Evangelion Evangelion Time Loop


Well-Known Member
Shinji rubbed his jaw, staring at Rei. ôYou know, if you didnÆt want me doing that, you could have just asked me to stop.ö

Rei stared at him still nude and still on the floor.

ôI mean, I can understand that youÆre not in the mood,ö offered Shinji. ôHell, I can understand not being attracted to me.

ôBut did you really have to clock me with an AT-Enhanced fist instead of asking æPlease stop playing with my breastsÆ?ö

Rei continued to stare at him.

ôThis isnÆt about the whole æbecoming one with youÆ thing is it?ö asked Shinji. ôBecause IÆm more into the whole sex thing and against the whole being reduced to LCL thing.ö

ReiÆs eyes went wide at that.

Shinji just shrugged. ôWhat can I say, IÆm a teenager with teenage hormones,ö offered Shinji. ôAnd as much as I enjoy looking upon a beautiful naked femaleùdespite her vicious right hookùwe might want to hurry up to NERV, especially if weÆre not going to have sex.ö

Rei just stared as Shinji left. He knew about the AT Field, the becoming one?

He confused her.

Her hand going to the breast Shinji had à caressed, she was torn between two emotions, emotions she did not know how to process. One was to physically assault the Third Child.

The other à was to throw him down and do things to him she had caught people doing in the broom closets of NERV.


Shinji continued to whistle outside of ReiÆs apartment. Sure, that could have gone better. However, it was still a start to thawing the Ice Princess. ôCanÆt expect miracles on the first try,ö he muttered.

Thus it was understandable he was quite shocked when a pair of pale arms burst through the wall on either side of him, yanking him back into the apartment by force.

Rei had made her decision.


Well-Known Member
*Claps hands together in silent*

Alas, poor Shinji, we will remember you fondly. Not as the dried up husk you became after Rei finished with you, but as the man that kept screaming out, "Dear God, not again!!!!!"

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Innortal said:
Shinji continued to whistle outside of ReiÆs apartment. Sure, that could have gone better. However, it was still a start to thawing the Ice Princess. ôCanÆt expect miracles on the first try,ö he muttered.

Thus it was understandable he was quite shocked when a pair of pale arms burst through the wall on either side of him, yanking him back into the apartment by force.

Rei had made her decision.
So, is there more of this loop, in the Lemon forum?


Well-Known Member

"Are you going to come out now?"

Rei slowly put her uniform back on and strightened her bow tie. Her usual impassive stare focused on Shinji as he stumbled off the bed.

'Eleven hours and thirty-six minutes' Shinji's mind was in a daze, while he had certain, expectations from Ayanami. This was.. this definitely wasn't according to plan. He ackowledge her question with a short, weak grunt. His entire body felt like she drained him, she might as well did.

"Just.. give me a minute to recover."

"The average recovery time for an average human male of your age and weight would be between ten and thirty minutes." She replied montonously.

The sudden chilling fear that he never felt struck Ikari's soul. 'How the hell does even she know that?' Sure he dealt with the Angels, Nerv and his father's usual attempts at backhanded plots, but this succubus had him fear for his life.

"A minute is enough to clothe yourself." She continued staring back into her mirror to adjust her hair. "You have the first period to completely recover your energy. By then you should be ready."

"Ready?" He said aloud, "Y-You want to go again? So soon?"

Rei turned and looked him dead in the eye. "Did you think our time earlier was sufficient? If you did then you are mistaken." She walked closer and closer to him, until his nose barely touched hers. Ayamni tilted her head to the left and cupped his chin. "For you see I want to know the full extent my Commander's prowess. Those hormones should be... dealt with after all."

Shinji smirked and took her hand. His fear of losing all muscle function were put on the back burner. I might just get to enjoy this.'


It's... average..


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
"For you see I want to know the full extent my Commander's prowess.
I know I should not, even debated not asking, but I'm going to anyway.

By Commander, is she refering to 'Shinji', or 'Little Shinji'.


Well-Known Member
Shinji just hummed to himself as he broke into KajiÆs assigned room aboard the Over the Rainbow. ôYou know, youÆd expect a Navy to be able to afford better locks for their doors,ö he muttered as he made his way towards the hidden safe in the room. ôBad Kaji, not keeping it on you at all times,ö he said with a smile as he prepared to crack the safe.


