Nasuverse Fate/time loop


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biigoh said:
Saber is the conquering Queen out to take over the world. Hail Britannia!

Don't mention the Code Geass crossover... don't mention the Code Geass crossover...


Well-Known Member
This thread is desperately lacking in content. Let's try and help it a little.


Archer came back to his senses with a splitting headache and sore limbs. The headache was par of the course for a new loop, but the reason his arms and legs hurt so much was probably due to the fact he was sitting on the ground his arms cuffed behind his back and tied to his legs.

He also seemed to be in prison. Perfect.

The looping had really taken a turn for the worst since he'd told the flat chested goddess just how boring living his life over and over again was. Now every restart found him into the body of a new person, and boredom had left the program forever.

This time at least, he wasn't in a king-sized bed with a much older man with a satisfied smile plastered on his face and a throbbing pain in ...

Archer cut that line of thought brutally. Down that path laid madness.

Blessedly he was assaulted by the memories of his host. The boy was a complete stranger, yet as usual the events that defined his life was very familiar. A tragedy leaving a traumatized child. Parental issues. A suicidal need to atone for his continued existence. No matter the place, no matter the time or the identity, he was indeed Emiya Shirou. A hundred lifetimes had not succeeded in curing him.

He heard a heavy door open and a couple of guards made their entrance. One opened his cell while the other glared at him menacingly.

ôKururugi Suzaku, you're coming with us.ö


Well-Known Member
This time at least, he wasn't in a king-sized bed with a much older man with a satisfied smile plastered on his face and a throbbing pain in ...

Archer cut that line of thought brutally. Down that path laid madness.
Lol :p Archer, the originator of GAR becoming the Uke, this must be written!


Well-Known Member
Well originally, I intented to add in this part more hints about the old man's identity, but in the light of the day the whole thing is decidedly less funny that it seemed to be last night. So consider that dropped.


So he was a free man now. Probably whoever was in charge had decided that Zero and Gottwald made much more juicy scapegoats than he. Or maybe they believed Zero might contact him again and had freed him as bait. Archer didn't care either way, honestly. Losing the straitjacket was a huge improvement.

ôPlease get out of the way! It's dangerous!ö Someone warned from above.

It was a pair of panties. Well not really, as Archer realized when they were quickly covered by a dress, letting him take in the young woman falling toward him.

From the the fifth floor.

That was dangerous alright, though more for the girl than for him. These days he didn't even need magic to perform superhuman feats but the girl would be lucky if she got away with her life. So without hesitation Archer ran up the wall and caught the girl, breaking her fall.

As he set her on her feet, her expression was a mixture of wonder and... recognition? His face had been on the news recently, hadn't it? Maybe that had been too much.

ôIs something wrong?ö He asked carefully.

She grinned. ôYes something is wrong! I'm being chased by very scary people.ö

Archer sighed internally. Here we go again.

ôSo could you please help me?ö

A spoiled and overly innocent princess in search of adventure, Archer could recognize the type on sight. Going with her would be inviting trouble.

One the other hand, trouble would find him no matter what, he knew. So spending the meantime with the cute pink haired girl might be the way to go.

So it was that Archer got acquainted with this universe version of Tokyo in the company of ôEuphieö. If he was honest with himself, he'd admit that he had a good time, though the girl had refused to reveal her indentity while showing a great familiarity with his personal history. She also insisted about the existence of her pursuers, though they had failed to make an apparition.

ôShe is the scariest woman in all of Brittania!ö The pout on her face made her too cute to take seriously.

But when she demanded to visit Shinjuku, her quiet resolve blew away the illusion of cheerful vacuousness she had wore all afternoon. Certainly she was more aware of the world she lived in than Archer had given her credit for.

That girl had hidden depth. The black lace should have warned him.


Right. I might get to the Shinjuku scene today. Maybe.


Well-Known Member
I'm not having much success, am I?

Well, I hope this piece will earn me some reply.

The ruins of Shinjuku deeply saddened Euphie. She stayed silent for a long time, reading the clumsy epitaphs and anguished prayers that had been left on a barely standing wall.

Archer had to stifle a yawn. He didn't want to appear insensitive, after all. But after a while ravaged sceneries and tragic memorials just sort of blended together, and he'd been around this kind of things for far longer than ôa whileö. Besides, the lack of activity left him to focus on his lasting headache.

