Claymore manga


Well-Known Member
Well, shit me. If Riful is having trouble dealing with the little bastards and the twins #1 & #2 are getting knocked off, all that's left to fight are the 7 survivors and Priscilla. I am stumped as to how they will escape this situation.


Well-Known Member
MilesMortim said:
Well, shit me. If Riful is having trouble dealing with the little bastards and the twins #1 & #2 are getting knocked off, all that's left to fight are the 7 survivors and Priscilla. I am stumped as to how they will escape this situation.
What's worse is that twins 1&2 aren't knocked off- they have been (apparently) subverted. The "Ultimate Anti-Youma Warrior" just got jacked by the Super-Youma.

Hmm... I wonder what would have happened if it had hit Alicia instead?


Well-Known Member
knight504 said:
ttestagr said:
The Organization is screwed. So much for their superweapon against Abyssals.
Yeah, I was literally thinking "Damn. Sucks for you!".
Well, i can really bring myself to care.

In fact, i'd love to see the Organization going FUBAR to oblivion.


Well-Known Member
NO!!! Poor Uma is fucked. Seriously fucked. That spike seems to have forced Beth to awaken, and CLare and the others appear to be in the way of another barrage.

And the Organization has taken Raki. Where the hell is Priscilla? Who would have thought we'd be looking for her to be the hero?


Well-Known Member
Priscilla is getting into the game! It seems the reason she had been hanging around Raki is because she smelled Clare (Or more accurately, Teresa) on the boy, and was hoping he'd lead her to the one Claymore that was her equal.


Well-Known Member
Huh. While I don't want to see Riful die, I like seeing her suffer a little for being such an annoyance to Clare and the surviving warriors. And it's nice to see Priscilla starting to actually do something other than hang on to the nearest guy available. Who knows, we might actually get to see her dish out an ass-whoopin' or deal some Epic Evil on the world. ^_^ Let's see which direction she decides to take her 'vengeance.' :lol:


Well-Known Member
Priscilla is seriously scary. I did not know that they could eat Awakened Ones, or other youma at all. Though that might be a unique ability of Priscilla, since we saw her absorb Isely when they first met.
ttestagr said:
Priscilla is seriously scary. I did not know that they could eat Awakened Ones, or other youma at all. Though that might be a unique ability of Priscilla, since we saw her absorb Isely when they first met.
not really lucielia when fighting isley said she would eat him giving hints she s a yoma cannibal so its not unique to pris


The Collector
demon of humanity said:
ttestagr said:
Priscilla is seriously scary.? I did not know that they could eat Awakened Ones, or other youma at all.? Though that might be a unique ability of Priscilla, since we saw her absorb Isely when they first met.
Not really. When Lucielia fought Isley she said that she would eat him, implying that she's a cannibalistic yoma so it wouldn't be unique to Priscilla.
...Phew. I feel better


Well-Known Member
Timewave Zero said:
Ok, wtf. Priscilla without even releasing her youkai in seconds flat annihilated the abyssal killers when BOTH of them had awakened.

Starvation == key to ultimate power, clearly.


Well-Known Member
Damn, that was awesome. Priscilla was dangerous enough when she was just newly-awakened instinct, ditto when she'd regressed. Now she's best described as HAX.


Well-Known Member
"So we were all like, Priscilla, you're a has been, and then she was all like, you're my bitch, bitch, and then we were all like, dead."



Well-Known Member
Remember that Priscilla started off with the same skill that Theresa had, but not as experienced. This was on top of raw power in every area better than the best of that time. She is seriously scary.


Well-Known Member
Quite. While Claire is amoung the strongest claymores ever in all likelyhood, there seems to be a sharp incline at the top, and Priscilla IS the top.


Well-Known Member
So Pricilla seems to like eating other Awakened Ones.
humans alone are no longer enough for her appetite or its some twisted form of redemption


Well-Known Member
demon of humanity said:
humans alone are no longer enough for her appetite or its some twisted form of redemption
She asserted that Pricilla tasted good, after saying the villagers were disgusting. She's become somthing that perfers some flaovr of Youmma (thought she didn't like the Black Ones).
the actual translation is villagers were not enough which could mean her appetite has grown huge


Well-Known Member
And Clare just got pwned by Priscilla. And somehow managed to botch her attempt at a full awakening so she would get the power she needed to get her revenge.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. I guessing something was done to her when she got that memory dump. Either that, or the demi-awakened are slowly transforming into something else, and she's to far along to awaken conventionaly.


Well-Known Member
The fact that she only has a quarter youma in her might also account for her difficulties in fully awakening.