TFF: Assault on Yaoi!

Night One, Deep Space, 8:55 PM

"Repairs on the Marquis are complete, and they've forwarded us coordinates to where we're supposed to wait for their 'visitors'. Shall I start up the engines?"

Squall didn't even waste the time looking up from the pages of his book to reply. "Naah. Wait until their weapon trolley is out of weapons range, and then go."

"You just want to wait until you're done with your manga, aren't you?"

"I like to think of reading non-yaoi as my way of being a rebel." He admitted with a faint smirk, putting a bookmark into place before sitting up and turning his attention to a small datapad. The misadventures of a particular martial arts disciple would have to wait until everything was underway.

"If they found out about your collection, they'd blast us out of the stars."

"Kinda doubt it. We're a useful commodity to them at the moment. They'll probably blow us up for doing something alot worse."


"You worry too much. Besides, I noticed something interesting on the manifest."

"I-I'm sure it's just your imagination. Let's get going!"

"I'd remember if I ordered micro-servo parts and these high grade actuators. Is there something you're not-"

"Oh look! They're out of range. Let's get going!"

The ship took off so suddenly the force yanked him unceremoniously out of his chair, sending him face first into the floor while being forced to watch his manga skim across the floor and casually spit out its bookmark. "DAMNIT NARA! Warn me when you're gonna gun the engines like that!"

"You're just mad because you dropped your book."

"Shut up!"

The bickering continued for several more minutes, until Squall snorted and stormed off to the cargo bay to unload and examine the new weapons he'd been given. He thought about asking Nara about the parts, but decided against it for the time being. In all the years he's worked with this AI, he's never been given any reason to doubt any decisions that were made. It was obvious that something big was being prepared, and what was the fun of finding out the surprise ahead of time?


Well-Known Member
Night One: Zaraki's. A little past 9pm

So much for the back door, Lyon mused as she climbed over broken masonry and through the scorched hole in the wall. At least if things went wrong then she'd be able to make a quick getaway.

As long as no magic user took umbridge with her, anyway, and there were a hell of a lot of them present - I mean, sure, she was surrounded by "the good guys" but she wasn't exactly good herself, and she'd still turned up...

She kept her head down, watching the assembled group through the tresses of hair that had fallen down over her face as she slipped between the cloaks and fierce auras of the assorted god-awful powerful congregation, feeling her stomach churning with candy and apprehension. Ducking under the counter she pulled a bottle of Coke from one of the fridges, popping a stripy straw into it before negotiating her way through the room again, to rest against the edge where the wall had given way, from the sound of things, to a flaming hockey puck.

(It was TFFA City. Zanier things had happened.)

Chewing on her straw absent-mindedly, she mused wryly over her blatant lack of fitting in. Yeah, she was a psycho. Yeah, she was into revenge and chaos and bloodletting eye for an eye sort of logic, but at least this lot had more behind them... She wondered how she would have fitted in, had she inherited that oh so ostentatious magical streak in her family...

Not that she was complaining or anything. Sure, she'd missed out on the ability to shapeshift and manipulate the elements that should have been her legacy, but nor was she at risk of heart disease, diabetes or alzheimers like the rest of her family. Which was, really, a pretty fair deal.

She set her drink down on the ground and crossed her arms, feeling the soft downy inside of her hoodie rubbing her bare arms, nulling the goosebumps that had started to rise there, being so close to the rather draughty gap in the wall and all.

Maybe she should have worn a cloak...


Well-Known Member
Night one, Zaraki's bar, 9:10 PM

Nicholas twitched as he looked at the people around him. With so many around, the pay wouldn't be great unless they decided to ransack whatever place this woman talked about. Not that he didn't plan to anyway.

"What are you doing?" the girl, Miya, looked over at him, the glare in her youthful eyes matched by his blank stare.

"Nothing," he intoned back, turning away from Miya, to watch the others.

The older man, Locke Nicholas reminded himself, had looked as though he was going to talk to him, as one does to an old war buddy, but he never spoke to him before. There were others as well, but it didn't make sense, the only time he interacted with these types was when he was on a contract.

He sighed slightly, his thoughts broken by the rising voice of Lady Genocide. At his side the small girl watched in admiration as the woman spoke, her words filled with fire, and rage. He could only chuckle at that, he had no doubt that the new idol of this girl would end up proving false or replaced by the end of the year.

Jumping slightly, Nicholas reached down and rubbed his shin; glaring in ire at Miya, who wore a mask of shame.