The fight that started nearby was almost a blessing until the reckless girl tried to break it up, heedless of the danger.

ôPlease stop!ö She pleaded. ôThis place has seen enough violence!ö

The loudest of the Japanese, stalked toward her. ôI'm getting tired of you Britannians giving me orders!ö He growled.

Before he could get any farther, Archer slid between them. ôThat's far enough, friend.ö

His eyes widened in surprise. ôYou're Kururugi Suzaku!ö

ôThat's my name these days, yes.ö

ôYou're a Brittanian soldier, aren't you?ö Blurted one of the outrageously stupid Britannian kids. ôBeat up those guys!ö

The thugs tensed at this, but Archer just rose an eyebrow. ôWhy would I do that?ö He asked dismissively. ôIt's Britannia's philosophy to cull the weak. You got yourself into this mess, if you can't deal with it yourself, you're worth nothing.ö

öBut you're defending the girl!ö The other student argued. Archer's glare forced him to back away in fear.

ôDon't flatter yourself.ö He spat venomously. öYou're nothing alike. This girl possess compassion, courage and dignity, She is worth defending. You're cowards riding on the accomplishments of others, disrespectful vermin who amuse themselves with the suffering of the innocent. You're worms. Nobody would fight for you.ö

In the stunned silence, Archer continued unabashedly. ô In comparison, this lot are splendid Britannians.ö

ôWhat?ö One of the thugs left out, completely taken aback by the direction Archer was taking.

ôAren't you? Attacking the foolish and defenseless and taking away their possessions. It's crude, but that's also the Britannian way.ö

The loud one blinked, then flushed with rage. öYou think we're thieves? ô

He was about to attack when Archer raise his arms, placating. ôAre you sure about that? Unlike your other prospective victims, I'm strong. You stand no chance against me. Coming at me would be a mistake.ö

ôDamn you,! I don't care about your bullshit! I'm Japanese! We'll kill you all and free Japan!ö

His punch was slow, clumsy and all around ineffectual. Archer didn't bother dodging and he did not even flinch when it met his chin with a crack. The thug let out a surprised scream and jerked back, pawing at his hand. His strike had been so poorly executed he had broken his hand on him.

Archer shook his head in consternation.öNow, that's just sad. What do you hope to accomplish, being so weak.ö

His two friends tried to calm him down, but the Japanese was far too angry to listen. ôShut up, I don't care if you're stronger than me. I'm not like you, I didn't sell off my pride!ö

Archer barked a snide laugh.ôAre you talking about the pride that got your hand broken? Or is it the pride that brought Clovis to Shinjiku?ö

His face turned white. ôNo, this wasn't our fault. It's the Britannians...ö He stuttered, shaking his head in denial.

His friends grabbed him and urged him to shut up, but Archer wasn't done.

ôIs it really? Clovis might not have cared for the lives of the Numbers, but he wasn't bloodthirsty enough to order the massacre of an entire ghetto without provocation. You're the one who made him do it.ö

ôYou're right. I don't have any pride. I've thrown away that worthless pride to the dogs long ago.ö

The thug snapped. Howling in grief and rage he lunged at Archer, grabbed his collar and started shouting in his face. ôYeah, I know! I'm weak and not very smart. I suck in a Knightmare, but what do you want me to do? I never wanted to fight, but they came first. They killed our families, our friends! They parked us in ruins!ö The distraught man shoved Archer as hard as he could, which wasn't much, and started rubbed his eyes furiously. öWhat the hell did you want me to do?!ö He blubbered quietly.

ôDon't put yourself down like that, mister!ö Said Euphie.

She walked up to the man and took his hand in hers firmly. ôYou are courageous, determined and kind. I believe men like you are what is the most needed in these times.ö She said earnestly, her eyes shining with tears. ôI know my country took away from you more than anyone should lose, but you have to be strong! There's a lot of people who could use your help and I'm sure there's something you can do for them. Something better than throwing your life away in a senseless battle.ö

The man stared at her bewildered, helpless against Euphie's honest encouragement. When she asked for his name, he couldn't help but answer.

ôTamaki-san,ö she continued, ôI will make you a promise. I swear that I will do everything in my power to fix my country's mistake. I will work without rest to help the Japanese recover their dignity. In return, will you please do the same?ö

Tamaki nodded dumbly, completely lost, and Euphie offered him a disarming smile in return. ôThank you so much!ö

And then, the three Japanese thugs left.