Gendo stared at the suitcase open before him. ôIs this a joke?ö he asked.

ôWhat?ö asked Kaji in confusion, as he looked into the suitcase.

It didnÆt contain the first Angel in embryonic form.

It did however contain a large supply of Viagra.


Shinji looked at his left hand, the form of Adam implanted in it. ôAnd that is why you are in my left hand; because then it would feel slightly gay when I masturbate otherwise.ö


Well-Known Member
Why did he craft Adam into his hand anyway? Just to freak out Gendo?


Well-Known Member
Probably for the same reason Gendo did. One it suppresses Adam thanks to his blood of Lilith, but secondly it acts as a form of insurance to make sure he is not assassinated earlier than planned.


Well-Known Member
Could also be used as justification for Shinji having a S2 Organ in the latter Fused Loop. I'm sure him having one was mentioned at some point in the Naruto branch of the thread.


Well-Known Member
Wait. If Shinji has Adam in his hand, wouldn't he be risking Third Impact every time he enters the EVA? He'd also get every Angel ignoring the other EVAs and heading straight for him.

I expect that loop probably ends when his Eva falls into the 12th Angel's shadow, or when the 13th goes and fuses with Unit 01 like it did with Unit 00, and then the Third Impact occurs and wipes out humanity.

It's hardly one of his better ideas. Fortunately for him, it'd be one he'd be able to learn from, thanks to the loops.


Well-Known Member
By this point we can expect Shinji to have mastered the AT Field to hell and back. Meaning that he can basically destroy any of the Angels with his eyes close.

So no, it is not as much of a danger as one would think.


Well-Known Member
At worst, it might mean he could never grope a Rei again in that Loop.

Of course, if they Angels Adam and Lilith remember all the Loops, then Shinji might turn Adam into a pervert with a Lilim fetish.

This in a way could end up changing where he first meets Kaoru, who might be pulling a Jiraiya at that point.


Well-Known Member

Shinji blinked as his eyes refocused on the room around him. ôYou know, I might be going crazy. I think IÆm beginning to understand you.ö


ôà Nope, my mistake,ö grumbled Shinji as he sat up. ôNo more drinking MisatoÆs stash this Loop. I donÆt think my body can handle it,ö he grumbled as he made his way to the bathroom, pondering on what to do today to shock the hell out of people.

Hmm, I already tried the lost brother of Ayanami. Did the genetic experiment shtick IÆd even been the drunk.

But he needed something new to mess with people.

Smiling, Shinji let out a huge cackle.


ôNah, but I may need your help ordering some supplies for next week.ö


ôYes, there is beer in it forà Why am I talking to a penguin again?ö


ôNo, this has nothing to do with my mother!ö


ôSo Rei, will you help me?ö


ôBecause IÆm asking?ö

ôI have not been ordered to assist you. In fact, the Commander specifically mentioned I was to avoid your company in all instances aside from those required to defeat the Angels.ö

ôà ItÆll mess with Asuka.ö

ôWhat do you require?ö


The teacher commended himself for once again not reacting to what had to be a plot from the Ikari-brat to slowly drive him insane. Why else would he and Ayanami dress up in those suits and hats, wearing sunglasses indoors?

Luckily, the next class was cut as the Angel sirens went off, causing all three pilots to stand up, and the redhead answering the phone.

ôDonÆt worry folks,ö said Ikari. ôThe Angel will never harm you.ö

ôItÆll never catch us,ö said Rei, adjusting her tie to her dress suit. ôWeÆre on a mission from God.ö


Well-Known Member
That's so baddddddddddddddddd..........

Er, not 'bad' bad but bad as in evil bad. Or something like that, you know?


Well-Known Member
Don't forget Misato's jealousy at the car Shinji 'acquires' to fulfill his quest.


Well-Known Member
... Why do I see Tabris showing up early because he heard about the band and wants to join in? Heck it might be funny if most of the remaining Angels assumed human form and tried to join the band or became groupies or something. 'The Blues Brothers and Sister and their Amazing Angel Groupies.'
Misato, you and The Penguin are the only family we've got and you're the only one who was ever good to us.
Misato, you and The Penguin are the only family we've got and you're the only one who was ever good to us.
Yes! They could be trying to raise money to pay off all of Misato's bar debts, least they loose the apartment.