"Knock it off," twisting towards the source of the voice, Miya was met with the sight of a rather muscular man in black clothing, glaring down at the two of them.

"It won't happen again, isn't that right?" Nicholas smiled as he rubbed Miya's head, stopping for a few seconds when she nodded her head in agreement, "see?"



Well-Known Member
(OOC: Sorry I'm late.)

TFF City Streets, on route to Zaraki's bar, 9:11 p.m.

Using the wind to increase his pace, Mark went through the streets with a startling fast pace. Weaving through the traffic, he finally saw his destination before he realized something. "How do the hell do I stop?." Not using his magic in time, he could only brace himself as he smashed through a window and flat onto a wall.


Well-Known Member
Night One, Zaraki's Bar, 9:12 PM

Ray looked at the burning debris left by the first three people to come in, at the menacing man by the door demanding answers, at Lady Genocide shaking her head in sheer, depressing disappointment at everything, and finally at the guy before him, glaring at him from under that retarded STAR*MARINES cap.

Quickly, his trained, analytic, superbly experienced mind focused on the most important thing.

"You did not," he muttered, glaring at the man before him, "just call me Raymond."

The man glared right back.

"Quoth myself: I hast indeed calleth you that," he said, " or something to that effect, this accent is... ist... really hard to get a hang of."

"Look, emo boy," Ray said through gritted teeth, "I'll let you in on a little secret. I remember very, very little of the far past, but if there is one thing I know, is that my name... isn't... fucking... Raymond."

A small breeze lifted the ends of his white coat slightly, as if to emphasize the point. The man just looked at him impassively.

"As thou sayest, Raym-"


Both men's attention snapped away as the voice thundered through the room. Lady Genocide was taking center stage.

Night One, Zaraki's Bar, 9:13 PM

Lady Genocide frowned. This rag-tag band of disorganized misfits was not what she'd been expecting. Then again, in such short notice, anyone with enough power to receive and answer the call would be enough to suffice. However, she couldn't let them continue to do as they wanted. It was time to establish order. She glanced at her pocketwatch. Huh. She was going to have to speak in less than a minute anyways. Nodding to Guilford, she stepped forwards, cleared her throat, and spoke.


Nothing. She could feel one of her eyebrows twitch.


Several people, mostly the more temperate-looking ones, turned to pay attention. Most of the rest of the room, however, was still in chaos.

Lady Genocide grimaced, and, raising a hand, let it fill with black energy.

"ENOUGH!", she screamed, smashing the black fireball against the floor and turning the ground around her into a charred pile of smoking debris.

Everybody shut up.

"Good," she nodded, "now that I have your attention, we can get right down to business, now can't we?"

Everyone nodded, most of them still staring open-mouthed at the destroyed crater were the wooden floor used to be.

"Excellent," she said as she gave a charming smile to everyone, "now, as you all know, a Yaoist death squad, in a carefully prepared plot, assaulted TFF, infiltrating past our greatest defenses and blowing through the weaker ones, eventually razing the Internet Trade Center to the ground and making away with thousands of hostages."

Everyone nodded again.

"I'll spare you the fiery speech, as most of you are either criminal scum who don't care either way, and the rest are only in it for the money, or already had your fill of rhetoric on the way here," she glared pointedly at everyone, as if they should somehow all wither and die because of their lack of concern, "instead, I'll be jumping straight to why you're here."

"Wait a second," a faceless extra in the far back muttered, "I take offense at this treat-"

A black fireball lit up briefly. Silence followed. Nodding, Lady Genocide continued.

"As you know, the attack on the Internet Trade Center wasn't the only damage caused to TFF. A powerful F.R.E.Y.A. bomb was dropped on the city, and though we managed to stop it in time, its shockwave still caused massive damage to the military installations on the outskirts of the city. If we were in no position to launch an invasion before, the idea of conventional retaliation is now utterly laughable."

"And that is why I called you here. You are all to form part of an infiltration force, to do them the same thing the Yaoists did to us. You will all head to the Central Military Hangar at the heart of the city, and then board a shuttle provided by Mr. Locke Watcher here..." The pilot nodded. "...which will then take you to his combat carrier."

A white-gloved hand rose up.

"Yes, mister..."

"Call me Ray, m'lady," the man smiled smugly, "but I do hope your infiltration plan doesn't involve any straight boarding of fangirl ships. If I'm not wrong, then Cassandra the Great is leading the Yaoist fleet currently fleeing from here, and no carrier could stand up to that kind of hardware. That thing exceeds Mothership standards in everything but living space."