ôDo you think he'll keep his promise, Suzaku?ö Euphie asked him quietly.

Archer shrugged, skeptical. ôDoubtful. Even if he honestly wants to change his life, it would mean walking away from all the friends he has left while they fight an overwhelming enemy. A chance encounter with a couple of strangers would hardly be enough to inspire that degree of determination in a man.ö

ôBut at least we'll have given him an opportunity.ö

ôOpportunities are useless if you don't take them.ö

They stared at at each other, until she bowed deeply. ôSuzaku, thank you very much.ö

Archer blinked. He'd expected the girl, in a very polite and subdued fashion of course, to tear into him for the amount of snark he's used with the poor guy.

He admitted he'd been kind of a bastard there, but that headache just wouldn't go away.

But thanks? That hadn't made the list. ôYou don't have anything to thank me for.ö He said neutrally.

She stalked toward him, her face unreadable. ôWhy did you join the Army?ö She asked out of the blue.

ôWhat does that have to do with anything?ö He made sure to not sound the least bit defensive.

ôYou weren't very nice back there, but thanks to your act those two students left without being noticed. They might even have learned something today.ö

An act? ôI simply gave my opinion.ö Euphie was still getting closer. It wasn't making Archer uncomfortable. Not at all.

ôWhy did you join the Army, Suzaku?ö She asked again.

ôIt's the quickest road for success for a Numbers.ö He snapped. ôI want to become a noble.ö

ôIt is for personal gain, you mean?ö

ôIt's the Britannian way.ö He replied tersely.

Euphie didn't stop until she had greatly invaded Archer's personal space. She leaned further still as she studied his face, looking for some truth in his eyes, so close they were practically touching.

Whatever she found there must have satisfied her. She straightened and gave Archer a beaming smile. ôYou liar.ö She declared cheerfully.

Archer was about to ask the basis for her conclusion when an explosion interrupted his thought and his current boss came out of hiding.

Time to make his exit.

He bowed with flourish and said with deceptive politeness. ôSadly, princess, it seems our discussion must come to an end. Duty calls.ö

As expected Lloyd had no objection against an opportunity to further test his prototype and Archer left before Euphie could add anything.

The battle against the purists, if one really wanted to call it that, was short and to the point. The gap in ability between the Lancelot and the Sutherland was so large it took absolutely no effort from Archer to quickly dismantle them. The arrival of Gottwald's ally further squashed his opponents' combativeness. Then the battle took a more alarming turn as Euphie burst onto the scene just as Kewel chucked a fragmentation grenade in their direction. Archer quickly put himself in front of her, intent on destroying the weapon before it went off.

ôStop this madness right now, you fool!ö

For a heartbeat, Archer froze.

That voice, he knew it well.

That momentary lapse was enough. Like a meteor, a shape barreled in the battle. A woman armed with a sword nearly as big as she was rushed past him, jumped in the air and intercepted the incoming explosive. With a mighty yell, she slashed the grenade and landed smoothly.

Silence descended upon the stadium as the two pieces of the grenade crashed on the ground. Then Kewell whispered in horrified awe.

ôShe cut the chaos bomb in two?ö

ôThat power.ö Gottwald voice's trembled in hushed admiration. ôThose skill! There is but one person in the world who can do such a thing.ö

ôYou don't know her, Suzaku-kun.ö Lloyd said over the radio.ö She's been called the Sword which split Heavens.ö

Oh, Archer knew her. She was taller than he'd expected, older. She was also dressed in a dark suit, unlike anything he'd seen her wear. But they were no mistaking those blond hair in a stern bun, the air of absolute authority or the quiet dignity she wore. The otherworldly world fighting skills were also a dead giveaway.

ôThough behind her back she's most often called the Black Knight.ö

She planted her sword into the ground and glared coldly at the knightmares around her, as if the massive war machines were nothing to her. Most likely, they weren't. Archer could feel the others flinch under her contempt. He could understand why Euphie had called her ôthe most frightening woman in Britanniaö.

