Touma, Accelerator and IMAGINE BURREEEKKAAA


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind an anime, but we already know what he's doing. Unless he's going to show up less in the light novels this is nothing but a pointless way to make more money.


Well-Known Member
From the preview of the accelerator manga its an original story sometime between his hospitalisation and Ventos attack

Cynical Kyle

Well-Known Member
Just hope that J.C. Staff isn't responsible for making it since their record with anime original arcs is simply atrocious.


Well-Known Member
If the problem is anime adaptions then it shouldn't be a problem if a manga is made.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? She just destroyed the part of the world that had all the important people instead?


The Collector
I got to the epilogue and was like "Oh, is that it then?"

And then the world ended.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
What do you mean? She just destroyed the part of the world that had all the important people instead?
No, but even if the world went kablooie, if it was due to a supernatural power, no matter how great it is, Imagine Breaker is supposed to be able to make it go back to the way it was since it's a Reference Point.


Well-Known Member
leeyiankun said:
What a very Im Dal Young thing to do. O_O
What's this? You mean the author wrote boat loads of rape hentai doujins starring his characters and no one told me? A pox on all of you for holding out on me. :no:


Well-Known Member
So Imagine Breaker doesn't nullify, it reverts? Because the story said the world ended.


Well-Known Member
The way it was explained was that Imagine Breaker doesn't negate supernatural events, but returns their balance to them, and as a consequence it makes them into nothing. This is why the Imagine Breaker doesn't negate souls or leylines, since while they may be supernatural, they are in harmony with the world and have their natural place in it. This is also why Othinus wanted to kill him off and made him a target through the previous novels, since he could potentially return the world back to the way it was no matter how far she skewed reality from its original position.

The next novel is likely going to deal with him returning the world back to normal in some fashion. As a side note, it was stated that even if Othinus killed Touma, the Imagine Breaker would simply take form again somewhere else, but its new wielder would take time before they could become a threat.
next volume has been translated


Well-Known Member
So, the whole of New Testament was a set-up to introduce the newest member of Touma's D-i-d group. Also, so much Touma is the best thing ever. Really made me like the character so much more than the first season. Real Character Development, so much suffering and the amount empathy expressed...
Goddamn, Touma is really living up to his name isn't he?

(damsel in distress)


Well-Known Member

For those of you interested, recently a lot of the Parody stories have bee translated. Enjoy


Well-Known Member Othinus entrusted the world to Touma...what does that mean in the long run?