"I was getting to that," Lady Genocide snapped, "you see, once you arrive on the carrier and begin pursuit, we will send out a special wing of fighters to assault the Yaoist rearguard, at which point you will use the commotion to pass by unnoticed, jump into hyperspace, and then, once you emerge closer to the fangirls, begin shadowing, note this people, shadowing the flagship. Once it brings you to the Yaoist homeworld, wherever that might be, you will have to device an infiltration plan yourselves once you're there, wreak havoc! Free the hostages! And if possible, kill the Grandmaster Fangirl or even the Empress, though those feats might well be too much for even you people to pursue. Any quest-"


A flaming hockey stick went up in the air, its twin-tailed owner waving it carelessly above everyone's heads.


The red-headed girl kept swinging the stick around for a minute before pointing it at Lady Genocide.

"You haven't told us how much we're getting payed, woman!"

A look of murder crossed Lady Genocide's eyes at such rudeness, but with a deep breath, she calmed down.

"Providing that the mission is successful, everyone save Mr. Watcher here," she nodded at Locke again, "who's fee has already been settled, will be able to negotiate their payment with government representatives once you return."

A mad grin spread over the redhead's face.

"So does that mean that we get to torture our paycheck amounts out of your chicken-shit bureaucrats?"

Lady Genocide rolled her eyes, but nodded a yes.

People began to cheer.


Shrugging, Lady Genocide allowed herself a small smile. At least things were going smoothl-



Well-Known Member
EVENT 2: Initiative Roll

OST: Code Geass OST Track 18: "Shin Troop"

Night One, What's Left of Zaraki's Bar, 9:16 PM

The lights went out as the center of the roof seemed to collapse upon itself, buckling under the force of the explosion. There was a flare of black magic, and Lady Genocide was no longer there, teleporting to the side just in time to avoid being crushed by the falling debris. Guilford immediately rushed over to her side, trying to make sure she was alright.


"We've been betrayed, Guilford!" she yelled, "That's the only way I could explain this! Quick, I've got to get to HQ! The rest of you, you have your orders! Get to the center of the city and into the hangar! Do you hear me? GET TO THE HANGAR!"

There was another flash of black magic, and she and Guilford were gone, having teleported away.

Everyone in the room drew their weapons, the lack of electric light instantly made up for by the moonlight and the flaring magic.

For a moment, everything was quiet, ash and soot drifting in from the exploded hole that used to be the bar's top floor. Then...

"We're under attack!" a nameless peon yelled, "we're under-"

He said nothing else as his head was instantly vaporized by laser fire.


"YAOIBOTS!" someone yelled, "Everyone get back!"

The reason for the warning became obvious when at least a dozen robots of varying shape, size, and armament, but all definitely larger than any man, dropped into the destroyed ruins of the bar, crushing what was left of the wooden furniture under their feet. Following them were three black-clad Yaoists, clearly of high rank, who instantly drew their blades.

A deathly voice howled through the wind, its unknown, but obviously female, speaker cackling for a long while before saying anything else.

"Thought it'd be clever to hide here, darlings? Thought we wouldn't notice? Tsk, tsk. How pathetic. The empire is everywhere! Everywhere!"

"They're attacking, you disorganized twits!" Vex yelled from the collapsed door, "Everyone get ready for a fight!"


Well-Known Member
Night One, What's Left of Zaraki's Bar, 9:17 PM

Parker had been waiting patiently, as patiently as was possible for a Paladin of Violence that is, for the woman to stop talking about fighting. Sure he LOVED Violence, but he wanted Violence to happen, not just to be talked about. He had begun to think she was all talk and no Violence would be had, but he was proven wrong.

Now, there were robots too fight. Who in Tin-Tane's Name didn't like to fight robots? Only problem was some of these people didnÆt look ready to fight. That was bad, that meant less Blood (or whatever these robots had) would flow into the streets. He did not like that.

With the smallest bit of concentration he activated his hypnotic abilities and began to speak.

"What the hell is wrong with you!! Can't you see there is Violence and Blood to be had!?!? KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL!!! LET ALL THE BLOOD BE SPILT!!!"

It was no 'Don't Go Quietly', but damn it, it was just enough. Worthless Peons went too join those already in the fight.

With a roar in the name of the Violence God, and a leap Parker was on the back of the closest robot. As it tried in vain to dislodge him, he beat it with his fist, but that had little effect. This robot would not budge from punches, even the mightiest punches in the land, which Parker could surely deliver, would not dent it.

