Doctor Who


Well-Known Member
Mayhaps with all the other Timelords around once again, the drums will finally stop. Maybe we'll get a MasterCompanion situation. Even if only a temporary one like Craig was.
You know I hadn't thought of that. Since the thing that drove the Master mad was artificial, created by Rassilon and his cohorts at the end of the Time War and sent through reality to distort the Master for their own purposes, then it's theoretically possible that it could be removed. What would that do to the Master though? Would it make him sane? or at least somewhat housebroken? It's an interesting thought to ponder to be sure...


Well-Known Member
Unrelated question, but how do you get an extra star under your name when you post, and change from being a 'newbie'?


California Crackpot
Did they ever reveal who the little girl at the end of the epidsode "Day of the Moon" was? A Time Lord? River and the Doc's lovechild? What?


Well-Known Member
Jimbobob5536 said:
Mayhaps with all the other Timelords around once again, the drums will finally stop. Maybe we'll get a MasterCompanion situation. Even if only a temporary one like Craig was.
Actually....The Doctor is a title he chooses....a promise he keeps so in essence anyone could take up his cause once he's passed away (or retired) say a former enemy who no longer hears the drums.
roting_CORPSE said:
that was river.

also even without the drums the Master is pretty fuking evil.
According to that story arch, the Master was evil in part 'because' of the drums.

Supposedly he'd heard them all his life, and they slowly drove him mad.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Don't forget Ms.Frizzle. There's no way her magic school bus isn't a TARDIS.


Well-Known Member
crazyfoxdemon said:
Ordo said:
Don't forget Ms.Frizzle. There's no way her magic school bus isn't a TARDIS.
Come on, man - just look at the space hair. Ms. Frizzle is obviously River Song, when she went from Professor to Teacher for a few years.


California Crackpot
troutpeoples said:
crazyfoxdemon said:
Ordo said:
Don't forget Ms.Frizzle. There's no way her magic school bus isn't a TARDIS.
Come on, man - just look at the space hair. Ms. Frizzle is obviously River Song, when she went from Professor to Teacher for a few years.
I would love to see a fic based of this idea - get all five of them in one place for an adventure. T'would be awesome.


Well-Known Member if Frizzle is River does that mean those eight kids she taught got classes in archeology, gun shooting, and Dalek intimidation when they got older?


Well-Known Member
Right up until they started asking who turned out the lights on their last field trip ever.


California Crackpot
Dumbledork said:
I vote for Weird al Yankovic as the Doctor.
That would be... both kinda awesome and kinda weird.


Well-Known Member
I've set myself an ambitious project. A while ago I decided to watch every remaining Doctor Who episode from the very beginning back in the sixties. So far I'm up to the Third Doctor, specifically The Mind of Evil. I have to say I like Jon Pertwee best of the first three, and the Brigadier is pretty awesome. :sisi:


Well-Known Member
I thought about doing that, having never seen Doctor Who before, especially when it's all out on Netflix. Then I figured I'd just start with the new ones. I'm partway through Season 3 and the 10th Doctor apparently. I'm liking him much more than the 9th.


Well-Known Member
I'm really liking Roger Delgado's Master. He and Pertwee play off each other really well.

Ezit Meti

Well-Known Member
God yes. Delgado is my favourite Master, and it's not even close. That's not to say I dislike Ainsley, but... Delgado feels like a man that deserves the title. He's charismatic, malevolent, manipulative, intelligent and I cannot think of anyone that did it better.

... I would, however, really appreciate your opinions on Omega when you get to The Three Doctors. I swear, that story is such an unintentional comedy.