Nasuverse Puella Magi Sakura Magica


Well-Known Member
The both use modern weapons and time magic, but Kiritsugu was a respectable powerful mage. People keep comparing her to Archer for a reason, both of them make up for there weakness with greater skill and perparadness, plus both possess a elite magic that helps make up for a general weakness in the art.

Homura is supposed to be the 'weakest' magical girl, after all.


Well-Known Member
That said, this isn't the first time someone's thought of comparing her to Kiritsugu. Take a look: <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Picture link</a>


Well-Known Member
I think we're getting off topic. Sakura given powers by Kyubei? I would go into this more, but I don't know much about FSN. I have the VNs downloaded, but I haven't started reading them yet. SOmeone write a snippet?


Well-Known Member
MWkillkenny84 said:
Just a question: HOW will the more seasoned mages (like Rin, Kirei, Caster/Medea and Zouken, and so on) react to Kyubei, to his 'plans' and what it does?
Kirei would troll the fuck out of everyone involved. Rin would be majorly pissed, and if she finds out about the inevitable witch transformation, might well attempt to kill them all to try to prevent them from going evil and killing people, as well as trying to kill Kyubey (and when she finds out that doesn't work, she may well try to trap him with her magic, only to have him abandon that body). Zouken might or might not be interested in the soul gems, though he may snare a teenage girl with his magic and force her to wish for his immortality. I doubt Kyubey would mind terribly much, since she'll probably wind up turning into a witch soon enough given what happened to her, even if she doesn't get happy feelings from her wish. Caster would probably just take a look at a soul gem, and may then go about using her magic to forge the souls she's collects into soul gems for extra power when she eats them.


Well-Known Member
Generally speaking, magi are assholes. Most would be fine with the whole thing, much as the usually don't care about most vampires.


Well-Known Member
Rin will indeed be "majorly pissed", but I don't think she'd actually start killing all the girls, especially not when Sakura is one of them. As for Zouken, I don't think "ensnaring a teenage girl and making them wish for his immortality" would be a workable plan, becaust they have nothing to gain from it.


Well-Known Member
Not exactly true. He could find a girl with an already existing problem to complex for a wish to fix, and offer to solve it in return for a wish.


Well-Known Member
Or Zouken could cause said complex problem, then offer to fix it in return for the wish. It's easier if all the variables are under control, after all. Plus, I kind of have trouble imagining Zouken going around looking for a suitable teenaged girl. (I think he probably would reject the idea of using Sakura, as she's integral to his plan with the Holy Grail, and using her would basically be putting all his eggs in one basket.)
Ok, that is for the magus' reactions.
SERVANT's reactions (or Kuzuki's opinion, since in his and Medea's case the roles are inverted)?
I haven't asked of Illya (she will not care) and Shirou (he's the Hero, he will hunt down all of Kyubei's bodies and try to save the Puella Magis), because they are a know factor...