So, Parker switched his grip around the things neck so that he was holding it with his Flesh and Blood hand. He pulled back his mighty shears and slammed them down into the back of the robotic being, again and again he did this. When they pierced its thick iron hide the thing tripled it's bucking power and gave off shrieks of rage and fear.

Parker paid these pitiful shrieks no mind and spread his shears apart inside the beast. The robotic monster's hide broke and crumbled from the might of the shears.

Finally the robot died and Parker wrenched his robotic arm from it's back. He had more killing to do.


Staff member
Several Blocks away from what will be the smoking remnants of Zaraki's Bar, 9:14 PM

"So... you're sure I shouldn't be taking any weapons?"

Nanashi rolled his eyes. "For the love of Hawk, yes I'm sure. You aren't anywhere near the level of skill some of the nutjobs going on this trip are at. Carrying a sword, spear or ceremonial Klingon bat'leth is more likely to make nasty Yaoi bitches think you know how to use them. No, better to go without a weapon and pop their heads when they have their backs turned as they fight the people who do have swords; who by the way, totally aren't compensating for any of their--"


"Shit! What the Hell was that?" Watashiwa yelped, stumbling as the explosion echoed around them.

"I think... that was Zaraki's bar, actually." Nanashi's voice betrayed none of his inner feelings. A second strike? That didn't happen back--wait! It's because things are going differently! Dammit, I should have remembered about the law of unintended consequences. Beside him Watashiwa tensed to run, although in true TFF fashion, he was going to charge into the fray without first analyzing the situation. Nanashi briefly considered stopping him; then tossed the idea out. After all, it wasn't like anything they could do could come close to killing the boy. Yet.

For some reason, that thought made him smile. "Let's go. And remember: the bitches tried to kill you. Dont hold back."

Watashiwa's stared straight ahead. "I won't. Let's go."

The two ran forward.

---- Next time: MORTAL KOMBAAAAAAAT!!!

Or, "Shit! I've got a class in ten minutes, will finish this when that's done."


Well-Known Member
Night One, What's Left of Zaraki's Bar, 9:17 PM

Lighave draws his sword as some of the YaoiBots focused their attention toward him. One of the 'Bots Rush him claws spread wide. The 'Bots Arm is suddenly sliced off at the shoulder. Oil shoots out of the fallen appendage coating the floor with the liquid.

While Lighave focus on the the fiends in front of him he hears a voice saying,"What the hell is wrong with you!! Can't you see there is Violence and Blood to be had!?!? KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL!!! LET ALL THE BLOOD BE SPILT!!!" that suddenly drives up his frenzy. Lighave suddenly grins madly and chants.

"Storartet Thunderer som jeg kaller,
din kraft uvµret.
Din styrke er min.
Ïdelegg alle mine fiender.
Storartet lynbolt."

A massive bolt of lightning flies from his left hand destroys one of the YaoiBots in front of him. "For µren av Thunderer. For µren av All-Faren. For µren av TFF" Is his battle cry as he rushes into the melee.

It's in Norwegain if you want to Know.
Night One, What's Left of Zaraki's Bar, 9:17 PM

David calmly climbed over the bar counter, and performed a quick-change into more appropriate attire. Popping back up, he pulled his revoler from his bag, and several bottles of highly alcoholic beverages from behind the counter. "Yo, Red C! Give me a light!" he shouted to the man with the glowing hockey stick. He stuffed a rag into a bottle of twelve year old scotch, and took the light. Lighting the rag, he sighted at a group of yaoibots. "Oi you lot, have a cocktail, MOLOTOV STYLE!" he shouted, hurling the improvised explosive into the group.


Well-Known Member
Night One, What's Left of Zaraki's Bar, 9:17 PM

Marisa had listened to Lady Genocide's speech while peeking at her from the top of the book she was reading. It would not do to completely ignore what the plan was, after all. She had not said the word the entire time she had been in that corner.

She almost said something when the explosion came.

As the others drew their weapons, the force of the explosion had flipped over her table. Immediately, Marisa used her magic to shoot straight up, book still in hand (and in front of her face), and slowly lowered herself to hovering a few inches above the upturned table.

Calmly, she pocketed her reading material as the Yaoibots landed.

Marisa weighed her options. There were many people around, so she couldn't just blow the entire place to kingdom come like usual. She was going to have to use more focused fire.

Still hovering, she slowly raised her right hand, now glowing white.

