Evangelion Alternate Guardians for Rei


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Souske Sagara (sp?) of Full Metal Panic.

It won't improve her emotional range but damn if she wouldn't be a badass. That and Shinji would end up having to deal with her antics, I can't remember correctly but didn't she promise to protect Shinji after the fifth angel.


Well-Known Member
Sagara Sousuke! Oh my God, that would be so ridiculously demented.

Gendo: "Rei, you are to protect the Third Child from Harm"
Cue rampant destruction and massive amounts of violence for the most stupid of reasons. Rei doesn't have any more knowledge of what's normal than Sousuke, she's not got a lot more emotional range, and she speaks in that deadpan voice. She's perfect for that roll.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Stratagemini said:
Sagara Sousuke! Oh my God, that would be so ridiculously demented.

Gendo: "Rei, you are to protect the Third Child from Harm"
Cue rampant destruction and massive amounts of violence for the most stupid of reasons. Rei doesn't have any more knowledge of what's normal than Sousuke, she's not got a lot more emotional range, and she speaks in that deadpan voice. She's perfect for that roll.
Even better yet, she has been told what a condom is used for...

For those not familiar with the reference, he specifically pointed out he knew firsthand just how useful they were for survival, and that they came in handy when needing to hold a liter of water.


Well-Known Member
I can top that. Captain of Division 12, Mayuri Kurotsuchi.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Ringmaster said:
I can top that. Captain of Division 12, Mayuri Kurotsuchi.
Hmmm... Well... going the mad scientist route, then how about the one from Dual: Parallel Trouble Adventure, Dr. Ken Sanada. Even better, Rei and Dee might get to know each other as sisters, both would benefit.

Also from Dual, Akane Yamano, the UN inspector.

There is also the scientist/Alien from Happy Lesson, Kisaragi Ninomai. Ideally, it would be all the cast members after they got together. Even better, Gendo and her would be rivals, as she was supposedly plotting to take over the world.

There is also the scientist from the series Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai (also known as This Ugly and Beautiful World). I've always felt tat the wierd female scientist in that show combined the looks and intellect of Ritsuko with the personality and drinking habits of Misato.

For complete absudity how about Mouse, his cover identity as Sorata Muon.

For more odd and level headedness, there is the pair from 'You're Under Arrest'.


Well-Known Member
Let me put in Blue (Rouge less so), almost all of the Mystics (Zozma so much more so, White Rose less so), hell, let's just say most of the SaGa Frontier cast for one reason or another.

Fujioka Haruhi.

Most of the Persona 3 cast.

Baofu. He, above and beyond the rest of the Persona 2 cast (except perhaps Mr. Voices) would probably manage to do the most damage.

Brandon Heat.

An older Negi.

"Iron" Mike Tyson; we don't want Rei to wear anyone's entrails as a tasteful scarf or to eat anyone's babies.

Hibiki Ryouga.

Son Goku. Any Son Goku, really, will really make things pear shaped.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Hibiki Ryouga.
Hmmm... I just cannot see him raising Rei, or any female for that matter, alone. Though if he was with Akari it would be possible.

Then again... can you just see the humor at him giving her The Talk.


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FH_Meta said:
Most of the Persona 3 cast.
The thought of Rei or anyone else in the series for that matter being raised by The Other Self is so extremely enticing to me.

Then again, he doesn't really have much of an official personality. Though I'd imagine that Shinji would be much more amusing in the style of the protagonist.

...Gears turning. Where is this going, now? Haha, it refuses to leave my mind.

EDIT: Oh god and to whoever mentioned the Big O cast, no no no no. Do not draw parallels between Roger and Gendo. Not like that.


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How about naruto and hinata from naruto for guardians. my suspision would be shy around shinji like hinata and hyper around asuka and others from narutos influence


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Old friends of Gendo's from college...by the name of Shuji Ikutsuki. Good friends with some girl named Aigis who reminds Rei of herself for some obscure reason. :evil:


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Hmmm... the blue haired girl from Galaxy Angel. And Rei knowing commander Walcott would be interesting.

Can you picture being taught be her guardian how to live in god's approval, and praying to god. I find the idea funny.


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Bruce Banner...after all it's not her fault that poor Bruce just gets so angry about how Gendo treats her...


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Luthorne said:
Old friends of Gendo's from college...by the name of Shuji Ikutsuki. Good friends with some girl named Aigis who reminds Rei of herself for some obscure reason. :evil:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If the JSSDF still invades, Aigis's going to be a nasty surprise for them. The girl's a walking artillery turret.

