

Well-Known Member
eh. It could be interesting I suppose. I have my doubts though.


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Well-Known Member
Check out Midora which is an old school Zelda type game that looks interesting. I supported enough to get a copy of the game at launch with a few extras. Looks pretty cool so far.


It has a nice art style and some interesting looking gameplay mechanics and some nice sounding music as well. This needs funding, I've not seen a 16bit Zelda clone that looks this good in a while.



Well-Known Member
We need more Biofunk RGP's honestly. I can't recall too many games in that genre period actually.


Well-Known Member
After Reset

Okay, I'm willing to back this....but this is not "Inspired" by's Fallout with a fresh coat of paint. I suppose since we are getting 'Wasteland 2' I won't complain about this...

GriMagia Monstergirl Card Game. Yes, it's safe for work, if a bit sexy. I've seen vids and explanations of how it's played. More importantly it's not a collectible or trading card game. Each deck comes with all cards you'll need.

Art is REALLY good, and game's rock solid rules wise. I'm hoping some of you will contribute to it. It really does deserve.


Well-Known Member
Vanguard V

This is super awesome. I've played this on the Rift and it's a fairly simple rail shooter. You look where you want to go and lock onto and fire at enemies by looking at them, there is no need for a controller of any kind and everything in game can be done using the rift itself. The 2D demo lets you use the mouse to steer and look about instead. It's not especially difficult but it's intuitive and seriously fun.

It's a VR game being developed for the Oculus Rift and it's amazing. There is a downloadable demo on the Kickstarter page [access requires a $1 pledge, but even the very short bit of the game is worth that much], and you can try it out in 2D using a mouse to control the game if you don't have a DK2. It's a separate download from the OR version, but it's also easily found on the main page. The game is totally worth checking out, and it's got a long way to go to get funded.

It totally deserves it though. I'll be sad if this doesn't make it's goal. This is the most polished VR software I've seen yet. The demo feels like it could be a level in a completed game, it's got a great soundtrack [you can listen to the main theme song and download it on the KS page], and the VA isn't bad either. It does cut off just before the first boss, after all it is a kickstarter demo, but the entirety of the first level appears to be there to try out otherwise.

Seriously, if you've got any interest in the Oculus Rift or Sony's VR project, check this out and seriously consider funding it. The plan is to have it out at launch for every VR platform. This is the kind of game a new platform needs to help get it off the ground and I'm really hoping it will get funded and be available.

If you want to see what it's about there's a few videos on the site that show gameplay. The one at the top is the best as the others are both Oculus videos with the two round images side by side. There's a short pitch about the project, but if you want to skip it to check out the game [and the awesome theme song] gameplay starts at 2:09.

If you have any interest in VR in the future, for the love of God fund this. If nothing else visit the page and nab the free song while it's available, it's worth a listen at least.

Here's an image from the site, the still doesn't do it justice and it looks much better in motion.

His other game "Proton Pulse" is also pretty awesome, it's kind of like a 3D breakout where you control the paddle by moving it where you look. It's much simpler than this, and already fully funded as I understand it.


Well-Known Member
Hard West

Maybe I'm getting cynical in my old age but something seems off about this one. I was studying the main spokesmen's face and could not get over the impression that I was being duped.....perhaps I'm wrong. I will let you all see for yourself and judge.


Well-Known Member
Wasteland 2 is out and since the ingame portraits kind of suck here are some Custom portraits

Edit: Been playing for a good bit teams coming together and so far we're balancing combat and technical skills fairly well. I just picked up kid from an impoverished family....was going to let him head straight to the citadel for training...buuuut I had an extra heavy assault weapon with some spare he's hefting that. To be fair I'm not expecting heavy resistance on my current mission so all in all it should be good practice for him.


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That Which Sleeps.

Become a Lovecraftian Old God and work towards restoring your power and ruling the world once again.

45 hours left. But fully backed. Just working on stretch goals now.


Well-Known Member
That Which Sleeps forum is up.

If you backed the game. Then you can sign into the backers forum and vote for the extra Old one, Agent, and Race to be introduced into the game that we got as stretch goals.

If you didn't get your sign up thing in the mail. You can go to recover password and use your email address for the username and email portion and it'll send you a new password.


Well-Known Member

I don't even care about the game, I funded this just for the video teaser. Epic.



Staff member
Since you didn't, I'll explain why this is a Big Deal and why we ought to give money to it. Looking Glass Studios developed Ultima Underworld for Origin (not THAT Origin--the Origin EA bought and killed), made System Shock and Thief on its own and then died. Paul Neurath helped found LGS, and recently left Zynga to found a new studio to make Underworld Ascendant as a successor to the Ultima Underworld. Why does this matter? Because Ultima Underworld is the reason we have first-person games as we know them today. We'd had games with a first-person perspective before, but Ultima Underworld was the first game to make the player the character. Free look was just the start. You had physics. You could jump. You had WEIGHT.

Forget innovative, this was world shattering. The Elder Scrolls is only the series most obviously inspired by it. You like FPSes? John Romero got the idea for Doom because of this.

Maybe this'll fail or suck, but sweet mother of god this needs to get the chance. Throw money at it. Throw ALL the money at it.


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