The unfortunate Yaoibot that had noticed her and charged in her direction never had a chance as a white beam of pure magic ripped it apart, going through him, nearly putting a hole through someone else, and exited into the sky.

(OOC: Need to run off to school, gah.)


Well-Known Member
Night One, Zaraki Bar, 9:20 PM

There was a brief moment of silence as the dark energy gathered in the middle of what remained of the bar, those with any amount of battle experience preparing themselves for anything. Almost immidately after it formed, the young man in the black cloak stepped through, his hat nearly covering his eyes. Looking around at the few who were discretely readying their spells and weapons, he gave a wicked grin for an instant before it vanished, noticing immediately the strongest members of the group. Not one to just let other stare at him, he instantly broke the tension by giving a small wave to the crowd.

"Yo, sorry I'm late. A friend gave me the wrong directions. Did the party already start without me?" Lea said, his wicked grin lighting up on his face again. Shame he didn't see anyone who looked like a hothead. A fight would have been the perfect way to start the whole thing off after all.
Night One: Zaraki's ruins 9:21 PM

"So, what happened here?"

The question was promptly answered by another laser blast that would have hit his face if he hadn't moved aside at the last instant.

"Ah, that doesn't look too good." Quickly he glanced through the battlefield and finally caught sight of the one he was looking for ducking behind some cover some distance away. Almost immediately runes lit the ground beneath him as his whole body was swallowed in smoke and flame. At the same moment runes lit up right behind the two, tranfering Lea the distance between them in an instant.

"Yo, Nanashi. You gave me the wrong address, bastard." He said, glaring down at the man in the same cloak as him. Noticably lacking the bandana and awesome hat of course.

There was a noticable roll of the eyes as he looked up at Lea. "I do believe it was you who wasn't paying attention."

"Che, you and your excuses. Who's the kid?" Lea asked, ducking under under a particularly nasty blast that took a chunk off their cover. The eyebrow of Nanashi's companion twitched at his statement.

"Is now really the time? We're kind of under attack at the moment, and I'm pretty sure there are some high ranked ones among them."

Lea eyed the three from a distance, before sighing and brining the hat lower over his head. "None of them's the one I want."

"You can tell from this distance?"

"Yeah. Obviously." Lea said, raiseing an eyebrow as he shrugged. "Ah well, a warmup then."

His grin turned wicked as he extended his arms. Runes appeared in the air as flames collected around them, condensing into the shape of his familiar chakram wheels. "Now, let's see how well they burn."


Well-Known Member
Zaraki's bar, 9:18

David's Molotov ignited, lighting several of the machines on fire.

Reaching out her hand, Legacy-ko willed the flames just slightly, gathering and collecting a handful of the fire. She focused and concentrated it in her gloved hand, putting to work those bizarre 'fire demon' abilities people always told her bother and her they possessed. The fire swirled and compacted itself, compressing and focusing in the palm of her glove and shaped itself into a hockey puck.

Legacy-ko dropped it to the ground. She wound her stick back, and took aim.


She released a thundering slapshot. The puck struck one of the Yaoibots, shattering through its chest and detonating in a violent burst of fire and heat seconds later.

" you really have to scream 'MacInnis' every time you shoot like that?" Legacy asked. "Seriously, you sound like a really bad character from Dragon Ball or something. I mean, it's kinda embarrassing..."

Legacy-ko scoffed at her brother's comment.

"Hey, I do things in style, not like you, ya lamer..."

Willing some of the fire and creating some of her own, Legacy-ko created a few more pucks. She dropped them on the ground and wound her stick back again and began firing in rapid succession.


Well-Known Member
Night One, What's Left of Zaraki's Bar, 9:17 PM


Ricky had been right next to where the section of roof fell and was momentarily distracted by the cloud of dust and debris. After regaining his bearings he turned towards the new arrivals, drawing his service pistol.

"What the hell is wrong with you!! Can't you see there is Violence and Blood to be had!?!? KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL!!! LET ALL THE BLOOD BE SPILT!!!" A man screamed nearby, before that same man singlehandedly tore apart a Yaoibot. As he finished dismembering the first bot, two more made a charge at the .

Ricky extended his pistol and let fly with a pair of explosive rounds. The first round took one of the Yaoibots in the chest while the second exploded on the side of its head.

But the large robot didn't fall, even though it had blackened craters where the rounds had hit. Instead it turned its attack towards Ricky, whose self-preservation sense went into overdrive. The sights on his pistol snapped into focus and he fired three more rounds into the scorched hole on its chest. The third round pierced into the iron hide and exploded inside the machine. Vital systems were shredded and melted and the Yaoibot came crashing to the ground.