ôArturia Pendragon.ö

ô You mindless cur!ö Saber shouted. ôYou're meaningless battles has endangered a priceless individual!ö

Euphie walked up to her, and her declaration stole the stage. ô All of you, lower your weapons!ö She commanded. öIn the name of the 3rd Imperial Princess of the Holy Empire of Britannia, Euphemia Li Britannia, I command you. Stand down!ö

Archer was mildly surprised. He'd expected a noble of moderate standing, not a member of the Imperial family. He doubted he could just sneak off quietly and hope for no consequence for his attitude of the day, so he got off Lancelot and went to join the two girls. Respectfully, he knelt in front of Euphemia, his eyes on the ground. ôMy deepest apologies, Princess. Beyond my ignorance, I was extremely rude to you today.ö

ôRaise your head, Suzaku.ö Her expression softened, bittersweet. ôThe reason you acted this way, it was for me, wasn't it? I came here because I wanted to witness with my own eyes the misery Britannia has spread over the world. But without you, I would have missed something just as important. Because of you, I saw the depth of their resentment.ö

ôFor that, I thank you, Kururugi Suzaku.ö

Archer blinked several times. ôWithout a doubt, Princess, you are one of a kind.ö He said honestly.

Archer had been alive for quite a long time now, yet it had been the first time he'd seen someone examine a situation so thoroughly and then come to all the wrong conclusions. That had to be an innate skill.

ôWhy did you join the Army, Suzaku?ö Euphemia asked. Again. Boy, was she persistent.

Archer had never joined the army. Kururugi Suzaku had done it for all the wrong reasons. But through all the changes, through all the names, through all the universes, he was always Emiya Shirou, and Emiya Shirou had always possessed but one objective. ôTo save people.ö He said quietly.

Euphemia nodded. ôThen will you please lend me your strength? To save as many the people we can?ö

Archer took a quick peek at Saber. She watched him, impassive, but nodded imperceptibly. Shirou's eyes returned to Euphemia. ô I'll serve you gladly, Princess.ö

His headache was gone.


And cut.


Well-Known Member
This fic is just amusing and actually very in character. The part where Archer/Shirou tried to summon Saber at the beginning an instead got Dark Saber was very well done. The part where he summoned himself I wanted more of, and now we have Code Geass.

Now, I'd like to know what would happen if Archer woke up in Guts body.


Well-Known Member
I just wonder why in hell Euphemia would jump out of a window a long way from the ground. Too many novels?


Well-Known Member
Elf said:
This fic is just amusing and actually very in character.? The part where Archer/Shirou tried to summon Saber at the beginning an instead got Dark Saber was very well done.? The part where he summoned himself I wanted more of, and now we have Code Geass.
The "in character" words pleases me.
Now, I'd like to know what would happen if Archer woke up in Guts body.
That's an interesting proposition, though I'd be very sad to lose a character as good as Gutts. Put him as another Hawk, maybe? Judau?

I just wonder why in hell Euphemia would jump out of a window a long way from the ground. Too many novels?
Well, the real reason is that it's what happened in the anime. But here, we'll go with the fact that it was the only way she could imagine to get away fom her keepers. They're just that good.


Well-Known Member
I meant "why did she do that in the anime"? She never really explains why she, a presumably rational person, would jump out a window. Even if its to get away from her sister's minders, you would think she could do better than that.


Well-Known Member
Liam-don said:
That's an interesting proposition, though I'd be very sad to lose a character as good as Gutts. Put him as another Hawk, maybe? Judau?
Judeu would be a very good choice for Archer to wake up in actually . . .


Well-Known Member
Elf said:
Liam-don said:
That's an interesting proposition, though I'd be very sad to lose a character as good as Gutts. Put him as another Hawk, maybe? Judau?
Judeu would be a very good choice for Archer to wake up in actually . . .
If Archer had looped through Bleach before that, odds are that none of the Hawks would die in the Eclipse. He just traces a particular katana, and then drops it. "Scatter, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi." Then all the demons he can see proceed to die.


Well-Known Member
If you mean that he traces Senbonzakura, I don't think he could trace something that's part of a person's soul.


Well-Known Member
grant said:
If you mean that he traces Senbonzakura, I don't think he could trace something that's part of a person's soul.
Why not? It's not like he'd be lacking in te material to make it. ;)


Well-Known Member
I updated my last post with what was left of this plot bunny. I also corrected the few mistakes I noticed and probaly added twice as many. Sorry.

Anyway, check it out.

grant said:
I meant "why did she do that in the anime"? She never really explains why she, a presumably rational person, would jump out a window. Even if its to get away from her sister's minders, you would think she could do better than that.
Plot induced stupidity in order to create a dramatic entrance, I suspect.

