Naruto Children of the Fox


Well-Known Member
twin blade said:
um...still can't find it...
It's Raa's 'Ultimate Sexual Technique' from an EVA story. It was mainly used by PenPen, and has spread to all of Raa's fics. It is never described, but is often spoken of or alluded to.


Well-Known Member
snthsnth said:
twin blade said:
um...still can't find it...
It's Raa's 'Ultimate Sexual Technique' from an EVA story. It was mainly used by PenPen, and has spread to all of Raa's fics. It is never described, but is often spoken of or alluded to.
you know one of those fun fannon inventions that just kind of spread out to other fics, not because people mistake it for cannon but because its just fun to uinclude them or it helps flesh out the charcters

Like Kestrals amazon charcters of Vanillia(rei) and Tiger *at least i think Kestrel was the one who first came up with them*


Well-Known Member
Kestral/metroanime/Gregg Sharpe (yes, that's the same guy) must have been THE author with the most influence on fanfiction I've known. While his works in themselves are not that well known, the universe and characters he created can be found really often.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know the "french flipper trick" is originally from Batman Returns, where the penguin says "I'll show her my french flipper trick".


Well-Known Member
raisins said:
As far as I know the "french flipper trick" is originally from Batman Returns, where the penguin says "I'll show her my french flipper trick". heck...forgot watchad going to say... :(

Ok.......Necromancing lives...

Frank Cadena

Well-Known Member
Oh man... here I was thinking that there was new chappies or snippets from Gmusick. Now I'm disappointed. *sniff*


Well-Known Member
Is it necro/CPR week? In the last week quite a few interesting threats were revive just for either post of moar or request for moar disguised as adding to the threat. Why are they so cruel to raise hope just to leave disappointment?


Well-Known Member
Because people want to know. Though I don't have much hope seeing as this particular author hasn't been visible here for months.


Well-Known Member
Eh... guess we'll just have to hope someone else picks it up...

Any takers?


Well-Known Member
Its coming, just very slow at the moment. Life is kinda throwing a couple of curve balls. College is taking up a crazy amount of time now that graduation is close. Plus my job is funding me getting my Microsoft certification and others. So lots of studying being done.

May be awhile longer, but I havent forgotten any of my stories.


Well-Known Member
At least drop in and say hi once and awhile. It reassures your readers.


Staff member
All right, I'm not QUITE sure what the reasoning here was, but this is a necrobump of two separate threads that shared a titles on the old forum, but had different subtitles. We don't have subtitles on the new forum, so it looks like the same thread.

Needless to say if this keeps up I'm busting out the hammer.


Well-Known Member
I was reading both treads which are the prologue and chapter 1. Accidently I quoted one snippet of the autor without comment. I erased my quotes.