After putting an additional bullet into the robot's head Ricky ejected the half-spent clip of his pistol and then slammed another into the reciever. He counted fou-...err...thirteen Yaoibots left, and the three black clad Yaoists, now being engaged by the TFF forces.

A tug at his awareness made him duck behing an overturned table and he saw a wave of flaming pucks fly over.

"Watch the friendly fire!!" He yelled at the red clad woman launching pucks at an inhuman rate.

A puck scorched the table he hid behind.


Well-Known Member
Night One, 9:17PM, TFF City: Ruins of Zaraki's Bar

"TRASH!" Vex roared as he ripped one of the robots into two equally useless chunks of metal. One of the arms continued to try and fire it's laser at him for a few seconds before it too died, nothing but miserable sparks emitting.

"What garbage." Vex sneered as he contorted his body around, curving so as not to be hit by another of the robot's lasers. "Bring on something with some power, some skill, some God Damn WILL!"

With that declaration, he back flipped to dodge another laser, which left a crescent shaped sear in the ground. Landing lightly, Vex reached back with one arm and grabbed onto the handle of one of his spears, smoothly removing it from it's home and bringing it in front of him. Gripping the handle and holding it as if it were a sword.

He lunged forward and left a massive gash in the front of the sizable robot, which had just tried to hit him with it's laser. Sparks flew out of it, but the robot was largely unaffected by the hit.

It was however affected when the spear was hurled through it's 'head', violently shuddering for a moment before falling back as far as the chain would allow, then completely collapsing once Vex jerked his spear out of the robot's body.


Well-Known Member
Night One, What's Left of Zaraki's Bar, 9:18 PM

Dodging Friendly Fire from the crazy Fire chick. Lighave begins Chanting anew

"Hellfire som brenner kunner i thy sti
komprimerer og blir sterkere
D°mte er de som vender mot thy sinne.
Fortµr de som stÕr mot meg.
Eksploder og °delegg dem.
Flamme av det Fortapte"

Launching a small fireball Lighave dodges out of the way of a attack from behind, watching as the fireball nails a yaoibot in the back and explodes causing shrapnel to fly towards one of the Three Yaoists. Noting that the shrapnel nails the Yaoist in the back of the head Lighave resumes battle with the One armed bot from earlier.

Do you guys want translations?


Well-Known Member
Night: One on route to the Bar, 9:13pm

wearing a simple coat, shirt and jeans, RC was making his way towards Zaraki's Bar ,ever since he moved here he'd been meaning go there but didn't find the time till now.

all day he was feeling ill like something big and bad is about to go down, the cold chilly night breeze didn't help either. He hated feeling like this cause most of the time he's right. that's the main reason CORPSE was walking towards the bar to forget that dreaded gut feeling.

with the Bar in sight he muttered to himself.

"I wonder if they'd let me start a -"


"- tab. . ." an enormous explosion literally knocked him out of his musing, looking towards where Zaraki's should be he saw a flaming ruin, he was amazed that most of the patrons were alive.

looking around however he saw his worst fears . . . yaoibots LOTS of them advancing to the ruins of the bar.

this was a fucking Yaoi attack, hell an invasion is more like it.

"crap I hate it when I'm right." he said to himself. he didn't move at first RC was weighing in his options and cursing him self mentally for the shit he got him self into.

The survivors was already fighting the advancing horde of yaoibots. sighing he made his decision. "well I'm already here might as well help."

he un-holstered a pistol from his coat, loaded with Special Freeze Rounds he readied his weapon. taking a deep breath he run in to the fray firing at the nearest bot.

(OOC: well there's my Intro I hope its good enough)


Staff member
Ruins of Zaraki's Bar, 9:22 PM

Watashiwa didn't see the Yaoibots. Around him there were screams and explosions and nutjobs of all shapes and sizes blowing robots to pieces. He was blind to all of it.


Any and all thoughts of holding back had vanished from his mind. I'll show that black haired idiot who the kid is around here...

He held out his arms. Sparks of psionic force, invisible to anyone not trained in their detection flew from his palms. Like the conductor of an orchestra he raised his hands over his head. When they came down, the psionic lighning that had been gathering around him sprang out, scything towards the robots in front of him.

His deep concentration cost him. The dark arts of the Yaoists had allowed them to feel the build-up of energy, even though they couldn't see it. Sensing was one step from pinpointing, and within moments the youngest of their group disappeared into the shadows.

