, mediocre at best.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I noticed. Well, they try... but trying ain't enough when you call yourself a name like 'Dark Icon Writers'.


Well-Known Member
Was asked to join.


I work alone. :mellow:

Pre-readers are a different story. (Thanks Harvey, Random!)


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, never give up your indapendence, remember the one is always more important than the whole.


Well-Known Member
Well, if I ever was asked to join, I'd probably refuse, but not because I work alone. Simply put, their work quality isn't up to par with my standards - they may update more often than Hawk, Simmy or even me, but IMHO all of us put more work in our updates...


Well-Known Member
They post at FanFiction.net, and they have their own forum, last time I looked anyway. If you've perused the Love Hina section at FF.net, you've probably at least seen one of their stories.

Reading is a whole other matter.

I choose not to comment on content, because it takes an amount of bravery to post something you've written in public.


Well-Known Member
Very true. I was pretty worried when I posted my first story (Teen Titans), and it wasn't until I got a number of good reviews did I decide to continue it. Of course, one of the reasons why such a group exist is so that they could improve, and of course, I'm sure to get positive feedback from readers. However, again, IMO, they are not that great as of yet.

And if asked, I wouldn't join it since, well, I work alone for the most part. I of course post previews here and at Shinjis, and my biggest story even has a Beta reader, but still, for the most part, I work alone.

That being said, as I cared more about qaulity, well, time between updates have been lengthened. Hehehe. Well, guess I can't have both huh? <_<


Well-Known Member
*Points at 'Make A Wish'* Quality and quanitity, 'nuff said.


Well-Known Member
Well for a while, you could point to "Fullmetal Evangelion" (if Fullmetal Alchemist/Evangelion crossover was your thing) for it was used to be updated within weeks, sometimes within the same week early on. And each chapter are about as long, or even longer than ULSI. Of course, this was the time that I had tons of free time (or at least, precieved free time. ;)) and before I had a Beta reader.

It was also before I came up with a bunch of new story ideas, like Valliant Shinji, Brother's Keeper, and my still untitled Tsu/Kei fic. Not to forget my already existing stories that need updates. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I am naturally slow, and this coupled with my recent health troubles contributed to make me one of the slowest updaters on the forum.

On the other hand, I like to think my fic is quality stuff. Maybe I'm just deluding myself... :rolleyes:

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
I can't say that I'm terribly familar their work, so I can't comment on it, but if I recall correctly, they have a number of young writers and that is something that makes me cautious about taking it seriously.

I'm sorry if I come across as snob, but sometimes writing at a young age can be a bad thing. Yes, even if we're talking about fanfiction. Why?


Many of these younger writers don't really have the experience that some characters have. Yes, I realise that piloting Eva or having a shape-changing curse isn't something that we can easily relate to, but sometimes it's the everyday things that they don't realise.

For example, I read a chapter of a Ranma story someone had written on MM.org (I shan't link to it because I can't be arsed to find it) but in it, there was an ACC that was an orphaned foreigner in Japan that was some kind of demon hunter that was ok with being called "kid".

Can you see why people wouldn't hold this one in high regard?

Another reason why I'm not that keen on the younger writers is the somewhat limited vocabulary and style of writing.

But then, what do I know about fanfiction? I'm writing a Ranma/House fic :p


Well-Known Member
Heh. It's true that you could almost tell the age of the writer by just looking at grammar and word usage. And yes, these are the fics that I avoid.

Of course, you do get fics that are written like this, but the author is like 20. <_<


Well-Known Member
Heh. It's true that you could almost tell the age of the writer by just looking at grammar and word usage. And yes, these are the fics that I avoid.

Of course, you do get fics that are written like this, but the author is like 20.?
Yup, it's called a crappy author, and so the cultural malaise that seems to have infected our generation begins its spread into the adult and workforce, which is why you get these 20-somethings who don't have a damn clue what they're talking about and wouldn't know a descriptive adjective if it bitch slapped them upside the face.


Well-Known Member
Well, I would give them points for having a cool name... :lol:

I dunno, phoenix souls just doesn't seem to have that same ring to it... :(


Well-Known Member
I think Phoenix Souls is the group of them that split off on their own...


Well-Known Member
Yup. Wondering around the DIW's forum, it seemed that there was some internal conflicts, which resulted in the booting of Bluezone777 as moderator there. He eventually left to work on his own forum (the conflict seemed to be that a number of members were going around pissing off other forums, using the DIW's name along with it). Supporters of Bluezone777 followed him to his forum and well, Phoenix Soul was born.

Great group(s) huh? <_<


Well-Known Member
Lots of them have potential. I've seen, read and discussed a lot of interesting ideas comming from dark icons and former dark icons. But the execution of these ideas often leaves me wanting more. Lots more in some cases.


Nothing that an additional couple of years worth of experience in the writing business can't fix.
I agree with Hawk. They've got a lot of potential, and I've read a few of their stories that were pretty good, though I don't recall which ones they were right now (damned Alzheimers). Their work is hit-and-miss, but with some age and experience I think we'll see good things from them.


Well-Known Member
Well, I will admit, while the stories themselves aren't that great, some of the ideas behind it could result in great fanfiction. If this is due to the Dark Icon or Phoenix Soul association, that alone means that these groups help. Now, if they can just work on the execution, I might respect these groups more.


Well-Known Member
I think of the DIW the same way I think of the Author Demon God Of Chaos, if you guys frequent HP crack pairings or Dark!Harry then you probably know who that is, and while all of his stories have a great and original concept behind them his actual execution of said concept leaves much to be desired, mediocre is generally the rating I'd give his stories but the ideas he uses are so hard to find these days that I end up reading them anyway generally.
SimmyC said:
To be honest, not a huge fan of them. While I'm all for a group that help others become better writers, well, they just seemed... just like you said, a little pretentious. Heck, just recently a whole bunch of people left that group and formed their own.
Well never though I woudl gain such noteriety here as to get mention on TFF. Well it's nice to see people continuing their long standing tradition of judging people before you get to know them.

you speak of us as a bunch of egotistical pricks who consider themselves fanfiction gods. well sadly I am not like that and none of the others from the DIW(past and present) and the Phoenix Souls are like that at all.

If you wish to learn more about the story behind my firing as mod of LP and my departure from LP you can go to this topic.

Well nice of simmyC to speak of things that this person knows nothing about. you have no clue as to why I was fired well I will explain myself as clear as I can and that link can help out too in that.

I was fired because I stood up to two different mods there who were flaming a member of Loser's Paradise because this member got upset that a mod was spamming her artwork topic even if their is clear rules against that. with Temjin on who is admin away while moving to another home and the other admin who was called odie was hardly on gave no way to discuss the matter so it resulted in a flame war that many were sucked into as I was as well due to my status as a mod at the time.

Carley the one who started it all twisted the arm of the admin and got me fired and I left the forum and the group as the forum is associated with the group and I felt I had no way of being a member of the DIW if I wasn't going to be a member of their forums.

I do not recall any talk or any of this pissing off of other forums becuase if that was true then I had no knowledge of that and no part in that.

Now some who are members of shinji's forum might read stuff about the DIW getting kicked from that site but I had nothing to do with it as I was simply deleted along with the rest of the dIW and other innocent people for being simply associated with the group or just being a close friend of the members of the group.

I won't speak for the DIW since I have long since left the group in february of this year but I can speak for the people in my group the Phoenix Souls who are a bunch of very nice people once you get to know them so why not meet them before judging them.

Because after all you might learn something that you won't learn from just judging people before meeting and getting to know them.