EDIT: Would Rei get a Persona? :p


Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
Luthorne said:
Old friends of Gendo's from college...by the name of Shuji Ikutsuki. Good friends with some girl named Aigis who reminds Rei of herself for some obscure reason. :evil:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If the JSSDF still invades, Aigis's going to be a nasty surprise for them. The girl's a walking artillery turret.

EDIT: Would Rei get a Persona? :p
Hmm, probably. I suspect that Shuji couldn't resist the urge to test Rei a bit...after all, she's not entirely human, so, would she be able to give rise to a Persona? After all, if it works for Aigis, it ought to work for her, as long as she thinks of herself as a human, or at least alive, ala the dog. I recall they said the reason Aigis was made to look human was so that she could create a Persona, so the same ought to apply to Rei. How powerful would such a Persona be...? I doubt Ikutsuki could resist trying to find out. :sisi:

Hmm, I suspect her persona would be an ice user. Mabufudyne, biatches! :evil:

Now there's a crazy thought. Can an EVA summon a persona, since they were once human, sort of? Or at least have a human soul inside of them... I can just see Ikutsuki getting Rei to slip some sort of Evoker into one of the EVA, just to see what the hell would happen.


Well-Known Member
In the vein of big booms= fun

"Might Mite" Mike "I blew up a space ship by hand detonating a nuke and lived" O'Neal

Nevermind that O'Neal has two of his own daughters... and hes nagry, and hey theres an N2 mine :D :D


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Rei as raised by Boba Fett...

Not only would the headgear look cool with the plugsuit, but wearing it in class would put the "intimidating Class Rep" on edge.

Also, dare we say "Clone Wars?"

Rei 2: "Hey, did you hear something?"

Rei 3: "It's probably just another drill..."


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Cassandra Cain/Batgirl

Slade Wilson/Deathstroke


Nadoka Saotome

Agent 47

Jack & Helen Bennett [Bionic Six]

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
Duke Togo.

Yes, Golgo 13 himself.

Makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Deadpool... Oh man. A Rei that broke the 4th wall in that monotone voice? A Rei that in that same dead monotone did Deapool's Humour? A Rei that fantasized about Bea Arthur?

Why has this not been done yet?
Stratagemini said:
Deadpool... Oh man. A Rei that broke the 4th wall in that monotone voice? A Rei that in that same dead monotone did Deapool's Humour? A Rei that fantasized about Bea Arthur?

Why has this not been done yet?
Lack of Deadpool level crack in the Eva section?

Seems to have been fixed thought.


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Alyssa Searrs from Mai-HiME. She may not have the ability to call down an orbital strike anymore(Artemis was a fake Child, so probably didn't return when Miyu blew up the pillars) but Miyu's still a kick-ass battle android who looks a lot like an older Rei, and I can imagine Gendo ordering Ritsuko to check to make sure all the pickled clones are accounted for the first time he sees a surveillance photo of her.

Alternatively, Nao Yuuki, also from Mai-HiME. Imagine a Rei who's willing to put the moves on Shinji.

Better yet, Haruka Suzushiro from Mai-HiME as well. With Haruka for a guardian, Rei would have no choice but to be far more outspoken, not to mention have a habit of mispronouncing and misspelling words, having "learned" by listening to Haruka speak. I can also imagine Rei calling Asuka "annoying bubuzuke girl" Which is close to what Haruka usually called her rival Shizuru(well, Haruka considered Shizuru her rival, but I doubt Shizuru felt the same way, she wasn't the type to think in such a confrontational manner... well, except for that time she went nuts and went on a rampage which left the First Division in ruins)


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Rei raised by Basara Nekki of Macross 7 (or an analogue of him in a normalish setting).

Rei would always have a guitar with her playing cheerful songs but singing them with a deadpan voice which just doesn't work.

Cue Gendo slapping his forehead at his attempts to get Rei to stop singing at the angel and shoot it already. Ritsuko learns the music Rei plays actually works... well, distracts them for a bit, anyway, and so a reluctant Gendo is forced to implement changes to her Eva so she can use music (as you can see, Gendo isn't a music fan at all).

Rei's 'concerts' consist of her with a guitar singing in any random street (she can't do much without a band, haha) with people dropping money after listening to her play (not what she had in mind, but go figure).

On Shinji's arrival, she is delighted in a monotone manner to learn Shinji can play music too and enlists him in her band. Much twitching of Gendo's eyebrow happens as Shinji sheepishly brings his cello with him into the cockpit of unit-01. Much to Shinji's horror, he is a natural at playing any music instrument and at singing, and as such, has to sing to fight as well. Cue Gendo banging his head on his desk. This wasn't what he planned with Yui all these years ago...