Only to instantly reappear from Watashiwa's. His battle cry was cut off by her sword sinking into his chest. Her maniacal laughter rang loudly.

Watashiwa: Dead.


Time is a funny thing. Everyone has it, but some waste it, others spend it. Some people have more than they need (or deserve) while others have it stolen, or get very little from the start.

A very few people have all the time in the world. At the instant between when Watashiwa felt the blade reach his heart and his brain realized "I'm dead!" a miracle occurred. A pulse of energy, centered at his now dying body spread out... and time rewound.

This time, a few random air molecules bounced differently. As the Yaoist stepped forward with the intention of shadow stepping to the annoying psionicist, a girl in a Calgary Flames jersey spotted her. With a loud "Ha!" (followed by a dozen louder expletives), she sent a flaming hockey puck spinning towards the witch. To her credit, the witch saw it coming--but not quickly enough. She was smacked in the temple the moment she activated her shadow step, resulting in her entire body giving a jerk. The last minute spasm saw her lose control of her skill.

She arrived in generally the right area. Just an extra foot forward. An extra foot forward saw her in her intended targets face. Literally.

Her mouth was open to begin her mad cackle. His mouth was open to cry out the name of his attack.

The results were entirely predictable.

The two stared into each others eyes as hormones temporarily took control of their bodies. His outstretched arms spasmed at the sudden contact, sending blasts of unfocused energy careening across the battleground. She dropped her sword. Everyone present stopped fighting for just a second as they saw something out of many of their worst nightmares. Reality returned.

"OH GOD I'VE BEEN TAINTED!!!" With a howl Watashiwa hurled himself out of their impromptu embrace, furiously scrubbing his mouth with his sleeve.

With a despairing scream the Yaoist turned towards the remaining witches. "Sisters!" She cried in a despairing voice. "Forgive me, it was not my intent to--"

Her desperate plea was cut off by both of the other witches simultaneously casting bolts of electricity towards her.

"Fool," sneered the eldest. "You know of our rules. No woman of our clan may touch an unconverted man. For breaking our taboo, you die!"

When the resulting flash faded, instead of a burned and smoking corpse, the witches saw two men standing over a newly unconcious girl. "Well well well," Lea drawled. "Nanashi, why didn't you tell me that kid was a player? I haven't seen a girl jump a guy like that since the two of us washed up on that deserted island populated only by women."

Nanashi groaned. "Don't remind me. I think I still have scars from when we tried to escape by tying ourselves to barrels and jumping into the ocean."

"And hey, it worked didn't it? And it was still better than your plan to build an airship out of palm trees and fly..."

"Enough of this!" cried the shorter of the two witches still standing. "You fools think you can escape the wrath of the Yaoi Empire! You know not the forces with which you--" the remnants of her over-dramatic and clichÚd speech were cut off by the flaming chakram which she dodged by unceremoniously dropping to the ground.

"Two of them and two of us. Sounds like fun." Nanashi grinned in response, assuming the basic guard position of the Deja-Fu martial art. "Hey, crazy ladies," Lea called. "My friend here is Nanashi. My name is Lea." The thrown chakram reappeared in his hand and both burst into flame.

"Got it... memorized?"


As his friend showed off, Nanashi spared a quick look to the side. Watashiwa had assumed the fetal position and seemed to be rocking back and forth and muttering under his breath. Well, it seems that Rewind has been activated. I'm going to have to find a way to teach him the rest without arousing anyones suspicion. He directed his gaze downward. His face split into a grin. Well, at least the kid knows how to pick them. This girl could be pretty cute with a wardrobe change. Too bad about the whole 'Plan to make all men gender confused' thing.

twin blade

Well-Known Member
Night One, On the Way to the Hanger, 9:30 P.M.

"Ughh... Never realized my deck was useless against non-humans."TB muttered as he ran to the hanger. Unlike everyone else, he couldn't do anything to the bots. Nearly all of his spells were currently illusions in nature, and the bots were made out of a metal too hard for his knives to cut.

"Who are we looking for, again?" TB heard a noise, and quickly hid behind some debris.

"Some civilian named Twin Blade. The Grandmaster wants him." TB heared the rustling of paper, and he assumed it was a picture of himself."

"Why? What would our glorious master want with some lowly hetero trash like him?"

"Do not question the Grandmaster! Now, hurry or find him, or else our commander will have your ass!" The Yoai cultest yelled.