Judeu would be a very good choice for Archer to wake up in actually . . .
At which point should he wake up then? Someone as powerful as Archer could possibly defeat Zodd all by himself and keep Griffth from doing something very stupid. Stop the Eclipse? After all, he would be out of the spiral of Fate created by the Idea of Evil.

If you mean that he traces Senbonzakura, I don't think he could trace something that's part of a person's soul.
I don't know, isn't the ability to trace NP even more ridiculous to start with?

Beside, Senbonzakura won't save him from the Godhands.


Well-Known Member
I like this, but there seems to be a error in this.

And then, the three Japanese thugs left. Euphie and Archer stared at each other, until she bowed at him. ôSuzaku, thank you very much.ö

Archer was about to ask what for, But he was cut off by a nearby explosion, and the arrival of his current boss.

And then, the three Japanese thugs left.
The Thugs left twice?


Well-Known Member
TerraBull said:
I like this, but there seems to be a error in this.

And then, the three Japanese thugs left. Euphie and Archer stared at each other, until she bowed at him. ôSuzaku, thank you very much.ö

Archer was about to ask what for, But he was cut off by a nearby explosion, and the arrival of his current boss.

And then, the three Japanese thugs left.
The Thugs left twice?
Well you know Tamaki, he can't get anything right...


Well-Known Member
Whiteagle said:
Wait... does that mean Archer is going to get spanked?
It means that like Gutts, he isn't going to brute force his way through the Eclipse. On the other hand, dying isn't much of a problem anyway. So maybe he will.*shrug*

I like this, but there seems to be a error in this.

The Thugs left twice?
As Whiteagle said. That or I suck.


Well-Known Member
Liam-don said:
Whiteagle said:
Wait... does that mean Archer is going to get spanked?
It means that like Gutts, he isn't going to brute force his way through the Eclipse. On the other hand, dying isn't much of a problem anyway. So maybe he will.*shrug*

I like this, but there seems to be a error in this.

The Thugs left twice?
As Whiteagle said. That or I suck.
Well I'd just stick with blaming Tamaki, since it's usually his fault anyways.


Well-Known Member
Does the Servant system exist in Geassverse? For that matter, does Shirou?


Well-Known Member
Gonna try something a bit different here:


Even as she dressed for battle by tightening the armour against her red garments, her mind was filled with chaos as she tried to understand what she had witnessed. Her King fighting alongside a red-haired boy... a duel for the prize known as the Holy Grail... and her own name was stained, forever to be linked with the concept of treachery.

How dare they... when it was Arturia who was the traitor and stole the throne from her!

A part of her wished to confess what she had seen with Merlin. After all, he had protected her from the foolish folk who believed that she would murder the King (which she will freely admit that she had entertained the thought as of late). Surely he would be able to...

No, she could not risk it. She will take matters into her own hands and set things right. For the future of Britain and the world...

With a heavy breath, she strapped on her horned helmet and set forth to change her destiny.


Fast forward a few centuries to the year 2004. It was only a short period after he had witnessed the fight between those two men and Emiya Shirou was once again trying to catch his breath after the events which had just happened.

Earlier, he was certain that he had died when that lance pierced him through the heart. And now, when that figure tried to kill him again, someone else had saved him and drove the attacker off. His saviour turned out to be an armoured figure in red with an imposing helmet that reminded him of a minotaur.

"Who... who are...?"

The figure took off the helmet to reveal a beautiful feminine face with green eyes, golden hair and a warm smile.

"Servant Saber. And you must be... the Master who summoned me, correct?"

'I hope you can see me now, Arturia Pendragon. I hope you cry in despair as I claim the last of what you treasure.'


Dunno if I'll continue this particular loop but I wanted to get it out there.


Well-Known Member
grant said:
Does the Servant system exist in Geassverse? For that matter, does Shirou?
Well, Nasuverse magic exists at the very least. I'm going to take a leap and say the geass are just a manifestation of Araya. The Servant system exists as magi tends to not involve themselve with the world at large, so the alternate history didn't affect them all that much. Shirou exists too, though probably not under the name we know.

@Epsilon: I hope you keep it up long enough for me to figure out who Shirou summoned.


Well-Known Member
SoulGriever13 said:
It's pretty obviously Mordred.
Got it in one. Will probably post another snippet sometime later when I have a chance.