"Ma'am, yes Ma'am! For the Empire!" TB waited until the footsteps died down, then got up and started running again.

What does sis want with me now?


Well-Known Member
OOC- This character speaks largely with a voicebox, which will be shown in italics. Also, we aren't yet sure the gender of the speaker, so I will change the pronoun every time for kicks. Also, I'm not too good at this yet, so realize its not that good.

Meanwhile, deep in Yaoi Space

Waiting. The long hard wait that no one was fond of, while she sat just thinking. Waiting, he decided, was the work of the Devil. Or, perhaps the work of that damnable TFF. Despite asking to fight in what was surely to be an upcoming war, she had been told by her "supervisor" (that's a laugh) that he could not move against the TFF until we further information, something the Yaoi forces were surely not missing. As she started to nod off, the cellphone on his belt went off. "Finally they have something for me to do", thought the bored mercenary, already reaching for the phone. As it was opened, she heard only
"TFF is mobilizing, get to hanger bay Uke.We have a ship waiting for you. If you truly wish to fight, now is the time." stated the cold female voice.
"How can you know whats going on? Why have you been forcing me to wait?" exclaimed the mercenary's voicebox.
"Let us just say that we have an informant in the TFF Ranks" coldly explained the voice. "Now, get down here. Now." As soon as the information was given, the call was ended. Llama then jumped to his feet walking to the unfortunately named hanger bay Uke, thinking simply "With this I can finally get my revenge on those who have wronged me"
Ruins of Zaraki's Bar, 9:22 PM

"SILENCE, Harridans! Lest you face the wrath of the Heavens!" David said, hurling another lit molotov at the Yaoists. "Yo, big guy! Let's rock the Casbah!" he shouted at the bartender as he smashed the bottom off of a bottle and waded into the melee.


Well-Known Member
Ruins of Zaraki's Bar, 9:22 PM

"Wrath of the Heavens, you say?" Lighave asks Sliceing off the head of the One Armed Bot, "I can do that."

"Uvµr av Destrution h°rer mitt rop
Kommer f°rer din vrede
Vinder som synger av d°d
Regn som renser verdenen
Lyn som °delegger
Thunderers vrede All Fars dom
Torden f°r dem

Thunder is heard as clouds begin to gather. Lightning starts arcing towards the center. The winds begin to howl. Light rain falls upon our heads. Lightning suddenly strikes a few of the Yaoi bots. Consigning them to the cold hard hands of Windows Vista.


Well-Known Member
Night: One, Zaraki Ruins, 9:22

"am I the only one who don't know how to use magic?!" RC screamed to no one in particular, he has spend his time on the battle hiding behind a table trying not to get hit by Lightning and Fire spells being cast all over the place, occasionally peeking out and capping a couple of yaoist and yaoibots.

"I'm useless with this pea shooter!" well except when he manage to get a head shot to one of the yaoist. . . yeah she got a brain freeze for the ages. but hes still out classed in terms of firepower RC wanted to make a retreat back to his apartment to break out the big guns but thats proving to be extremely difficult at the moment.

He heard the Battle Cry of the Bar Patrons as they rip, tear, cut and blast their way through the hordes of yaoist, like a school of piranha in a feeding frenzy he finds himself chuckling.


Well-Known Member
Ruins of Zaraki's Bar, 9:22 PM

Parker had destroyed one of the Yaoibots and was working on his second. This one was as much of a weakling as the one he had killed before. Parker shoved both his hand and shears into the beast at the same time. He was trying to find something in its worthless, metal body that would make up for the fact that it had no Blood.

It was not long before he found what he was looking for, it was near the center. With one strong pull he ripped his hand and the fuel storage unit out of the things body. Looking around he saw two men fighting two Flesh and Blood Yaoists. He smirked, for he had found an enemy with actual Blood to spill.

With a swift movement of his arm he launched the dead husk at one of the two Yaoists. The robot hit her straight on and sent her flying back.

Smirking at the results he remembered his prize, the fuel storage unit. With deft hand he ripped it apart and poured the flammable liquid on his mighty shears. When they were thoroughly drenched he dipped them in a near by flame.

With his shears aflame, the spilling of Blood would be made all the more easier.

"Let there be more violence!!!" He shouted as he felt his Berserker mindset waking up.


Well-Known Member
'This is getting annoying.' Mark thought sullenly as he fought his way through the robots. 'I think I've taken more damage from friendly fire.'

With another sigh, he took a jump back behind a couple of fighters and began his incantation for a healing spell.